157 research outputs found

    Teacher's Professional Health as a Factor of the Development of a Student's Harmonic Personality (on J. Updike's Novel “Terrorist”)

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    AbstractDefining factors of a student's personality development requires analyzing the notion of professional health of a teacher. Urgent social instability, social changes, environmental problems and changes in educational policy influence both teachers and students. Professionalism of teachers is necessary condition for young people's resistance to negative psychological impacts. The scope of our work is a generalized approach to uncover connections between teachers’ professionalism and their contributions to the development of the student's harmonic personality. We analyze several criteria of teachers’ level of professionalism including their moral intentions, drawing on previous work of Russian, U.S., German, Turkish, etc. scholars. We use correlative analysis, comparative, structural-typological methods, and structural-poetical method while engaging literary images of a teacher and a student from the novel “Terrorist” by well-known American writer J. Updike. The results demonstrate that the development of a student's harmonic personality is closely connected to the professional health of a teacher. We find that the professional health of a teacher is the base for the harmonious development of the cognitive, psychological and moral characteristics of a student's personality

    A Method and a Device for Diagnostics of the Functional State of Peripheral Vessels of the Upper Limbs

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    The article suggests a method and a device for diagnostics of the functional state of peripheral vessels of the upper limbs, which provide identification of angiospastic disorders with a lower probability of falsenegative result, allowing thereby the quality of diagnostics to be improved. The suggested approach is based on combined application of laser Doppler flowmetry and contact thermometry during an occlusion test. The obtained results can be used in various fields of medicine for the development of multifunctional noninvasive diagnostic systems for the diagnosis and prevention of diseases associated with changes in the functional state of peripheral vessels

    Multimodal optical diagnostics of the microhaemodynamics in upper and lower limbs

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    The introduction of optical non-invasive diagnostic methods into clinical practice can substantially advance in the detection of early microcirculatory disorders in patients with different diseases. This paper is devoted to the development and application of the optical non-invasive diagnostic approach for the detection and evaluation of the severity of microcirculatory and metabolic disorders in rheumatic diseases and diabetes mellitus. The proposed methods include the joint use of laser Doppler flowmetry, absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy in combination with functional tests. This technique showed the high diagnostic importance for the detection of disturbances in peripheral microhaemodynamics. These methods have been successfully tested as additional diagnostic techniques in the field of rheumatology and endocrinology. The sensitivity and specificity of the proposed diagnostic procedures have been evaluated.<br/

    Procedure for Event Characterization in Pb-Pb Collisions at 40A GeV in the NA49 Experiment at the CERN SPS

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    The time evolution of the strongly interacting matter created in a heavy-ion collision depends on the initial geometry and the collision centrality. This makes important the experimental determination of the collision geometry. In this paper a procedure for event classification and estimation of the geometrical parameters in inelastic Pb-Pb collisions at the beam energy of 4

    Reproduction of coronaviruses in cell cultures

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    The authors discuss the data available concerning coronaviruses replication in vitro, the difficulties of virus reproduction due to some biotope factors as well as to strain and host cells properties.Розглянуто літературні дані стосовно розмноження коронавірусів у культурах клітин, труднощі адаптації вірусів, обумовлені особливостями нових біотопів, а також властивостями вірусних штамів та клітин хазяїна.Рассмотрены литературные данные, касающиеся размножения коронавирусов в культурах клеток, втрудности адаптации вирусов, которые обусловлены особенностями новых биотопов, а также свойствами вирусных штаммов и клеток -хозяем

    Combined use of laser Doppler flowmetry and skin thermometry for functional diagnostics of intradermal finger vessels

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    We introduce a noninvasive diagnostic approach for functional monitoring of blood microflows in capillaries and thermoregulatory vessels within the skin. The measuring system is based on the combined use of laser Doppler flowmetry and skin contact thermometry. The obtained results suggest that monitoring of blood microcirculation during the occlusion, performed in conjunction with the skin temperature measurements in the thermally stabilized medium, has a great potential for quantitative assessment of angiospatic dysfunctions of the peripheral blood vessels. The indices of blood flow reserve and temperature response were measured and used as the primarily parameters of the functional diagnostics of the peripheral vessels of skin. Utilizing these parameters, a simple phenomenological model has been suggested to identify patients with angiospastic violations in the vascular system

    Non-invasive control of influence of polyethylene glycol on transport function of fluorescent colored liposomal nanoparticles

