272 research outputs found

    Tardigrades and oribatid mites in bryophytes from geothermally active lava fields (Krafla, Iceland) and the description of Pilatobius islandicus sp. nov. (Eutardigrada)

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    In polar regions, apart from tundra and glaciers, geothermally active areas with elevated temperatures are important elements of ecosystems. One such geothermally active region characterized by mosaic ecosystems and vast areas covered by recent lava fields is Iceland. The aim of our study was to explore the diversity of invertebrates inhabiting geothermally active lava fields in the Krafla area (Iceland). Eight bryophyte samples were collected from a warm surface, mainly from the steaming areas. We have found Nematoda, Rotifera, Tardigrada and Oribatida in the samples. Habitat analysis demonstrated there to be 12 bryophyte species (five liverworts and seven mosses). The diversity of bryophytes in a single sample ranged from one to six species. The most common bryophyte was Racomitrium lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid. Four species of tardigrades were found, including one that was new. Pilatobius islandicus sp. nov. is described herein by morphological, morphometric and molecular approaches (COI, 28S rRNA, 18S rRNA). Oribatida mites were identified as two species (Malaconothrus monodactylus (Michael, 1888) and Camisia foveolata Hammer, 1955). The average density of invertebrates was 13.1 ind./g with a maximum of 40.8 ind./g calculated per dry material. The tardigrades found in our study belonged to herbivores, microbivores and omnivores, whereas the mites belonged to saprophages, which indicates complex trophic networks in geothermally active lava fields

    Analysis of the specificity and selectivity of anti-EpCAM antibodies in breast cancer cell lines

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    The epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is a membrane glycoprotein that is expressed in most normal human epithelia and overexpressed in most carcinomas. Molecule is responsible for cell-to-cell adhesion and additionally participates in signaling, cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. Therefore, EpCAM has been the target of immunotherapy in clinical trials of several solid tumors. It appears to play an important role as a target for circulating tumor cells (CTCs) capturing. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the specificity and selectivity of different anti-EpCAM antibodies in order to their usefulness for CTCs capturing. All experiments were performed in six different types of breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, SkBr-3, T47D, CAMA-1, MDAMB-231, BT-20) and with use of three different anti-EpCAM antibodies (EBA-1, AUA-1, 9C4). The experiments revealed that investigated antibodies differ significantly regarding the specificity of EpCAM antigen binding. The most significant role in the circulating tumor cells capturing can play the EBA-1 and 9C4 anti-EpCAM antibodies as they revealed the most specific signal. The strength and specificity of reaction was dependent not only on the type of antibody but also on the type of breast cancer cell line. On the basis of the present outcomes it can be assumed that the best solution for obtaining the most specific results could be the use of mixture of different anti-EpCAM antibodies simultaneously. In conclusion, the proper selection of anti-EpCAM antibody is crucial especially when this antigen is considered as a marker for detection of circulating tumor cells

    Support of the Intervention Commander through Mobile Application in Conditions of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Moravian-Silesian Region

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou aktuálních možností podpory velitele při zásahu jednotek HZS Moravskoslezského kraje a shrnuje obecné možnosti dostupných informací prostřednictvím dokumentace a programů, které lze využít. Práce se zabývá výběrem aplikačního prostředí, včetně návrhu vnitřního rozvržení aplikace. Aplikace tvoří znalostní základnu zejména ve vztahu k mobilní technice a technickým prostředkům a analyzuje možnosti přidružení již existujících aplikací. V praktické části této práce je zobrazena struktura a vzhled této pomůcky velitele zásahu.The submitted diploma thesis deals with the analysis of current possibilities of support of the commander in the intervention of fire brigade of the Moravian-Silesian region and summarizes the general possibilities of available information through documentation and programs that can be used. Thesis deals with the selection of the application setting, including the design of the internal layout of the application. The application forms a knowledge base especially in relation to mobile technology and technical means and analyzes the possibilities of associating existing applications. The practical part of this shows the structure and appearance of this aid to the intervention commander.030 - Katedra požární ochranyvýborn

    Tardigrades living on a sub-arctic glacier in Alaska

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions: [OB] Polar Biology, Wed. 4 Dec. / 3F Multipurpose conference room, National Institute of Polar Researc

    Tardigrada in Svalbard lichens : diversity, densities and habitat heterogeneity

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    Tardigrades in lichens have been poorly studied with few papers published on their ecology and diversity so far. The aims of our study are to determine the (1) influence of habitat heterogeneity on the densities and species diversity of tardigrade communities in lichens as well as the (2) effect of nutrient enrichment by seabirds on tardigrade densities in lichens. Forty-five lichen samples were collected from Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet, Prins Karls Forland, Danskøya, Fuglesongen, Phippsøya and Parrøya in the Svalbard archipelago. In 26 samples, 23 taxa of Tardigrada (17 identified to species level) were found. Twelve samples consisted of more than one lichen species per sample (with up to five species). Tardigrade densities and taxa diversity were not correlated with the number of lichen species in a single sample. Moreover, the densities of tardigrades was not significantly higher in lichens collected from areas enriched with nutrients by seabirds in comparison to those not enriched. The incorporation of previously published data on the tardigrades of Spitsbergen into the analysis showed that tardigrade densities was significantly higher in moss than it was in lichen samples. We propose that one of the most important factors influencing tardigrade densities is the cortex layer, which is a barrier for food sources, such as live photosynthetic algal cells in lichens. Finally, the new records of Tardigrada and the first and new records of lichens in Svalbard archipelago are presented

    Integrative redescription of a common Arctic water bear Pilatobius recamieri (Richters, 1911)

