294 research outputs found

    Social networking as an advertising tool in Russia and abroad

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    This study contrasts the behavioural patterns of users on Facebook with those on VKontakte using data collected by Facebook and a survey of Russian VKontakte users. The authors analyse the key differences between the two popular social networks, including what users perceived to be the most attractive options, the amount of time spent online and attitudes toward advertising. The results have been used to evaluate the potential of social networks (SMM) for business promotion in Russia

    Reactor for In-Situ Measurements of Spatially Resolved Kinetic Data in Heterogeneous Catalysis

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    The present work describes a reactor that allows in-situ measurements of spatially resolved kinetic data in heterogenous catalysis. The reactor design allows measurements up to temperatures of 1300 ±C and 45 bar pressure, i.e. conditions of industrial relevance. The reactor involves reactants flowing through a solid catalyst bed containing a sampling capillary with a side sampling orifice through which a small fraction of the reacting fluid (gas or liquid) is transferred into an analytical device (e.g. MS, GC, HPLC) for quantitative analysis. The sampling capillary can be moved with ¹m resolution in or against flow direction to measure species profiles through the catalyst bed. Rotation of the sampling capillary allows averaging over several scan lines. The position of the sampling orifice is such that the capillary channel through the catalyst bed remains always occupied by the capillary preventing flow disturbance and fluid bypassing. The second function of the sampling capillary is to provide a well which can accommodate temperature probes such as a thermocouple or a pyrometer fiber. If a thermocouple is inserted in the sampling capillary and aligned with the sampling orifice fluid temperature profiles can be measured. A pyrometer fiber can be used to measure the temperature profile of the solid catalyst bed. Spatial profile measurements are demonstrated for methane oxidation on Pt and methane oxidative coupling on Li/MgO, both catalysts supported on reticulated a-Al2O3 foam supports

    P148 CD68 expression in inflammatory cell infiltration of nonspecific invasive breast cancer

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    BackgroundTumor-associated macrophages play a main role in tumor progression and dissemination. Taking into account the high heterogeneicity of tumor the different clinical impact of macrophages, infiltrating different sites of tumor, could be expected. The aim was to detect the level of CD68+ cells (macrophages) in the different site of stroma in breast tumor in comparison to clinical course.Materials and methodsOne thirty-six women with nonspecific invasive breast cancer T1-4N0-3M0, who were treated in General Oncology Department of Tomsk Cancer Research Institute (Tomsk, Russia), were included in the present study. Patients did not receive preoperative treatment. The material was fixed in 10–12% neutral formalin. Preparation of the histological material was carried out according to standard procedures. Morphological examination of the surgical specimens was performed by the standard method using a light microscope “Carl Zeiss Axio Lab.A1” (Germany) and slidescanner “MiraxMidiZeiss” (Germany). Metastatic lesion was detected in regional lymph nodes. Immunohistochemical study was performed according to standard procedures. Cytoplasmic expression of these markers was determined in the inflammatory cell infiltrate of different tumor segments: (1) in areas with soft fibrous stroma; (2) in areas with coarse fibrous stroma; (3) in the areas of the so-called “maximum stromal-and-parenchymal relationship” where the individual tumor cells, short strands and groups of tumor cells arranged in soft fibrous stroma; (4) among parenchymal elements; (5) in gaps of ductal tumor structures. Double-stained immunofluorescence was performed according to standard procedures using Leica TCS SP2 laser-scanning spectral confocal microscope (Germany). The following primary antibodies were used: mouse monoclonal anti-human CD68 (BD Biosciences) and rabbit polyclonal anti-stabilin-1 or RS1 (marker of M2 macrophages).ResultsThe highest expression of CD68 in the inflammatory cell infiltrate was detected more frequently in areas with soft fibrous stroma (54%) or the so-called “maximum stromal-and-parenchymal relationship” (79%) in patients with breast cancer. The lowest expression of CD68 was observed in areas with coarse fiber stroma (23%). The CD68-positive cells of the inflammatory infiltrate were located between parenchymal elements of tumor (88%). Inverse correlation (R=−0.67; p=0.02) observed between tumor size and the expression of CD68 in the cells of the inflammatory infiltrate in gaps of tubular tumor structures. The CD68 expression in cells of the inflammatory tumor infiltrate was correlated with the presence of metastatic regional lymph nodes. It was found that in the case of the lymph node metastases the average score of CD68 expression in cells of ductal gaps tumor structures was lower (1.4±0.5) in comparison with the negative lymph nodes case (3.1±1.0; F=10.9; p=0.007). Same time no correlation between the CD68 expression in the inflammatory cell tumor infiltrate and the rate of tumor malignancy was found. Using confocal microscopy domination of CD68+/RS1+ cells were found.ConclusionSo, low CD68 expression level in ductal gaps tumor structures is associated with the presence of metastatic regional lymph nodes

