645 research outputs found

    The Ukrainian Stundists and Russian Jews: a collaboration of evangelical peasants with Jewish intellectuals in late imperial Russia

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    Book description: The relationship between states, societies, and individuals in Central and Eastern Europe has been characterised by periods of change and redefinition. The current political, economic, social and cultural climate necessitates a discussion of these issues, both past and present. It is this theme which the proposed publication intends to discuss using a selection of papers given at the 5 th Annual Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe held at the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) in 2003. The papers represent work from young international scholars from Europe and North America writing on Central and Eastern Europe. The book consists of seven papers and develops an interdisciplinary framework reflecting the range of topics discussed during the conference. It embraces the regional breadth of Central and Eastern Europe containing analyses of Russia, the former Soviet Republics, Central Europe and South Eastern Europe. The papers chosen cover a variety of fields and adopt a corresponding range of approaches with a view to assessing from a multidisciplinary perspective the relationship between state, society and individuals. The papers in the book have been ordered chronologically. The volume starts with an analysis by Julia Mannherz of social conflict in late imperial Russia and moves on to Sergei Zhuk’s discussion of the Stundist movement in Ukraine. The third paper from Stefan Detchev is a discussion of the late-nineteenth-century politics of commemoration surrounding the Bulgarian war of independence. The theme of the politics of commemoration is also present in Andrzej Michalczyk’s analysis of the commemoration of the plebiscite in Silesia by Germans and Poles during the interwar period. Michalczyk examines how a shared event is commemorated and interpreted differently by the two national groups. The idea of common and shared histories is further developed by Rüdiger Ritter in his study of the history and the historiography of post-Communist Poland, Belarus and Lithuania. The move into the contemporary period is completed in the final two papers. The use of historical imagery for political purposes is explored in Markus Wien’s study of the King Simeon II Party in Bulgaria as well as the way in which the historical image of the monarchy has been changed for political purposes during the transition from communism to democracy. The final paper by Maria Aluchna continues the discussion of the process of transition by examining the economic transformation from a communist command economic system to a modern capitalist economy

    The bof dynamic calculation parameters

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    В роботі наведені результати розробки динамічного алгоритму управління 160–тонним конвертером.This paper presents the results of the development of dynamic control algorithm 160-ton converter

    Reduced minimax filtering by means of differential-algebraic equations

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    A reduced minimax state estimation approach is proposed for high-dimensional models. It is based on the reduction of the ordinary differential equation with high state space dimension to the low-dimensional Differential-Algebraic Equation (DAE) and on the subsequent application of the minimax state estimation to the resulting DAE

    Integrable Multicomponent Perfect Fluid Multidimensional Cosmology II: Scalar Fields

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    We consider anisotropic cosmological models with an universe of dimension 4 or more, factorized into n>1 Ricci-flat spaces, containing an m-component perfect fluid of m non-interacting homogeneous minimally coupled scalar fields under special conditions. We describe the dynamics of the universe: It has a Kasner-like behaviour near the singularity and isotropizes during the expansion to infinity. Some of the considered models are integrable, and classical as well as quantum solutions are found. Some solutions produce inflation from "nothing". There exist classical asymptotically anti-de Sitter wormholes, and quantum wormholes with discrete spectrum.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, subm. to Gen. Rel. Gra

    Minimax recursive state estimation for linear discrete-time descriptor systems

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    This paper describes an approach to the online state estimation of systems described by a general class of linear noncausal time-varying difference descriptor equations subject to uncertainties. An approach is based on the notions of a linear minimax estimation and an index of causality introduced here for singular difference equations. The online minimax observer is derived by the application of the dynamical programming and Moore's pseudoinverse theory to the minimax estimation problem.Розглянуто підхід до оцінювання стану системи, що описується дескрипторним рівнянням із дискретним часом за спостереженнями, що надходять у реальному часі. Підхід базується на понятті лінійної мінімаксної оцінки та індексу причинності, що вводяться у статті для сингулярних різницевих рівнянь. Рекурсивний оцінювач стану будується шляхом застосування методу «Київського віника» та теорії псевдоінверсних матриць до проблеми мінімаксного оцінювання.Рассмотрен подход к оцениванию состояния системы, описываемой дескрипторным уравнением с дискретным временем по наблюдениям, поступающим в реальном времени. Подход основан на понятии линейной минимаксной оценки и индекса причинности, введенных в статье для сингулярных разностных уравнений. Рекурсивный оцениватель строится путем применения метода «Киевского веника» и теории псевдообратных матриц к проблеме минимаксного оценивания

