157 research outputs found
Collective aspects of pre-service lower secondary teachers' knowledge on density of rational numbers
Analisis Kemampuan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fkip Universitas Riau dalam Pengukuran Keliling dan Luas Bangun Datar
The purpose of this study is to analyze student teachers at Primary School Teacher Education of RiauUniversity in understanding the concepts of measurement perimeter and area. The reason in doingthis research is that many student teachers usually use formal formula in solving measurementperimeter and area. They will do the same thing when they teach Primary School Students, so thestudents will not know how the formula works. Design research was chosen as a method in gettingdata. The data were collected from 48 student teachers at Primary School Teacher Education of RiauUniversity. The result showed that six out of ten group of student teachers did not use partitioning inthe beginning of the lesson. They also made a mistake in measuring the perimeter of unstructuredshapes. After classroom discussion, 96% student teachers came to the idea of partitioning. It meansthat they realized the important of partitioning in measure the area of unstructured shapes
Karakteristik Geokimia Organik Fraksi Hidrokarbon Alifatik Batubara Sawahlunto, Cekungan Ombilin, Sumatra Barat
Batubara Sawahlunto, Sumatra Barat dianalisis untuk menentukan karakter geokimia organiknya melalui metode ekstraksi dan identifikasi sehingga dihasilkan fraksi hidrokarbon alifatik. Fraksi hidrokarbon alifatik kemudian dianalisis dan diidentifikasi strukturnya menggunakan Kromatografi Gas – Spektrometri Massa (KG-SM). Identifikasi struktur menunjukan adanya distribusi n-alkana dan isoprenoid. Senyawa n-alkana terdistribusi unimodal mulai n-C15 sampai n-C33 dengan dominasi rantai panjang (>C20) yang mengindikasikan senyawa organik batubara berasal dari tumbuhan tingkat tinggi. Rasio pristan terhadap fitana > 3 menunjukan lingkungan pengendapan yang oksik. Kedua sampel memiliki nilai LHCPI < 1 menunjukan bahan organic berasal dari tumbuhan tingkat tinggi. Kedua sampel memiliki nilai CPI > 1 menunjukan batubara Sawahlunto belum matang. Hasil analisis kalori dengan Bomb Kalorimeter terhadap sampel batubara yang dianalisis menunjukkan sampel tergolong ke dalam peringkat sub-bituminous
A framework for a comparative study of pre-service elementary teachers’ knowledge of rational numbers
This paper presents a framework of a PhD research of the first author about a comparative study of pre-service elementary teachers’ knowledge of rational numbers between Indonesia and Denmark. To obtain the data, the authors design a series of hypothetical teacher tasks (HTTs), inspired by a paper of Durand-Guerrier, Winsløw, and Yoshida (2010). Subjects in this research are pre-service elementary teachers from a selection of different University Colleges in Denmark and from the elementary school teacher education study program, Riau University, in Indonesia. The praxeological reference models and the levels of didactic codetermination are used as tools to analyse the result
A framework for a comparative study of pre-service elementary teachers’ knowledge of rational numbers
This paper presents a framework of a PhD research of the first author about a comparative study of pre-service elementary teachers’ knowledge of rational numbers between Indonesia and Denmark. To obtain the data, the authors design a series of hypothetical teacher tasks (HTTs), inspired by a paper of Durand-Guerrier, Winsløw, and Yoshida (2010). Subjects in this research are pre-service elementary teachers from a selection of different University Colleges in Denmark and from the elementary school teacher education study program, Riau University, in Indonesia. The praxeological reference models and the levels of didactic codetermination are used as tools to analyse the result
Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Melaksanakan Keterbukaan Informasi Publik: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan dan Kota Padang
Titik lemah dari implementasi keterbukaan informasi publik, berada di kebijakan pemerintah dan kepala daerah. Khusus kepala daerah memiliki kewenangan dalam hal mengeluarkan regulasi, politik anggaran yang pro dengan pengembangan sistim dan budaya keterbukaan dan strategi dalam menggerakkan stakeholders untuk keterbukaan informasi publik.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan dan menganalisis kebijakan pemerintah daerah di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan dan Kota Padang dalam melaksanakan keterbukaan informasi publik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe penelitian studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan bahwa dalam melihat kebijakan kepala daerah sebagai political will di Pesisir Selatan dan Kota Padang dilihat dari (a) aspek regulasi dan perangkat keputusan yang dibuat merupakan titik tolak bagaimana sebuah kebijakan bisa diimplementasikan dengan baik, (b) pemahaman yang sama pada agenda formal, sehingga masalah yang muncul menjadi masalah publik untuk diagendakan menjadi kebijakan publik. ( c) Insentif dan disinsentif pendukung terkait dengan kepatuhan implementator dalam menerapkan kebijakan publik dan (d) bagaimana kepala daerah mengorkestrasi komitmen bersama melalui pendanaan dan sanksi dan penerapan kebijakan, mekanisme penegakan hukum disertai sanksi yang jelas, serta ada dukungan dari pelaksana kebijakan atau birokrat.
Local Government Policies in Implementing Public Information Disclosure: Case Studies in Pesisir Selatan Regency and Padang City. The weak point of the implementation of public information disclosure is in the policies of regional heads. Regional heads have authority in terms of issuing regulations, pro-budgetary politics with system development and a culture of openness and strategies in mobilizing stakeholders for public information disclosure. The purpose of this study is to explain and analyze the policies of regional heads in Pesisir Selatan Regency and Padang City in implementing public information disclosure. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study research type. Data collection techniques were carried out using interviews and documentation methods. From the results of this study, researchers found that in viewing regional head policies as political will in Pesisir Selatan and Padang City seen from (a) the regulatory aspects and the decision tools made are the starting point for how a policy can be implemented properly, (b) a good understanding the same on the formal agenda, so that problems that arise become public issues to be scheduled to become public policies. (c) Supporting incentives and disincentives related to implementer compliance in implementing public policies and (d) how regional heads orchestrate shared commitments through funding and sanctions and implementation of policies, law enforcement mechanisms accompanied by clear sanctions, and support from policy implementers or bureaucrats
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