1,313 research outputs found

    Persepsi Siswa dalam Menggunakan Kahoot sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab pada Siswa Kelas Delapan di Madrasah Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Tahun Ajaran 2018-2019

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    Persepsi siswa terhadap kahoot sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Arab kelas VIII Mu’allimaat Yogyakarta tahun 2018-2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa terhadap kahoot sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Arab dan kendala yang dirasakan saat menggunakan Kahoot di Madrasah Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan menjadi karya tulis ilmiah yang mampu memperkaya wawasan tentang kahoot sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Arab.Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan mengambil latar belakang dari Madrasah Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode angket, observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan sumber data dari guru, dan siswi kelas VIII D. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan persepsi siswi terhadap kahoot sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa arab dan kendala siswi saat mengguanakan kahoot. Peneliti mengguanakn 40 sampel siswi di Madrasah Mu’allimaat Yogyakarta. Peneliti membuat quiz kahoot yang telah telah dipelajari siswi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat banyak persepsi siswi tehadap kahoot sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Arab, secara umumnya kahoot bisa membuat siswi semangat dan memotivasi siswi untuk belajar bahasa Arab, siswi merasakan tidak bosan belajar menggunakan kahoot dan siswi senang belajar menggunakan kahoot. Kendala yang dirasakan siswi umumnya adalah font ukuran untuk jawaban terlalu kecil, sehingga anak tidak kelihatan jika duduk paling belakang

    Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Human Resources Planning in Achieving Organizational Objectives: A Case of Tanzania Public Service College and Immigration Department

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    The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of Human Resources Planning in achieving organizational objectives. In pursuit of this objective, the methodology that was applied in data collection includes questionnaire, oral interview, observation and document analysis. Judgment sampling was used to select the sample for study, the sample includes members of HR department, administration and heads of department. The survey data were analyzed by using SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Sciences). The findings show that HRP improves organizational performance and it is very effective in enabling an organization to achieve its objectives. HRP and succession planning are nowpracticed in some organizations and they help to improve performance and stability of organizations

    Implementasi Bussinesee Intelligence pada Analisis Peningkatan Sarana Perairan Kota Padang Tahun 2013 – 2015 Menggunakan Aplikasi Tableau

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    Sarana perairan sendiri berguna untuk menunjang  dan membantu masyarakat baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Peningkatan sarana perairan sangat penting karena dengan adanya peningkatan sarana tersebut masyarakat akan terbantu dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dibidang perairan terutama air minum berkualitas (layak). Umumnya, sarana perairan yang ada di Kota Padang tidak merata dari tahun ke tahun. Ketidakmerataan ini terjadi hampir diseluruh wilayah di Kota Padang. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengimplementasian Bussiness Intelligence untuk melihat bagaimana peningkatan sarana perairan yang ada di Kota Padang dari tahun 2013 – 2015 dengan menggunakan aplikasi pengolahan data yaitu Tableau. Dengan pengimplementasian Bussiness Intelligence ini diharapkan akan mampu membantu pemerintah dalam menentukan peningkatan sarana perairan dari tahun 2013-2015 di Kota Padang

    Increasing Physical Activity Through Non-Weight Bearing Modality

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    Educación para la liberación: una propuesta desde la filosofía latinoamericana

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    El ensayo discute los términos ‘filosofía latinoamericana’, ‘filosofía de la liberación’ y ‘educación para la liberación de América Latina’. A partir de las ideas en torno a la existencia de una filosofía latinoamericana, que es resultado del esfuerzo por filosofar desde las necesidades sociales y políticas del subcontinente, se argumenta a favor de la existencia de una ‘educación para la liberación de América Latina’, la cual —se concluye— debe entenderse como una práctica pedagógica que permita leer el mundo críticamente, que sea transformadora de conciencias, pero también de la vida comunitaria de los individuos, lo cual, ahora, exige una búsqueda incesante de la identidad mediante la experiencia histórica y el diálogo, pues la educación es un proceso de acción y transformación de la vida y de la historia que en ella persiste

    The Endocrine Regulation of Wing Polymorphism in Insects: State of the Art, Recent Surprises, and Future Directions

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    The endocrine mechanisms controlling the development and reproduction of flight-capable (long-winged) and flightless (short-winged or wingless) morphs of wing-polymorphic insects have been intensively investigated. The classical model, put forward in the early 1960s, postulates that morph-specific differences in development and reproduction are caused by variation in the titers of juvenile hormone (JH) and/or ecdysone. Despite decades of study, the importance of these hormones in regulating wing polymorphism in aphids and planthoppers remains uncertain. This uncertainly is largely a consequence of technical and size constraints which have severely limited the types of endocrine approaches that can be used in these insects. Recent studies in wing-polymorphic crickets (Gryllus) have provided the first direct evidence that the in vivo blood titers of juvenile hormone and ecdysone, and especially the activity of the JH regulator, juvenile hormone esterase, differ between nascent morphs. Morph differences are largely consistent with the classical model, although some types of data are problematic, and other explanations are possible. Adult morphs differ dramatically in the JH titer but titer differences are more complex than those proposed by the classical model. Detailed endocrine information is thus far available only for a few species of crickets, and the hormonal control of wing polymorphism for insects as a whole remains poorly understood. Future studies should continue to investigate the role of JH and ecdysteroids in morph development and reproduction, and should expand to include studies of morph-specific differences in hormone receptors and neurohormones

