9 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Fatal Work Injuries and Fatal Traffic Accidents in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 2017 and its Use in Risk Prevention

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    Zajištění bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci (BOZP) je upraveno řadou právních předpisů, které se poměrně často aktualizují, a je nezbytné sledovat jejich vývoj. Základním kamenem pro správné a funkční zajištění BOZP je analýza rizik na konkrétním pracovišti (činnosti). Cílem tohoto článku je komparační analýza nejaktuálnějších smrtelných pracovních úrazů a smrtelných dopravních nehod, které se staly na území ČR a SR v roce 2017. Tato analýza může pomoci zaměstnavateli případně odborně způsobilé osobě v prevenci rizik (OZO) správně odhadnou riziko řízení motorového vozidla. Analýza rizik byla vyhotovena pomocí FMEA analýzy.Health and safety at work (OSH) is governed by a number of laws that are relatively frequently updated and it is necessary to monitor their progression. A cornerstone for right and functional occupational health and safety is risk analysis at a particular workplace (activity). The aim of this article is a comparative analysis of the most recent fatal injuries and fatal traffi c accidents that occurred in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 2017. This analysis can help an employer or a competent person in risk prevention (OZO) to correctly assess the risk of driving. Risk analysis was conducted using FMEA analysis

    Integrated Alarm System with the access system for Kindergartens

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    The aim of this article is to design the Integrated Alarm System for the Kindergartens which can handle Alarm, Access and Attendance application by a common system. A similar system is not available on the market yet and there are an opportunity and interest for integrated systems. This article is focused on the kindergartens as a soft target where also Access and Attendance system is needed. Due to this demand, the new concept of the Integrated Alarm System was designed. The main-board consists of three independent microcontrollers where each microcontroller is responsible for one application. The Attendance and Alarm part are prepared for the components which are using the bus connection by the RS-232 or RS-485. The system also has an Ethernet and GPRS interface for outside communication and connection. Each part of the system and the schematic part come with a detailed explanation of the components.Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University [IGA/FAI/2020/003

    Obligation to Train Drivers in the Field of OSH in the Czech Republic

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    Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci je oborem, který je pod záštitou legislativních dokumentů, které se poměrně často aktualizují a proto je nutné neustále sledovat jejich vývoj. Povinnost školení zaměstnanců - řidičů v rámci BOZP v ČR je legislativě rozděleno na určité skupiny řidičů, pro které se tato povinnost vztahuje a pro které ne. Cílem následujícího příspěvku je srozumitelné vysvětlení rozdílu mezi oběma skupinami zaměstnanců (řidičů). Dále článek pojednává o statistických údajích dopravních nehod (hlavně těch nejzávažnějších) tak i o statistických údajích o smrtelných pracovních úrazech, které se staly v důsledku dopravních nehody. Díky porovnání těchto údajů vzniká relevantní údaj pro výpočet analýzy rizik na pracovišti v rámci BOZP pro zaměstnance, nebo odborně způsobilé osoby v prevenci rizik (OZO).Occupational health and safety is a discipline under the auspices of legislative documents which are relatively frequently updated and therefore it is necessary to constantly monitor their development. The obligation to train OSH employees - drivers in the Czech Republic is divided into legislation for certain groups of drivers for whom this obligation applies and for which it is not. The aim of the article is to provide understandable explanation of the difference between two groups of employees (drivers). Furthermore, the article deals with statistical data on traffic accidents (especially the most serious) and statistics on fatal accidents resulting from a traffi c accident. comparison of these data gives rise to relevant data for the calculation of occupational health and safety risk analysis for employees or risk-competent persons

    Vliv vybraných agrotechnických faktorů na výnos a jeho kvalitu u cukrové řepy

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    The aim of this diploma thesis on the topic „Influence of selected agrotechnical factors on yield and its qualiny in sugar beet“ is to focus on selected agrotechnical factors (varieties and tillage, factors that have and will have significant infuelnce on sugar beet growing in Czech republic. Data from farm trials were provided by Moravskoslezské cukrovary, s.r.o. – Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou. Data from small-plot experiments were provided by The Institute of Agrosystems and Bioclimatology of AF MENDELU from its own Field experiment station. The years 2021 and 2022 were evaluated. The observation was focuse on the trend of yield and sugar content in (pre-campaing“ sampling. The main goal was to evaluate the influence of factors on the final yield of the given locations at the end of campaign. Here the effect of variety and tillage on sugar content (%), yield (t/ha) and polarization sugar yield (t/ha) was evaluated. Regarding the infuelnce of varieties, it was found that the classic type still achieves slightly better results than the Conviso Smart variety. The influence of tillage shows at the evaluated locations that when plowing was used, sugar beet achieved better results in all parameters than when using minimalization technology