    Model of the modern geography teacher as a competitive specialist

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    The teacher remains a key figure in the transfer of knowledge and social experience to young generations, therefore the quality of training and education ultimately depends on the level of his professionalism. Clear an understanding of the competency requirements for a geography teacher is necessary for an objective assessment of the quality of teacher’s work, the successful organization of a training and retraining system for teachers. Conducted the work certainly does not exhaust the problem of developing the professional competence of geography teachers as a model modern teacher, and provides for the continuation of scientific and research work

    Phosphate regime of sod-podzolic soil in natural and agrophytocenoses

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    The phosphate regime of sod-podzolic soil (heavy loam) of Cis-Urals under natural phytocenoses (mixed forest, cereal-grass meadow) and agrophytocenoses was studied. The influence of agricultural use of arable land on phosphate regime was evaluated in the long-term stationary experiment (year of establishment – 1978) and the eastern galega (Galega orientalis L.) (year of sowing – 1988). The total content of phosphorus in soil, quantity of its organic, mineral and plant available forms were studied, the fractional composition of mineral phosphates was considered (using Ginzburg-Lebedeva method). The total content of phosphorus in the upper soil layer in all studied objects varied from 1 030 to 1 350 mg/kg. Mineral phosphorus forms prevailed over organic ones in the soil. It was found that the fractional composition of mineral phosphates was 40–62% represented by iron phosphates and 31–48% by calcium phosphates, which is due to the characteristic features of the soil-forming rock – yellow-brown non-carbonate silt drape. Aluminum phosphates amounted to 8–12%. Long-term cultivation of crops during five cycles of the eight-field crop rotation led to a significant decrease in the content of organic phosphorus in the soil. The lower content of iron phosphates (1.6–1.8 times) and the higher content (1.3–2.0 times) of calcium phosphates, available for plants, were observed in the soil of long-term experiment when compared with natural phytocenoses. The content of plant available phosphorus in soil gradually decreased from 239 to 164 mg/kg from the moment of experiment establishment to the fifth rotation. Prolonged fertilizer application (N60P60K60) resulted in the significant increase in mineral and plant available phosphorus forms content in the soil. The residual phosphorus of fertilizers was noted in the Fe-P, Ca-PI and Ca-PII fractions. Under the eastern galega the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the phosphate regime of the soil did not differ significantly from their natural analogues

    Integration Policy in Northwestern Region of Russian Empire in Second Half of 19th — Early 20th Centuries

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    The article examines the commemorative practices implemented by the Russian authorities in the Northwestern region at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, which were a key element of the integrative strategy of ‘soft power’. The formation of a memorial concept based on the idea of the ‘original Russian identity’ of the region and the ‘restoration’ of the lost unity with the core of Russia is analyzed. The article provides a detailed examination of the complex of memorial events associated with the commemoration of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Empress Catherine II, and Vilnius Governor-General M. N. Muravyov, whose activities were linked to the region’s integration into the Russian cultural and civilizational space. Special attention is given to the ideological foundations and intellectual support of anniversary celebrations aimed at asserting the dominant values of Russian political culture in the public sphere. It is concluded that these commemorative practices served as a significant element of symbolic politics by the authorities, aimed at affirming Russia’s moral right to govern and acculturate these territories based on Russian civilizational principles. It is noted that these events, which were part of the overall state memorial policy, were aimed at maintaining the official discourse in the Northwestern provinces, with the idea of ‘Russian cultural primacy’ as its foundation

    Techniques for upgrading educational standards in tourism: how to integrate business circles into university research?

