101 research outputs found

    The effect of intravenous vitamin C on the phosphorus level reduction in hemodialysis patients: A double blind randomized clinical trial

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    Aim The majority of hemodialysis patients are hyperphosphate-mic. Hyperphosphatemia in these patients can lead to renal oste-odystrophy, vascular calcifcation, cardiovascular events, and is independently associated with mortality risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of intravenous vitamin C on phosphorus level in hemodialysis patients. Methods Using a double blind randomized clinical trial, a total of 60 qualified hemodialysis patients were randomly allocated in two intervention and control groups and serum phosphorus, CRP, calcium, albumin and PTH levels were measured. At the end of each hemodialysis session, intervention group received vitamin C vial (500mg/5cc) intravenously three times a week for 8 weeks and control group received normal saline in the same way. Data were collected before and after two months of treatment. Data were analyzed using independent t-test, paired t-test and chi-square test. Results Vitamin C treated group had a significant decrease in phosphorus (p=0.01), CRP level (p=0.01) and Ca�P product (p=0.03). In contrast, there was no significant difference in phosphorous (p= 0.5) and CRP levels (p= 0.6) and Ca�P product (p=0.7) in the control group. In addition, there was no statistically significant change in calcium (p=0.1), PTH (p=0.4) and albumin (p=0.4) levels in both groups. Conclusion Intravenous vitamin C can significantly decrease phosphorus level in hemodialysis patients

    Graphs cospectral with multicone graphs KW 5 L(P)

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    E. R. van Dam and W. H. Haemers [15] conjectured that almost all graphs are determined by their spectra. Nevertheless, the set of graphs which are known to be determined by their spectra is small. Hence, discovering infinite classes of graphs that are determined by their spectra can be an interesting problem. The aim of this paper is to characterize new classes of multicone graphs that are determined by their spectrum. A multicone graph is defined to be the join of a clique and a regular graph. It is proved that any graph cospectral with multicone graph Kw 5 L(P) is determined by its adjacency spectrum as well as its Laplacian spectrum, where Kw and L(P) denote a complete graph on w vertices and the line graph of the Petersen graph, respectively. Finally, three problems for further researches are proposed.Publisher's Versio

    Social Accountability in Nursing Education: A Necessary Yet Neglected Issue

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    Background: Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is one of the nursing professional roles that can lead them to provide the best and more effective care. However, no studies are available on nursing students’ competencies in EBP. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the nursing students’ knowledge, attitude and intention to implement EBP and its related factors in two nursing and midwifery faculties in Tehran, Iran. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 170 undergraduate nursing students were selected from two faculties of nursing and midwifery in Tehran, Iran. A census sampling method was applied and they were all before graduation in 2013. The Rubin and Parrish questionnaire was used to assess the students’ knowledge, attitude and intention to implement EBP as well as factors affecting the implementation of EBP. Students completed the instrument through self-report. Descriptive statistics, Independent sample t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. Results: The students mean scores of knowledge, attitude and intention to implement EBP was 31.08 ± 5.77, 50.40 ± 9.58, 36.01 ± 4.64, respectively. The students’ age was inversely correlated with their scores of knowledge, attitude and intention to use EBP (P < 0.05). However, the students’ GPA was in direct association with their knowledge, attitude and intention to implement EBP (P < 0.05). No significant differences were observed between the males and females mean scores in the three subscales. However, significant differences were found between the students mean scores in the two subscales of knowledge and attitudes toward EBP in terms of familiarity with statistics and research methods (P < 0.05). Neither familiarity with research methods nor familiarity with EBP could significantly affect the students’ intention to implement EBP. Conclusions: The present study showed that nursing students have not a high mean score in the three subscales of knowledge, attitude and intention to implement EBP. It is essential for faculties and nurse managers not only to focus on education of EBP, but also to support nurses and nursing students to implement it in the process patient care

    Aplicación de Normas Procedimientos establecidos por la SIBOIF, en las Operaciones Contables y Financieras de la Compañía GLOBAL,Corredores de Seguros de Estelí, durante el Período de Enero a Diciembre del año 2013

