470 research outputs found

    The Federal Approach--Scope and Availability of Section 2255

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    Religiosity and spatial demographic differences in the Netherlands

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    This paper investigates whether current differences in religiosity between the Dutch regions are also manifested in spatial demographic patterns. We use cluster analysis to distinguish relatively homogeneous clusters of regions, specified by religious affiliation and the frequency of churchgoing among their populations. Although the regional demographic differences are relatively modest in the Netherlands, between-clusters contrasts are consistent with the expected influence of religiosity. The cluster including the most conservative region, the so-called Bible Belt, also displays the most traditional demographic patterns. In order to differentiate the impact of religiosity from the social and economic factors, we perform stepwise regression of selected indicators of fertility, union formation and living arrangements. The frequency of churchgoing rather than the fact of belonging to a certain denomination manifested the strongest impact on the regional demographic contrasts. In case of fertility of parity four and higher, marriage rate and the proportion of young women cohabiting, churchgoing turned out to be the most important predictor of regional differentiation.

    Strategi Guru dalam Pembentukan Karakter Peserta Didik di SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang

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    This study aimed to determine the teacher's strategy in shaping the character of students, and inhibiting factors of the teacher's strategy in forming the character of students at SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang. This study used a qualitative method. The subjects of this study were teachers and students. The technique of data collection was done by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the research are the teacher's strategy in forming the character of students has been proven quite well; (a) understanding included the ability of teachers to design lessons, assess the process of learning outcomes and shape the character of students, (b) habituation included the habit of working on questions on time and teachers instil disciplined habits, (c) teachers set a good example, positive advice, and reprimand to form good character towards students.  The inhibiting factors for the teacher's strategy in shaping the character of students at SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang are internal factors in the form of talents, interests, and character, while external factors in the form of family and environmental factors

    Conductors As A Metaphor Of “Leadership”

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    Conductors are evolving from “super-maestro” to full participation in the activities of the orchestral organization, including visioning, strategic direction, audience development and fundraising. To be effective, the musical leader of the orchestra must possess a combination of skills; the most significant of which appear to be artistic and musical skills, organizational skills and charismatic leadership.The main purpose of this research is to obtain data about the relationship between personality characteristics and leadership styles of orchestra conductors. As a next step, we also want to show that the polyphony can be conducted in an harmonious way in the organizations.In the analysis section of the research, the answers given by five conductors are classified and presented within a certain systematic method. As a conclusion, when the answers are examined it was clear that there are some common traits of personality and leadership for our small sample group of conductors. We accept this research as a predecessor of another future research which may cover a larger sample from different cultures so that we can clarify the common traits or differentiators

    The effects of “employee-culture harmony” on career planning

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    Araştırma, bir kuruma yeni alınan personelin kişilik özellikleri ile örgütün kültürü arasında ne ölçüde benzerlik ve uyum gösterdiğini belirlemeye yöneliktir. Bu uyumluluk göstergesinin aynı zamanda çok yönlü ve sınırsız kariyer tercihinde de etkili olabileceği düşünülebilir. Bu düşüncelerle, İzmir PTT işletmesinde son beş yıl içinde göreve başlayan personelin kişilik özellikleri, kariyer tercihleri ve kurum kültür tiplerinden hangisinin personel tarafından algılandığı tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Anket sonuçları oldukça etkileyicidir: Hiyerarşik bir örgüt kültürüne sahip olduğunu düşünen yeni personelin büyük bir çoğunluğunun “hedef yönelimli” kişilerden oluştuğu, “çok yönlü kariyeri” tercih ettikleri söylenebilir.The research aims to find the harmony between the newly employed employee’s personality characteristics and organizational culture. These variables may also be effective on employee’s career choice (Boundaryless Career, multifaceted carreer). It is considered that if the organization directs these newly employed personnel on their career route, their job satisfaction, job involvement and intention to stay at job will be effected in a positive way. In this respect, a survey has been made among the employees who were employed within last five years to determine their personal and career choices in İzmir Postal Telephone and Telegraph (PTT) operation. The results are quite impressive. The new employees believe that İzmir Postal Telephone and Telegraph (PTT) operation has a hierarchical structure. However, even though they accept the organization as a hierarchical structure they argue that it should turn into “Market or Adhocracy Culture”. The majority of the sample are “target-oriented” people and they prefer to fallow “multifaceted career”

