20 research outputs found

    To the question of production of pectin from beet pulp

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    Since at present their needs for pectin confectionery and pharmaceutical enterprises in Russia is satisfied only in part, because of the import of this product, the problem is currently the domestic production of pectin is very urgent. Sugar production is one of the branches materialconsuming industrial production, requiring a significant amount of raw materials per unit of output. A positive feature of beet raw material is that protopectin content of up to 98% of the total amount of pectin, which makes the extraction process parameters of the desired product. Dried beet pulp coming from the warehouse, is ground for the intensification of the processes of extraction of pectin; further pulp is hydrolyzed; the resulting mixture is sent to a filter press for coarse and fine purification of the extract. Hydrolyse pulp after neutralization fed to cattle feed. The extract was fed to a thin filter cleaning. After purification, the extract fed to precipitate pectin. Then it is crushed, cleaned and dried. The dried pectin packaged and sent to storage. The proposed technological scheme will allow to receive beet pectin, satisfying the requirements of the pectin substances of food and medical supplies. Studies have been conducted to obtain pectin from dried pulp. The resulting pectin organoleptic had a gray tint, which have a negative effect on the quality of the product. The pulp used as a raw material, which is dried by means of flue gases. For comparison was obtained pectin from dried beet pulp, as a coolant which use steam. Pectin is derived from such a pulp had higher quality indicators

    Mathematical Modeling of Determining the Composition of the Charge in the Cross Section of the Blast Furnace

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    When working on a multi-component charge, BLT cannot ensure the uniformity of the charge composition in the horizontal section of the blast furnace. In this case, there is a need to develop mathematical models and expiration portions forming material from the hopper to the subsequent creation of BLT software. With reference to the operating conditions of the blast furnaces of JSC ‘EVRAZ NTMK’, mathematical modelswere developed for the formation of materials in the silo hopper by the consecutive unloading of two skips; in the order of emptying the hopper; on the distribution of charge on top throat of the blast furnace. On the basis of combining the developed mathematical models, computer software was created to form portions of chargecomponents, both in the BLT hopper and on the top throat. Created software product for calculating the formation of portions and the expiration of materials from the receiving hopper of the BLT allows you to quickly select the necessary load and optimize the process as a whole. Keywords: blast furnace, burden, charging, bell-less top (BLT), sinter, pellet

    Военно-правовые знания для будущих работников сферы транспорта (рецензия на трёхтомную монографию «Военное право»)

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    The article considers and reviews the three-volume monograph «Military Law» under the general editorship of A. N. Savenkov and V. Kudashkin from the point of view of using its results in the process of training and professional activity of future employees in the transport sector. Positively evaluating the structure and content of the monograph, special attention is paid to the fact that it contains valuable information for the transport sector of the country. The authors of the review note that the monograph is able to meet the needs of modern transport education, taking into account the need for future specialists to develop legal knowledge about military transport duties and the military segment of transport relations. The review accentuate the achievements in this area and substantiate the prospects for further research.The authors of the review also believe that it would be possible to dwell in more detail on the issues of military transport duty, which could be an excellent addition to the reviewed three-volume monograph.В статье рассматривается и рецензируется трехтомная монография «Военное право» под общей редакцией А. Н. Савенкова и А. В. Кудашкина с точки зрения использования её результатов в процессе обучения и профессиональной деятельности будущих работников транспортной сферы. Положительно оценивая структуру и содержание монографии, особое внимание уделяется тому, что она содержит в себе ценную информацию и для транспортной сферы страны. Авторы рецензии отмечают, что монография способна удовлетворить потребность современного транспортного образования, с учётом необходимости формирования у будущих специалистов правовых знаний о военно-транспортной обязанности и военном сегменте транспортных отношений. Указывается на имеющиеся в данной области достижения и обосновываются перспективы проведения дальнейших исследований.Авторы рецензии также считают, что можно было бы более подробно остановиться на проблематике военно-транспортной обязанности, которая могла бы стать прекрасным дополнением рассматриваемой трёхтомной монографии

    Detector Control System for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the CMS experiment

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    The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is one of the general purpose particle detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The challenging constraints on the design of one of its sub-detectors, the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL), required the development of a complex Detector Control System (DCS). In this paper the general features of the CMS ECAL DCS during the period of commissioning and cosmic running will be presented. The feedback from the people involved was used for several upgrades of the system in order to achieve a robust, flexible and stable control system. A description of the newly implemented features for the CMS ECAL DCS subsystems will be given as well


