1,151 research outputs found


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    Pieghe dello spazio urbano. Una mappa di luoghi cancellati a Budapest

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    La mappa è sempre stata uno strumento capace di determinare relazioni di potere ed anche se oggi ci sforziamo di modificarne la natura, di piegarla a nuovi usi, resiste, vuoi per inerzia, vuoi per volontà

    The Interpretation of Territorial Heritage in the Planning Process. The Tuscan Experience

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    ABSTRAKArtikel “PRO KONTRA PEMBELAJARAN       JARAK JAUH di ERA PANDEMI” merupakan pembahasan mengenai peralihan pembelajaran tatap muka menjadi pembelajaran jarak jauh. Permasalahan dalam pembahasan terfokus pada pro dan kontra pembelajaran jarak jauh yang terjadi di masyarakat. Tujuan artikel mengenai pro kontra PJJ dibahas secara kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif. Hal-hal yang dideskripsikan dalam artikel antara lain: 1) Keluhan orang tua siswa yang tidak memiliki hp android di era pandemi, 2) Peran orang tua dalam PJJ di era pandemi, 3) Nasib pendidikan di era pandemi, 4) Pro kontra PJJ di era pandemi. Kesimpulan dari pembahasan pada artikel ini adalah PJJ merupakan salah satu solusi pembelajaran di era pandemi meskipun menuai pro dan kontra. Kata kunci: pro, kontra, PJJ, pandemi  ABSTRACTThe article “PRO CONS OF REMOTE LEARNING IN THE PANDEMIC ERA” is a discussion of the transition of face-to-face learning to distance learning. The problem in the discussion focused on the pros and cons of distance learning that occurred in the community. The purpose of the article on the pros and cons of PJJ is discussed qualitatively and is descriptive in nature. The things described in the article include: 1) Complaints of parents who do not have Android phones in the pandemic era, 2) The role of parents in PJJ in the pandemic era, 3) The fate of education in the pandemic era, 4) Pros and cons of PJJ in pandemic era. The conclusion from the discussion in this article is that PJJ is one of the learning solutions in the pandemic era, even though there are pros and cons. Keywords: pros, cons, PJJ, pandemi

    Digitally Aided Sovereignty: A Suitable Guide for the E-Government Transformation?

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    We advocate for the adoption of an integrated strategy aimed at achieving increased participation via effective digital public administration services. We argue that it is urgent to understand the integration of participatory approaches from the field of e-democracy in digitalized public administration, as trendsetting e-government implementations are already underway. We base our arguments on the observation that the approaches in e-democracy and e-government seem to be locked into extremes: In e-democracy, (experimental) platforms have failed to create a participative political culture. E-government, in turn, narrowly perceives citizens as customers. Additionally, efforts to increase digital sovereignty have mostly been educational ones that support citizens' self-determined use of the digital but do not address sovereignty via the digital. As a result, digitalized public administration is not achieving its potential to create opportunities for participation during encounters with the administration. Hence, we argue for the adoption of a digitally aided sovereignty as a normative guide for an e-government transformation that strives to create opportunities for participation via the digital

    Early death or retransplantation in adults after orthotopic liver transplantation: Can outcome be predicted?

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    Early, reliable outcome prediction after a liver transplant would help improve organ use by minimizing unnecessary retransplantations. At the same time, early intervention in those cases destined to fail may ameliorate the high morbidity and mortality associated with retransplantation. The purpose of this study was to analyze several parameters that have been identified in the past as being associated with patient and graft outcome, and to try to develop a model that would allow us to make predictions based on data available in the early postoperative period. A total of 148 patients were followed in a prospective, observational study. Graft failure was defined as patient death or retransplantation within 3 months of surgery. Preoperative variables studied included patient demographics, need for life support, presence of ascites, serum bilirubin, serum albumin, prothrombin time, serum creatinine, and the results of the cytotoxic crossmatch. During the first 5 postoperative days, standard measurements included serum transaminases, serum bilirubin, ketone body ratio, prothrombin time, factor V, and serum lactate. Oxygen consumption was measured shortly after surgery, once the patients had rewarmed to 36°C. There were 131 successful transplants (88.5%) and 17 failures (11.5%). Most of the variables studied were found to be associated with outcome (by univariate analysis) at different points in the early postoperative period. However, receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed that the predictive ability of even the best parameter was not adequate to make decisions on individual patients. Multivariate analysis, using stepwise logistic regression, yielded a model with an overall accuracy of 92.7%. Again, receiver operating characteristic curve analysis suggested that this model did not achieve the discriminating power needed for routine clinical use. We are still not able to accurately predict outcome in the early posttransplant period. We must be very careful when evaluating parameters, or scoring systems, that are said to accomplish this. It is especially important in this era of cost containment, with its renewed pressures to guide therapy based on our perceived understanding of a patient’s future clinical course. © 1994 by Williams & Wilkins

    Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction Among Employees: A Case Study in Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Malaysia

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    Occupational stress is one of the workplace issues that is widely discussed and recognised. In the mean time, job satisfaction is considered as one of the possible effects of the stress suffered by the employees. This study has focused on the discovery of association between causes of occupational stress and overall job satisfaction, as well as the gender differences on overall job satisfaction among the managerial and professional officers in MOA. The caused examined are limited to workload, role conflict and physical work environment. This study employed a quantitative research design, whereby the data were collected through questionnaires. The questions in the questionnaire use USDAW Stress Questionnaires (for workload and physical work environment), NIOSH Generic Job Stress Questionnaire (for role conflict)and Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (short form)(for job satisfaction). It is found that all the causes of occupational stress are correlated with overall job satisfaction, with only role conflict having a positive relationship. In contrast, no significance difference has been found between male and female officers in terms of overall job satisfaction. In short, the prevalence of association between causes of stress and job satisfaction existed, similar to the previous studies. However, the variance between gender and overall satisfaction in MOA is not significant inconsistent with majority of earlier studies. Further studies are highly recommended on the association between role between the findings of this study with the others

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Melalui Metode Bermain Peran Pada Siswa Kelas II SDN Karangrejo 04 Jember

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya permasalahan yang terjadi dalam keterampilan berbicara yang terbukti dengan dilakukan tanya jawab pada saat pembelajaran oleh guru hanya beberapa siswa yang dapat menjawab, dikarenakan banyak siswa yang masih malu dan kurang percaya diri dalam mengungkapkan pendapatnya. Menurut data awal tersebut, ada beberapa penyebab rendahnya keterampilan berbicara siswa, seperti kurangnya ketertarikan siswa saat pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia serta kurangnya materi yang diberikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah proses penerapan metode bermain peran dan bagaimanakah peningkatan keterampilan berbicara siswa melalui metode bermain peran pada siswa kelas II di SDN Karangrejo 04 Jember?. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah  siswa-siswi kelas II SDN Karangrejo 04 Jember pada semester ganjil tahun 2019/2020 dengan jumlah siswa 34 siswa yang terdiri 20 siswa laki-laki dan 14 siswa perempuan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu melalui metode  wawancara dan metode dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan cara memberikan skor pada setiap indikator keterampilan berbicara yang dinilai. Hasil analisis menunjukkan rendahnya keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas II. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rendahnya keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas II di SDN Karangrejo 04 Jember. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kesalahan tersebut adalah ketidak tertarikan siswa siswa dan kurangnya pemberian materi kepada siswa.   Kata Kunci: keterampilan berbicara dan bermain peran. &nbsp