37 research outputs found

    Nighttime chemistry at a high altitude site above Hong Kong

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    Nighttime reactions of nitrogen oxides influence ozone, volatile organic compounds, and aerosol and are thus important to the understanding of regional air quality. Despite large emissions and rapid recent growth of nitrogen oxide concentrations, there are few studies of nighttime chemistry in China. Here we present measurements of nighttime nitrogen oxides, NO3 and N2O5, from a coastal mountaintop site in Hong Kong adjacent to the megacities of the Pearl River Delta region. This is the first study of nighttime chemistry from a site within the residual layer in China. Key findings include the following. First, highly concentrated urban NOx outflow from the Pearl River Delta region was sampled infrequently at night, with N2O5 mixing ratios up to 8 ppbv (1 min average) or 12 ppbv (1 s average) in nighttime aged air masses. Second, the average N2O5 uptake coefficient was determined from a best fit to the available steady state lifetime data as γ(N2O5) = 0.014 ± 0.007. Although this determination is uncertain due to the difficulty of separating N2O5 losses from those of NO3, this value is in the range of previous residual layer determinations of N2O5 uptake coefficients in polluted air in North America. Third, there was a significant contribution of biogenic hydrocarbons to NO3 loss inferred from canister samples taken during daytime. Finally, daytime N2O5 mixing ratios were in accord with their predicted photochemical steady state. Heterogeneous uptake of N2O5 in fog is determined to be an important production mechanism for soluble nitrate, even during daytime. Key Points Large (up to 12 ppbv N2O5) but infrequent nocturnal NOx outflow from the Pearl River Delta Average N2O5 uptake coefficients 0.014 ± 0.007, in line with residual layer measurements in the U.S. Daytime N2O5 follows predicted steady state but rapidly produces soluble nitrate in fog.Department of Civil and Environmental Engineerin

    Formation of highly oxygenated organic molecules from chlorine-atom-initiated oxidation of alpha-pinene

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    Highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) from atmospheric oxidation of alpha-pinene can irreversibly condense to particles and contribute to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. Recently, the formation of nitryl chloride (C1NO(2)) from heterogeneous reactions, followed by its subsequent photolysis, is suggested to be an important source of chlorine atoms in many parts of the atmosphere. However, the oxidation of monoterpenes such as alpha-pinene by chlorine atoms has received very little attention, and the ability of this reaction to form HOMs is completely unstudied. Here, chamber experiments were conducted with alpha-pinene and chlorine under low- and high-nitrogen-oxide (NOx, NOx = NO+NO2) conditions. A nitrate-based CI-APi-ToF (chemical ionization-atmospheric pressure interface-time of flight) mass spectrometer was used to measure HOM products. Clear distributions of monomers with 9-10 carbon atoms and dimers with 18-20 carbon atoms were observed under low-NOx conditions. With increased concentration of NOx within the chamber, the formation of dimers was suppressed due to the reactions of peroxy radicals with NO. We estimated the HOM yields from chlorine-initiated oxidation of alpha-pinene under low-NOx conditions to be around 1.8 %, though with a substantial uncertainty range (0.8 %-4 %) due to lack of suitable calibration methods. Corresponding yields at high NOx could not be determined because of concurrent ozonolysis reactions. Our study demonstrates that also the oxidation of alpha-pinene by chlorine atoms and yield low-volatility organic compounds.Peer reviewe

    Observations of nitryl chloride and modeling its source and effect on ozone in the planetary boundary layer of southern China

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    Nitryl chloride (ClNO2) plays potentially important roles in atmospheric chemistry, but its abundance and effect are not fully understood due to the small number of ambient observations of ClNO2 to date. In late autumn 2013, ClNO2 was measured with a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) at a mountain top (957 m above sea level) in Hong Kong. During 12 nights with continuous CIMS data, elevated mixing ratios of ClNO2 (>400 parts per trillion by volume) or its precursor N2O5 (>1000 pptv) were observed on six nights, with the highest ever reported ClNO2 (4.7 ppbv, 1 min average) and N2O5 (7.7 ppbv, 1 min average) in one case. Backward particle dispersion calculations driven by winds simulated with a mesoscale meteorological model show that the ClNO2/N2O5-laden air at the high-elevation site was due to transport of urban/industrial pollution north of the site. The highest ClNO2/N2O5 case was observed in a later period of the night and was characterized with extensively processed air and with the presence of nonoceanic chloride. A chemical box model with detailed chlorine chemistry was used to assess the possible impact of the ClNO2 in the well-processed regional plume on next day ozone, as the air mass continued to downwind locations. The results show that the ClNO2 could enhance ozone by 5-16% at the ozone peak or 11-41% daytime ozone production in the following day. This study highlights varying importance of the ClNO2 chemistry in polluted environments and the need to consider this process in photochemical models for prediction of ground-level ozone and haze. Key Points First observation of ClNO2 in the planetary boundary layer of China Combined high-resolution meteorological and measurement-constrained chemical models in data analysis ClNO2 enhances daytime ozone peak by 5-16% in well-processed PRD air.Department of Civil and Environmental Engineerin

