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    1113 research outputs found

    An ethnoveterinary study on plants used for the treatment of livestock diseases in the province of Giresun (Turkey)

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    The lack of ethnoveterinary surveys in Turkey, results in losses in the veterinary phytopharmacology field. This is the first ethnoveterinary research in which statistical calculations about plants are done by informant consensus factor (ICF) method in the Blacksea Region of Turkey. To catalog, analyze, and disseminate the knowledge of plant use in ethnoveterinary practices in the province of Giresun (Turkey). Information was gathered through open and semi-structured interviews with local people, mainly elderly shepherds and farmers, in the Giresun province. The collected data was analyzed quantitatively using two indices, informant consensus factor (ICF). A total of 65 ethnoveterinary plants belonging to 38 families are used for the treatment of animal diseases. According to the local farmers, the most often mentioned species that used in the resarch area have high ethno-veterinary potential. Most of these plants are also used for some human conditions in the study area. There are large numbers of ethno-veterinary practices EVPs in southern Turkey with undocumented cumulative knowledge of the indigenous people. Unfortunately, some evidence of their slow disappearance has been found. The traditional knowledge in the treatment of livestock diseases of the Giresun districts needs further scientific evaluations by phytochemical and antimicrobial experimentation

    Ballakayati’nin (Erbil - Kuzey Irak) yabani gıda bitkileri hakkında geleneksel bilgiler

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    Bu çalışma, Ballakayati (Kuzey Irak - Erbil) ilçesinde yöre halkı tarafından gıda amaçlı kullanılan yabani bitkileri tespit etmeyi ve bu bitkilerin yerel adlarını ve kullanımlarını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma 2016-2018 yılları arasında yaklaşık üç yıl boyunca gerçekleştirildi. Bu süre zarfında 62 bitki taksonu örneği toplandı. Bu çalışmada kullanılan bitkilerin literatür incelemesinde 59 taksonunun gıda amaçlı kullanıldığı tespit edilirken, literatür kayıtlarında üç bitkiye rastlanmamıştır. Yerel bitki isimleri, Kuzey Irak'taki yerel lehçelere göre farklılık gösterir. Yerel halk, ilçelerinde yetişen yabani bitkilerden yararlanmaktadır. Bu alanda yöre halkının 23 familyaya ait 62 taksonun gıda amaçlı kullandığı tespit edildi. En önemli gıda bitkileri Juglans regia L., Allium ampeloprasum L., Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A.Webb. Ayrıca gıda amaçlı kullanılan bitkiler kurutulup kış aylarında kullanılmak üzere depolanmaktadır. Bu alanda tespit ettiğimiz Carduus pycnocephalus L., Smyrnium cordifolium Boiss., Epilobium hirsutum L. gıda kullanımı ilk kez kayıt altına alındı. Bu çalışmada bu bitkilerin farklı kullanım şekilleri gözlemlenmiştir. Irak'ta etnobotanik çalışmaların sayısı giderek artmaktadır. Ancak, birçok yabani gıda bitkisinin geleneksel kullanımları henüz kaydedilmemiştir. Gıda güvenliği açısından yabani bitki taksonlarının yeterli bilgi olmadan kullanılmasından kaynaklanabilecek olumsuz etkilerin yerel halka bildirilmesi gerekmektedir

    Suruç’ta (Şanlıurfa-Türkiye) bazı şifalı bitkilerin geleneksel kullanımları

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    n this study, the antimicrobial effect researched on microorganisms threatening to human health of extract including methanol of Centaurea saligna that is endemic and used for therapy of many diseases. For disk diffusion method, this related extract is highly effective on the gram negative bacteria by its 20.3±0.5 mm inhibition zone (p<0.001). Again to relation bacteria, gram positive bacteria are highly effective by 18.3±0.5 mm and 20.3±0.5 mm inhibition area (p<0.001). It has a effect against Candida species and Epidermophyton sp., the superficial skin infections are caused, by 9.6±0.5 mm and 13.6±1.5 mm inhibition area (p<0.01). On the other hand, for findings, this related extract is extremely effective against Trichophyton sp. that is one of dermatophyte fungi by 24.6±1.5 inhibition area (p<0.0001). This natural extract shows its antimicrobial effect namely, by minimal inhibition value (MIC): 6.25 μL its lowest inhibition value against development of all the bacteria and dermatophyte fungi. This plant has a potential to be a natural antimicrobial agent to be used as a medicine for human health and life quality

