93 research outputs found

    Multifunctional Gym Station

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na konstrukční návrh posilovací věže, která je lehce smontovatelná a dopravitelná k zákazníkovi. Teoretická část obsahuje popis věží dostupných na trhu, zatímco praktická se soustředí na vypracovaní finálního modelu. Pro správnou funkčnost sloupce závaží bylo potřeba vyřešit vinutí lan a umístění kladek na věži. Posilovací věž byla rozdělena na jednotlivá stanoviště s popisem možného využití každého stanoviště a názvů svalů, které mohou být posíleny. K věži byly navrženy 3 druhy posilovacích lavic, z kterých by si mohl zákazník vybrat podle svých preferencí. Na závěr byla provedena MKP analýza a analytické výpočty pro zajištění bezpečnosti a funkčnosti věže.The bachelor thesis focuses on the structural design of a multifunctional gym station that is easily assembled and transportable to the customer. The theoretical part contains a description of towers available on the market, while the practical part focuses on the development of the final model. For the proper functionality of the weight column, the rope winding, and the placement of the pulleys on the tower had to be solved. The weight training tower was divided into individual stations with a description of the possible use of each station and the names of the muscles that can be strengthened. 3 types of weight benches were designed for the tower, from which the customer could choose according to his preferences. Finally, FEM analysis and analytical calculations were performed to ensure the safety and functionality of the tower.340 - Katedra konstruovánívelmi dobř

    Growth-climate responses of Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. versus Picea abies (L.) Karst. in the British Isles and Central Europe

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    Introduced tree species have become increasingly important in the context of the ongoing climate change. This paper focuses on the dendrochronology of the most widespread introduced tree species in the British Isles – Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis [Bong.] Carr.) – in comparable soil conditions in England, Czechia, and Slovakia. The research aims to evaluate the growth dynamics and the influence of climatic factors on this tree species while comparing it with economically main tree species in Europe – Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.). Based on the analysis of 150 increment cores, the radial growth of Sitka spruce was on average 24.2% higher than that of Norway spruce. The highest increments in 52 to 62-year-old stands were achieved in England by both Sitka spruce (8.7mm) and Norway spruce (7.0 mm). In terms of negative pointer years (NPYs), there was no difference in the number of years with a significantly low increment between the two species at any site. The lowest effect of climatic factors on growth was found in Czechia, while the highest was in England. Higher resistance to climate was found for Sitka compared to Norway spruce. In general, the main limiting factor for the growth was the lack of precipitation in the previous year’s vegetation season, or heavy frost in England. In Central Europe, due to low precipitation, Sitka spruce will not be a substantial introduced tree species in the future, but on suitable sites, it can achieve high production potential and play a significant role for increasing stand diversity in the face of climate change

    Dendrochronological data from twelve countries proved definite growth response of black alder (Alnus glutinosa [L.] Gaertn.) to climate courses across its distribution range

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    Black alder (Alnus glutinosa [L.] Gaertn.) is an important component of riparian and wetland ecosystems in Europe. However, data on the growth of this significant broadleaved tree species is very limited. Presently, black alder currently suffers from the pathogen Phytophthora and is particularly threatened by climate change. The objective of this study was to focus on the impact of climatic variables (precipitation, temperature, extreme climatic events) on the radial growth of alder across its geographic range during the period 1975–2015. The study of alder stands aged 46–108 years was conducted on 24 research plots in a wide altitude range (85–1015 m) in 12 countries of Europe and Asia. The most significant months affecting alder radial growth were February and March, where air temperatures are more significant than precipitation. Heavy frost and extreme weather fluctuations in the first quarter of the year were the main limiting factors for diameter increment. Within the geographical setting, latitude had a higher effect on radial growth compared to longitude. However, the most important variable concerning growth parameters was altitude. The temperature’s effect on the increment was negative in the lowlands and yet turned to positive with increasing altitude. Moreover, growth sensitivity to precipitation significantly decreased with the increasing age of alder stands. In conclusion, the growth variability of alder and the number of negative pointer years increased with time, which was caused by the ongoing climate change and also a possible drop in the groundwater level. Riparian alder stands well supplied with water are better adapted to climatic extremes compared to plateau and marshy sites

    Challenges and risks of Serbian spruce (Picea omorika [pančić] purk.) in the time of climate change – a literature review

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    Serbian spruce (Picea omorika [Pančić] Purk.) is a Balkan endemic coniferous species, the expansion of which is restricted by limited knowledge. This literature review paper compiles findings from 176 scientific papers and presents a summary of research results that pertain to the Serbian spruce potential in general, with a specific focus on European forests from 1951 to 2022. It summarizes the importance of its taxonomy, biological and ecological characteristics, site demands, production and silviculture, risks and pests, as well as the potential of this tree species in relation to global climate change. Serbian spruce is very resistant to the negative effect of air pollution and extreme heat waves compared to other spruce species, especially the most economically important spruce species in Europe– Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.). Moreover, its radial growth shows highly balanced annual increments, and the density and technical parameters of the wood are comparable with Norway spruce. On the other hand, the highest weakness may be the limited genetic variability. Despite its rather limited natural range, Serbian spruce can be considered one of the most adaptable spruces to anthropogenic factors and climate change, and a valuable tree species for urban landscapes. Its production potential of wood on acidic, dry and extreme sites makes it attractive for forestry, through its introduction

    Long-term unemployment in the district of Ústí nad Orlicí

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    Cílem práce je poukázat na narůstající problém dlouhodobé nazaměstnanosti v okrese Ústí nad Orlicí, potažmo celé ČR.Práce se zaměřuje pouze na aktivní složku politiky zaměstnanosti a pozornost je věnována právě okresu Ústí nad Orlicí.Ústav veřejné správy a právaDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Analysis and modeling of the structure and development of mixed forest stands in the Sudety mountains

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    The thesis deals with analysis and modeling of the structure and development of selected mixed forests in protected areas of the Sudeten system. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the development of a vertical, horizontal and total structure of mixed forest stands in central Sudets. The main aim was to analyze production parameters, development of the stand health status including damage by game and air pollution, assessment of dead wood and natural regeneration in the area of interest. The principal objective of the study was to predict the development of mixed forest ecosystem using biodynamics forest growth simulator SIBYLA and to evaluate parameters and interactions among stand structure, climatic factors and natural regeneration. The results show that the spatial distribution of beech stands in optimum stadium changes with the altitude from the regular pattern through random to aggregated spatial pattern of beech forests near the timberline. The spatial distribution of natural regeneration is highly aggregated, distribution of stumps random and horizontal structure of the centroids of the crowns is always more regularly distributed than stems. In terms of the impact of wildlife on natural regeneration, browsing damage of the leading shoot is an important limiting factor for height growth. The study on the influence of microrelief on the growth of beech regeneration shows that the highest average height was found on slope and pits, while the lowest on the mounds. From the effect of climatic factors on the radial growth of trees, it was found that temperature is a limiting factor for growth in mountain areas

    Ungulate Impact on Natural Regeneration in Spruce-Beech-Fir Stands in Černý důl Nature Reserve in the Orlické Hory Mountains, Case Study from Central Sudetes

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    The paper presents the results of a study on tree regeneration of forest stands in the Černý důl Nature Reserve, which is situated in the Orlické hory Mountains Protected Landscape area in the Czech Republic. Research was conducted in a spruce-beech stand with an admixture of silver fir, sycamore maple and rowan on two comparative permanent research plots (PRPs) (PRP 1—fenced enclosure and PRP 2—unfenced). Typological, soil, phytosociological and stand characteristics of the two PRPs are similar. The results showed that ungulate browsing is a limiting factor for successful development of natural regeneration of autochthonous tree species. The population of tree species of natural regeneration on the fenced plot (PRP 1) is sufficient in relation to the site and stand conditions. However, natural regeneration on PRP 2 is considerably limited by browsing. Damage is greatest to fir, sycamore maple and rowan; less severe to beech; and the least to spruce

    Experimental use AntNet algorithm in an active network

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    Tato práce představuje experimentální použití algoritmu AntNet a možností směrovaní horší cestou. Algoritmus AntNet byl navržena pro IP sítě s využitím mobilních agentů pro získání výhod programovatelného prostředí. Upravil jsem algoritmus AntNet pro programovatelný síťový server s názvem Smart Active Node. Tento server se drží vzoru aktivních sítí. Jako experimentální realizaci Quality of Service, jsem modifikoval algoritmus AntNet pro hledání horších cest v síti. Teoreticky by mělo být možné přesměrovat datový tok bez real-timových potřeb na méně vytížené komunikační linky ke snížení celkového poměru zahazovaných paketů.Katedra informatiky a výpočetní technikyObhájenoThis thesis presents an experimental use of the AntNet routing algorithm to perform a so-called worse-path routing. The AntNet algorithm was proposed for IP networks with the use of Mobile Agents to benefit from a programmable environment. I adapted the AntNet algorithm for a programmable-network server called Smart Active Node. This server adheres to the paradigm of Active Networks. As an experimental implementation of Quality of Service, I modified the AntNet algorithm to find worse-routes in the network. In theory, this should make possible to re-route non-real time traffic to less-congested links to reduce an overall packet-drop ratio