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    Many sugar factories of the Russian Federation sugar and white sugar is produced not only from sugar beet, but also from raw sugar. To do this, the technological scheme of the plants provide mostly separate processing beet and raw sugar. This paper proposes a joint processing. With the aim of improving the quality of syrup, improving the filtration properties of the juice II saturation with joint processing beet and raw sugar was proposed clarification raw sugar to conduct the filtered juice I saturation with the addition of bleach in the amount of 0.05-0.10 % by weight of raw sugar and fine clay powder in the amount of 0.3-0.5 % by weight of raw sugar. Introduction chlorine is in the process of clarification raw sugar partly to carry out the depolymerization of highmolecular compounds, including polysaccharide dextran, and to adsorb the resulting fragments of high molecular compounds and pigments on fine particles of clay powder. Similar results were obtained when changing the costs of expanded clay powder. At a flow rate less than 0.3 %, there is a lack of adsorption of the surface to remove the degradation products of high -molecular compounds, which degrades the quality characteristics of the mixture of woodworking and furniture production of raw sugar and juice I carbon ation, and at a rate clay powder more than 0.5 % is irrational, since the cleaning effect is increased slightly. Suggested ways of coprocessing beet and raw sugar allow without significant cost effective processing of raw sugar factories. When beet low techn ological quality of these methods will increase the cleanliness of the production of sugar solutions and improve conditions for obtaining sugar of standard quality with the normative content of sucrose in molasses


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    Summary. Applicable for sulfitation equipment should provide a high degree of utilization of sulfur dioxide, which should allow to reduce the cost of production of sugar by reducing fuel sulfur and improve the ecological situation in the placement of a sugar factory. Currently used as standard equipment the liquid-jet sulfitator type A2-PSK and A2-PSM have disadvantages, the main ones are: unsatisfactory performance when the flow solution to be treated and released into the atmosphere from the combustion products nutritionally sulfur. Modernized standard liquid spray sulfitator to improve performance without significant cost, even if the treated liquid flow. A positive result with this work sulfitator achieved due to the fact that the mixing chamber is provided with a device for controlling the flow cross section of holes disc formed as it moves in the ring attached thereto with tapered fingers. Sulfitator is a cylindrical body provided with a sulfited separator for separating liquid and flue gas. By using a separator attached flange connection mixing chamber sulfitation source liquid and a gas supply pipe provided with sulfur dioxide placed inside a disk having five openings for forming jets of high dynamic fluid flow control device and a disk hole section formed in a chamber in the movable ring attached to it, tapered fingers. The form allows the fingers to create a flow of fluid through the disc hole, flowing at high speed and maintain a constant positive pressure to drive the liquid in the mixing chamber. When changing the amount of fluid supplied to the sulfitation ring having tapered fingers moves the fingers and alter the orifice holes, maintaining the pressure of the sugar solution prior to manufacturing the disk constant. This improves the contact of the liquid with the gas. The designed device can improve the efficiency of physical and chemical treatment of liquid intermediates of sugar production

    Synthesis of bismuth-based coordination polymer for biomedical applications

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    International audienceMetal organic frameworks (MOFs) are of great interest for biomedicine due to their high loading capacity of various drugs, dyes, and other small molecules. In vivo application of MOFs requires small sizes of nanoparticles and their high colloidal stability. Here we designed the first nano-sized MOFs composed of bismuth and trimesic acid by a rapid microwave-assisted solvothermal method. After coating of the prepared nanoparticles with polyacrylic acid they show improved colloidal stability in aqueous solutions. These particles have 2.2 times higher Xray attenuation ability than a clinically used BaSO4 agent. Also, they demonstrate high loading efficiency for organic dyes: 35.5 % w/w for Rose bengal and 17.9 % w/w for Rhodamine B

    Acoustic detection of nanoparticle structural stability in physiological media after their laser irradiation

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    International audienceHere we present a method of photoacoustic detection of nanoparticle degradation. To validate the method, we used biodegradable silicium nanoparticles, which can absorb light in the Uv-Vis region and generate acoustic waves in response. The photoacoustic method allows measuring kinetic of their degradation in real-time with high limit of detection up to a hundred ng of particles

    Nuclear nanomedicine using Si nanoparticles as safe and effective carriers of 188Re radionuclide for cancer therapy

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    International audienceNuclear nanomedicine, with its targeting ability and heavily loading capacity, along with its enhanced retention to avoid rapid clearance as faced with molecular radiopharmaceuticals, provides unique opportunities to treat tumors and metastasis. Despite these promises, this field has seen limited activities, primarily because of a lack of suitable nanocarriers, which are safe, excretable and have favorable pharmacokinetics to efficiently deliver and retain radionuclides in a tumor. Here, we introduce biodegradable laser-synthesized Si nanoparticles having round shape, controllable low-dispersion size, and being free of any toxic impurities, as highly suitable carriers of therapeutic 188 Re radionuclide. the conjugation of the polyethylene glycol-coated Si nanoparticles with radioactive 188 Re takes merely 1 hour, compared to its half-life of 17 hours. When intravenously administered in a Wistar rat model, the conjugates demonstrate free circulation in the blood stream to reach all organs and target tumors, which is radically in contrast with that of the 188 Re salt that mostly accumulates in the thyroid gland. We also show that the nanoparticles ensure excellent retention of 188 Re in tumor, not possible with the salt, which enables one to maximize the therapeutic effect, as well as exhibit a complete time-delayed conjugate bioelimination. Finally, our tests on rat survival demonstrate excellent therapeutic effect (72% survival compared to 0% of the control group). Combined with a series of imaging and therapeutic functionalities based on unique intrinsic properties of Si nanoparticles, the proposed biodegradable complex promises a major advancement in nuclear nanomedicine