10 research outputs found

    Primární prevence porodního poranění

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    Metrics of perineal support (MOPS) study

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    Background: Manual perineal protection (MPP) is an intrapartum intervention suggested to protect perineal integrity during childbirth. Proper execution of MPP is complex and evaluation of its true contribution is difficult in the clinical setting because of the large number of obstetric variables, some of which are hardly quantifiable. In this study we aimed to gather initial data on the forces executed by the accoucheur's thumb, index and middle fingers during MPP at the time of fetal head expulsion, quantify the duration of the intervention and investigate the timely interaction of the different components of MPP. Methods: Two bespoke right-handed measurement gloves (MG), with built in sensors, were designed and produced. The MG allowed the electronic real-time measurement of applied forces during MPP and transferred this data wirelessly to an integrated computer system. Sterile gloves were worn over the MG when used at the time of birth. The study was undertaken between January and December 2019. Singleton, term pregnant women having their first vaginal birth who provided a valid written consent were enrolled into this prospective pilot study. All deliveries were undertaken by one of two obstetricians experienced in MPP Results: Twenty women were enrolled. The mean duration of execution of MPP during the last contraction was 13.6 s. In 20% it lasted < 5 s. The overall means of the mean and maximum forces of the thumb, index and middle fingers were 26.7 N; 25.5 N; 20.2 N and 34.3 N; 32.6 N; and 27.6 N respectively. The onset of fingers and thumb activity was simultaneous in 13 cases (65%), while in seven (35%) deliveries the middle finger's force activity was initiated later. Conclusions: MPP during fetal head expulsion happens over a short period of time. In the majority of cases the thumb and fingers actions started simultaneously. There were differences in the duration of application and the forces executed by the fingers and thumb between the two practitioners, however this was only significant for thumb measurements. The results obtained will aid in improving further MPP modeling studies to optimize the technique

    Obstetric interventions and pelvic floor disorders

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    Obstetric interventions and pelvic floor disorders - Abstract One of the principal objectives of obstetric interventions in the second stage of labor is prevention of pelvic floor trauma and associated pelvic floor disorders. The most commonly used and also most frequently discussed interventions are manual perineal protection and episiotomy. The majority of pelvic floor disorders are of subjective nature. Therefore, tools for objectification and severity quantification of these disorders are the key to reliable comparison and identification of the most effective interventions. The aim of the dissertation was to find the most effective modification of manual perineal protection, to compare two frequently used types of episiotomy regarding all pelvic floor disorders and finally to find a consensus on the most suitable instrument for anal incontinence severity assessment. Our studies concerning manual perineal protection experimentally described the direction and extent of perineal deformation during vaginal delivery. The subsequent studies on biomechanical model demonstrated that the most effective method of manual perineal protection in peak perineal strain reduction is when the fingers are placed on the perineum 6 cm laterally and 2 cm ventrally from the posterior commissure at both sides and are..

    Laparoskopická sakrocolpopexie jako hlavní článek pro studii signifikantního apikálního prolapsu pánevních orgánů

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    Primárním cílem této studie bylo pousouzení klinické proveditelnosti nové strategie, kde laparoskopická sacrocolpopexie je hlavní metoda pro řízení signifikantního apikálního prolapsu pánevních orgánů. Sekundárním cílem bylo vyhodnocení LSC výstupů ve vztahu k předoperačnímu lékařskému posudku žen s pomocí kategorizace Ameriské Společnosti Anesteziologů (ASA-PS).The primary aim of this study was to assess the clinical feasibility of a policy where laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy (LSC) is the default procedure for the management of a significant apical pelvic organ prolapse (a-POP). As a secondary aim, we wanted to evaluate LSC outcomes in relation to women’s preoperative assessment of their surgical fitness using the American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status (ASA-PS) categorization

    Finite element modeling of maximum stress in pelvic floor structures during the head expulsion (FINESSE) study

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    Several studies have assessed birth-related deformations of the levator ani muscle (LAM) and perineum on models that depicted these elements in isolation. The main aim of this study was to develop a complex female pelvic floor computational model using the finite element method to evaluate points and timing of maximum stress at the LAM and perineum in relation to the birth process. A three-dimensional computational model of the female pelvic floor was created and used to simulate vaginal birth based on data from previously described real-life MRI scans. We developed three models: model A (LAM without perineum); model B (perineum without LAM); model C (a combined model with both structures). The maximum stress in the LAM was achieved when the vertex was 9 cm below the ischial spines and measured 37.3 MPa in model A and 88.7 MPa in model C. The maximum stress in the perineum occurred at the time of distension by the suboocipito-frontal diameter and reached 86.7 MPa and 119.6 MPa in models B and C, respectively, while the stress in the posterior fourchette caused by the suboccipito-bregmatic diameter measured 36.9 MPa for model B and 39.8 MPa for model C. Including perineal structures in a computational birth model simulation affects the level of stress at the LAM. The maximum stress at the LAM and perineum seems to occur when the head is lower than previously anticipated