    Intermediary Metabolism and Life History Trade-offs: Lipid Metabolism in Lines of the Wing-polymorphic Cricket, \u3ci\u3eGryllus firmus,\u3c/i\u3e Selected for Flight Capability vs. Early Age Reproduction

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    The extent to which modifications in intermediary metabolism contribute to life history variation and trade-offs is an important but poorly understood aspect of life history evolution. Artificial selection was used to produce replicate genetic stocks of the wing-polymorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus, that were nearly pure-breeding for either the flight-capable (LW[f]) morph, which delays ovarian growth, or the flightless (SW) morph, which exhibits enhanced early-age fecundity. LW(f) lines accumulated substantially more triglyceride, the main flight fuel in Gryllus, compared with SW-selected lines, and enhanced accumulation of triglyceride was strongly associated with reduced ovarian growth. Increased triglyceride accumulation in LW(f) lines resulted from elevated de novo biosynthesis of fatty acid and two morph-specific trade-offs: (1) greater proportional utilization of fatty acid for glyceride biosynthesis vs. oxidation, and (2) a greater diversion of fatty acids into triglyceride vs. phospholipid biosynthesis. Even though SW lines produced less total lipid and triglyceride, they produced more phospholipid (important in egg development) than did LW(f) lines. Differences between LW(f) and SW morphs in lipid biosynthesis resulted from substantial alterations in the activities of all studied lipogenic enzymes, a result that is consistent with expectations of Metabolic Control Theory. Finally, application of a juvenile hormone analogue to LW(f) females produced a striking SW phenocopy with respect to all aspects of lipid metabolism studied. Global alterations of lipid metabolism, most likely produced by alterations in endocrine regulation, underlie morph specializations for flight vs. early-age fecundity in G. firmus. Modification of the endocrine control of intermediary metabolism is likely to be an important mechanism by which intermediary metabolism evolves and contributes to life history evolution

    Review of recent literature concerning techniques of teaching comprehension to secondary school students

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    This paper will summarize ways teachers can affect comprehension of material presented to their students. for the purpose of this paper, it was determined to survey the literature over the last five years as it pertained to techniques of teaching reading comprehension to students from seventh grade through high school

    Locomotion in Response to Shifting Climate Zones: Not So Fast

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    Although a species’ locomotor capacity is suggestive of its ability to escape global climate change, such a suggestion is not necessarily straightforward. Species vary substantially in locomotor capacity, both ontogenetically and within/among populations, and much of this variation has a genetic basis. Accordingly, locomotor capacity can and does evolve rapidly, as selection experiments demonstrate. Importantly, even though this evolution of locomotor capacity may be rapid enough to escape changing climate, genetic correlations among traits (often due to pleiotropy) are such that successful or rapid dispersers are often limited in colonization or reproductive ability, which may be viewed as a trade-off. The nuanced assessment of this variation and evolution is reviewed for well-studied models: salmon, flying versus flightless insects, rodents undergoing experimental evolution, and metapopulations of butterflies. This work reveals how integration of physiology with population biology and functional genomics can be especially informative


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    Background: Arriving at and implementing an appropriate patient centered treatment plan for early stage breast cancer requires significant dialogue between healthcare providers and patients. How language barriers affect this process has not been thoroughly explored in the literature. The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of language barrier on variation and receipt of early stage breast cancer treatment. Methods: Rates of lumpectomy, mastectomy, and contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM) with or without reconstruction were compared between English speaking and Low English Proficiency (LEP) cohorts. Patients with recurrent or bilateral breast cancer, male patients, and/or known genetic mutations were excluded. Receipt of recommended treatments including chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and radiation were compared between the two groups, as well as patient refusal and loss of follow-up. Regression analysis for all-cause mortality within this time period was tabulated for each group. Results: There were no significant differences between receipt of recommended treatments, patient refusal or loss of follow up between the cohorts. LEP patients had a greater proportion of lumpectomies (79.7 versus 70.7%) while 9.2% of English-speaking patients had CPM or CPM with reconstruction compared to none of the LEP patients. These trends, however, did not rise to statistical significance within our small population sample. Age, insurance type, and LEP were associated with significant difference in all-cause mortality, however only age and insurance remained significant in adjusted analysis. Conclusion: Our results indicate a non-statistically significant trend towards less variation of surgical treatment variation for early stage breast cancer in the LEP population, including a greater frequency of lumpectomy and less utilization of CPM. Larger, multicenter studies would be needed to affirm and further investigate these trends
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