1,188 research outputs found

    The Direction of Reforming the Tax System on the Basis of the Scientific Systemonomic Author’s Model: Nalogonomy

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    The article discusses the practical significance of the application of the Periodic System of Special Laws of Nalogonomy (PSSLN) on the basis of one of the laws, the law on “Manageability of Energy Information of Nalogonomy.” The study was based on theoretical aspects and practical conclusions of the relationship and interdependence of indicators of the dynamics of gross domestic product, tax revenues to the budget system of the country, and the tax burden on the basis of the correlation-regression method. The philosophical principles of nalogonomy, which determine the hierarchy of the laws in the model of the evolutionary development of the tax system proposed by the author, are considered. The author focuses on the need to reorient the functioning of the tax system from the fiscal to stimulate economic development, to address social issues in society.The existing disproportion in the tax system manifests itself in its various forms and types as inconsistencies in its composition, content and dynamics, and elements, which causes uneven tax burdens on its various participants. At this stage of development of the state, the tax system needs a reorientation of interests, and then the result can surpass and drive the forecasts and expectations, both economic and social

    Stellar kinematics of X-ray bright massive elliptical galaxies

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    We discuss a simple and fast method for estimating masses of early-type galaxies from optical data and compare the results with X-ray derived masses. The optical method relies only on the most basic observables such as the surface brightness I(R)I(R) and the line-of-sight velocity dispersion σp(R)\sigma_p(R) profiles and provides an anisotropy-independent estimate of the galaxy circular speed VcV_c. The mass-anisotropy degeneracy is effectively overcome by evaluating VcV_c at a characteristic radius RsweetR_{\rm sweet} defined from {\it local} properties of observed profiles. The sweet radius RsweetR_{\rm sweet} is expected to lie close to R2R_2, where I(R)R2I(R) \propto R^{-2}, and not far from the effective radius ReffR_{\rm eff}. We apply the method to a sample of five X-ray bright elliptical galaxies observed with the 6-m telescope BTA-6 in Russia. We then compare the optical VcV_c-estimate with the X-ray derived value, and discuss possible constraints on the non-thermal pressure in the hot gas and configuration of stellar orbits. We find that the average ratio of the optical VcV_c-estimate to the X-ray one is equal to 0.98\approx 0.98 with 11%11 \% scatter, i.e. there is no evidence for the large non-thermal pressure contribution in the gas at Rsweet\sim R_{\rm sweet}. From analysis of the Lick indices Hβ\beta, Mgb, Fe5270 and Fe5335, we calculate the mass of the stellar component within the sweet radius. We conclude that a typical dark matter fraction inside RsweetR_{\rm sweet} in the sample galaxies is 60%\sim 60\% for the Salpeter IMF and 75%\sim 75 \% for the Kroupa IMF.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Chelyabinsk Radio Market: Structure, Leading Holdings, Correlation of Formats, Development of Trends

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    The article analyzes the most important processes taking place on the domestic media market, in particular, in such an important segment as the regional radio market. The article focuses on the features and the most important trends in the development of the Chelyabinsk radio market through the history of its formation and the ways of the development of domestic radio broadcasting. Its further fate is also viewed. The author of the article explores the structure of the Chelyabinsk market of radio media, the leading holdings, the correlation of radio formats, the problem of the dominance of network broadcasting over the local, the frequency of the appearance of new FM stations, the specificity of the prevailing content broadcasted on the radio.Исследование структуры челябинского рынка радийных СМИ, лидирующие холдинги, соотношение радиоформатов, проблему доминирования сетевого вещания над локальным, периодичность появления новых FM-станций, специфику преобладающего в эфире радиоконтента. В центре внимания – особенности и важнейшие тенденции развития челябинского радиорынка, через историю формирования которого просматриваются пути развития отечественного радиовещания и, во многом, его дальнейшая судьба

    The trajectory of the development of online music broadcasting from mass communication to intrapersonal dialogue

