2,111 research outputs found

    Evaluating a workspace's usefulness for image retrieval

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    Image searching is a creative process. We have proposed a novel image retrieval system that supports creative search sessions by allowing the user to organise their search results on a workspace. The workspace’s usefulness is evaluated in a task-oriented and user-centred comparative experiment, involving design professionals and several types of realistic search tasks. In particular, we focus on its effect on task conceptualisation and query formulation. A traditional relevance feedback system serves as a baseline. The results of this study show that the workspace is more useful in terms of both of the above aspects and that the proposed approach leads to a more effective and enjoyable search experience. This paper also highlights the influence of tasks on the users’ search and organisation strategy

    Capacity constrained stochastic static traffic assignment with residual point queues incorporating a proper node model

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    Static traffic assignment models are still widely applied for strategic transport planning purposes in spite of the fact that such models produce implausible traffic flows that exceed link capacities and predict incorrect congestion locations. There have been numerous attempts in the literature to add capacity constraints to obtain more realistic traffic flows and bottleneck locations, but so far there has not been a satisfactory model formulation. After reviewing the literature, we come to the conclusion that an important piece of the puzzle has been missing so far, namely the inclusion of a proper node model. In this paper we propose a novel path-based static traffic assignment model for finding a stochastic user equilibrium in which we include a first order node model that yields realistic turn capacities, which are then used to determine consistent traffic flows and residual point queues. The route choice part of the model is specified as a variational inequality problem, while the network loading part is formulated as a fixed point problem. Both problems are solved using existing techniques. We illustrate the model using hypothetical examples, and also demonstrate feasibility on large-scale networks

    Combined use of herbivore-induced plant volatiles and sex pheromones for mate location in braconid parasitoids

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    Herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) are important cues for female parasitic wasps to find hosts. Here, we investigated the possibility that HIPVs may also serve parasitoids as cues to locate mates. To test this, the odour preferences of four braconid wasps – the gregarious parasitoid Cotesia glomerata (L.) and the solitary parasitoids Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson), Microplitis rufiventris Kokujev and Microplitis mediator (Haliday) – were studied in olfactometers. Each species showed attraction to pheromones but in somewhat different ways.Males of the two Cotesia species were attracted to virgin females, whereas females of M. rufiventriswere attracted to virginmales. Male and female M.mediator exhibited attraction to both sexes. Importantly, female and male wasps of all four species were strongly attracted by HIPVs, independent of mating status. In most cases, male wasps were also attracted to intact plants. The wasps preferred the combination of HIPVs and pheromones over plant odours alone, except M.mediator, which appears to mainly use HIPVs for mate location. We discuss the ecological contexts in which the combined use of pheromones and HIPVs by parasitoids can be expected. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that braconid parasitoids use HIPVs and pheromones in combination to locate mates

    До питання конституційної правосуб’єктності українського народу

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    Розглядаються поняття сутності, характеру і змісту конституційної право­суб’єктності українського народу.Рассматриваются понятия сущности, характера и содержания конституционной правосубъектности украинского народа.The article deals with the notion, subject matter, character and content of constitutional legal standing of Ukrainian people

    Nonlinear force-free reconstruction of the global solar magnetic field: methodology

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    We present a novel numerical method that allows the calculation of nonlinear force-free magnetostatic solutions above a boundary surface on which only the distribution of the normal magnetic field component is given. The method relies on the theory of force-free electrodynamics and applies directly to the reconstruction of the solar coronal magnetic field for a given distribution of the photospheric radial field component. The method works as follows: we start with any initial magnetostatic global field configuration (e.g. zero, dipole), and along the boundary surface we create an evolving distribution of tangential (horizontal) electric fields that, via Faraday's equation, give rise to a respective normal field distribution approaching asymptotically the target distribution. At the same time, these electric fields are used as boundary condition to numerically evolve the resulting electromagnetic field above the boundary surface, modelled as a thin ideal plasma with non-reflecting, perfectly absorbing outer boundaries. The simulation relaxes to a nonlinear force-free configuration that satisfies the given normal field distribution on the boundary. This is different from existing methods relying on a fixed boundary condition - the boundary evolves toward the a priori given one, at the same time evolving the three-dimensional field solution above it. Moreover, this is the first time a nonlinear force-free solution is reached by using only the normal field component on the boundary. This solution is not unique, but depends on the initial magnetic field configuration and on the evolutionary course along the boundary surface. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the formalism of force-free electrodynamics, used very successfully in other astrophysical contexts, is applied to the global solar magnetic field.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, Solar Physic

