4 research outputs found

    Resource-Based Learning of Students in The System of Cross-Cultural Training of Future Specialists in Fitness and Recreation

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    The article considers the problem of introduction of resource-based learning of students in the practice of the educational process of higher education institutions that provide training under the educational program «Fitness and Recreation». The aim of the study is to clarify the place of RBL of students in the system of cross-cultural training of fitness and recreation professionals. The study involved 233 students of higher education institutions of Ukraine. Research methods: theoretical, empirical and methods of mathematical data processing. The essence and place of resource-based learning of students in the system of cross-cultural training of future specialists in fitness and recreation were determined, a subsystem «Resource-based learning of future professionals in fitness and recreation» was developed, which consists of three interrelated components: target, implementation and performance; mechanisms of information search for acquisition of cross-cultural knowledge in the field of fitness industry are considered

    Educational Activity as the Leading Direction of Creative Pedagogical Process Content in Amateur Choreographic Groups: Creative Comprehension of K. Vasylenko’s Experience

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    У статті проаналізовано основні напрями діяльності хореографічних колективів післявоєнного періоду в теоретичних доробках теоретиків і практиків танцювального мистецтва. Узагальнено й ґрунтовно розкрито основні складові навчально-виховної діяльності в самодільних хореографічних колективах, розроблених К. Василенком: 1) планувальна робота; 2) навчально-тренувальні заняття; 3) вивчення й відпрацювання окремих танцювальних номерів і композицій, на основі яких буде здійснюватися постановочна робота; 4) вироблення навичок акторської майстерності; 5) вивчення бальних танців. Доведено практичну значущість досвіду К. Василенка в сучасних умовах, що зумовлено вимогами сьогодення й потребами самодіяльності в якісній організації педагогічного процесу в хореографічних колективах.The article analyzes the main activities of the postwar period choreographic groups in the dance theorists and practicing dance experts’ theoretical achievements. It is noted that on the basis of years of practice and experience of K. Vasylenko’s predecessors, his own didactic bases of work with amateur dance groups were developed and practically tested, which later became the basis of his author’s methodology. They included implementation of the following activities: 1) political and mass work; 2) educational activities; 3) staging work; 4) concert activity; 5) organizational and cultural work; 6) creative group and public leaders choreographer’s seminars. Based on the analysis of artistic and pedagogical literature and periodicals of the second half of the twentieth century, the main components of educational activity in amateur choreographic groups according to K. Vasylenko are generalized and thoroughly revealed: 1) planning work; 2) training sessions; 3) learning and practicing of separate dance choreography and routines on the basis of which staging work will be carried out; 4) acting skills development; 5) ballroom dancing learning. It is established that each of the named components had an educational direction. The content of all components is considered. It was found out that in planning activities an important role was given to creating various work plans, keeping records of the team activities and self-government body functioning, the bureau. The organization of the initial training process peculiarities in dance groups led by K. Vasylenko are revealed: regularity of training sessions, the practical importance of training, application of mixed training, the subordination of educational work to the production plan of the team, use of various forms of the training organization. The role of acting skills and ballroom dancing leaning for the formation of participants’ creative individuality is determined. The practical significance of K. Vasylenko’s experience in modern conditions is proved, which is due to the requirements of the present and the needs of amateur activities in the qualitative organization of the pedagogical process in choreographic groups

    Особливості моделювання відмов відновлюваних складних технічних об'єктів із ієрархічною конструктивною структурою

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    We developed a methodology and algorithms of forming the optimal sets of elements, which take part in the failure-recovery modeling process of complex technical objects. The methodology is based on the hierarchical constructive structure of the object, takes into account the redundancy of failing elements, as well as the maintainability of the product elements and their cost, which distinguishes this methodology from the known ones. Structurally, the methodology is implemented as a set of three algorithms. The generated optimal sets of elements are used to calculate the predictive reliability characteristics and operating costs of the object. The constructive structure of the object in the model is represented by a graph (tree). The optimality of the sets is understood in the sense of their correspondence to the object maintainability parameters.With the improvement of maintainability properties, the forecasted values of the mean time between failures and the recovery time are correspondingly improved. Improvement of the operating cost index is not mandatory; provided different input data, there may not be such an improvement. Each variant of the values of object maintainability parameters is conformed to its optimal sets of failing and recoverable elements, under which adequate predictive estimates of reliability indicators and the object operating cost are provided.The paper provides some examples of modeling, which demonstrate how the optimal sets of failing and recoverable elements are determined, and how the predictive estimates of reliability and object operating cost depend on the choice of these setsРазработаны методика и алгоритмы формирования оптимальных множеств элементов, которые принимают участие в процессе моделирования отказов-восстановлений сложных технических объектов. Выбор множеств отказывающих и восстанавливаемых элементов базируется на иерархической конструктивной структуре сложного технического объекта, а также показателях безотказности, ремонтопригодности и стоимости его элементов, блоков и узлов. Сформированные оптимальные множества элементов используются для расчета прогнозных характеристик надежности и стоимости эксплуатации самого объекта. На примере показано, как от выбора множеств отказывающих и восстанавливаемых элементов изменяются прогнозные оценки надежности и стоимости эксплуатации сложного технического объектаРозроблено методику та алгоритми формування оптимальних множин елементів, які беруть участь в процесі моделювання відмов-відновлень складних технічних об'єктів. Вибір множин елементів, що відмовляють і відновлюються, базується на ієрархічній конструктивній структурі складного технічного об'єкта, а також показниках безвідмовності, ремонтопридатності і вартості його елементів, блоків та вузлів. Сформовані оптимальні множини елементів використовуються для розрахунку прогнозних показників надійності і вартості експлуатації самого об'єкта. На прикладі показано, як від вибору множин елементів, що відмовляють і відновлюються, змінюються прогнозні оцінки надійності і вартості експлуатації складного технічного об'єкт

    Features of Modeling Failures of Recoverable Complex Technical Objects with a Hierarchical Constructive Structure

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    We developed a methodology and algorithms of forming the optimal sets of elements, which take part in the failure-recovery modeling process of complex technical objects. The methodology is based on the hierarchical constructive structure of the object, takes into account the redundancy of failing elements, as well as the maintainability of the product elements and their cost, which distinguishes this methodology from the known ones. Structurally, the methodology is implemented as a set of three algorithms. The generated optimal sets of elements are used to calculate the predictive reliability characteristics and operating costs of the object. The constructive structure of the object in the model is represented by a graph (tree). The optimality of the sets is understood in the sense of their correspondence to the object maintainability parameters.With the improvement of maintainability properties, the forecasted values of the mean time between failures and the recovery time are correspondingly improved. Improvement of the operating cost index is not mandatory; provided different input data, there may not be such an improvement. Each variant of the values of object maintainability parameters is conformed to its optimal sets of failing and recoverable elements, under which adequate predictive estimates of reliability indicators and the object operating cost are provided.The paper provides some examples of modeling, which demonstrate how the optimal sets of failing and recoverable elements are determined, and how the predictive estimates of reliability and object operating cost depend on the choice of these set