573 research outputs found

    The essential contradictions of modern education

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    The article analyses the contradictions of the social institution of education. The author explores its ambivalent tendencies and trends, identifies obvious and hidden (latent) functions and dysfunctions, conceptualizes the peculiarities and ways of manifestation of contradictions in the crisis societyАнализируются противоречия социального института образования. Исследуются его амбивалентные тенденции и тренды, выявляются явные и скрытые (латентные) функции и дисфункции, осмысливаются особенности и способы проявления противоречий в кризисном социум

    Vocational teacher training with regard to youth victimization in an urban space

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    The author introduces the concept of social victimization which is used for the analysis of a capacious sphere of social problems, such as aggression, physical and psychological pressure, maltreatment, manipulation of people’s consciousness, descending vertical mobility, receiving negative statuses, etc. The author develops the concept of prevention of youth victimization in an urban space, and substantiates the need of training students in victimization preventionВводится понятие «социальная виктимизация», которое используется для анализа емкого круга социальных проблем, таких как агрессия, физическое и психологическое давление, третирование, манипулирование сознанием людей, нисходящая вертикальная мобильность, получение негативных статусов и др. Автором разрабатывается концепция виктимологической профилактики молодежи в городском пространстве, обосновывается необходимость обучения студентов ее основа

    Dysfunctional effects institute of education

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    Тезисы посвящены анализу дисфункциональных явлений в институте образования. Анализируется амбивалентная природа основного института социализации личности в условиях кризисного социума.Abstracts are devoted to analysis of dysfunctional phenomena at the Institute of Education. Analyzes the ambivalent nature of the basic institution of socialization of society in crisis.Выполнена при поддержке гранта РГНФ и Правительства Свердловской области в рамках научно-исследовательского проекта "Виктимизация молодежи в городском пространстве" № 13-13-66003 а(р


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    In accordance with the Federal state educational standard (FSES), namely the Chapter “Requirements for the results of the main educational program of basic General education”, it can be concluded that one of the most important tasks of modern education is the formation of a set of universal educational actions that develop the competence of self-education. В соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом (ФГОС), а именно главы «Требования к результатам освоения основной образовательной программы основного общего образования», можно сделать вывод, что одной из важнейших задач современного образования является формирование совокупности универсальных учебных действий, развивающих компетенцию самообразования.

    Testing a simple recipe for estimating galaxy masses from minimal observational data

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    The accuracy and robustness of a simple method to estimate the total mass profile of a galaxy is tested using a sample of 65 cosmological zoom-simulations of individual galaxies. The method only requires information on the optical surface brightness and the projected velocity dispersion profiles and therefore can be applied even in case of poor observational data. In the simulated sample massive galaxies (σ200400\sigma \simeq 200-400 \kms) at redshift z=0z=0 have almost isothermal rotation curves for broad range of radii (RMS 5\simeq 5% for the circular speed deviations from a constant value over 0.5Reff<r<3Reff0.5R_{\rm eff} < r < 3R_{\rm eff}). For such galaxies the method recovers the unbiased value of the circular speed. The sample averaged deviation from the true circular speed is less than 1\sim 1% with the scatter of 58\simeq 5-8% (RMS) up to R5ReffR \simeq 5R_{\rm eff}. Circular speed estimates of massive non-rotating simulated galaxies at higher redshifts (z=1z=1 and z=2z=2) are also almost unbiased and with the same scatter. For the least massive galaxies in the sample (σ<150\sigma < 150 \kms) at z=0z=0 the RMS deviation is 79\simeq 7-9% and the mean deviation is biased low by about 121-2%. We also derive the circular velocity profile from the hydrostatic equilibrium (HE) equation for hot gas in the simulated galaxies. The accuracy of this estimate is about RMS 45\simeq 4-5% for massive objects (M>6.5×1012MM > 6.5\times 10^{12} M_\odot) and the HE estimate is biased low by 34\simeq 3-4%, which can be traced to the presence of gas motions. This implies that the simple mass estimate can be used to determine the mass of observed massive elliptical galaxies to an accuracy of 585-8 % and can be very useful for galaxy surveys.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, 1 tabl


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    Currently, despite widespread use of the terms “systemic inflammation” (SI) and “systemic inflammatory response” (SIR), there are no generally accepted criteria for their verification. These processes are often identified (which is methodologically incorrect) and associated with an increase in pro-inflammatory mediators in the blood. However, SI is a complex process that requires integral criteria including assessment of SIR as reactivity level, and additional SI phenomena, such as microthrombosis, systemic alteration, and distress of the neuroendocrine system. At the same time, there is a need to assess individual CB indicators as a more affordable alternative for medical practice than the use of complex integral indicators. Our objective was to evaluate diagnostic efficacy of CRP and IL-6 levels as markers of acute and chronic systemic inflammation. The data of patients with acute critical conditions of infectious and non-infectious genesis were analyzed to study acute systemic inflammation (SI), data of patients with autoimmune diseases, chronic organ failure and other chronic destructive diseases were analyzed to study chronic systemic inflammation (ChrSI). SIR severity was evaluated by the calculation of an integral index – reactivity level (RL). Differentiation of the inflammatory process to either classical inflammation (CI), or systemic inflammation was carried out using the previously proposed scale of SI, verification of chronic systemic inflammation was performed by means of ChrSI scale. SI (or ChrSI) was revealed in all groups of patients, and the frequency of SI registration in patients with acute conditions increased with development of multi-organ failure. The frequency of SIR was higher in all groups, thus confirming inability to equate these disorders. ROC analysis showed that CRP level had poor diagnostic efficacy on the development of SI/ChrSI (AUC < 0.6), and IL-6 level had very good diagnostic value (AUC 0.8-0.9). The prognostic value of the markers for detecting the SIR was higher, with AUCIL-6 exceeding AUCCRP. Thus, IL-6 in many acute and chronic pathologies is sufficiently closer to integral indices than C-reactive protein with respect to diagnostic efficiency, and the dynamics of IL-6 in blood may be used to predict and evaluate complications associated with acute and chronic SI, as well as to prescribe and monitor the results of anticytokine therapy. © 2022, РНОИ

