1,306 research outputs found

    Retinal S-antigen Th1 cell epitope mapping in patients with Behcet's disease

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    Background - Retinal S-antigen (S-Ag) is a most characterized autoantigen of autoimmune uveitis. The recognized immunodominant epitope of human S-Ag in patients with uveitis has not been identified. In this study, we selected certain patients with active uveitis to map the Th1 cell epitope spectrum of human S-Ag in Behcet's disease(BD). Methods - Blood samples were taken from eight active BD patients who showed an immune response to 40 mixed overlapping peptides spanning the entire sequence of human S-Ag. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated and stimulated with single S-Ag peptide at 5 mu g/ml or 20 mu g/ml. Single-cell immune responses were measured by IFN-gamma ELIspot assay. Results - BD patients heterogeneously responded to the S-Ag peptides at two concentrations. In general, the responses to 5 mu g/ml peptides were slightly stronger than those to 20 mu g/ml peptides, while the maximum SFC frequency to single peptide at the two concentrations was similar. Several peptides including P31, P35 and P40 induced a prominent response, with the frequency of S-Ag specific cells being about 0.007%. Significant reactivity pattern shift was noted in patients with different disease courses. Conclusions - Certain active BD patients have S-Ag specific Th1 cells with a low frequency. The S-Ag epitope specificity between patients is highly heterogeneous, and varies with the uveitis cours

    Effective Focal Area Dimension Optimization of Shear Horizontal Point-Focusing EMAT Using Orthogonal Test Method

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    To overcome the shortcomings of low energy conversion efficiency of electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs), point-focusing shear horizontal (PFSH) wave EMAT is used to focus the wave energy into a specific area. Many factors will affect the capability of the focusing transducer, and in addition to considering the signal intensity, the detection accuracy is also required to be investigated. Specifically, to simplify the test process, we use the orthogonal test method to study the effect of different influence parameters on signal intensity and focal area dimensions. Seven factors are selected, and three results are determined in the test. Range analysis shows that for signal amplitude M , the top three impact factors are the coil width w , coil turns n , and focal length lF (equal to bandwidth factor α ). Moreover, magnet number m and frequency fc dominate the effective focal length lfd , and aperture angle θ determines the effective focal width wfd . To enable higher signal intensity and smaller focal area dimensions, it is necessary to consider various factors on the PFSH-EMAT focusing performance. The test’s signal intensity with optimized parameters’ combination at the focal point is nearly 144.42% higher than the average of all the tests, lfd decreased by 37.84%, and wfd decreased by 50.59%. The experiment also verified that focusing EMAT with optimized parameters has a better focusing performance

    Defect detection and identification of point-focusing shear-horizontal EMAT for plate inspection

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    As a kind of nondestructive testing (NDT) method, shear-horizontal (SH)-guided wave detection technology is widely used on an electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT). Although ultrasonic-guided waves perform well in defect location, it is difficult to obtain detailed information about defects, and the low efficiency of EMAT energy conversion still reduces the EMAT’s performance. Therefore, in this work, the defect detection method of different shapes and sizes by point-focusing shear-horizontal (PFSH)-guided wave EMAT with the use of periodic permanent magnet (PPM) is investigated through simulation and experiment. For the purpose of defect classification and quantification, the extraction principles of defect features are obtained through simulation based on the circumferential scatter diagrams, and the neural network (NN) is used to process the features extracted from the experimental data. The results show that by extracting effective defect features from the scatter diagram, high-accuracy classification and high-precision quantification of defects under the influence of the focusing transducer can be achieved

    Numerical Simulation of the Thermomechanical Behavior of a Hot Stamping Die

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    For studying the temperature field of hot stamping, the effect of the distance between cooling pipes, the distance between the cooling pipe and mold surface, and the water cooling pipe diameter were evaluated with ANSYS software. The results showed that the maximum temperature was about 50°C, and the maximum temperature difference of hot stamping was less than 35°C. The maximum temperature and the uniformity of stamping temperature can be improved by controlling the size and spacing of cooling pipes.Определен эффект расстояния между трубами охлаждения, расстояния между трубой охлаждения и поверхностью формы и диаметра трубы водяного охлаждения на температурное поле горячей штамповки с использованием программного обеспечения ANSYS. Показано, что максимальная температура составляет примерно 50°С, а максимальный перепад температуры горячей штамповки менее 35°С. Регулирование размеров и расстояния между трубами охлаждения позволяет увеличить максимальную температуру и равномерность распределения температуры штамповки

