62 research outputs found

    Evapotranspiration and its partitioning during and following a mountain pine beetle infestation of a lodgepole pine stand in the interior of British Columbia, Canada

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    IntroductionMassive tree mortality events in western Canada due to widespread infestation by mountain pine beetle (MPB) are expected to impact local-to-regional evapotranspiration (ET) dynamics during and after a disturbance. How ecosystem-level ET and its components may vary with canopy-tree mortality (treefall) and subsequent understory recovery remains unclear.MethodsWe used 10 years of continuous eddy-covariance and remote-sensing data (2007–2016) and machine-learning models based on random forest and xgboost to determine forest- and climate-driven effects at temporal scales appropriate for a lodgepole pine-dominated stand following a major, five-year MPB disturbance initiated in the summer of 2006.ResultsTotal annual ET over the 10 years ranged from 207.2 to 384.6 mm, with annual plant transpiration (T) contributing to 57 ± 5.4% (mean ± standard deviation) of annual ET. Annual ET initially declined (2007–2011) and then increased (2011–2016), with ET and T/ET increasing at statistically non-significant rates of approximately 3.2 and 1.2% per year from 2007 to 2016. Air temperature (Ta) and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) were the most important predictors of seasonal variation in ET and T/ET during the 10-year period, with high Ta, VPD, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) causing ET and T/ET to increase. Annual ET increased with both increasing spring Ta and decreasing VPD. Annual T/ET was shown to increase with increasing VPD and decrease with increasing volumetric soil water content at a 5-cm depth (VWC5). Enhanced vegetation index (EVI, an indicator of canopy greenness) lagged T and overstory tree mortality, whereas previous- and current-year values of EVI were shown to be poor predictors of annual ET and T/ET.Discussion and conclusionsThese findings suggest that the promotion of climate factors on forest ecosystem-level water vapor fluxes may offset reductions promoted by MPB outbreaks. Climate processes affected water vapor fluxes more than biotic factors, like stand greenness, highlighting the need to include climate-regulatory mechanisms in predictive models of ET dynamics during and subsequent to stand disturbance. Climate and forest-greenness effects on water vapor fluxes need to be explored at even longer time scales, e.g., at decadal scales, to capture long-drawn-out trends associated with stand disturbance and its subsequent recovery

    Response of Soil Respiration to Soil Temperature and Moisture in a 50-Year-Old Oriental Arborvitae Plantation in China

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    China possesses large areas of plantation forests which take up great quantities of carbon. However, studies on soil respiration in these plantation forests are rather scarce and their soil carbon flux remains an uncertainty. In this study, we used an automatic chamber system to measure soil surface flux of a 50-year-old mature plantation of Platycladus orientalis at Jiufeng Mountain, Beijing, China. Mean daily soil respiration rates (Rs) ranged from 0.09 to 4.87 ”mol CO2 m−2s−1, with the highest values observed in August and the lowest in the winter months. A logistic model gave the best fit to the relationship between hourly Rs and soil temperature (Ts), explaining 82% of the variation in Rs over the annual cycle. The annual total of soil respiration estimated from the logistic model was 645±5 g C m−2 year−1. The performance of the logistic model was poorest during periods of high soil temperature or low soil volumetric water content (VWC), which limits the model's ability to predict the seasonal dynamics of Rs. The logistic model will potentially overestimate Rs at high Ts and low VWC. Seasonally, Rs increased significantly and linearly with increasing VWC in May and July, in which VWC was low. In the months from August to November, inclusive, in which VWC was not limiting, Rs showed a positively exponential relationship with Ts. The seasonal sensitivity of soil respiration to Ts (Q10) ranged from 0.76 in May to 4.38 in October. It was suggested that soil temperature was the main determinant of soil respiration when soil water was not limiting

    COSORE: A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil‐atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data

