40 research outputs found
Nonlinear material and ionic transport through membrane nanotubes
Membrane nanotubes (NTs) and their networks play an important role in intracellular membrane transport and intercellular communications. The transport characteristics of the NT lumen resemble those of conventional solid-state nanopores. However, unlike the rigid pores, the soft membrane wall of the NT can be deformed by forces driving the transport through the NT lumen. This intrinsic coupling between the NT geometry and transport properties remains poorly explored. Using synchronized fluorescence microscopy and conductance measurements, we revealed that the NT shape was changed by both electric and hydrostatic forces driving the ionic and solute fluxes through the NT lumen. Far from the shape instability, the strength of the force effect is determined by the lateral membrane tension and is scaled with membrane elasticity so that the NT can be operated as a linear elastic sensor. Near shape instabilities, the transport forces triggered large-scale shape transformations, both stochastic and periodic. The periodic oscillations were coupled to a vesicle passage along the NT axis, resembling peristaltic transport. The oscillations were parametrically controlled by the electric field, making NT a highly nonlinear nanofluidic circuitry element with biological and technological implications.This work was partially supported by NIGMS of the National Institutes of Health under award R01GM121725, RYC-2014-01419 to A.V.S.; Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grants PGC2018-099971-B-I00 and EUR2019-103830 to A.V.S.; Basque Government grant IT1270-19; and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation to P.I.K. and G.T.R
Structure, optical, electrical and thermoelectric properties of solution-processed Li-doped NiO films grown by SILAR
The article presents a new facial synthesis of Li-doped NiO films (NiO:Li) via an easy and cost-effective method Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) with the processing of the obtained NiO films in a
lithium-containing aqueous solution for their transformation after annealing into NiO:Li layers. Comparative analysis of crystal structure, optical, electrical and thermoelectric properties of the obtained NiO and NiO:Li 420-1050 nm thick films have reveiled a cubic rock-salt NiO structure, at that, NiO:Li samples are nanocrystalline single phased Li-NiO solid solutions. The fabricated NiO and NiO:Li films are p-type semiconductors with activation energy Ea = 0.1 eV and Ea = 0.25‒0.31 eV, respectively. The obtained in-plane Seebeck coefficients Z are in the range 0.20–0.33 mV/К. Notwithstanding the fact that the maximum values of the thermoelectric power factors P=2.2 μW/K2·m, are rather small, they were achieved if the hot end of the NiO:Li film was heated only to 115 °C. Thus, the produced in this work new low cost thermoelectric thin film material is suitable for a production of electrical energy for low-power devices due to absorption of low-potential heat
Achieving international biodiversity targets: learning from local norms, values and actions regarding migratory waterfowl management in Kazakhstan
1. Migratory species are protected under international legislation; their seasonal movements across international borders may therefore present opportunities for understanding how global conservation policies translate to local-level actions across different socio-ecological contexts. Moreover, local-level management of migratory species can reveal how culture and governance affects progress towards achieving global targets. Here, we investigate potential misalignment in the two-way relationship between global-level conservation policies (i.e. hunting bans and quotas) and local-level norms, values and actions (i.e. legal and illegal hunting) in the context of waterfowl hunting in Northern Kazakhstan as a case-study. 2. N Kazakhstan is globally important for waterfowl and a key staging area for arctic-breeding species. Hunting is managed through licences, quotas and seasonal bans under UN-AEWA intergovernmental agreements. To better understand the local socio-ecological context of waterfowl hunting, we take a mixed-methods approach using socio-ecological surveys, informal discussions, and population modelling of a focal migratory goose species to: (1) investigate motivations for hunting in relation to socio-economic factors; (2) assess knowledge of species’ protection status; and (3) predict the population size of Lesser White-fronted Geese (LWfG; Anser erythropus; IUCN Vulnerable) under different scenarios of survival rates and hunting offtake, to understand how goose population demographics interact with the local socio-ecological context. 3. Model results showed no evidence that waterfowl hunting is motivated by financial gain; social and cultural importance were stronger factors. The majority of hunters are knowledgeable about species’ protection status; however, 11% did not know LWfG are protected, highlighting a key area for increased stakeholder engagement. 4. Simulations of LWfG population growth over a 20-year period showed LWfG are highly vulnerable to hunting pressure even when survival rates are high. This potential impact of hunting highlights the need for effective regulation along the entire flyway; our survey results show that hunters were generally compliant with newly introduced hunting regulations, showing that effective regulation is possible on a local level. Synthesis and applications. Here, we investigate how global conservation policy and local norms interact to affect the management of a threatened migratory species, which is particularly important for the protection and sustainable management of wildlife that crosses international borders where local contexts may differ. Our study highlights that to be effective and sustainable in the long-term, global conservation policies must fully integrate local socio-economic, cultural, governance and environmental contexts, to ensure interventions are equitable across entire species’ ranges. This approach is relevant and adaptable for different contexts involving the conservation of wide-ranging and migratory species, including the 255 migratory waterfowl covered by UN-AEWA (United Nations Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds).Output Status: Forthcoming/Available Onlin
To the participation of blood α1-antitrypsin in the processes of detoxication, mechanisms of maintenance of temperature homeostasis and organisms thyroid status during overheating
The aim of the study – to find out the significance of blood α1-antitrypsin activity in the processes of detoxication, regulation of triiodothyronine levels in the blood and body temperature during overheating.Цель исследования – выяснить значение активности α1-антитрипсина крови в процессах детоксикации, регуляции уровня трийодтиронина в крови и температуры тела при перегревании
