246 research outputs found

    Copper Inhibits the Water and Glycerol Permeability of Aquaporin-3

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    Aquaporin-3 (AQP3) is an aquaglyceroporin expressed in erythrocytes and several other tissues. Erythrocytes are, together with kidney and liver, the main targets for copper toxicity. Here we report that both water and glycerol permeability of human AQP3 is inhibited by copper. Inhibition is fast, dose-dependent, and reversible. If copper is dissolved in carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer, the natural buffer system in our body, doses in the range of those observed in Wilson disease and in copper poisoning caused significant inhibition. AQP7, another aquaglyceroporin, was insensitive to copper. Three extracellular amino acid residues, Trp128, Ser152, and His241, were identified as responsible for the effect of copper on AQP3. We have previously shown that Ser152 is involved in regulation of AQP3 by pH. The fact that Ser152 mediates regulation of AQP3 by copper may explain the phenomenon of exquisite sensitivity of human erythrocytes to copper at acidic pH. When AQP3 was co-expressed with another AQP, only glycerol but not water permeability was inhibited by copper. Our results provide a better understanding of processes that occur in severe copper metabolism defects such as Wilson disease and in copper poisoning

    Soliton eigenvalue control with optical lattices

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    We address the dynamics of higher-order solitons in optical lattices, and predict their self-splitting into the set of their single-soliton constituents. The splitting is induced by the potential introduced by the lattice, together with the imprinting of a phase tilt onto the initial multisoliton states. The phenomenon allows the controllable generation of several coherent solitons linked via their Zakharov-Shabat eigenvalues. Application of the scheme to the generation of correlated matter waves in Bose-Einstein condensates is discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Formation of schoolchildren's creative activity on the final stage of solving a mathematical problem

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    © 2017 Authors. The aim of the research is to study the possibilities of the final stage of working with a mathematical problem as a means of forming schoolchildren's creative activity. The leading method of investigating this problem is to establish the correspondence between the components of the final stage of working with the mathematical problem and the procedural features of the student's creative activity. The study resulted in defining the structure of the final stage of working with a mathematical problem, which made it possible to identify a certain set of activities that make up the ability to work with the problem on the final stage of its solution. The article establishes the relationship between actions appropriate to this stage of work with the task and signs of the student's creative activity. It is proved that in the process of working with the problem on the final stage of its solution, students develop procedural features of creative activity. The author's method of forming students' creative activity suggested in the article can be used by the teachers of mathematics in school practice, by the authors of methodological manuals for students and teachers, and also can be used as the basis for a special course for students of pedagogical universities

    The system of health-preserving technologies and means of ensuring the health of preschool children

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    Представлена система работы по реализации здоровьесберегающих технологий и средств в обеспечение здоровья детей старшего дошкольного возраста. Выделены направления работы по здоровьесбережению, обозначены технологии и средства, показаны принципы работыFind the system of implementation technologies and means to the health of children of preschool age. Selected areas of health technologies and tools that are showing work principle


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    У пацієнтів з ЦД 2 типу та рівнем HbA1с≥6,5% спостерігається збільшення частоти і ступеня вираженості ТДР за шкалою HADS, які асоціюються з більш вираженими порушеннямиліпідного спектра і зниженням якості життя за даними SAQ

    Stabilization of vector solitons in optical lattices

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    We address the properties and dynamical stability of one-dimensional vector lattice solitons in Kerr-type cubic medium with harmonic transverse modulation of refractive index. We discovered that unstable families of scalar lattice solitons can be stabilized via the cross-phase modulation (XPM) in the vector case. It was found that multi-humped vector solitons that are unstable in uniform media where XPM strength is higher than that of self-phase modulation, can also be stabilized by the lattice.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Physical Review E, vol. 7

    Parallels of diabetic foot infections antibiotic resistance at inpatient and outpatient stages of treatment

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    Introduction. The risk of infectious complications in patients with diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) is 25.2 to 58%, the risk of hospitalization among the patients with complications of DFI is 56 times, and the risk of amputation is 155 times higher than non-diabetics. Detection of the etiologic agent has a crucial role in effective treatment, prevention of dissemination of the infection, and avoiding amputation.Aim of the study: to analyze the specific characteristics of the severe diabetic foot infection and antibiotic resistance of the pathogens during the inpatient and outpatient stages of treatment.Materials and methods. We included 62 type 2 diabetic inpatients (38 male and 24 female, group 1) with severe foot infection in to the study. 102 diabetic foot outpatients (56 male and 46 female, group 2) with postoperative wounds were included after discharged from the hospital. Cultures were obtained after surgery interventions immediately and on 14 days of hospitalization in group 1 of patients and in group 2 of patients with clinical signs of infection. Microbe species and resistant of pathogens to antibiotic were assessed.Results. There were prevalence of multidrug resistant Staphilococcus aureus (MRSA), Enterobacterales and Acinetobacter baumannii both outpatient and inpatient stages of diabetic foot infections treatment. The multidrug resistant pathogens were associated with ineffective empiric antibiotic therapy, delay of wound healing and amputations. The presence of multidrug resistant pathogens should be expected in cases of wound size more than 18 sm2, history of diabetic foot amputations, chronic osteomyelitis and time before wound professional care more than 14 weeks.Conclusion. The multidrug resistant pathogens were the main risk factor of amputations in diabetic foot inpatients with severe infections. At the outpatient stage of treatment multidrug resistant pathogens along with chronic osteomyelitis lead to delay of wound healing and new cases of foot amputations in diabetic patients

    The model of developing intercultural competence of medical students

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    The development of intercultural competence during university studies is a necessary component in healthcare specialist's training. Thus, there is a need to create the model of intercultural competence development in medical students. The component analysis of the existing model of intercultural competence was performed to determine an adequate structure of the model for medical students. We also provided the definition of the intercultural competence.В статье проведен компонентный анализ существующей модели межкультурной компетенции с целью определения подходящей структуры модели для студентов-медиков