    Weak-field limit of f(R)-gravity in three and more spatial dimensions

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    We investigate a point-like massive source in non-linear f(R) theories in the case of arbitrary number of spatial dimensions D\geq 3. If D>3 then extra dimensions undergo toroidal compactification. We consider a weak-field approximation with Minkowski and de Sitter background solutions. In both these cases point-like massive sources demonstrate good agreement with experimental data only in the case of ordinary three-dimensional (D=3) space. We generalize this result to the case of perfect fluid with dust-like equations of state in the external and internal spaces. This perfect fluid is uniformly smeared over all extra dimensions and enclosed in a three-dimensional sphere. In ordinary three dimensional (D=3) space, our formulas are useful for experimental constraints on parameters of f(R) models.Comment: 8 pages, Revtex4, no figure

    Минимаксная рекурсивная оценка состояния линейных дескрипторных систем с дискретным временем

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    Розглянуто підхід до оцінювання стану системи, що описується дескрипторним рівнянням із дискретним часом за спостереженнями, що надходять у реальному часі. Підхід базується на понятті лінійної мінімаксної оцінки та індексу причинності, що вводяться у статті для сингулярних різницевих рівнянь. Рекурсивний оцінювач стану будується шляхом застосування методу «Київського віника» та теорії псевдоінверсних матриць до проблеми мінімаксного оцінювання.This paper describes an approach to the online state estimation of systems described by a general class of linear noncausal time-varying difference descriptor equations subject to uncertainties. An approach is based on the notions of a linear minimax estimation and an index of causality introduced here for singular difference equations. The online minimax observer is derived by the application of the dynamical programming and Moore's pseudoinverse theory to the minimax estimation problem.Рассмотрен подход к оцениванию состояния системы, описываемой дескрипторным уравнением с дискретным временем по наблюдениям, поступающим в реальном времени. Подход основан на понятии линейной минимаксной оценки и индекса причинности, введенных в статье для сингулярных разностных уравнений. Рекурсивный оцениватель строится путем применения метода «Киевского веника» и теории псевдообратных матриц к проблеме минимаксного оценивания

    Composition and properties study of galvanic sludge heat treatment products

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    The results of investigations of chemical and phase composition and dispersity of precipitates formed in wastewater treatment of galvanic enterprises of the Republic of Belarus are presented. Conditions of modifying precipitates by liquid glass and effect of temperature on phase composition and colors of heat treatment products are investigated. Paint-technical properties of heattreatment products dependence on sludge/liquid glass ratio and heating temperature is shown. Increased opacityand color purity and reduced oil absorption are established. This is due to the change in dispersity of the sludge in the process of liquid glass modifying

    Течії Стокса в тривимірних областях

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    This study consists of two parts. First we consider an analytical approach for solving the problem of steady Stokes flow in some 3D containers with arbitrary velocities prescribed over the surfaces. The approach is based on the superposition method. First we discuss the Stokes problem solution in a finite cylinder. This is the simplest problem because the flow domain is restricted with only two families of coordinate surfaces and the edge (rim) is a smooth line. Then we discuss the analytical solution of the Stokes problem in more complicated domains, such as a circular cone, a rectangular trihedral corner and a 3D rectangular cavity. The Moffatt eddies in such domains are described. In the second part of the study we consider the laminar mixing process in the Stokes flow in a 3D container. We show that in 3D flows a much richer variety of mixing regimes is observed than in 2D flow configurations. The mixing processes in a 3D flow, containing periodic lines, possess essentially two-dimensional characteristics. In the flows, where only isolated periodic points exist, the liquid elements stretch or compress in all three directions. Pages of the article in the issue: 71 - 76 Language of the article: EnglishДана робота складається з двох частин. Спочатку ми обговорюємо аналітичний підхід до розв’язання задачі Стокса про стаціонарну течію в’язкої нестисливої рідини в тривимірних порожнинах. Цей підхід базується на методі суперпозиції. В другій частині ми описуємо особливості ламінарного перемішування рідини в тривимірних течіях