    Polariton Analysis of a Four-Level Atom Strongly Coupled to a Cavity Mode

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    We present a complete analytical solution for a single four-level atom strongly coupled to a cavity field mode and driven by external coherent laser fields. The four-level atomic system consists of a three-level subsystem in an EIT configuration, plus an additional atomic level; this system has been predicted to exhibit a photon blockade effect. The solution is presented in terms of polaritons. An effective Hamiltonian obtained by this procedure is analyzed from the viewpoint of an effective two-level system, and the dynamic Stark splitting of dressed states is discussed. The fluorescence spectrum of light exiting the cavity mode is analyzed and relevant transitions identified.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    A Pair of Disjoint 3-GDDs of type g^t u^1

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    Pairwise disjoint 3-GDDs can be used to construct some optimal constant-weight codes. We study the existence of a pair of disjoint 3-GDDs of type gtu1g^t u^1 and establish that its necessary conditions are also sufficient.Comment: Designs, Codes and Cryptography (to appear

    Growth of (110) Diamond using pure Dicarbon

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    We use a density-functional based tight-binding method to study diamond growth steps by depositing dicarbon species onto a hydrogen-free diamond (110) surface. Subsequent C_2 molecules are deposited on an initially clean surface, in the vicinity of a growing adsorbate cluster, and finally, near vacancies just before completion of a full new monolayer. The preferred growth stages arise from C_2n clusters in near ideal lattice positions forming zigzag chains running along the [-110] direction parallel to the surface. The adsorption energies are consistently exothermic by 8--10 eV per C_2, depending on the size of the cluster. The deposition barriers for these processes are in the range of 0.0--0.6 eV. For deposition sites above C_2n clusters the adsorption energies are smaller by 3 eV, but diffusion to more stable positions is feasible. We also perform simulations of the diffusion of C_2 molecules on the surface in the vicinity of existing adsorbate clusters using an augmented Lagrangian penalty method. We find migration barriers in excess of 3 eV on the clean surface, and 0.6--1.0 eV on top of graphene-like adsorbates. The barrier heights and pathways indicate that the growth from gaseous dicarbons proceeds either by direct adsorption onto clean sites or after migration on top of the existing C_2n chains.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 figure

    Spherical Relativistic Hartree theory in a Woods-Saxon basis

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    The Woods-Saxon basis has been suggested to replace the widely used harmonic oscillator basis for solving the relativistic mean field (RMF) theory in order to generalize it to study exotic nuclei. As examples, relativistic Hartree theory is solved for spherical nuclei in a Woods-Saxon basis obtained by solving either the Schr\"odinger equation or the Dirac equation (labelled as SRHSWS and SRHDWS, respectively and SRHWS for both). In SRHDWS, the negative levels in the Dirac Sea must be properly included. The basis in SRHDWS could be smaller than that in SRHSWS which will simplify the deformed problem. The results from SRHWS are compared in detail with those from solving the spherical relativistic Hartree theory in the harmonic oscillator basis (SRHHO) and those in the coordinate space (SRHR). All of these approaches give identical nuclear properties such as total binding energies and root mean square radii for stable nuclei. For exotic nuclei, e.g., 72^{72}Ca, SRHWS satisfactorily reproduces the neutron density distribution from SRHR, while SRHHO fails. It is shown that the Woods-Saxon basis can be extended to more complicated situations for exotic nuclei where both deformation and pairing have to be taken into account.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure