31 research outputs found

    Field intercomparison of prevailing sonic anemometers

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    Three-dimensional sonic anemometers are the core component of eddy covariance systems, which are widely used for micrometeorological and ecological research. In order to characterize the measurement uncertainty of these instruments we present and analyse the results from a field intercomparison experiment of six commonly used sonic anemometer models from four major manufacturers. These models include Campbell CSAT3, Gill HS-50 and R3, METEK uSonic-3 Omni, R. M. Young 81000 and 81000RE. The experiment was conducted over a meadow at the TERENO/ICOS site DE-Fen in southern Germany over a period of 16 days in June of 2016 as part of the ScaleX campaign. The measurement height was 3 m for all sensors, which were separated by 9 m from each other, each on its own tripod, in order to limit contamination of the turbulence measurements by adjacent structures as much as possible. Moreover, the high-frequency data from all instruments were treated with the same post-processing algorithm. In this study, we compare the results for various turbulence statistics, which include mean horizontal wind speed, standard deviations of vertical wind velocity and sonic temperature, friction velocity, and the buoyancy flux. Quantitative measures of uncertainty, such as bias and comparability, are derived from these results. We find that biases are generally very small for all sensors and all computed variables, except for the sonic temperature measurements of the two Gill sonic anemometers (HS and R3), confirming a known transducer-temperature dependence of the sonic temperature measurement. The best overall agreement between the different instruments was found for the mean wind speed and the buoyancy flux

    Wintertime grassland dynamics may influence belowground biomass under climate change: a model analysis

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    Rising temperatures and changes in snow cover, as can be expected under a warmer global climate, may have large impacts on mountain grassland productivity limited by cold and long winters. Here, we combined two existing models, the multi-layer atmosphere-SOiL-VEGetation model (SOLVEG) and the BASic GRAssland model (BASGRA), which accounts for snow, freeze–thaw events, grass growth, and soil carbon balance. The model was applied to simulate the responses of managed grasslands to anomalously warm winter conditions. The grass growth module considered key ecological processes under a cold environment, such as leaf formation, elongation and death, tillering, carbon allocation, and cold acclimation, in terms of photosynthetic activity. Input parameters were derived for two pre-Alpine grassland sites in Germany, for which the model was run using 3 years of data that included a winter with an exceptionally small amount of snow. The model reproduced the temporal variability of observed daily mean heat fluxes, soil temperatures, and snow depth throughout the study period. High physiological activity levels during the extremely warm winter led to a simulated CO2 uptake of 100 gC m−2, which was mainly allocated into the belowground biomass and only to a minor extent used for additional plant growth during early spring. If these temporary dynamics are representative of long-term changes, this process, which is so far largely unaccounted for in scenario analysis using global terrestrial biosphere models, may lead to carbon accumulation in the soil and/or carbon loss from the soil as a response to global warming

    Large inter-annual variation in carbon sink strength of a permanent grassland over 16 years: Impacts of management practices and climate

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    Permanent grasslands cover one third of the European agricultural area and are known to store large amounts of carbon (C) in their soils. However, long-term assessments of their C sink strength are still scarce. Thus, we investigated the C budget of an intensively managed, permanent grassland in Switzerland over 16 years, compared the results to changes in soil C stocks, and determined the most important drivers of the net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE). Combining NEE fluxes with C imports and C exports, we quantified the grassland C budget, i.e., net biome production (NBP). We observed a large inter-annual variation in NBP, with 9 of the 16 years indicating a C sink, and 7 years indicating a C source. On average, the grassland was a small C sink to C neutral, with a NBP of -70±106 g C m−2^{−2} yr−1^{−1} (mean±95% confidence interval). Mean NEE fluxes were -284±115 g C m−2^{−2} yr−1^{−1}, C exports via harvest 335±73 g C m−2^{−2} yr−1^{−1}, and organic C imports via slurry -121±43 g C m−2^{−2} yr−1^{−1}. Soil C stocks from 0 to 0.7 m did not change significantly (decrease of 27.5 g C m−2^{−2} yr−1^{−1} over 13 years). Inter-annual variation in NBP was affected by management practices and environmental conditions. In the last five years, NBP was positive (C source), most likely due to decreasing C imports in combination with extreme weather conditions. Our study demonstrated the importance of covering multiple years with different management events when assessing the C sink strength of a site. Maintaining even a small grassland C sink in the future will be challenging and will require continuous organic C imports

    Montane ecosystem productivity responds more to global circulation patterns than climatic trends

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    Ajuts: we thank the support of KIT IMK-IFU, the University of Wisconsin sabbatical leave program, and the Helmholtz Society/MICMOR fellowship program. We also thank the DWD for German weather data. Phenology data were provided by the members of the PEP725 project. We are indebted to the providers and funders of the eddy covariance flux tower observations, the FLUXNET program, and its database. The sites in Graswang, Rottenbuch and Fendt belong to the TERENO and ICOS-ecosystems networks, funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung(BMBF)and the Helmholtz Association. The modeling study of SOLVEG was partially supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, no. 21120512, provided by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS). This study was financially supported by the Austrian National Science Fund(FWF) under contract P26425 to GW.Regional ecosystem productivity is highly sensitive to inter-annual climate variability, both within and outside the primary carbon uptake period. However, Earth system models lack sufficient spatial scales and ecosystem processes to resolve how these processes may change in a warming climate. Here, we show, how for the European Alps, mid-latitude Atlantic ocean winter circulation anomalies drive high-altitude summer forest and grassland productivity, through feedbacks among orographic wind circulation patterns, snowfall, winter and spring temperatures, and vegetation activity. Therefore, to understand future global climate change influence to regional ecosystem productivity, Earth systems models need to focus on improvements towards topographic downscaling of changes in regional atmospheric circulation patterns and to lagged responses in vegetation dynamics to non-growing season climate anomalies

    Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements in the Complex Terrain of an Alpine Valley in Switzerland

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