    Odra kao pastrvska voda

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    Vacuum driven accelerated expansion

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    It has been shown that an improved estimation of quantum vacuum energy can yield not only acceptable but also experimentally sensible results. The very idea consists in a straightforward extraction of gravitationally interacting part of the full quantum vacuum energy by means of gauge transformations. The implementation of the idea has been performed in the formalism of effective action, in the language of Schwinger's proper time and the Seeley-DeWitt heat kernel expansion, in the background of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker geometry.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, minor improvements, final preprint version, published version: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/120847180/abstract, devoted to the memory of professor Ryszard Raczka on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of his deat

    Finite Element Prediction of the Tool Wear Influence in Ti6Al4V Machining

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    Ti6Al4 V is a titanium alloy widely used in the aeronautical industry and machining is often adopted to manufacture it. These parts must satisfy requirements specified by the customer. A crucial characteristic of aircraft machined parts is their reliability and, therefore, their fatigue life has to be mastered. In this context, the corresponding requirement concerns the surface integrity. This should be achieved by selecting adequate cutting parameters, which is actually not an immediate operation. The geometry of the tool will afterwards change during its life, what is more as Ti6Al4 V is known to be a hard-to-machine material. In this context, a finite element model is developed to highlight the influence of tool wear on fundamental variables like forces, temperatures, stresses,... and surface integrity (through plastic strains). The results should help to decide when it is time to replace the tool before altering the part and therefore not meet the specifications anymore

    Engaging Learners in Synchronous Online Training Using Facial Expression Analysis Technology

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    The rapid growth of digitalization and the rise in the number of remote work environments have amplified the importance of remote training using online learning platforms. The effectiveness of these online trainings heavily relies on various factors such as training content, methods and duration, trainer skills, and the technology platforms used in trainings. In addition to these internal, and generally, controllable factors, various uncontrollable factors also have a significant impact on the overall learning experience and outcomes. Consideration of cultural, generational, linguistic factors in addition to gender and race-related factors is essential in increasing the effectiveness of online training efforts. The purpose of this study is to investigate how facial recognition technology can aid in creating an engaging learning experience for diverse participants in online synchronous training. In particular, the study explores factors affecting the learning experience through an empirical analysis. Incorporating learners’ feedback, practical design methods are delineated to form a highly inclusive and engaging learning model using facial expressions analysis

    Optimasi Kinerja Proyek dengan Penerapan Metode Crashing dan Linear Programming pada Proyek Bulk Godown

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    Pertumbuhan industri diharapkan mencapai pertumbuhan 2 (dua) digit pada tahun 2035 sehingga kontribusi industri dalam Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) mencapai 30% (tiga puluh persen). Salah satu industri yang menjadi target adalah pembangunan Industri Pakan Ternak. Keberhasilan proyek pembangunan Industri Pakan Ternak dapat ditinjau dari ketepatan aspek waktu, biaya, dan mutu. Namun, praktik di lapangan seringkali terjadi keterlambatan proyek yang mengakibatkan terkendalanya pembelian dan penyimpanan bahan baku untuk produksi pakan ternak. Sebagai antisipasi keterlambatan proyek maka perlu dilakukan optimasi kinerja proyek dengan percepatan pelaksanaan pembangunan gudang curah (Bulk Godown) dengan metode Crashing dan Linear Programming. Percepatan pada proyek pembangunan gudang curah menggunakan alternatif penambahan jam kerja lembur dengan 3 cara yaitu penambahan 1 jam lembur, 2 jam lembur serta 3 jam lembur. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diambil dari proses wawancara dan data sekunder berupa dokumen-dokumen terkait, yaitu RAB, Penjadwalan, SPK serta dokumen lainnya,. Waktu normal proyek selama 152 haridengan biaya normal sebesar,-. Dari hasil analisis Crashing diperoleh waktu optimum untuk percepatan penyelesaian proyek dengan penambahan 2 jam lembur selama 131 hari dengan biaya total Rp. 15.387.512.677,-. Dan hasil analisis Linear Programming diperoleh total waktu optimum percepatan penyelesaian proyek selama 124 hari dengan biaya total Rp. 15.252.623.540,