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    Tardigrada are a group of microscopic metazoans that inhabit a variety of ecosystems throughout the world, including polar regions, where they are a constant element of microfauna with densities exceeding hundreds of individuals per gram of dry plant material. However, despite a long history of research and their ubiquity in tundra ecosystems, the majority of tardigrade species have limited and outdated diagnoses. One such example is Pilatobius recamieri, a common tardigrade that is widely distributed in the Arctic. The aim of this study is to redescribe this species using new material from the type locality and tools of integrative taxonomy, viz. by combining classical imaging and morphometry by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy imaging with DNA sequencing of four markers with various mutation rates: three nuclear (18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, and ITS-2) and one mitochondrial (COI). The sequences of the three latter markers are also the first to be presented for the genus Pilatobius. This study therefore provides the first necessary step towards the verification of the geographic range of P. recamieri, which is currently assumed to be very broad. A detailed comparison of P. recamieri with Pilatobius secchii (Bertolani and Rebecchi, 1996) from Italy revealed no morphological or morphometric differences between the two species, thus we designate P. secchii as a nomen inquirendum until molecular data for the taxon become available. Finally, we propose to replace the term "lunula" in the superfamilies Hypsibioidea and Isohypsibioidea with the more appropriate "pseudolunula" to differentiate it from the true lunula in other parachelans

    New tardigrade records for the Baltic states with a description of Minibiotus formosus sp. n. (Eutardigrada, Macrobiotidae)

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    In sixteen moss, lichen and mixed (moss/lichen) samples, collected from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 291 specimens, 48 simplexes, including one exuvium with 6 eggs, and 8 free-laid eggs of eutardigrades were found. In total, 17 species, together with one new to science, were identified (all are new records for the Baltic states): Astatumen bartosi, Diphascon (Adropion) prorsirostre, D. (Diphascon) bullatum, D. (D.) pingue pingue, D. (D.) recamieri, D. (D.) rugosum, Hypsibius convergens, H. dujardini, H. cf. scabropygus, Isohypsibius ronsisvallei, I. sattleri, Macrobiotus harmsworthi harmsworthi, M. hufelandi hufelandi, Milnesium asiaticum, Milnesium tardigradum tardigradum, Minibiotus formosus sp. n. and Paramacrobiotus richtersi. The new species is most similar to Minibiotus gumersindoi, but differs from it mainly by the presence of two types of cuticular pores, the absence of a triangular or pentagonal arrangement of pores above a single large pore on legs, the presence of granulation on all legs and a different macroplacoid length sequence. In this paper we also provide photographs and morphometrics of H. cf. scabropygus

    Water bears dominated cryoconite hole ecosystems : densities, habitat preferences and physiological adaptations of Tardigrada on an alpine glacier

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    We investigated the Forni Glacier and the surrounding area in the Alps in terms of habitat preferences, densities, dispersal and desiccation tolerance of glacier tardigrades, which are one of the most common faunal representatives and top consumers in supraglacial ecosystems. To do so, we sampled supraglacial environments (cryoconite holes, debris from ice surface, dirt cones and moraine, mosses from supraglacial stones) and non-glacial habitats (mosses, freshwater sediments and algae), and we installed air traps on the glacier and the nearby area. We found that cryoconite holes on the Forni Glacier are exclusively dominated by one metazoan group of tardigrades, representing one species, Hypsibius klebelsbergi (identified by morphological and molecular approaches). Tardigrades were found in 100% of cryoconite holes and wet supraglacial sediment samples and reached up to 172 ind./ml. Additionally, we found glacier tardigrades in debris from dirt cones and sparsely in supraglacial mosses. Glacier tardigrades were absent from freshwater and terrestrial samples collected from non-glacial habitats. Despite the fact that H. klebelsbergi is a typical aquatic species, we showed it withstands desiccation in sediments, but in low temperatures only. Treatments conducted in higher temperatures and water only showed low or no recovery. We suspect successful dispersal with wind might have taken place only when tardigrades desiccated in sediments and were passively transported by cold wind. Limited ability to withstand high temperatures and desiccation may be potential barriers preventing glacier tardigrades inhabiting new, even apparently suitable high mountain water bodies like temporary rock pools

    An integrative redescription of the nominal taxon for the Mesobiotus harmsworthi group (Tardigrada: Macrobiotidae) leads to descriptions of two new Mesobiotus species from Arctic

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    The Mesobiotus harmsworthi group has a global distribution, with localities in polar, temperate and tropical zones. Since the first species of the harmsworthi group was described in the beginning of the 20^{th} century, tens of new species within the group were found and named. However, the diagnosis of the nominal Mesobiotus harmsworthi is insufficient and enigmatic, thus it can be is a serious obstacle in solving the taxonomy of this group. Here, we integratively redescribe the nominal species for the genus Mesobiotus, i.e., Mesobiotus harmsworthi and clarify taxonomic statuses of the two subspecies: M. harmsworthi harmsworthi and M. harmsworthi obscurus that have been recognised as distinct taxa for more than three decades. Traditionally, egg chorion in M. harmsworthi was considered almost smooth and without any traces of areolation, however here we report many misunderstandings that accumulated across decades and we show that, in fact, the chorion in this species exhibits a partially developed areolation. We present an integrative (morphological, morphometric and molecular) diagnosis of the nominal taxon and we confirm that it differs from other species of the harmsworthi group by morphological characters of both animals and eggs. Additionally, we describe two new species of the genus Mesobiotus: M. skorackii sp. nov. from the Kyrgyz Republic (using classical morphological description) and M. occultatus sp. nov. from Svalbard Archipelago (by means of integrative taxonomy). Finally, we also provide the first genetic phylogeny of the genus Mesobiotus based on COI sequences which, together with molecular species delimitation, independently confirms the validity of the analysed taxa