    Preliminary investigation on chemical composition and bioactivity of differently obtained extracts from Symphytum aintabicum Hub.- Mor. & Wickens

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    bone fractures and other pain resulting from inflammation. However, many species belonging to this genus have not yet been scientifically investigated and hence investigation in this regard is warranted. In the present research, S. aintabicum extracts prepared by different extraction techniques (homogenizer assisted extraction, infusion and maceration) were assayed for their chemosystematic attributes (total phenolic, flavonoid) as well as bioactive compound contents, antioxidant and enzyme inhibition potentials. For instance, the extracts were found to possess phenolic and flavonoid levels ranging from 35.50 to 112.25 mg GAE/g and 2.54–25.12 mg RE/ g, respectively. In general, the extracts displayed significant antioxidant activity. However, methanolic and infusion extracts were observed as the most potent radical scavengers and reducing agents, most likely related to their phenolic content. The extracts also showed metal chelating power and total antioxidant capacity in phosphomolybdenum assay. Moreover, while all extracts showed inhibition on amylase, only the methanolic extracts acted as inhibitors of cholinesterases and tyrosinase, most probably due to their relatively higher flavonoid content. The findings also indicated that the extraction method as well as the solvent type used to more or less affect the yield of the bioactive compounds and extracts’ bioactivity reported herein. Hence, as a first report highlighting the in vitro pharmacological properties of S. aintabicum, promising results were revealed from the quantitative chemosystematic analysis of bioactive components present and as sources of antioxidants and enzyme inhibitors against key human illnesses, thus providing scope for potential applications in phytomedicine development

    Chemical profiling and biological evaluation of Nepeta baytopii extracts and essential oil: an endemic plant from Turkey

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    Nepeta baytopii is a poorly studied, endemic Nepeta species (Lamiaceae) of Turkey. For the first time, the biological activities (antioxidant, enzyme inhibition, and cytotoxicity properties) of the hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol, water/methanol, and water extracts and essential oil prepared from N. baytopii aerial parts were assessed. Hydro-methanol (41.25 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g) and water extracts (50.30 mg GAE/g), respectively showed the highest radical scavenging (94.40 and 129.22 mg Trolox equivalent (TE)/g, for 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical and 2,2-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid radical scavenging assays) and reducing (229.37 and 129.55 mg TE/g, for ferric-reducing antioxidant power and cupric-reducing antioxidant capacity assays) capacities in vitro. An interestingly high inhibition was observed for ethyl acetate extract against butyrylcholinesterase (10.85 mg galantamine equivalent/g). The methanol extract showed high cytotoxicity (31.7%) against HepG2 cells. Caryophyllene oxide was identified in high concentrations in the essential oil (39.3%). Luteolin and apigenin and their derivatives were identified from the methanol and water extracts. The results obtained from this study highlighted that the abundance of highly bioactive compounds from Nepeta baytopii ensures the multiple biological activities of the tested extracts, and this suggests a potential use in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical fields, and therefore should be investigated further

    Evaluation of chemical constituents and biological properties of two endemic Verbascum species