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    Globally, soils store two to three times as much carbon as currently resides in the atmosphere, and it is critical to understand how soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and uptake will respond to ongoing climate change. In particular, the soil‐to‐atmosphere CO2 flux, commonly though imprecisely termed soil respiration (RS), is one of the largest carbon fluxes in the Earth system. An increasing number of high‐frequency RS measurements (typically, from an automated system with hourly sampling) have been made over the last two decades; an increasing number of methane measurements are being made with such systems as well. Such high frequency data are an invaluable resource for understanding GHG fluxes, but lack a central database or repository. Here we describe the lightweight, open‐source COSORE (COntinuous SOil REspiration) database and software, that focuses on automated, continuous and long‐term GHG flux datasets, and is intended to serve as a community resource for earth sciences, climate change syntheses and model evaluation. Contributed datasets are mapped to a single, consistent standard, with metadata on contributors, geographic location, measurement conditions and ancillary data. The design emphasizes the importance of reproducibility, scientific transparency and open access to data. While being oriented towards continuously measured RS, the database design accommodates other soil‐atmosphere measurements (e.g. ecosystem respiration, chamber‐measured net ecosystem exchange, methane fluxes) as well as experimental treatments (heterotrophic only, etc.). We give brief examples of the types of analyses possible using this new community resource and describe its accompanying R software package

    Leaf Traits and Resource Use Efficiencies of 19 Woody Plant Species in a Plantation in Fangshan, Beijing, China

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    Plantations are typically monocultures, which limits their sustainability. Therefore, understanding acclimatization strategies and resource use efficiencies in plant species and life forms aids the improvement of vegetation diversity and ecological functions. Here, 19 species from forest plantations in Fangshan, Beijing, China were studied. We determined their net photosynthetic (Pn), and transpiration rates (E), light response curve, stomatal conductance (gs), and leaf nitrogen (N) content. We analyzed the leaf N content (Nmass), specific leaf area (SLA), maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pnmax), water use (WUE), nitrogen use (NUE), and carbon use (CUE) efficiencies and connected them with both species and life forms. Pnmax, SLA, Nmass, WUE, NUE, and CUE significantly differed among species. Evergreen conifers had the lowest SLA and Nmass but the highest WUE and CUE. Evergreen coniferous trees had lower SLA, Nmass, Pnmax, and NUE but higher WUE than deciduous trees and shrubs. The SLA, Nmass, and Pnmax of nitrogen-fixing plants were the highest. A correlation analysis revealed that WUE was positively correlated with CUE and negatively correlated with NUE. Moreover, WUE was negatively correlated with Nmass and SLA. These insights into the adaptability differences of woody plant species and life forms provide a scientific basis for the selection of appropriate species for sustainable forest plantations

    Exploring Sensitivity of Phenology to Seasonal Climate Differences in Temperate Grasslands of China Based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

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    The affiliation between vegetation phenology and seasonal climate (start and end times of the growing season, or SOS and EOS) provides a basis for acquiring insight into the dynamic response of terrestrial ecosystems to the effects of climate change. Although climate warming is an important factor affecting the advancement or delay of plant phenology, understanding the sensitivity of phenology to seasonal variation in climate factors (e.g., local air temperature, precipitation) is generally lacking under different climate backgrounds. In this study, we investigated the interannual variability of grassland phenology and its spatial variation in temperate regions of China based on satellite-derived products for the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and weather data acquired from 2001 to 2020. We found that due to differences in local climate conditions, the effects of seasonal warming and precipitation on phenology were divergent or even opposite during the 20 years. The sensitivities of the start of growing season (SOS) to both spring temperature and last-winter precipitation was controlled by mean annual precipitation in terms of spatial variation. The SOS in the semi-humid (200–400 mm) region was most sensitive to spring temperature, advancing 5.24 days for each 1 °C rise in the average spring temperature (p p p < 0.05). The uncertainty in the determination of the EOS could conceivably be greater than the determination of the SOS due to the dual effects of pre-autumn climate and growth constraints induced by declining fall temperatures. The effect of atmospheric warming on grassland phenology was lessened with increased atmospheric and soil aridity, suggesting that the interaction of regional drought and climate warming is an important source for local-to-regional differences and uncertainties in grass phenological response

    Temperature response of soil respiration in a Chinese pine plantation: hysteresis and seasonal vs. diel Q10.

