15 research outputs found

    Superior effects of eccentric to concentric knee extensor resistance training on physical fitness, insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles of elderly men

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    It has been reported that eccentric training of knee extensors is effective for improving blood insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles to a greater extent than concentric training in young women. However, it is not known whether this is also the case for elderly individuals. Thus, the present study tested the hypothesis that eccentric training of the knee extensors would improve physical function and health parameters (e.g., blood lipid profiles) of older adults better than concentric training. Healthy elderly men (60–76 years) were assigned to either eccentric training or concentric training group (n=13/group), and performed 30–60 eccentric or concentric contractions of knee extensors once a week. The intensity was progressively increased over 12 weeks from 10 to 100% of maximal concentric strength for eccentric training and from 50 to 100% for concentric training. Outcome measures were taken before and 4 days after the training period. The results showed that no sings of muscle damage were observed after any sessions. Functional physical fitness (e.g., 30-s chair stand) and maximal concentric contraction strength of the knee extensors increased greater (P ≤ 0.05) after eccentric training than concentric training. Homeostasis model assessment, oral glucose tolerance test and whole blood glycosylated hemoglobin

    SPDC sources and their application in quantum information including one-time programs and flow ambiguity

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    Die Erzeugung von Photonen mit maßgeschneiderten Eigenschaften ist von größter Bedeutung in der experimentellen Quantenoptik. Fast alle verwendeten Photonenquellen basieren heutzutage auf spontaner Fluoreszenz, durch die ein Photon in einem nichtlinearen Kristall spontan in zwei Photonen zerfällt. Mithilfe dieses Effektes lassen sich sowohl Einzelphotonenquellen als auch Quellen zur Erzeugung von verschränkten Photonenpaaren verwirklichen. In dieser Arbeit werden die Eigenschaften von verschiedenen, auf Fluoreszenez basierender, Photonenquellen beschrieben, sowie ihre Anwendung in zwei ausgewählten quantenoptischen Experimenten. Das erste Experiment stellt eine Anwendung der sogenannten blinden Quantendatenverarbeitung dar, in der ein Anwender ohne quantenmechanische Ressourcen eine Berechnung auf einen Server auslagert, der über große Quantenkapazitäten verfügt. Das Besondere dabei ist, dass der Server die Berechnung zwar ausführt, dabei aber keine Details über die Berechnung selbst erfährt. Er ist der Eingabe, der Durchführung und der Ausgabe gegenüber 'blind'. Das zweite Experiment beschäftigt sich mit Einmalprogrammen, die nach einmaliger Verwendung unbrauchbar und nicht kopiert werden können. Durch Eigenschaften der Quantenmechanik ist es möglich, diese Art von Programmen zu verwirklichen ohne die physische Zerstörung von Hardware. Abschließend werden die Vorteile einer gebrauchsfertigen Photonenquelle besprochen, die durch ihre einfache Handhabung ideal für quantenoptische Experimente in einem Laborpraktikum geeignet ist.The generation of photons with tailor-made properties is of paramount importance in experimental quantum optics. Almost all sources for photons nowadays are based on spontaneous fluorescence where a photon spontaneously decays into two photons in a nonlinear crystal. Using this effect single-photon sources as well as sources for the generation of entangled pairs of photons can be realized. This thesis describes the properties of different photon sources based on fluorescence and their application in two selected quantum optical experiments. The first experiment represents an application of so-called blind quantum computing, in which a client without quantum resources outsources a computation to a server providing large quantum capacities. While the server carries out the computation, it is oblivious to the details of the computation itself. The server is 'blind' to the input, the computation and the output. The second experiment deals with one-time programs that become unusable after a one evaluation and cannot be copied. Due to the properties of quantum mechanics, it is possible to implement this type of program without physically destroying hardware. Furthermore, the advantages of a plug-and-play photon source are discussed which, due to its simple handling, is ideally suited for quantum optical experiments in a laboratory course

    Lonely as a cloud? Space and Gender in Romantic Women Writer's Poetry

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    Diese Arbeit setzt sich mit den Raumdimensionen in von Frauen verfasster romantischer Dichtung unter Berücksichtigung von Gender-Aspekten auseinander.This thesis takes a closer look at the spatial dimensions within female Romantic poet's poetry by relating them to gender aspects

    Wireless On-Board Diagnostics

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    Wireless On-board diagnostics functionality, which is a future outlook to vehicle system parameter analysis, enables measurements and controlling without the limitation of a physical connector. Today every vehicle must by law provide the possibility to analyze engine and emission related parameters (OBD II). The wireless connection requires a high security level to prevent unauthorized communication establishment with the truck’s bus system. The aim of the project is to make a survey of the available security mechanisms and to find the most promising solutions. Furthermore, several usage scenarios and access right levels are specified and a risk analysis of the whole system is made. The greatest challenge is the specification and implementation of a proper key-exchange mechanism between the analyzing device and the truck’s bus system, which is therefore carried out with the highest possible level of awareness. Consequently several different concepts have been formulated based on the different usage scenarios

    Eccentric endurance training affects isometric strength in overweight individuals

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    Energetics of a Single Qubit Gate

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    Qubits are physical, a quantum gate thus not only acts on the information carried by the qubit but also on its energy. What is then the corresponding flow of energy between the qubit and the controller that implements the gate? Here we exploit a superconducting platform to answer this question in the case of a quantum gate realized by a resonant drive field. During the gate, the superconducting qubit becomes entangled with the microwave drive pulse so that there is a quantum superposition between energy flows. We measure the energy change in the drive field conditioned on the outcome of a projective qubit measurement. We demonstrate that the drive's energy change associated with the measurement backaction can exceed by far the energy that can be extracted by the qubit. This can be understood by considering the qubit as a weak measurement apparatus of the driving field

    Energetics of a Single Qubit Gate

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    Qubits are physical, a quantum gate thus not only acts on the information carried by the qubit but also on its energy. What is then the corresponding flow of energy between the qubit and the controller that implements the gate? Here we exploit a superconducting platform to answer this question in the case of a quantum gate realized by a resonant drive field. During the gate, the superconducting qubit becomes entangled with the microwave drive pulse so that there is a quantum superposition between energy flows. We measure the energy change in the drive field conditioned on the outcome of a projective qubit measurement. We demonstrate that the drive's energy change associated with the measurement backaction can exceed by far the energy that can be extracted by the qubit. This can be understood by considering the qubit as a weak measurement apparatus of the driving field