104 research outputs found

    Photolithographic Mask Fabrication Process Using Cr/Sapphire Carriers

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    Elaboration of the technology of novel photolithographic masks fabricated on sapphire substrates for UV and DUV application was described. The main technological steps of mask fabrication as Cr metallization deposition, selection of resist for lithography and Cr layer etching were developed and reported. The etching of Cr films was carried out through resist mask. Detailed study of Cr layer etching process was performed using different solutions such as KMnO4, HCl and ceric ammonium nitrate-based solutions to obtain good-quality structures with the smallest possible undercut of Cr layer and smooth edge. The mask fabrication process was validated by fabrication of test structures of microelectronic device using photolithography technique

    Individualization of work of a student with vision impairment and his psychosocial functioning

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    Introduction. The sight is of inestimable importance in every child’s process of learning. Lack of eyesight hinders both learning about reality and developing practical skills. Overcoming difficulties and limitations resulting from the loss of vision or serious vision defect requires knowledge about the possibilities of supporting individuals with total vision loss and visual impairment. This requires learning about limitations and physical, psychosocial, orientation and cognitive consequences. Aim. This article deals with theoretical issues related to the individualization of work of a student with vision disability. The aim of the work is to get acquainted with the model of work with a blind student and determine ways to support his education. Presentation of the consequences of visual disability taking into account the psychosocial functioning of people with damaged eyesight has made it possible to approximate the phenomenon of perceptual compensation. The limitations and difficulties of blind or visually impaired students in spatial orientation emphasised the importance of technical support necessary for safe mobility of the blind in both the educational institution and daily situations. Summary. Teachers, vision therapists and tyflopedagogy educators play a special role in developing proper practical skills of the visually impaired. It is extremely important that not only the core curriculum, the curriculum, the assessment principles should be adapted to the student's individual abilities, but also the psychosocial conditions should allow the student to feel accepted in a peer environment. It is also important to provide appropriate assistance to a visually impaired student in the initial period of his education, because it is of great importance for further efficiency of his work and development

    Czynniki determinujące wartość produkcji roślinnej gospodarstw rolnych w regionie Pomorza środkowego

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    The primary objective of the study is to determine the significance of land for agricultural output value generated by the Middle Pomerania farms of the dominant share of the plant production in the value of total production. Empirical verification of the factors determining the value of agricultural output in the region of Middle Pomerania was conducted using logistic regression model. The study used data on 933 farms, with particular emphasis on data of 406 farm directed to plant production. It was found that three independent variables had a statistically significant positive impact on the phenomenon: agricultural area, the amount of the production volume which was intended for official sale, the share of debt in financing of agricultural activity of a farm. Furthermore, it has been shown that the model containing only the variable of agricultural land used in the production process was characterized by the values of statistics (LR, AIC, AUC, McFadden’s R2) which indicate a better fit to the observed data than the model containing only the other variables included in the analysis. This demonstrates the importance of land in the process of creating the value of agricultural output on farms. The best model was obtained when all the (statistically significant) variables that have been adopted for the study were taken into account. &nbsp

    Why households borrow money? Socio-economic factors affecting households debts : a model approach

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    Purpose: This research aims to identify and assess the socio-economic determinants of Central Pomerania household indebtedness (at the household level) using non-parametric statistical tests and multiple correspondence analysis. Design/Methodology/Approach: The source of data was a survey conducted among 1,000 households of Central Pomerania (Poland). First, it was determined whether there exists a statistically significant relationship between having debt and the socio-economic characteristics of the households analyzed (using the chi-square test or the Fisher test). Next, a multiple correspondence analysis was used to identify and assess relationships between the categories of features that characterize the surveyed households' indebtedness. Findings: Using non-parametric statistical tests, it was established that there is a statistically significant relationship between debt and the following household characteristics: development phase, size and composition of the household, socio-economic type, location of the household, a form of residential unit ownership, age of the household head, having economic education by the head of the household, and the level of average monthly income per person in the household. The most often indebted households were those whose main source of income was self-employment, with the number of members exceeding 3 persons and households with dependent children. Practical Implications: The results obtained in this research may be sources of information for credit institutions interested in adjusting the product offer to households' needs because these households - as our research results show - differ in several socio-economic characteristics. Originality/Value: Our study complements the results of previous research on household debt determinants, confirming the important role of socio-economic factors in the process of making financial decisions regarding debt.peer-reviewe

