74 research outputs found

    Large Tunneling Anisotropic Magneto-Seebeck Effect in a CoPt|MgO|Pt Tunnel Junction

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    We theoretically investigate the Tunneling Anisotropic Magneto-Seebeck effect in a realistically-modeled CoPt|MgO|Pt tunnel junction using coherent transport calculations. For comparison we study the tunneling magneto-Seebeck effect in CoPt|MgO|CoPt as well. We find that the magneto-Seebeck ratio of CoPt|MgO|Pt exceeds that of CoPt|MgO|CoPt for small barrier thicknesses, reaching 175% at room temperature. This result provides a sharp contrast to the magnetoresistance, which behaves oppositely for all barrier thicknesses and differs by one order of magnitude between devices. Here the magnetoresistance results from differences in transmission brought upon by changing the tunnel junction's magnetization configuration. The magneto-Seebeck effect results from variations in asymmetry of the energy-dependent transmission instead. We report that this difference in origin allows for CoPt|MgO|Pt to possess strong thermal magnetic-transport anisotropy.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Piezomagnetic effect as a counterpart of negative thermal expansion in magnetically frustrated Mn-based antiperovskite nitrides

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    The interplay of magnetic and elastic properties due to geometrical frustration in antiferromagnetic Mn-aniperovskite nitrides manifests itself in a range of phenomena such as the barocaloric (BCE), piezomagnetic (PME), magnetovolume effect (MVE), and the related negative thermal expansion (NTE). This systematic computational study uses density functional theory across a wide range of cubic antiperovskites Mn3_3AN (A = Rh, Pd, Ag, Co, Ni, Zn, Ga, In, Sn) in order to account for variations in the magnetic frustration based on features of the electronic structure. It focuses on PME - the linear dependence of magnetisation on applied biaxial strain. The PME in Mn3_3SnN predicted here is an order of magnitude larger than PME modelled so far in Mn3_3GaN,cite{lukashev2008theory} which opens the way to composite magnetoelectric effect in piezomagnetic/piezoelectric heterostructures. Moreover, the simulated PME as a zero temperature property is shown to be inversely proportional to the measured spontaneous volume expansion at a phase transition from paramagnetic (PM) to antiferromagnetic (AFM) state.cite{takenaka2014magnetovolume} On the fundamental level, such relation implies a significant suppression of spin fluctuations by the strong frustration in these systems. At the same time it can be used as a tool in search for materials with large negative thermal expansion and barocaloric effect

    Domain walls in (Ga,Mn)As diluted magnetic semiconductor

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    We report experimental and theoretical studies of magnetic domain walls in an in-plane magnetized (Ga,Mn)As dilute moment ferromagnetic semiconductor. Our high-resolution electron holography technique provides direct images of domain wall magnetization profiles. The experiments are interpreted based on microscopic calculations of the micromagnetic parameters and Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert simulations. We find that the competition of uniaxial and biaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropies in the film is directly reflected in orientation dependent wall widths, ranging from approximately 40 nm to 120 nm. The domain walls are of the N\'eel type and evolve from near-9090^{\circ} walls at low-temperatures to large angle [11ˉ\bar{1}0]-oriented walls and small angle [110]-oriented walls at higher temperatures.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Voltage control of magnetocrystalline anisotropy in ferromagnetic - semiconductor/piezoelectric hybrid structures

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    We demonstrate dynamic voltage control of the magnetic anisotropy of a (Ga,Mn)As device bonded to a piezoelectric transducer. The application of a uniaxial strain leads to a large reorientation of the magnetic easy axis which is detected by measuring longitudinal and transverse anisotropic magnetoresistance coefficients. Calculations based on the mean-field kinetic-exchange model of (Ga,Mn)As provide microscopic understanding of the measured effect. Electrically induced magnetization switching and detection of unconventional crystalline components of the anisotropic magnetoresistance are presented, illustrating the generic utility of the piezo voltage control to provide new device functionalities and in the research of micromagnetic and magnetotransport phenomena in diluted magnetic semiconductors.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letters. Updates version 1 to include a more detailed discussion of the effect of strain on the anisotropic magnetoresistanc

    Frustrated magnetism and caloric effects in Mn-based antiperovskite Nitrides : Ab Initio theory

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    We model changes of magnetic ordering in Mn-antiperovskite nitrides driven by biaxial lattice strain at zero and at finite temperature. We employ a non-collinear spin-polarised density functional theory to compare the response of the geometrically frustrated exchange interactions to a tetragonal symmetry breaking (the so called piezomagnetic effect) across a range of Mn3AN (A = Rh, Pd, Ag, Co, Ni, Zn, Ga, In, Sn) at zero temperature. Building on the robustness of the effect we focus on Mn3GaN and extend our study to finite temperature using the disordered local moment (DLM) first-principles electronic structure theory to model the interplay between the ordering of Mn magnetic moments and itinerant electron states. We discover a rich temperature-strain magnetic phase diagram with two previously unreported phases stabilised by strains larger than 0.75\% and with transition temperatures strongly dependent on strain. We propose an elastocaloric cooling cycle crossing two of the available phase transitions to achieve simultaneously a large isothermal entropy change (due to the first order transition) and a large adiabatic temperature change (due to the second order transition)

    Low voltage control of ferromagnetism in a semiconductor p-n junction

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    The concept of low-voltage depletion and accumulation of electron charge in semiconductors, utilized in field-effect transistors (FETs), is one of the cornerstones of current information processing technologies. Spintronics which is based on manipulating the collective state of electron spins in a ferromagnet provides complementary technologies for reading magnetic bits or for the solid-state memories. The integration of these two distinct areas of microelectronics in one physical element, with a potentially major impact on the power consumption and scalability of future devices, requires to find efficient means for controlling magnetization electrically. Current induced magnetization switching phenomena represent a promising step towards this goal, however, they relay on relatively large current densities. The direct approach of controlling the magnetization by low-voltage charge depletion effects is seemingly unfeasible as the two worlds of semiconductors and metal ferromagnets are separated by many orders of magnitude in their typical carrier concentrations. Here we demonstrate that this concept is viable by reporting persistent magnetization switchings induced by short electrical pulses of a few volts in an all-semiconductor, ferromagnetic p-n junction.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-orbit torques in locally and globally non-centrosymmetric crystals: antiferromagnets and ferromagnets

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    One of the main obstacles that prevents practical applications of antiferromagnets is the dfficulty of manipulating the magnetic order parameter. Recently, following the theoretical prediction [J. Železný et al., PRL 113, 157201 (2014)], the electrical switching of magnetic moments in an antiferromagnet has been demonstrated [P. Wadley et al., Science 351, 587 (2016)]. The switching is due to the so-called spin-orbit torque, which has been extensively studied in ferromagnets. In this phenomena a non-equilibrium spin-polarization exchange coupled to the ordered local moments is induced by current, hence exerting a torque on the order parameter. Here we give a general systematic analysis of the symmetry of the spin-orbit torque in locally and globally non-centrosymmetric crystals. We study when the symmetry allows or a nonzero torque, when is the torque effective, and its dependence on the applied current direction and orientation of magnetic moments. For comparison, we consider both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic orders. In two representative model crystals we perform microscopic calculations of the spin-orbit torque to illustrate its symmetry properties and to highlight conditions under which the spin-orbit torque can be effcient for manipulating antiferromagnetic moments