67 research outputs found

    Reconsidering the Role of Conflict in the Lives of Refugees: The Case of Somalis in Europe

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    Based upon qualitative research with Somali refugees in two European host countries – the UK and the Netherlands - this paper explores the micro-level experiences and ongoing effects of the Somali conflict on their lives in exile. Challenging predominant macro-level framings of refugees in these settings, it supports a micro-level analysis of their experiences and lives. It analyses their ongoing connections with the conflict in Somalia, and reveals how this can affect aspects of their integration and emotional health while in exile, alongside social problems such as poverty, drug use and divorce.

    Los desafĂ­os de desarrollo y protecciĂłn de la crisis de refugiados sirios

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    El Plan de Respuesta Regional para Siria 6 (RRP6, por sus siglas en inglés) de 2014 brinda un mayor enfoque en la recuperación temprana, las intervenciones de cohesión social y una transición desde la asistencia hacia las intervenciones dirigidas al desarrollo, junto con el actual programa a gran escala de asistencia humanitaria y protección

    La tensiĂłn ambiental, el desplazamiento y el reto de los derechos de protecciĂłn

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    El examen de los historiales migratorios y de las actuales polĂ­ticas en Kenia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, EtiopĂ­a y Ghana arroja luz sobre el modo en que estĂĄn articulados los derechos para los colectivos e individuos desplazados en un contexto de tensiĂłn ambiental y de cambio climĂĄtico. Tanto la migraciĂłn como los derechos son cuestiones sensibles en los paĂ­ses objeto de nuestro estudio, y la conjunciĂłn de ambos resulta especialmente delicada

    Contestation and reconstruction: natural capital and post-conflict development in borderland regions

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    Though often remote and underdeveloped, borderlands are contested territories. The incorporation of borderlands into the post-conflict state highlights many important land-related paradigms, including the conversion of natural resources for economic, political, and civic purposes. This article explores the relationship between the natural resources of borderlands and their post-conflict development, management, and sustainability. Based on case study data and secondary material drawn from Croatia and Cyprus, the paper seeks to establish how the interplay of cross-border, national, and sub-national interests in post-conflict settings may contribute to the creation of new opportunities for economic development and the reconstruction of borderlands. It considers how the exploitation of natural resources may advance the agendas for the political development and incorporation of previous sites of contestation; and equally how their incorporation may constrain policies of sustainability, potentially giving rise to new conflicts. The paper sheds light on issues such as: the conversion of borderland natural capital to political capital as post-conflict states assert sovereignty claims and consolidate territorial identity; the ways in which the non-monetary value of natural capital is reconceived as commercial use value in post-conflict reconstruction; and the involvement of non-state actors and civil society in promoting environmental agendas, often as a counterbalance to state power

    Sans Papiers

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    Undocumented migration is a huge global phenomenon, yet little is known about the reality of life for those involved. Sans Papiers combines a contemporary account of the theoretical and policy debates with an in-depth exploration of the lived experiences of undocumented migrants in the UK from Zimbabwe, China, Brazil, Ukraine and Turkish Kurdistan. Built around their voices, the book provides the reader with a unique understanding of migratory processes, gendered experiences and migrant aspirations. Moving between the uniqueness of individual experience and the search for commonalities, the book explores the ambiguities and contradictions of being an undocumented migrant. With its insights into personal experiences alongside analysis of wider policy issues, Sans Papiers will have wide appeal for students, academics, policy-makers and practitioners

    Sans Papiers

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    Undocumented migration is a huge global phenomenon, yet little is known about the reality of life for those involved. Sans Papiers combines a contemporary account of the theoretical and policy debates with an in-depth exploration of the lived experiences of undocumented migrants in the UK from Zimbabwe, China, Brazil, Ukraine and Turkish Kurdistan. Built around their voices, the book provides the reader with a unique understanding of migratory processes, gendered experiences and migrant aspirations. Moving between the uniqueness of individual experience and the search for commonalities, the book explores the ambiguities and contradictions of being an undocumented migrant. With its insights into personal experiences alongside analysis of wider policy issues, Sans Papiers will have wide appeal for students, academics, policy-makers and practitioners

    El derecho de los refugiados al trabajo y al acceso a los mercados laborales: limitaciones, retos y caminos a seguir

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    Para los refugiados, el derecho al trabajo y al acceso a los mercados laborales son fundamentales para alcanzar la autosuficiencia, ayudarles a construir sus vidas, garantizar su dignidad y poder contribuir a sus comunidades de acogida. Los paĂ­ses de acogida deben evaluar las posibilidades de abrir sus mercados laborales a los refugiados y mejorar su acceso a un trabajo decente

    Marcos jurĂ­dicos y normativos

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    La forma en que se traten los marcos jurĂ­dicos y normativos serĂĄ crucial para la seguridad de las personas amenazadas por el cambio climĂĄtico

    En movimiento, sin descanso

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    En 2007, como nuevo Director del Centro de Estudios sobre Refugiados (RSC, por sus siglas en inglés), estaré encantado de ser el anfitrión de la celebración de su 25 aniversario

    Una nueva estrategia para abordar los retos humanitarios en las zonas urbanas

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    La experiencia indica que siguen existiendo importantes retos en los enfoques operativos humanitarios clave en lo que respecta a las necesidades del creciente nĂșmero de desplazados internos y de refugiados que migran a las ciudades. Abordar estas cuestiones de una manera mĂĄs efectiva exigirĂĄ aumentar los recursos, nuevas herramientas y orientaciĂłn humanitaria