    Efektywność wybranych funduszy akcji małych i średnich spółek w latach 2010–2014

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    The aim of this article is to estimate funds of small and medium-sized enterprises’s performances over the period 2010–2014. The analysis uses the following indicators and risk measures: the return rate, standard deviation, beta ratio and also risk-adjusted measure – Treynor ratio. A thesis was postulated that funds of small and medium-sized enterprises were not effectively managed. In the curse of the study, the above statement was partly proved correct. The efficiency of funds as well as investment’s risk were diversified among individual fund and analyzed years.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena efektywności funduszy akcji małych i średnich spółek w latach 2010–2014. W ocenie zastosowano najpopularniejsze miary efektywności funduszy inwestycyjnych – stopy zwrotu, miary ryzyka (odchylenie standardowe, współczynnik beta portfela), miary skorygowane o ryzyko (wskaźnik Treynora). Postawiono hipotezę badawczą stwierdzającą, iż fundusze segmentu małych i średnich spółek nie były efektywnie zarządzane. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwoliła jedynie częściowo potwierdzić założoną hipotezę. Fundusze uzyskiwały zarówno niższe, jak i wyższe niż rynek stopy zwrotu. Zróżnicowany był też poziom ryzyka inwestycyjnego – nie tylko dla poszczególnych funduszy, ale i w kolejnych okresach.

    Factors determining the tendency of rural households in Central Pomerania to save – PILOT study results

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    The aim of this research is to identify factors affecting the propensity of rural households to save, on the example of 100 entities in Central Pomerania, based on pilot studies (direct questionnaire technique) using the logistic regression model. The study assumes that the dependent variable is the occurrence of savings in the household in 2018. The selection of independent variables for the logistic regression model was made on the basis of literature studies. The results of the analysis confirmed that statistically significant parameters for the variables were: average monthly net income per one person in the household, diversification of the income sources and the share of expenses on food and non-alcoholic beverages in total household consumption expenditure. The first two parameters increase the probability of saving by rural households of Central Pomerania. The last of these parameters reduces the chance of deferring consumption through savings

    Stopy zwrotu akcji małych i średnich spółek a wielkość funduszy

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    The purpose of this article was to examine the relationship between the size of equity funds of small and medium enterprises and the rates of return they achieved. In order to achieve this a thesis was postulated that fund’s size do not determinate rates of return from funds of small and medium-sized enterprises. The study included 17 equity funds of small and medium enterprises available on the Polish financial market. The time scope of the study covered the years 2013-2017. The analysis uses annual rates of return. As a measure of the size of the funds, the value of net assets (WAN), being in their management, was assumed. The analysis of the results allowed us to draw the conclusion that there is no unequivocal impact of the size of equity funds on the results they achieve

    Polska Bibliografia Naukowa – powstanie, rozwój i znaczenie

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    The article characterizes the development of the system of institutional evaluation of science in Poland. The Polish Scientific Bibliography (PBN) is discussed in detail – its transformation, current state, functionality, needs, users’ expectations as well as its importance and tasks for the future. The PBN is an important portal of the Ministry of Education and Science and a bibliographic-analytical database of an integrated Information System on Higher Education POL-on. The importance of the PBN results from its role as an official data source used in the process of evaluation of scientific units and consequently, for the distribution of subsidies in higher education.W artykule przeanalizowano rozwój systemu instytucjonalnej ewaluacji nauki w Polsce. Szczegółowo omówiono Polską Bibliografię Naukową (PBN) – jej transformację, stan obecny, funkcjonalność, potrzeby, oczekiwania użytkowników oraz znaczenie i zadania na przyszłość. PBN jest istotnym portalem Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki oraz bazą bibliograficzno-analityczną zintegrowanego Systemu Informacji o Szkolnictwie Wyższym POL-on. Ranga PBN wynika z przypisywanej jej roli oficjalnego źródła danych, wykorzystywanego w procesie ewaluacji jednostek naukowych, a w konsekwencji służącego do podziału dotacji w szkolnictwie wyższym

    Efektywność funduszy surowcowych w Polsce w okresie hossy i bessy

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the effectiveness of investment funds in the case of bull and bear market on the example of commodity funds. We highlighted 5 periods of decline and 4 periods of bull market in 2008–2016. The study included 10 commodity funds in Poland. The results show that the commodity fund managers were not able to avoid negative rates of return during periods of downturn and did not provide positive rates of return in bull markets.Celem artykułu jest zbadanie zagadnienia efektywności funduszy inwestycyjnych w przypadku okresów koniunktury oraz dekoniunktury na rynku na przykładzie funduszy surowcowych. W tym celu wyróżniono 5 okresów bessy oraz 4 okresy hossy w latach 2008–2016. W badaniu uwzględniono 10 funduszy surowcowych w Polsce. Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, że zarządzający funduszami surowcowymi nie byli w stanie uniknąć ujemnych stóp zwrotu w okresach bessy i nie zapewniali dodatnich stóp zwrotu w okresach hossy