    Risk analysis of the soft targets according to the methodology

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    The article deals with the fact that religiously motivated terrorism has become more common in Europe, and more than 50% of the attacks have been focused on so-called Soft Targets. The purpose of this paper is to make a risk analysis of a particular Soft Target by the Ministry of the Interior methodology. The Tax Office of the Zlin region was chosen as a Soft Target. Auxiliary tables – Likelihood and Impact are necessary for this methodology. Performing an attack, Place of attack, and Time of attack are very important too. The Degree of Threat is determined as the product of Total Likelihood and Total Impact. Risk analysis shows that the highest risk factor is the possibility of a bomb attack that could happen inside the building during the daily working time. The risk analysis should help to find weaknesses of the soft targets, and the security managers should take precautions to reduce the risk

    Security design of selected soft targets

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    This article is focused on security design of selected Soft Targets. For this purpose, the kindergartens were chosen as Soft Targets. One of the reasons for this selection was the fact that some kindergartens were attacked recently. Considering that every kindergarten is unique, the design of security is solved by recommendations form. The recommendations were focused on the combination of three main security categories. Especially the Intruder Alarm System was described in detail

    Hodnocení vodních elektráren v povodí Dyje

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    The bachalor thesis on the topic "The Evaluation of hydroelectric power plants in the basin of the Thaya" deals with hydroelectric power plants around Znojmo and using their hydropower potential and possible negative impact on the environment. All dates were processed in cooperation with E.ON Trend, s.r.o. company with special software which monitors all selected hydroelectric power plants. This special software assessed different values in different months. It was used special expertises and surveys to identify possible negative impact on the environment. This expertises and surveyes was made for E.ON Trend, s.r.o. in the past. Thanks identified data is sure that construction and working several hydroelectric power plants has no negative impact on the environment. But in this case these hydroelectric power plants have very positive impact on the environment and make better the envitonment

    Risk analysis of selected soft target

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    The aim of this article is to create a risk analysis of selected school facilities which can be an auxiliary tool of security solutions against terrorism. Most terrorist attacks are focused on so-called soft targets - crowded places, which are not secure against violent attacks. Furthermore, attacks on school facilities abroad are frequent too. A well-prepared risk analysis is a necessary method to detect weaknesses and strengths of the security of a soft target. The university in Zlin in the Czech Republic was chosen as a Soft Target for this research. The paper deals with a risk analysis that was created by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic methodology. The methodology deals with these main variables - Performing an Attack, Place of Attack, Time of Attack, Likelihood, and Impact. The result of the risk analysis is a degree of threat which shows a possible risk of the university. The risk analysis shows that the highest value of the degree of threat represents shooting inside university during the daily working time. On the other hand, the minimum value of the degree of threat represents shooting in front of the university during the event of invited. In keeping with the weaknesses which represents the value of the degree of threat under the acceptable risk level, we should protect the soft target as well as possible. Due to the protection of the specific weaknesses should be soft targets safer. This methodology is one of the ways how to prepare a risk analysis of a soft target. © 2020 International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference. All rights reserved.IGA/FAI/2020/003; Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně: 3020600302

    Peripheral component interconnect express card for the closed-circuit television application

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    Technical security became very popular and convenient in many sectors where physical security is not a sufficient solution. Many companies use the Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) application for security applications. The aim of this paper is to design the extended Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCI-E) card for the CCTV application for extensive companies. The card has three independent Ethernet terminal where IP cameras can be connected. This solution is much more cost-effective and easy to use solution than traditional Digital Video Recorder (DVR). The card communicated via the Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface which is implemented in the PCI-E standard. Designed solutions guarantee flawless and reliable video signal transmission for the security applications. © 2019, Danube Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing, DAAAM. All rights reserved.IGA/CebiaTech/2019/00, IGA/FAI/2019/003; Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT: LO1303, MSMT-7778/2014; European Regional Development Fund, ERDF: CEBIA-Tech ED2.1.00/03.008