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    Members from the Verbascum genus are well appraised for their traditional uses against a variety of ailments including anti-inflammatory related disorders. This study thus attempts at validating the biological properties of two underexplored Verbascum members namely Verbascum euphraticum Benth. (V. euphraticum) and Verbascum oocarpum Murb. (V. oocarpum) in terms of their antioxidant and enzymatic inhibitory activities. Concentration of specific bioactive compounds was also established and molecular dynamic analysis were conducted on amassed data. Results showed that total phenolic and total flavonoid contents were higher for the methanolic extract of V. oocarpum compared to the methanolic extract of V. euphraticum. Phytochemical quantification revealed that the extraction solvents influenced the phytochemical composition of the extracts. Derivatives of phenolic acids such as 3-caffeoylquinic acid and 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid together with some phenolic acids i.e., gallic, vanillic, caffeic, syringic, p-coumaric and ferulic acid, have been detected in the extracts of both Verbascum species. Methanolic extracts of V. euphraticum and V. oocarpum yielded the highest total content of monitored compounds resulting in 162.758 and 3716.861 μg/g of dried weight extract, respectively. The methanolic extracts of both plants showed highest antioxidant potential while the ethyl acetate and hexane extracts were potent inhibitors of cholinesterase, α-amylase and α-glucosidase. Molecular dynamic results indicated that vanillic acid is able to make strong interactions with copper ions of tyrosinase, resulting into an effective anti-tyrosinase activity. In light of the above, both Verbascum species could be considered for future phytopharmaceutical development

    Sosyal pazarlamanın terörle mücadelede kişilerin tutumu üzerindeki etkisinde güvenlik algısının aracılık etkisi

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    Özet Sosyal pazarlama anlayışı toplumun bütününü ilgilendiren sorunlara çözüm oluşturma amacına yönelik uygulamalarla ortaya çıkmaktadır. Sosyal pazarlama uygulamalarının daha çok sağlık ve yoksullukla mücadelede öne çıktığı görülse de terörün önlenmesi gibi toplumun temel sorunlarında da etkili olabileceği görülmektedir. Terörün önlenmesi ve oluşturduğu olumsuz etkilerin iyileştirilmesinde sosyal pazarlamanın kullanılması fikri bu çalışmanın da odak noktasını oluşturmaktadır. Sosyal pazarlama çalışmalarının sağlık, eğitim, yoksulluk, kamu spotu amacıyla yapılan uygulamalarda sıklıkla kullanıldığı ancak terörle mücadelede sosyal pazarlama uygulamaları üzerine eksik kalındığı görülmektedir. Çalışma bu yönüyle diğer çalışmalardan ayrılarak toplumun sorunlarından olan terör sorununa yönelik tespitler ve öneriler sunarak özgünlüğünü ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışmada Bingöl ilinin farklı mahallelerinde yaşayan 18 yaşından büyük farklı demografik özelliklere sahip 420 kişiye nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden anket tekniği uygulanmıştır. Toplanan veriler istatistiksel analiz programı olan SPSS 21.0 programı ve Lisrel 9.0 programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma için frekans analizleri, güvenirlik, geçerlilik analizleri, açıklayıcı faktör analizi, doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri yapılmış ve aracılık etkisi ölçülmüştür. Tüm bu analizler sonucunda; Terörle Mücadele Temalı Sosyal Pazarlama Uygulamalarının hem Tutum hem de Güvenlik Algılamaları üzerinde direk etkisi olduğu gibi Güvenlik Algılamaları ile birlikte Tutumlar üzerinde de etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Dolayısıyla Terörler Mücadele Temalı Sosyal Pazarlama Uygulamalarının kişilerin tutumu üzerine etkisinde Güvenlik Algılamalarının aracılık etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sosyal pazarlama uygulamalarının toplumda oluşan sorunlara dikkat çekerek farkındalık oluşturduğu görülmektedir. Birçok alanda gerçekleştirilebilecek sosyal pazarlama faaliyetleri terörle mücadele stratejilerinden biri olarak da etkili olabilmektedir. Ayrıca son yıllarda tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan Covid-19 pandemisi gibi güncel bir sorunun çözümünde de sosyal pazarlama uygulamalarının etkili olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Dolayısıyla sosyal pazarlama uygulamalarının farklı alanlardaki uygulamaları toplumsal sorunların çözümünde yeni stratejilerin oluşturulması bakımından bu alanda çalışacak kişi ve kurumlara tavsiye edilmektedir