    Stomach One-Point Cancer: One Case Report and Literature Review

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    Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers and one of themost frequent causes of cancer deaths worldwide. Early detection andaccurate preoperative staging of gastric cancer is essential for planning optimal therapy such as endoscopic mucosal resection or gastric resection and offers the best prognosis. With advanced technology in diagnostic instruments and the mass screening, early gastric cancer has been detected easier. One-point cancer of gastric is a special type of early gastric cancer[1]. Diagnosis of one-point cancer of gastric is important for both the immediate treatment and the prognosis. There is still no consensus on the operation extent and postoperative treatment for patients with one-point cancer of gastric. Learned from previous reports[2-5], we know that existed in the superfi cial layer of the gastric mucosa and the superfi cial ulcer is one of the important characteristics of one point cancer of gastric. Herein, we report a case of one point cancer of gastric with the appearance of a deep infi ltrating ulcer. To the best of our knowledge, no such type of one point cancer of gastric has been reported

    Isotope effect in impure high T_c superconductors

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    The influence of various kinds of impurities on the isotope shift exponent \alpha of high temperature superconductors has been studied. In these materials the dopant impurities, like Sr in La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4, play different role and usually occupy different sites than impurities like Zn, Fe, Ni {\it etc} intentionally introduced into the system to study its superconducting properties. In the paper the in-plane and out-of-plane impurities present in layered superconductors have been considered. They differently affect the superconducting transition temperature T_c. The relative change of isotope shift coefficient, however, is an universal function of T_c/T_{c0} (T_{c0} reffers to impurity free system) {\it i.e.} for angle independent scattering rate and density of states function it does not depend whether the change of T_c is due to in- or out-of-plane impurities. The role of the anisotropic impurity scattering in changing oxygen isotope coefficient of superconductors with various symmetries of the order parameter is elucidated. The comparison of the calculated and experimental dependence of \alpha/\alpha_0, where \alpha_0 is the clean system isotope shift coefficient, on T_c/T_{c0} is presented for a number of cases studied. The changes of \alpha calculated within stripe model of superconductivity in copper oxides resonably well describe the data on La_{1.8}Sr_{0.2}Cu_{1-x}(Fe,Ni)_xO_4, without any fitting parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Phys. Rev. B67 (2003) accepte

    Unravelling the Interfacial Dynamics of Bandgap Funneling in Bismuth-Based Halide Perovskites

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    An environmentally friendly mixed-halide perovskite MA3Bi2Cl9−xIx with a bandgap funnel structure has been developed. However, the dynamic interfacial interactions of bandgap funneling in MA3Bi2Cl9−xIx perovskites in the photoelectrochemical (PEC) system remain ambiguous. In light of this, single- and mixed-halide lead-free bismuth-based hybrid perovskites—MA3Bi2Cl9−yIy and MA3Bi2I9 (named MBCl-I and MBI)—in the presence and absence of the bandgap funnel structure, respectively, are prepared. Using temperature-dependent transient photoluminescence and electrochemical voltammetric techniques, the photophysical and (photo)electrochemical phenomena of solid–solid and solid–liquid interfaces for MBCl-I and MBI halide perovskites are therefore confirmed. Concerning the mixed-halide hybrid perovskites MBCl-I with a bandgap funnel structure, stronger electronic coupling arising from an enhanced overlap of electronic wavefunctions results in more efficient exciton transport. Besides, MBCl-I's effective diffusion coefficient and electron-transfer rate demonstrate efficient heterogeneous charge transfer at the solid–liquid interface, generating improved photoelectrochemical hydrogen production. Consequently, this combination of photophysical and electrochemical techniques opens up an avenue to explore the intrinsic and interfacial properties of semiconductor materials for elucidating the correlation between material characterization and device performance

    Studies of Prototype CsI(Tl) Crystal Scintillators for Low-Energy Neutrino Experiments

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    Crystal scintillators provide potential merits for the pursuit of low-energy low-background experiments. A CsI(Tl) scintillating crystal detector is being constructed to study low-energy neutrino physics at a nuclear reactor, while projects are underway to adopt this technique for dark matter searches. The choice of the geometrical parameters of the crystal modules, as well as the optimization of the read-out scheme, are the results of an R&D program. Crystals with 40 cm in length were developed. The detector requirements and the achieved performance of the prototypes are presented. Future prospects for this technique are discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figure