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    Although the temperature response of soil respiration (Rs ) has been studied extensively, several issues remain unresolved, including hysteresis in the Rs -temperature relationship and differences in the long- vs. short-term Rs sensitivity to temperature. Progress on these issues will contribute to reduced uncertainties in carbon cycle modeling. We monitored soil CO2 efflux with an automated chamber system in a Pinus tabulaeformis plantation near Beijing throughout 2011. Soil temperature at 10-cm depth (Ts ) exerted a strong control over Rs , with the annual temperature sensitivity (Q10) and basal rate at 10°C (Rs10) being 2.76 and 1.40 ”mol m(-2) s(-1), respectively. Both Rs and short-term (i.e., daily) estimates of Rs10 showed pronounced seasonal hysteresis with respect to Ts , with the efflux in the second half of the year being larger than that early in the season for a given temperature. The hysteresis may be associated with the confounding effects of microbial population dynamics and/or litter input. As a result, all of the applied regression models failed to yield unbiased estimates of Rs over the entire annual cycle. Lags between Rs and Ts were observed at the diel scale in the early and late growing season, but not in summer. The seasonality in these lags may be due to the use of a single Ts measurement depth, which failed to represent seasonal changes in the depth of CO2 production. Daily estimates of Q10 averaged 2.04, smaller than the value obtained from the seasonal relationship. In addition, daily Q10 decreased with increasing Ts , which may contribute feedback to the climate system under global warming scenarios. The use of a fixed, universal Q10 is considered adequate when modeling annual carbon budgets across large spatial extents. In contrast, a seasonally-varying, environmentally-controlled Q10 should be used when short-term accuracy is required

    Dynamics of Dew in a Cold Desert-Shrub Ecosystem and Its Abiotic Controls

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    The temporal dynamics of dew formation in cold desert-shrub ecosystems are still poorly understood. We examined dew and its abiotic controls in a shrubland in northwestern China with continuous eddy-covariance measurements of latent heat fluxes gathered over the growing-season of 2012. The dew amount was larger in mid-summer than in spring and autumn, but the dew duration was shorter in summer (from ~10:00 p.m. to ~6:30 a.m.) than in spring and autumn (from ~8:30 p.m. to ~7:30 a.m.). Dew occurred on 85% (166 days) of growing-season days, with monthly means ranging from 0.09 to 0.16 mm day−1. Dew was dominantly and positively controlled by Relative Humidity (RH), which explained 89% of its variation. Soil heat flux (G), air temperature (Ta), wind speed (Ws), Soil Water Content (SWC) and Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) also influenced dew formation. The most favorable conditions for dew formation were at Ta &lt; 17 °C and RH &gt; 75%. The Penman–Monteith equation predicted actual dew reasonably well. The predicted growing-season dew amount (21.3 mm) was equivalent to 7.2% and 8.9% of corresponding rainfall and evapotranspiration, respectively. It is suggested that dew could be a stable and continuous source of water that helps desert plants survive during warm summers

    Diurnal Freeze-Thaw Cycles Modify Winter Soil Respiration in a Desert Shrub-Land Ecosystem

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    Winter soil respiration (Rs) is becoming a significant component of annual carbon budgets with more warming in winter than summer. However, little is known about the controlling mechanisms of winter Rs in dryland. We made continuous measurements of Rs in four microsites (non-crust (BS), lichen (LC), moss (MC), and a mixture of moss and lichen (ML)) in a desert shrub-land ecosystem northern China, to investigate the causes of Rs dynamics in winter. The mean winter Rs ranged from 0.10 to 0.17 ”mol CO2 m−2·s−1 across microsites, with the highest value in BS. Winter Q10 (known as the increase in respiration rate per 10 °C increase in temperature) values (2.8–19) were much higher than those from the growing season (1.5). Rs and Q10 were greatly enhanced in freeze-thaw cycles compared to frozen days. Diurnal patterns of Rs between freeze-thaw and frozen days differed. Although the freeze-thaw period was relatively short, its cumulative Rs contributed significantly to winter Rs. The presence of biocrust might induce lower temperature, thus having fewer freeze-thaw cycles relative to bare soil, leading to the lower Rs for microsites with biocrusts. In conclusion, winter Rs in drylands was sensitive to soil temperature (Ts) and Ts-induced freeze-thaw cycles. The temperature impact on Rs varied among soil cover types. Winter Rs in drylands may become more important as the climate is continuously getting warmer