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    The studies were carried out on groups of clinically healthy mice line of outbred CD-1 stock. The model animals were divided into 2 groups and received experimental liposomal formulations. Using the method of fluorescence spectroscopy, we investigated the effectiveness of penetration into the circulatory system of fluorescently stained liposomes with polyethylene glycol (PEG) and without PEG when administered orally. Fluorescence channel with a fiber probe series of multifunctional laser non-invasive diagnostic system "LAKK-M" (SPE "LAZMA" Ltd, Russia) was used as the measuring equipment

    Study of reproduction cycles and yield dynamics of the classical swine fever virus in PK-15 cultured cells using a fluorescent probes technique

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    The authors have elaborated some methodological approaches necessary to solve certain biotechnological problems. This approaches permit to study the classical swine fever virus reproduction and accumulation in a swine established cell line, PK-15, the virus propagation being accompanied with no cytopathic effect. The reliable and promising fluorescent probe technique needing no previous virus adaptation and multiplication in permissive cells is successfully confirmed to be useful for such purposes.Розроблено важливу для вирішення біотехнологічних проблем методологію вивчення циклів розмноження та динаміки накопичення вірусу класичної чуми свиней в культурі перевивних клітин РК-15 за умов відсутності будь-яких проявів цитопатогенної дії вірусу. Підтверджено можливість широко викори­стання з цією метою перспективного та надійного методу флюоресцентных зондів, що не потребує попередньої адаптації інфекційного чинника до чутливої культури та подальшого його розмноження в чутливих клітинах.Разработана важная для решения биотехнологических проблем методология изучения циклов размножения и динамики накопления вируса классической чумы свиней в культуре перевивае­мых клеток РК-15 в условиях, когда отсутствуют какие-либо проявления цитопатического действия вируса. Подтверждена возможность широкого использования с этой целью перспективного и надежного метода флюоресцентных зондов, не требующего предварительной адаптации инфекционного аген­та к чувствительной культуре и последующего его размноже­ния в чувствительных клетках

    Second virial coefficients of light nuclear clusters and their chemical freeze-out in nuclear collisions

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    Here we develop a new strategy to analyze the chemical freeze-out of light (anti)nuclei produced in high energy collisions of heavy atomic nuclei within an advanced version of the hadron resonance gas model. It is based on two different, but complementary approaches to model the hard-core repulsion between the light nuclei and hadrons. The first approach is based on an approximate treatment of the equivalent hard-core radius of a roomy nuclear cluster and pions, while the second approach is rigorously derived here using a self-consistent treatment of classical excluded volumes of light (anti)nuclei and hadrons. By construction, in a hadronic medium dominated by pions, both approaches should give the same results. Employing this strategy to the analysis of hadronic and light (anti)nuclei multiplicities measured by ALICE at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{NN}} =2.76 TeV and by STAR at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}} =200 GeV, we got rid of the existing ambiguity in the description of light (anti)nuclei data and determined the chemical freeze-out parameters of nuclei with high accuracy and confidence. At ALICE energy the nuclei are frozen prior to the hadrons at the temperature T=175.13.9+2.3T = 175.1^{+2.3}_{-3.9} MeV, while at STAR energy there is a single freeze-out of hadrons and nuclei at the temperature T=167.2±3.9T = 167.2 \pm 3.9 MeV. We argue that the found chemical freeze-out volumes of nuclei can be considered as the volumes of quark-gluon bags that produce the nuclei at the moment of hadronization.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Lysogeny by MS2 phage. Analysis of a recombinant plasmid containing MS2 RNA-like sequence

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    pL34 recombinant plasmid coding MS2-llke RNA synthesis in plasmid-containing cells has been studied using physical mapping and blot-hybridisation with P32-labelled pMS27 plasmid fragments including a DNA copy of MS2 phage RNA. The authors have determined the size of a fragment containing MS2-like sequence and its localisation inside the hybrid plasmid.Рекомбінантну плазміду pL34, що кодує синтез MS2-подібної РНК у плазмідовмісних клітинах, вивчали методом фізичного картування та блот-гібридизації. Як зонд ви­користовували фрагмент плазміди pMS27, що містить ДНК-копію РНК фага MS2. Було визначено розміри фрагменту, який включає MS2 РНК-подібну послідовність, та його локалізацію в гібридній плазміді.Рекомбинантная плазмида pL34, кодирующая синтез MS2-подобной РНК в плазмидосодержащих клетках, изучена методами физического картирования и блот-гибридизации с использованием в качестве зонда фрагмента плазмиды pMS27, содержащей ДНК-копию плазмиды фага MS2. Оп ределены размеры фрагмента, включающего MS2 РНК-подобную последовательность, и его локализацию в составе гибридной плазмиды