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    The article investigates the super popular western-streaming services, and the music vectors defining broadcasting development today. The basis of audiostriming is the idea of a personal internet radio, a characteristic feature which is a departure from the traditional mass media of radio music to intrapersonal dialogue, equal listener's conversation with himself. The author, emphasizing the undeniable advantages of a personal internet radio, focuses on the negative aspects of such broadcasting both for the audience as well as for the further development of broadcasting in general.В статье исследуются суперпопулярные западные стриминг-сервисы, определяющие сегодня векторы развития музыкального радиовещания. В основу аудиостриминга заложена идея персонального интернет-радио, характерной чертой которого является уход от массовой коммуникации традиционного музыкального радио к интраперсональному диалогу, равному разговору слушателя с самим собой. Автор статьи, подчеркивая бесспорные преимущества персонального интернет-радио, акцентирует внимание на негативных аспектах такого вещания — как для аудитории, так и для дальнейшего развития радиовещания в целом

    A Uniform Contribution of Core-Collapse and Type Ia Supernovae to the Chemical Enrichment Pattern in the Outskirts of the Virgo Cluster

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    We present the first measurements of the abundances of α\alpha-elements (Mg, Si, and S) extending out to beyond the virial radius of a cluster of galaxies. Our results, based on Suzaku Key Project observations of the Virgo Cluster, show that the chemical composition of the intra-cluster medium is consistent with being constant on large scales, with a flat distribution of the Si/Fe, S/Fe, and Mg/Fe ratios as a function of radius and azimuth out to 1.4 Mpc (1.3 r200r_{200}). Chemical enrichment of the intergalactic medium due solely to core collapse supernovae (SNcc) is excluded with very high significance; instead, the measured metal abundance ratios are generally consistent with the Solar value. The uniform metal abundance ratios observed today are likely the result of an early phase of enrichment and mixing, with both SNcc and type Ia supernovae (SNIa) contributing to the metal budget during the period of peak star formation activity at redshifts of 2-3. We estimate the ratio between the number of SNIa and the total number of supernovae enriching the intergalactic medium to be between 12-37%, broadly consistent with the metal abundance patterns in our own Galaxy or with the SNIa contribution estimated for the cluster cores.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ

    Quantifying properties of ICM inhomogeneities

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    We present a new method to identify and characterize the structure of the intracluster medium (ICM) in simulated galaxy clusters. The method uses the median of gas properties, such as density and pressure, which we show to be very robust to the presence of gas inhomogeneities. In particular, we show that the radial profiles of median gas properties are smooth and do not exhibit fluctuations at locations of massive clumps in contrast to mean and mode properties. It is shown that distribution of gas properties in a given radial shell can be well described by a log-normal PDF and a tail. The former corresponds to a nearly hydrostatic bulk component, accounting for ~99% of the volume, while the tail corresponds to high density inhomogeneities. We show that this results in a simple and robust separation of the diffuse and clumpy components of the ICM. The FWHM of the density distribution grows with radius and varies from ~0.15 dex in cluster centre to ~0.5 dex at 2r_500 in relaxed clusters. The small scatter in the width between relaxed clusters suggests that the degree of inhomogeneity is a robust characteristic of the ICM. It broadly agrees with the amplitude of density perturbations in the Coma cluster. We discuss the origin of ICM density variations in spherical shells and show that less than 20% of the width can be attributed to the triaxiality of the cluster gravitational potential. As a link to X-ray observations of real clusters we evaluated the ICM clumping factor with and without high density inhomogeneities. We argue that these two cases represent upper and lower limits on the departure of the observed X-ray emissivity from the median value. We find that the typical value of the clumping factor in the bulk component of relaxed clusters varies from ~1.1-1.2 at r_500 up to ~1.3-1.4 at r_200, in broad agreement with recent observations.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure, accepted to MNRA

    The essential contradictions of modern education

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    The article analyses the contradictions of the social institution of education. The author explores its ambivalent tendencies and trends, identifies obvious and hidden (latent) functions and dysfunctions, conceptualizes the peculiarities and ways of manifestation of contradictions in the crisis societyАнализируются противоречия социального института образования. Исследуются его амбивалентные тенденции и тренды, выявляются явные и скрытые (латентные) функции и дисфункции, осмысливаются особенности и способы проявления противоречий в кризисном социум