    Digitalizating rural areas: A traditional context

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    Digitalizing the existing territories is widely declared and procreated in the modern world. The process has become widespread in developed countries and is gaining momentum in developing countries; also attracting a lot of studies in economics, technology, and political science. We argue the necessity of philosophical attitude to cope with the essentials of digitalization. Mostly, the use of philosophy in the matter comes with aspects usually ignored in quantitative methodologies. Actual qualitative reference of unfolding digital nets for rural territories, still representing numerous semantics of a traditional life-world, helps bringing to the limelight opportunities overlooked in intensive indicators and their capacity to describe the actual social and cultural process involved in territorial digitalization. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of diseases in the newborn

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    ДЕТСКИЕ БОЛЕЗНИДИАГНОСТИКА ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЙНОВОРОЖДЕННЫЙ, БОЛЕЗНИПЕДИАТРИЯВ пособии освещены вопросы патогенеза, диагностики и лечения болезней новорожденных

    Оценка влияния эффекта Доплера на качество радиосвязи в условиях высокоскоростного движения

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    The article proposes a methodology for evaluating radio signal distortions caused by Doppler effect (DE; also, Doppler shift) under the conditions of highspeed train traffic (HSR, high-speed rail). The objective of the work is to develop criteria for assessing quality of radiocommunications with moving objects in HSR environment. For this, a technique is proposed for calculating the probability of an error arising from Doppler effect. A rationale for relevance of the topic is that radiocommunications are used on railways for controlling train traffic and ensuring safety and achieving required quality of radio signals is a major challenge. Quality assessment is especially important for organization of broadband communication channels with locomotive drivers using mobile networks. To solve this problem, a model for assessing quality of radiocommunication influenced by DE is considered. Distortions of signals in a radio channel due to DE are proposed to be estimated using the reduced dispersion of the total error, which consists of two components: dynamic and interference. Calculations of the total reduced signal error and the error probability for speeds above 100 km/h are described. Estimates of the effect of DE on a coherent receiver, in which errors may occur due to changes in duration of radio pulses, are suggested. Effectiveness of the receiver’s automatic frequency control (AFC) system is analysed as a means of challenging DE. For this, the concept of an instantaneous spectrum of parasitic frequency modulation due to DE was introduced and quality of radio communication was calculated using the reduced dispersion of the total error. The efficiency of using AFC has been proven after comparing the evaluations of reception quality with and without AFC in the form of the ratio of error probabilities. The features of the use of mobile communications on railways under the conditions of DE are formulated.В статье предложена методика оценки искажений радиосигнала от действия эффекта Доплера (ЭД) в условиях высокоскоростного движения поездов. Цель работы – разработка критериев оценки качества радиосвязи с подвижными объектами в условиях высокоскоростного движения поездов. Для этого предложена методика расчёта вероятности ошибки, возникающей в результате действия эффекта Доплера. Дано обоснование актуальности темы для железнодорожного транспорта, где посредством радиосвязи осуществляется управление движением поездов и обеспечение безопасности. Достижение требуемого качества радиосигналов является главной задачей. Особенно важна оценка качества при организации широкополосных каналов связи с машинистами подвижных составов с помощью сетей мобильной связи. Для решения этой задачи рассмотрена модель оценки качества радиосвязи в условиях действия ЭД. Искажения сигналов в радиоканале за счёт эффекта Доплера предложено оценивать с помощью приведённой дисперсии суммарной погрешности, которая состоит из двух составляющих: динамической и помеховой. Представлены расчёты суммарной приведённой погрешности сигнала и вероятности ошибки для скоростей движения выше 100 км/ч. Кроме того, даны оценки влияния ЭД на когерентный приёмник, в котором могут возникать ошибки за счёт изменений длительности радиоимпульсов.Приведён анализ эффективности системы автоматической подстройки частоты (АПЧ) приёмника как средства борьбы с ЭД. Для этого введено понятие мгновенного спектра паразитной частотной модуляции за счёт ЭД, и с помощью приведённой дисперсии суммарной погрешности рассчитано качество радиосвязи. Эффективность использования АПЧ доказана после сравнения оценок качества приёма с АПЧ и без него в виде отношения вероятностей ошибок. Сформулированы особенности использования мобильной связи на железнодорожном транспорте в условиях действия ЭД