Measurement of the cross section from threshold to 1.2 GeV with the CMD-3 detector
The cross section of the process has been measured in
the center of mass energy range from 0.32 to 1.2 GeV with the CMD-3 detector at
the electron-positron collider VEPP-2000. The measurement is based on a full
dataset collected below 1 GeV during three data taking seasons, corresponding
to an integrated luminosity of about 62 pb. In the dominant
-resonance region, a systematic uncertainty of 0.7% has been reached. At
energies around -resonance the production cross section was
measured for the first time with high energy resolution. The forward-backward
charge asymmetry in the production has also been measured. It
shows the strong deviation from the theoretical prediction based on
conventional sQED framework and is in good agreement with GVDM and
dispersive-based predictions. The impact of presented results on the evaluation
of the hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of muon is
discussed.Comment: 52 pages, 36 figures; cosmetic changes of the text, fix fig.2 , fix
comment on used selection cuts in the attached radiative correction tabl
Measurement of the pion formfactor with CMD-3 detector and its implication to the hadronic contribution to muon (g-2)
The cross section of the process has been measured in
the center of mass energy range from 0.32 to 1.2 GeV with the CMD-3 detector at
the electron-positron collider VEPP-2000. The measurement is based on an
integrated luminosity of about 88 pb out of which 62 pb
constitutes a full dataset collected by CMD-3 at center-of-mass energies below
1 GeV. In the dominant region near -resonance a systematic uncertainty of
0.7% has been reached. The impact of presented results on the evaluation of the
hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of muon is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
Still digging: Advances and perspectives in the study of the diversity of several sedentarian annelid families
Sedentarian annelids are a diverse and heterogeneous group of marine worms representing more than 8600 species gathered in ca. 43 families. The attention brought to these organisms is unevenly distributed among these families, and the knowledge about them sometimes scarce. We review here the current knowledge about the families Acrocirridae, Cirratulidae (including Ctenodrilidae), Cossuridae, Longosomatidae, Paraonidae, and Sternaspidae in terms of biodiversity as well as the evolution of the taxonomy and systematics of each group. We present the challenges faced when studying these organisms and compare methodologies across groups and perspectives in future research
Ультразвукова перинатальна оцінка структурно функціональних особливостей венозної протоки (огляд літератури та власні спостереження)
The ductus venosus has unique structural features that are not characteristic to other vessels; it is also one of three fetal communications that provide adaptation of the cardiovascular system to the intrauterine life and development. Doppler ultrasound of venous blood flow assessment allows to evaluate the stateof the cardiovascular system of the fetus. On Doppler ultrasound the flow in the ductus venosus shows the changes of the venous blood volume and atrialpressure throughout the cardiac cycle. Prenatally, on Doppler ultrasound the flow in the ductus venosus has a characteristic triphasic waveform where in anormal physiological situation flow should always be in the forward direction (i.e. towards the fetal heart). According to the Doppler US surveys, there is agradual decrease in the rate of blood flow in the ductus venosus after birth. The color and pulse Doppler flow signals in the ductus venosus showed a diphasic waveform in full term infants, reflecting the beginning of closure of the ductus venosus. Functional closure of the ductus venosus occurs during the firstthree weeks after birth, it transforms into a ligamentum venosum.Ключевые слова: венозный проток, ультразвуковая перинатальная оценка, дети.Венозный проток имеет уникальные, не свойственные другим сосудам, структурные особенности и является одной из трех фетальных коммуникаций, которые обеспечивают адаптацию сердечнососудистой системы к внутриутробной жизни и развитию. Допплерометрическая пренатальнаядиагностика венозного кровотока позволяет оценить состояние сердечнососудистой системы плода. Спектр венозного кровотока отображает изменения объема и давления в предсердиях на протяжении всего сердечного цикла. Пренатально, при нормальном развитии плода, кровоток в венозном протоке имеет пульсирующий характер в виде однонаправленной трехфазной кривой, которая соответствует разным периодам сердечногоцикла. По данным допплерометрических обследований, после рождения отмечается постепенное снижение скорости кровотока в венозном протоке. Спектр нормального кровотока в венозном протоке у здорового новорожденного имеет двухфазную кривую, с направлением от портальногосинуса к нижней полой вене. На протяжении трех недель регулярных обследований у большинства новорожденных происходила облитерация венозного протока и проток превращался в венозную связку.Ключевые слова: венозный проток, ультразвуковая перинатальная оценка, дети.Резюме. Венозна протока має унікальні, не притаманні іншим судинам, структурні особливості та є однією з трьох фетальних комунікацій,які відповідають за адаптацію серцевосудинної системи до внутрішньоутробного існування та розвитку. Допплерометрична пренатальна діагностикавенозного кровотоку дає змогу оцінити стан серцевосудинної системи плода. Спектр венозного кровотоку відображає зміни об'єму та тискув передсердях впродовж серцевого циклу. Пренатально, при нормальному розвитку плода, кровотік у венозній протоці має пульсуючий характер увигляді однонаправленої трифазної кривої, що відповідає різним періодам серцевого циклу. За даними допплерометричних обстежень, післянародження відмічається поступове зниження швидкості кровотоку у венозній протоці. Спектр нормального кровотоку у венозній протоці у здоровогоновонародженого має двофазну криву, з напрямом від портального синуса до нижньої порожнистої вени. Протягом трьох тижнів регулярнихобстежень у більшості немовлят відбувається облітерація венозної протоки, протока перетворюється на венозну зв'язку.Ключові слова: венозна протока, ультразвукова перинатальна оцінка, діти
In this article the most widespread hereditary trombophilia in the setting of ischemic stroke etiology in young patients is considered. Own data on prevalence of various options of hereditary trombophilia in 188 patients who were treated in neurologic department for patients with acute disorders of cerebral blood circulation in Scientific Research Institute – Ochapovsky Regional Clinical Hospital no. 1 are provided