    Suruç ilçesindeki (Şanlıurfa-Türkiye) aktarlarda satılan şifalı bitkiler

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    Bu araştırma, Suruç (Şanlıurfa) ilçesinde aktarlarda satılan tıbbi bitkilerin tespiti amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma 2019-2020 yılları arasında yaklaşık iki yıl sürmüştür. 5 Aktarda 9 kaynak kişi ile yapılan görüşme sonucunda 46 familya ait 88 bitki taksonu tespit edilmiştir. Bu bitkilerin hangi hastalıklar için satıldığı kayıt altına alınmıştır. Yaptığımız çalışmada en fazla takson içeren büyük familyalar sırasıyla; Lamiaceae (14), Apiaceae (7), Fabaceae (5), Rosaceae (5), Malvaceae (5), Asteraceae (4), Zingiberaceae (4) ve Lauraceae (3)’dir. Satışı yapılan bitkilerin bilimsel ve yöresel isimleri, bitkilerin kullanm amaçları ve kullanım şekilleri kayıt altına alınmış ve çevre illerde yapılan benzer çalışmalarla karşılaştırılmıştır

    Temporal and seasonal variations in phytoplankton community structure in Uzuncayir Dam Lake (Tunceli, Turkey)

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    Seasonal variations in species composition and growth dynamics of phytoplankton in Uzuncayir Dam Lake (Tunceli, Turkey) were studied in relation to ecological factors by collecting horizontal water and phytoplankton samples for over a year. A total of 46 phytoplankton taxa were recorded, where Bacillariophyta was the most abundant in species number representing 24 taxa. Diatoms were the most conspicuous phytoplankton in terms of abundance as well as occurrence frequency. Charophyta, Chlorophyta, Cyanobacteria, Ochrophyta, Miozoa, and Euglenozoa were the least abundant. However, some Diatoms (Gyrosigma attenuatum, Hippodonta hungarica, Meridion circulare, Nitzschia clausii, Nitzschia frustulum, Pantocsekiella ocellata, Rhoicosphenia abbreviata), Charophytes (Cosmarium granatum, Mougeotiopsis calospora), Cyanobacteria (Leiblenia epiphytica, Planktothrix agardhii); Dinoflagellates (Ceratium hirundinella, Parvodinium africanum, Parvodinium inconspicuum, Peridinium cinctum), and Ochrophyta (Dinobryon pediforme) were also noticeable, with their occurrence in all seasons. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were employed to analyze the relationship between occurrence and abundance of phytoplankton species as well as the ecological factors. The results showed that pH and the concentrations of NH4, NO3, and PO4 influenced seasonal occurrence and abundance of phytoplankton species in the lake. Uzuncayir Dam Lake may be classified as an oligotrophic lake with the mean value of nitrate 2.62 mg L-1 and phosphate 0.23 mg L-1 as supported by the occurrence of various phytoplankton groups. Findings related to pollution indices yielded that Uzuncayir Dam Lake is on the edge of the moderate state of organic pollution

    The effect of progressive relaxation exercises on pain, fatigue, and quality of life in dialysis patients

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    Patients receiving hemodialysis treatment may experience several symptoms at the same time, such as fatigue and pain. Progressive relaxation exercises (PRE) have been reported to have positive effect on the control of these symptoms. In this study, a randomized, controlled, and experimental study was conducted to examine the effect of PRE on pain, fatigue, and quality of life in hemodialysis patients; the study was carried out with 48 intervention and 48 control patients receiving treatment in the hemodialysis units of 2 hospitals. Data were collected by a questionnaire prepared by the researcher, which included questions about sociodemographic variables and the disease; Piper Fatigue Scale; Visual Analog Scale that measures pain severity; and SF-36 Quality of Life Scale. The results of study revealed that mean total fatigue score and mean pain score decreased in the intervention group after the application of PRE; whereas no change was observed in the control group (P < .05). It was also found that quality of life physical component mean score and mental component mean score increased in the intervention group after the application of PRE (P < .05)


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