979 research outputs found

    Melting behavior of ultrathin titanium nanowires

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    The thermal stability and melting behavior of ultrathin titanium nanowires with multi-shell cylindrical structures are studied using molecular dynamic simulation. The melting temperatures of titanium nanowires show remarkable dependence on wire sizes and structures. For the nanowire thinner than 1.2 nm, there is no clear characteristic of first-order phase transition during the melting, implying a coexistence of solid and liquid phases due to finite size effect. An interesting structural transformation from helical multi-shell cylindrical to bulk-like rectangular is observed in the melting process of a thicker hexagonal nanowire with 1.7 nm diameter.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Tunneling spectra of submicron Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} intrinsic Josephson junctions: evolution from superconducting gap to pseudogap

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    Tunneling spectra of near optimally doped, submicron Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} intrinsic Josephson junctions are presented, and examined in the region where the superconducting gap evolves into pseudogap. The spectra are analyzed using a self-energy model, proposed by Norman {\it et al.}, in which both quasiparticle scattering rate Γ\Gamma and pair decay rate ΓΔ\Gamma_{\Delta} are considered. The density of states derived from the model has the familiar Dynes' form with a simple replacement of Γ\Gamma by γ+\gamma_+ = (Γ\Gamma + ΓΔ\Gamma_{\Delta})/2. The γ+\gamma_+ parameter obtained from fitting the experimental spectra shows a roughly linear temperature dependence, which puts a strong constraint on the relation between Γ\Gamma and ΓΔ\Gamma_{\Delta}. We discuss and compare the Fermi arc behavior in the pseudogap phase from the tunneling and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments. Our results indicate an excellent agreement between the two experiments, which is in favor of the precursor pairing view of the pseudogap.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    High-Performance Transactional Event Processing

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    Abstract. This paper presents a transactional framework for low-latency, high-performance, concurrent event processing in Java. At the heart of our framework lies Reflexes, a restricted programming model for highly responsive systems. A Reflex task is an event processor that can run at a higher priority and preempt any other Java thread, including the garbage collector. It runs in an obstruction-free manner with time-oblivious code. We extend Reflexes with a publish/subscribe communication system, itself based on an optimistic transactional event processing scheme, that provides efficient coordination between time-critical, low-latency tasks.We report on the comparison with a commercial JVM, and show that it is possible for tasks to achieve 50 µs response times with way less than 1% of the executions failing to meet their deadlines.

    The Vacuum System of HIRFL

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    AbstractThe vacuum system of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) is a large and complex system. HIRFL consists of two ECR ion sources, a sector focus cyclotron (SFC), a separate sector cyclotron (SSC) and a multi-purpose cooling storage ring system which has a main ring (CSRm) and an experiment ring (CSRe). Several beam lines connect these accelerators together and transfer various heavy ion beams to more than 10 experiment terminals. According to the requirements of the ion acceleration and ion lifetime, the working pressure in each accelerator is different. SFC is nearly 50 years old. After upgrade, the working pressure in SFC is improved from 10-6mbar to 10-8mbar. The pressure in SSC which was built in the 1980s reaches the same level. The cooling storage ring system with a length of 500m came into operation in 2007. The average pressures in CSRm and CSRe are 5×10-12mbar and 8×10-12mbar respectively. Different designs were adopt for vacuum system of a dozen beam lines to meet specific requirement of each experiment terminal. Along with the extensive development of the heavy ion researches and applications, new accelerators of HIRFL are under construction. The vacuum system of the new machines will be designed and constructed followed the overall schedule

    Identifying topological edge states in 2D optical lattices using light scattering

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    We recently proposed in a Letter [Physical Review Letters 108 255303] a novel scheme to detect topological edge states in an optical lattice, based on a generalization of Bragg spectroscopy. The scope of the present article is to provide a more detailed and pedagogical description of the system - the Hofstadter optical lattice - and probing method. We first show the existence of topological edge states, in an ultra-cold gas trapped in a 2D optical lattice and subjected to a synthetic magnetic field. The remarkable robustness of the edge states is verified for a variety of external confining potentials. Then, we describe a specific laser probe, made from two lasers in Laguerre-Gaussian modes, which captures unambiguous signatures of these edge states. In particular, the resulting Bragg spectra provide the dispersion relation of the edge states, establishing their chiral nature. In order to make the Bragg signal experimentally detectable, we introduce a "shelving method", which simultaneously transfers angular momentum and changes the internal atomic state. This scheme allows to directly visualize the selected edge states on a dark background, offering an instructive view on topological insulating phases, not accessible in solid-state experiments.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Revised and extended version, to appear in EJP Special Topic for the special issue on "Novel Quantum Phases and Mesoscopic Physics in Quantum Gases". Extended version of arXiv:1203.124