    Increased inorganic aerosol fraction contributes to air pollution and haze in China

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    The detailed formation mechanism of an increased number of haze events in China is still not very clear. Here, we found that reduced surface visibility from 1980 to 2010 and an increase in satellite-derived columnar concentrations of inorganic precursors from 2002 to 2012 are connected with each other. Typically, higher inorganic mass fractions lead to increased aerosol water uptake and light-scattering ability in elevated relative humidity. Satellite observation of aerosol precursors of NO2 and SO2 showed increased concentrations during the study period. Our in situ measurement of aerosol chemical composition in Beijing also confirmed increased contribution of inorganic aerosol fraction as a function of the increased particle pollution level. Our investigations demonstrate that the increased inorganic fraction in the aerosol particles is a key component in the frequently occurring haze days during the study period, and particularly the reduction of nitrate, sulfate and their precursor gases would contribute towards better visibility in China.Peer reviewe

    A novel approach for simple statistical analysis of high-resolution mass spectra

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    Recent advancements in atmospheric mass spectrometry provide huge amounts of new information but at the same time present considerable challenges for the data analysts. High-resolution (HR) peak identification and separation can be effort- and time-consuming yet still tricky and inaccurate due to the complexity of overlapping peaks, especially at larger mass-to-charge ratios. This study presents a simple and novel method, mass spectral binning combined with positive matrix factorization (binPMF), to address these problems. Different from unit mass resolution (UMR) analysis or HR peak fitting, which represent the routine data analysis approaches for mass spectrometry datasets, binPMF divides the mass spectra into small bins and takes advantage of the positive matrix factorization's (PMF) strength in separating different sources or processes based on different temporal patterns. In this study, we applied the novel approach to both ambient and synthetic datasets to evaluate its performance. It not only succeeded in separating overlapping ions but was found to be sensitive to subtle variations as well. Being fast and reliable, binPMF has no requirement for a priori peak information and can save much time and effort from conventional HR peak fitting, while still utilizing nearly the full potential of HR mass spectra. In addition, we identify several future improvements and applications for binPMF and believe it will become a powerful approach in the data analysis of mass spectra.Peer reviewe

    Insights into atmospheric oxidation processes by performing factor analyses on subranges of mass spectra

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    Our understanding of atmospheric oxidation chemistry has improved significantly in recent years, greatly facilitated by developments in mass spectrometry. The generated mass spectra typically contain vast amounts of information on atmospheric sources and processes, but the identification and quantification of these is hampered by the wealth of data to analyze. The implementation of factor analysis techniques have greatly facilitated this analysis, yet many atmospheric processes still remain poorly understood. Here, we present new insights into highly oxygenated products from monoterpene oxidation, measured by chemical ionization mass spectrometry, at a boreal forest site in Finland in autumn 2016. Our primary focus was on the formation of accretion products, i.e., dimers. We identified the formation of daytime dimers, with a diurnal peak at noontime, despite high nitric oxide (NO) concentrations typically expected to inhibit dimer formation. These dimers may play an important role in new particle formation events that are often observed in the forest. In addition, dimers identified as combined products of NO3 and O3 oxidation of monoterpenes were also found to be a large source of low-volatility vapors at night. This highlights the complexity of atmospheric oxidation chemistry and the need for future laboratory studies on multi-oxidant systems. These two processes could not have been separated without the new analysis approach deployed in our study, where we applied binned positive matrix factorization (binPMF) on subranges of the mass spectra rather than the traditional approach where the entire mass spectrum is included for PMF analysis. In addition to the main findings listed above, several other benefits compared to traditional methods were found.Peer reviewe