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    La empresa Global Corredores de Seguros, es una empresa en pleno crecimiento, pero cualquier empresa presenta problemas de carácter interno y externo. La presente investigación aborda la temática sobre el cumplimiento de los procedimientos establecidos por la SIBOIF. Esta investigación es necesaria para la dirigente de la empresa, por que hace falta un estudio claro que demuestre la situación actual de la empresa, donde refleje su fortalezas y debilidades en cuanto a los procedimientos establecidos por la SIBOIF, así mismo es de gran importancia para los colaboradores de dicha empresa para que se informen sobre la situación actual de ella y trabajen en base al mejoramiento de la empresa. Mediante esta investigación se pretende ayudar a la empresa a formular nuevas estrategias para la gestión administrativas y contables, para mejorar su funcionamiento tanto interno como externo, esto se reflejará en una mejor organización en el cumplimiento de los procedimientos estipulados por la SIBOIF, a su vez brindar un servicio de calidad a sus clientes, de esta manera se propondrán soluciones a la problemática que afecta a dicha empresa. Además toda esta información servirá de fuente para los futuros profesionales, docentes como documento de consulta, la empresa, nosotros como investigadores y población general

    Clinical Features of Patients with Probable 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia in Rasht, Iran: A Retrospective Case Series

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    BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is the first pandemic infectious disease caused by a novel coronavirus. Viral pneumonia is a severe complication of COVID-19. AIM: Due to the high prevalence of this disease globally, especially in Iran, the aim of this study was to determine the clinical features of seven patients with probable COVID-19 infected pneumonia in Rasht, North Iran. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective case series study, we described the clinical, laboratory, and radiological features of seven patients with probable COVID-19 infected pneumonia at Razi Hospital, Rasht, north of Iran, from February 27 to March 16, 2020. RESULTS: In this study, the most common clinical symptoms during hospitalization in patients with COVID-19 were poor appetite (seven cases), dehydration (seven cases), cough (six cases), dyspnea (six cases), fatigue (six cases), fever above 38°C (five cases), myalgia (five cases), Chills (five cases), feeling fever (five cases), sore throat (five cases), and nausea (five cases), respectively. The average body temperature in these patients was 39.32°C. In laboratory findings, erythrocyte sedimentation rate was elevated in three patients. Contrary to most of the evidence, C-reactive protein was not elevated in five patients. All patients received antibiotic and antiviral medications and received symptomatic treatment. Finally, four patients responded to the treatments and were discharged from the hospital; two patients were still hospitalized and only one patient died. CONCLUSION: Patients with COVID-19 associated pneumonia can be treated by evaluating and implementing appropriate therapeutic management. However, at the moment the disease progression for patients with COVID-19 cannot be accurately predicted

    Espacios arquitectónicos vivenciales para contribuir con la difusión de las manifestaciones culturales del distrito de Tayabamba, Patáz 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo el propósito de definir los espacios arquitectónicos vivenciales para permitir la difusión de las manifestaciones culturales del distrito de Tayabamba, para ello se realizó un análisis de las manifestaciones culturales más representativas y las condiciones arquitectónicas que se requieren para un centro cultural vivencial. Se planteó una investigación no experimental de enfoque cualitativo transversal; donde se utilizó como instrumentos de recolección de datos, la guía de entrevista, dirigida a un grupo de personas escogidas por conveniencia; en la cual se consideró a la población adolescente, joven y adulta, ya que, son personas que conocen las necesidades de la realidad problemática. Llegando a la conclusión que la población entrevistada conoce gran parte de la cultura de dicho distrito, porque ayudaron a determinar de manera precisa las manifestaciones culturales tayabambinas, las cuales son: la danza, gastronomía y artesanía. Dentro de las danzas más representativas se encuentran los huaris, diablos pobres y diablos collas. Seguidamente en la gastronomía se destaca el picante de cuy, ceviche de pollo y la chicha de jora. Por último, en la artesanía se identifican las imágenes y máscaras de danzas; determinando así los espacios arquitectónicos vivenciales, de acuerdo a cada manifestación cultural
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