    Mn clusterisation in Ga1-xMnxN

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    Local structure of Mn atoms in Ga1-xMnxN has been investigated by the Mn L3 edge x-ray absorption spectrum (XAS) at total electron yield mode, which preferentially looks at atoms near the surface. A modeling defects configuration, the Mn5 micro-clusters complexed with substitutional MnGa and interstitial MnI is found for the higher Mn doping concentration. This new configuration is also confirmed by the total energy calculations.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Solid. State Commu

    Measurements of ψ(2S)\psi(2S) decays into Vector- Tensor final states

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    Decays of the ψ(2S)\psi(2S) into vector plus tensor meson final states have been studied with 14 million ψ(2S)\psi(2S) events collected with the BESII detector. Branching fractions of \psi(2S) \rt \omega f_{2}(1270), ρa2(1320)\rho a_2(1320), K(892)0Kˉ2(1430)0+c.c.K^*(892)^0\bar{K}^*_2(1430)^0+c.c. and ϕf2(1525)\phi f_2^{\prime}(1525) are determined. They improve upon previous BESI results and confirm the violation of the "12%" rule for ψ(2S)\psi(2S) decays to VT channels with higher precision.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures and 2 table

    Long-term disturbance dynamics and resilience of tropical peat swamp forests

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    Summary 1.The coastal peat swamp forests of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, are undergoing rapid conversion, predominantly into oil palm plantations. This wetland ecosystem is assumed to have experienced insignificant disturbance in the past, persisting under a single ecologically-stable regime. However, there is limited knowledge of the past disturbance regime, long-term functioning and fundamentally the resilience of this ecosystem to changing natural and anthropogenic perturbations through time. 2. In this study, long-term ecological data sets from three degraded peatlands in Sarawak were collected to shed light on peat swamp forest dynamics. Fossil pollen and charcoal were counted in each sedimentary sequence to reconstruct vegetation and investigate responses to past environmental disturbance, both natural and anthropogenic. 3. Results demonstrate that peat swamp forest taxa have dominated these vegetation profiles throughout the last c. 2000-year period despite the presence of various drivers of disturbance. Evidence for episodes of climatic variability, predominantly linked to ENSO events, and wildfires is present throughout. However, in the last c. 500 years, burning and indicators of human disturbance have elevated beyond past levels at these sites, concurrent with a reduction in peat swamp forest pollen. 4. Two key insights have been gained through this palaeoecological analysis: (i) peat swamp forest vegetation has demonstrated resilience to disturbance caused by burning and climatic variability in Sarawak in the late Holocene, however (ii) coincident with increased fire combined with human impact c. 500 years ago, these communities started to decline. 5. Synthesis. Sarawak's coastal peat swamps have demonstrated resilience to past natural disturbances, with forest vegetation persisting through episodes of fire and climatic variability. However, palaeoecological data presented here suggest that recent, anthropogenic disturbances are of a greater magnitude, causing the observed decline in the peat swamp forest communities in the last c. 500 years and challenging the ecosystem's persistence. This study greatly extends our knowledge of the ecological functioning of these understudied ecosystems, providing baseline information on the past vegetation and its response to disturbance. This understanding is central to developing management strategies that foster resilience in the remaining peat swamp forests and ensure continued provision of services, namely carbon storage, from this globally important ecosystem.</p

    Inclusive eta' Production from the Upsilon(1S)

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    Using the CLEO II detector at CESR, we measure the eta' - gluon - gluon form-factor in Y(1S) decays. This form-factor especially at large eta' energies may provide an explanation of the large rate for B -> Xs eta'. Our data do not support a large anomalous coupling at higher q^2 and thus the large eta' rate remains a mystery, possibly requiring a non-Standard Model explanation.Comment: 14 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, submitted to PR

    Search for Direct CP Violation in B -> K pi Decays

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    We search for direct CP violation in flavor specific B -> K pi decays by measuring the rate asymmetry between charge conjugate modes. The search is performed on a data sample of 11.1 million B B bar events recorded on the Upsilon(4S) resonance by the Belle experiment at KEKB. We measure 90% confidence intervals in the partial rate asymmetry A_CP of -0.25 < A_CP(K-/+ pi+/-) < 0.37, -0.40 < A_CP(K-/+ pi^0) < 0.36, and -0.53 < A_CP(K^0 pi-/+) < 0.82. By combining the K-/+ pi+/- and K-/+ pi^0 final states, we conclude that -0.22 < A_CP[K-/+(pi+/- + pi^0)] < 0.25 at the 90% confidence level.Comment: Submitted to PRD Rapid Communication