    Observations of biogenic ion-induced cluster formation in the atmosphere

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    A substantial fraction of aerosols, which affect air quality and climate, is formed from gaseous precursors. Highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) are essential to grow the newly formed particles and have been evidenced to initiate ion-induced nucleation in chamber experiments in the absence of sulfuric acid. We investigate this phenomenon in the real atmosphere using an extensive set of state-of-the-art ion and mass spectrometers deployed in a boreal forest environment. We show that within a few hours around sunset, HOMs resulting from the oxidation of monoterpenes are capable of forming and growing ion clusters even under low sulfuric acid levels. In these conditions, we hypothesize that the lack of photochemistry and essential vapors prevents the organic clusters from growing past 6 nm. However, this phenomenon might have been a major source of particles in the preindustrial atmosphere and might also contribute to particle formation in the future and consequently affect the climate.Peer reviewe

    Alkyl nitrates in the boreal forest : formation via the NO3-, OH- and O-3-induced oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds and ambient lifetimes

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    The formation of alkyl nitrates in various oxidation processes taking place throughout the diel cycle can represent an important sink of reactive nitrogen and mechanism for chain termination in atmospheric photo-oxidation cycles. The low-volatility alkyl nitrates (ANs) formed from biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), especially terpenoids, enhance rates of production and growth of secondary organic aerosol. Measurements of the NO3 reactivity and the mixing ratio of total alkyl nitrates (6 ANs) in the Finnish boreal forest enabled assessment of the relative importance of NO3-, O-3- and OH-initiated formation of alkyl nitrates from BVOCs in this environment. The high reactivity of the forest air towards NO3 resulted in reactions of the nitrate radical, with terpenes contributing substantially to formation of ANs not only during the night but also during daytime. Overall, night-time reactions of NO3 accounted for 49% of the local production rate of ANs, with contributions of 21 %, 18% and 12% for NO3, OH and O-3 during the day. The lifetimes of the gas-phase ANs formed in this environment were on the order of 2 h due to efficient uptake to aerosol (and dry deposition), resulting in the transfer of reactive nitrogen from anthropogenic sources to the forest ecosystem.Peer reviewe

    Pyruvic acid in the boreal forest : gas-phase mixing ratios and impact on radical chemistry

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    Pyruvic acid (CH3C(O)C(O)OH, 2-oxopropanoic acid) is an organic acid of biogenic origin that plays a crucial role in plant metabolism, is present in tropospheric air in both gas-phase and aerosol-phase, and is implicated in the formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). Up to now, only a few field studies have reported mixing ratios of gas-phase pyruvic acid, and its tropospheric sources and sinks are poorly constrained. We present the first measurements of gas-phase pyruvic acid in the boreal forest as part of the IBAIRN (Influence of Biosphere–Atmosphere Interactions on the Reactive Nitrogen budget) field campaign in HyytiĂ€lĂ€, Finland, in September 2016. The mean pyruvic acid mixing ratio during IBAIRN was 96 pptv, with a maximum value of 327 pptv. From our measurements we estimated the overall pyruvic acid source strength and quantified the contributions of isoprene oxidation and direct emissions from vegetation in this monoterpene-dominated forested environment. Further, we discuss the relevance of gas-phase pyruvic acid for atmospheric chemistry by investigating the impact of its photolysis on acetaldehyde and peroxy radical production rates. Our results show that, based on our present understanding of its photochemistry, pyruvic acid is an important source of acetaldehyde in the boreal environment, exceeding ethane and propane oxidation by factors of ∌10 and ∌20.Pyruvic acid (CH3C(O)C(O)OH, 2-oxopropanoic acid) is an organic acid of biogenic origin that plays a crucial role in plant metabolism, is present in tropospheric air in both gas-phase and aerosol-phase, and is implicated in the formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). Up to now, only a few field studies have reported mixing ratios of gas-phase pyruvic acid, and its tropospheric sources and sinks are poorly constrained. We present the first measurements of gas-phase pyruvic acid in the boreal forest as part of the IBAIRN (Influence of Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions on the Reactive Nitrogen budget) field campaign in Hyytiala, Finland, in September 2016. The mean pyruvic acid mixing ratio during IBAIRN was 96 pptv, with a maximum value of 327 pptv. From our measurements we estimated the overall pyruvic acid source strength and quantified the contributions of isoprene oxidation and direct emissions from vegetation in this monoterpene-dominated forested environment. Further, we discuss the relevance of gas-phase pyruvic acid for atmospheric chemistry by investigating the impact of its photolysis on acetaldehyde and peroxy radical production rates. Our results show that, based on our present understanding of its photochemistry, pyruvic acid is an important source of acetaldehyde in the boreal environment, exceeding ethane and propane oxidation by factors of similar to 10 and similar to 20.Peer reviewe