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    Methodology of developing modern educational standards has to comply with the new economic trends. Meeting the requirements of the market is conditioned by the integration of higher professional education and business all over the world. For the implementation of this integration strategy it is efficient to use the module education principle. This paper considers the main components of the module educational program: projective, innovative, and learner-centered. It has been shown that integration of business into research university programs can provide the necessary synthesis of theoretical and practical aspects of training professionals in tourism

    Cancer invasion: patterns and mechanisms

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    Cancer invasion and the ability of malignant tumor cells for directed migration and metastasis have remained a focus of research for many years. Numerous studies have confirmed the existence of two main patterns of cancer cell invasion: collective cell migration and individual cell migration, by which tumor cells overcome barriers of the extracellular matrix and spread into surrounding tissues. Each pattern of cell migration displays specific morphological features and the biochemical/molecular genetic mechanisms underlying cell migration. Two types of migrating tumor cells, mesenchymal (fibroblast-like) and amoeboid, are observed in each pattern of cancer cell invasion. This review describes the key differences between the variants of cancer cell migration, the role of epithelial-mesenchymal, collective-amoeboid, mesenchymal-amoeboid, and amoeboid- mesenchymal transitions, as well as the significance of different tumor factors and stromal molecules in tumor invasion. The data and facts collected are essential to the understanding of how the patterns of cancer cell invasion are related to cancer progression and therapy efficacy. Convincing evidence is provided that morphological manifestations of the invasion patterns are characterized by a variety of tissue (tumor) structures. The results of our own studies are presented to show the association of breast cancer progression with intratumoral morphological heterogeneity, which most likely reflects the types of cancer cell migration and results from different activities of cell adhesion molecules in tumor cells of distinct morphological structures

    Cybernetic welness of the youth: Psychological aspect

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    The ever more growing relevance of the issue under evaluation is explained by the wide expansion of digital technology that leads to the necessity to ensure cybernetic wellness of the population, especially the young. The goal of this article is to detect the psychological peculiarities of the Internet dependence of the youth. The leading approach to this issue is the empirical one (psychological evaluation); it allows detection of differences in socialization levels depending on severity of the Internet dependence among the students and the connection between the level of the Internet dependence and socialization for the young. The article analyzes the severity of the modern youth’s Internet dependence, describes the main criteria of the Internet addictions, forms of appearance and motives for development of addictive behavior among the young, stages of Internet addictions. This article may be used by the psychologists that perform psychological follow-up within the framework of psychocorrective, training and consulting jobs with students and the youth suffering of or damaged by Internet dependence, or fighting the consequences of Internet-addiction-based behavior. The article may also interest other specialists working with the young (teachers, social workers). © 2016 Zinnatova et al

    Search for potential gastric cancer markers using miRNA databases and gene expression analysis

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to identify genes that are differentially expressed in gastric tumors and to analyze the association of their expression level with tumor clinicopathologic features. Methods: In the present research, we used bioinformatic-driven search to identify miRNA that are down-regulated in gastric tumors and to find their potential targets. Then, the expression levels of some of the target mRNAs were investigated using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. Results: As a result of the bioinformatics analysis, fifteen genes were found to be potentially differentially expressed between the tumors and normal gastric tissue. Five of them were chosen for the further analysis (WNT4, FGF12, EFEMP1, CTGF, and HSPG2) due to their important role in cell proliferation and differentiation. Expression levels of these genes were evaluated in our collection of frozen tissue samples of gastric tumor and paired normal stomach epithelia. Increased FGF12 expression was observed in diffuse type of gastric cancer while WNT4 mRNA was found to be down-regulated in intestinal type of gastric cancer. Besides, CTGF gene overexpression was revealed in diffuse type of stomach cancer in comparison with that in intestinal type. Up-regulation of CTGF was also associated with lymph node metastasis. Conclusions: The findings show its expedient to perform further investigations in order to clarify diagnostic and prognostic value of CTGF, FGF12, and WNT4’s in stomach cancer as well as the role of these genes in carcinogenesis