46 research outputs found
A felső-ausztriai magyar diaszpora nyelvhasználata = Usage of language in the Hungarian diaspore in Upper-Austria
A megpályázott idĹ‘szakban a korábbi kutatások szerves folytatását vĂ©geztem el. Ennek megfelelĹ‘en esettanulmányokat kĂ©szĂtettem az egyes magyar nyelvjárásterĂĽleteket kĂ©pviselĹ‘ adatközlĹ‘k nyelvi anyaga alapján tekintettel a nyelvhasználatot meghatározĂłan befolyásolĂł szociolingvisztikai változĂłkra. Egyházi keresztelĂ©si anyakönyvek adatai alapján vizsgáltam a nĂ©vadás sajátosságait: a nevek gyakoriságát, változatait Ă©s azt, hogy a választott nĂ©v, illetĹ‘leg nevek melyik nyelvre jellemzĹ‘(ek). MegtörtĂ©nt a hangfelvĂ©telek digitalizálása, CD-re mentĂ©se Ă©s a mondatdallamok, egyes hangkĂ©pzĂ©si sajátosságok elemzĂ©se. A kutatás alapján az alábbi eredmĂ©nyek szĂĽlettek: A kibocsátĂł magyar nyelvjárás esetenkĂ©nt az identitástudat kifejezĹ‘je, bizonyos jegyei a második generáciĂłra is átöröklĹ‘dnek. A szomszĂ©d országokbĂłl valĂł migránsok nyelvĂ©re az államnyelv interferenciája is hatott: ez nĂ©ha a nĂ©met nyelv hatásával azonos mĂłdon nyilvánul meg. Ez a hatás a hangpercepciĂłban Ă©s a beszĂ©ddallamban is Ă©rzĂ©kelhetĹ‘, a műszeres vizsgálat is megerĹ‘sĂti. A nĂ©vadást a magyarsághoz valĂł tartozás kifejezĂ©se mellett a beilleszkedĂ©s, illetĹ‘leg a család esetleges továbbvándorlási elkĂ©pzelĂ©sei befolyásolták. Az egykori JugoszláviábĂłl származĂł családoknál a szláv keresztnevek feltűnĹ‘en gyakoriak, esetleg korábbi identitásváltásrĂłl tanĂşskodnak. | In the tender period, I have continued organically the previous researches. Accordingly, I have made case studies on the basis of the corpus of the language of the informants representing certain Hungarian dialect areas with regard to the sociolinguistic variables dominantly influencing the language usage. Based on the data of parish baptismal registers, I have studied the characteristics of naming: the frequency and variations of names and the characteristic connections between the chosen name(s) and the individual languages. Digitalising and CD-recording of the phonograms as well as analysing of the intonations and certain utterance characteristics have been carried out. The research has yielded the following results: the originating Hungarian dialect is occasionally the expression of identity conscience; its certain signs are transmitted to the second generation. The language of the migrants from the neighbouring countries was also affected by the interference of the state language: sometimes it is manifested in the same way as the effects of the German language. This influence can also be detected in voice perception and speech melody; it is also confirmed by instrumental investigations. Besides the expression of belonging to Hungary, the naming was also influenced by the aim to assimilate or the possible further migration plans of the family. In the families from the former Yugoslavia, the Slavic given names are remarkably frequent and perhaps reflect a previous change in identity
Névadás és identitás
Name giving and identity
The future of minorities in the long run, apart from external circumstances (i.e. the relation of the majority to them) is decisively influenced by how they identify themselves. Identity is determined by psychological factors shaped by historical, social and cultural knowledge. – People regard their names as their innermost own. Giving a name may serve different purposes (protection, samples, expressing wishes or desires). In a minority situation, apart from these, parents might also want to determine the affiliation of their offspring through their name. Baptismal data from Upper Austria give account of the name giving practices of Hungarian refugees in the last more than 50 years. Changes in appearances and frequencies of names, or name varieties reflect changes in Hungarian identity from generation to generation – and vice versa