6 research outputs found

    Nutrient composition of egg, hatchability and nutrition of embryo Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) with different plumage colors

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    Bu araştırma gri ve sarı tüy rengine sahip Japon bıldırcını gruplarında bazı yumurta kalite özellikleri, besin kompozisyonu, kuluçka özellikleri ve embriyonun beslenmesini incelemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bu amaç için her çalışma grubundan 240 adet olacak şekilde toplam 480 adet yumurta kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada her iki grupta ağırlıkları eşitlenerek değerlendirilmeye alınan taze yumurtaların ak, sarı ve kabuk ağlıkları ile oranları benzer bulunmuştur (P>0.05). Yumurtanın besin özelliklerinden kuru madde, kül, ham protein ve ham yağ değerlerinde gruplar arasında istatistiki farklılık saptanmamıştır (P>0.05). Kuluçkanın 15. gününde incelenen yumurta gruplarında ağırlık kaybı, embriyo ağırlığı, sarı kesesi ağırlığı, kabuk ağırlığı, kabukta ham kül değeri, sarı kesesi kuru madde, ham protein, ham yağ, ham kül değerine ait ortalamalarda gruplar birbirine benzer olduğu tespit edilmiştir (P>0.05). On beş günlük kuluçka süresince embriyo yumurta akının tamamını kullanmış, kabuk ham kül oranı %1.42, sarı kesesi ham kül oranı %10.42 azalmıştır. Embriyo yumurta sarı ham proteininin %38.87’sini, yağın %8.71’ini kullanmıştır. Kuluçka özelliklerinden döllülük oranı, kuluçka randımanı, çıkım gücü ve toplam embriyo ölüm oranı bakımından gruplar benzerdir (P>0.05). Yumurtanın civcive dönüşüm oranında gri renkli grubun rakamsal üstünlüğü önemli bulunmamıştır (P=0.063). Sonuç olarak yumurta ve kuluçka özellikleri bakımından gri veya sarı tüylü Japon bıldırcınlarında gruplar benzerlik gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.This study was conducted to investigate some quality traits, nutrient composition, hatchability, and nutrition of embryos in eggs of Japanese quails with gray and golden plumage colors. For this purpose, a total of 480 eggs, 240 eggs per experimental group were used. Weights or percentages of albumen, yolk and shell were found to be similar in fresh eggs which have equalized egg weight in two experimental groups of the research (P>0.05). There was no statistical difference in dry matter, ash, crude protein and crude fat values related to nutritional traits of eggs between the groups (P>0.05). Weight loss, embryo weight, yolk sac weight, shell weight, crude ash value of shell, yolk sac dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, crude ash values were found similar between two groups in evaluated eggs at the 15th day of hatching period (P>0.05). During the fifteenth day of incubation, albumen was consumed completely by embryos, crude ash value of shell and yolk sac were decreased 1.42% and 10.42%, respectively. The embryo consumed 38.87% of crude protein and 8.71% of crude fat of egg yolk. The fertility, hatchability, hatchability of fertile eggs and total embryonic mortality rate were similar between groups (P>0.05). Numerical superiority of gray group at conversion ratio of egg to chick was not significant (P=0.063). Consequently, Japanese quail groups have gray or golden plumage were similar in terms of egg and hatchability traits

    Effects of dietary grape seed on performance and some metabolic assessments in Japanese quail with different plumage colors exposed to heat stress

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the effects of grape seed (GS) supplementation to basal diet on performance, carcass characteristics, some biochemical parameters, and antioxidant status of tissues of Japanese quail in growth phase with different plumage colors exposed to heat stress (HS). A total of 144 eight-day-old Japanese quail including 72 (36 females, 36 males) grey and 72 (36 females, 36 males) golden were used in this study. The quail were kept under HS (16 h at 34 °C, 8h at 22 °C) and thermo-neutral (24 h at 22°C) conditions between 15 and 43 days of age. All quail were fed a basal diet (control) and basal diet supplemented with GS at both 10 g/kg and 20 g/kg ratios. Each feeding treatment was repeated three times including four quail (two females and two males) per replicate. Heat stress considerably decreased the live weight gain on days 29-36, 36-43, and 15-43. Golden quail had higher live weight from the beginning of the trial. The increase of live weight on days 15-43 was higher in the golden group than in the grey group. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels of liver and kidney tissues increased in heat-stress group compared with thermo-neutral group (P<0.001). In HS, significant increases were determined only in catalase (CAT) in the liver and in glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), CAT, and glutathione (GSH) in the kidney (P<0.05). Addition of dietary GS decreased MDA and antioxidant levels, which increased in liver and kidney of quail during HS. Plasma total cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels were higher in quail under HS. Plasma total cholesterol, glucose, triglyceride, AST, and ALT levels of quail under HS decreased due to addition of 10 g/kg GS

    The effects of different dosage of kefir with different durations on growth performances and antioxidant system in the blood and liver tissues of çoruh trout (Salmo coruhensis)

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    The objective of the present work was to examine the effects of different doses (0, 10, 20 and 40 g kg-1 fish diet mass) of kefir on growth performance and oxidant-antioxidant status in the blood and liver tissues of Coruh trout, Salmo coruhensis, in different periods (2 and 3 months). In this study, survival was more than 88.3%, and irrespective of dietary kefir levels at the end of the study. There were no significant differences in SGR (Specific growth rate), FCR (Feed conservation rate), CF (Condition factor) among fish fed diets with 0, 10, 20 and 40 g kg-1 kefir, however, these growth values were significantly different in terms of durations between 2-month and 3-month treatment (P<0.05). Our results indicated that TAS (Total Antioxidant Status) and TOS (Total Oxidant Status) in blood tissues reduced with kefir treatment at the end of third month (P<0.05). Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in liver decreased in all groups compared with control group and a considerable extent decrease was observed in 40 g doses of kefir treatment at the end of third month. The data obtained from this experiment indicated that the same dose of kefir was more effective at the end of 3-month treatment than 2-month treatment (P<0.001). Although there was no statistical difference among groups, an increase in the glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) enzyme activity was observed in all groups compared to control groups. While catalase (CAT) activity decreased in all groups compared to control group at the end of second month (P<0.01), the decrease was insignificant level at the end of third month. In glutathione (GSH) levels, statistical differences were no observed in all groups compared to the control group with 2-month treatment while there were significant increases with 3-month treatment (P<0.001). It was concluded that kefir could play an antioxidant role and its effectiveness depended on dosage and time of application in Coruh trout, S. coruhensis