117 research outputs found

    Morska fauna Nacionalnog parka Mljet (Jadransko more, Hrvatska). 4. Mollusca: Polyplacophora

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    During the summers from 1995–2000 the benthos was studied at 63 sites by scuba- and skin-divers. Polyplacophora molluscs were recorded at 36 sites. Ten species were identified, i.e. 63 % of the Adriatic Sea chitons, and 34 % of taxa recorded in the Mediterranean. Synonyms, habitat, depth range and general distribution are noted for each species. With the aim of updating the distributional pattern of chitons in the Adriatic Sea, the authors’ unpublished records of a number of species have been appended.U Nacionalnom parku Mljet, na 36 ronilački istraženih obalnih postaja u razdoblju 1995–2000, nađeno je deset vrsta poliplakofornih mekušaca – babuški. To je čak 63 % vrsta poznatih za Jadran odnosno 34 % vrsta koje žive u Sredozemnom moru. Za svaku se vrstu navode sinonimi, staništa, te dubinska i opća rasprostranjenost. S ciljem boljeg poznavanja rasprostranjenosti babuški u Jadranu, dodani su i do sada neobjavljeni nalazi oba autora

    Prikaz morske faune otoka Paga (Jadransko more, Hrvatska)

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    In the Pag Island marine environments 552 benthic and pelagic taxa have been compiled from literature sources and our own field research. Some typical offshore pelagic fish and mammals also were recorded in the island’s shallow neritic area. Local protection for the bittersweet shellfish (genus Glycimeris) is proposed.Prema navodima objavljenih izvora i rezultata naših istraživanja na području otoka Paga zabilježene su 552 svojte bentoske i pelagičke faune mora. Uz obale Paga su na|ene i neke vrste riba i sisavaca stanovnika otvorenog mora. Preporuča se lokalna zaštita konjina, tj. školjkaša iz roda Glycimeris

    Towards Better Territorial Governance in Europe. A guide for practitioners, policy and decision makers based on contributions from the ESPON TANGO Project

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    Guides help you do things. You turn to them when you need to find out how to solve a problem. They are a form of knowledge transfer, written by experts but in a way that is accessible and helpful to a wide group of users. This Guide was written by the researchers on the ESPON applied research study of Territorial Approaches to New Governance (TANGO). It aims to help those persons and institutions that are delivering territorial governance across Europ

    Towards Better Territorial Governance in Europe. A guide for practitioners, policy and decision makers based on contributions from the ESPON TANGO Project

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    Guides help you do things. You turn to them when you need to find out how to solve a problem. They are a form of knowledge transfer, written by experts but in a way that is accessible and helpful to a wide group of users. This Guide was written by the researchers on the ESPON applied research study of Territorial Approaches to New Governance (TANGO). It aims to help those persons and institutions that are delivering territorial governance across Europe

    Human Stressors Are Driving Coastal Benthic Long-Lived Sessile Fan Mussel Pinna nobilis Population Structure More than Environmental Stressors.

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    Coastal degradation and habitat disruption are severely compromising sessile marine species. The fan shell Pinna nobilis is an endemic, vulnerable species and the largest bivalve in the Mediterranean basin. In spite of species legal protection, fan shell populations are declining. Models analyzed the contributions of environmental (mean depth, wave height, maximum wave height, period of waves with high energy and mean direction of wave source) versus human-derived stressors (anchoring, protection status, sewage effluents, fishing activity and diving) as explanatory variables depicting Pinna nobilis populations at a mesoscale level. Human stressors were explaining most of the variability in density spatial distribution of fan shell, significantly disturbing benthic communities. Habitat protection affected P. nobilis structure and physical aggression by anchoring reveals a high impact on densities. Environmental variables instead played a secondary role, indicating that global change processes are not so relevant in coastal benthic communities as human-derived impacts.Versión del editor4,411

    Системний аналіз і оцінювання динаміки екологічних процесів

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    An approach to system analysis and estimation of dynamic ecological processes is proposed. The basic model of ecological processes, which gives possibility to unify calculated procedures of analysis and forecast of these processes and to provide for practically normal level of authenticity and estimation accuracy, is elaborated. The method of functional dependence restoration of ecological processes by the discreet observe data within the fixed period is proposed. Analysis and forecast of solar activity (Wolf’s numbers) with using the developed algorithm are presented.Предложен подход к системному анализу и оцениванию динамики экологических процессов. Разработана базовая модель экологических процессов, которая позволяет унифицировать вычислительные процедуры анализа и прогнозирования этих процессов, обеспечить практически приемлемый уровень достоверности и точности оценивания. Предложен метод восстановления функциональной зависимости экологических процессов по данным дискретных наблюдений за определенный период. Выполнен анализ и прогноз солнечной активности (числа Вольфа) с использованием разработанного алгоритма.Запропоновано підхід до системного аналізу та оцінювання динаміки екологічних процесів. Розроблено базову модель екологічних процесів, яка дозволяє уніфікувати обчислювальні процедури аналізу та прогнозування цих процесів, забезпечити практично прийнятний рівень достовірності та точності оцінювання. Запропоновано метод відновлення функціональної залежності екологічних процесів за даними дискретних спостережень за певний час. На основі розробленого алгоритму проведено аналіз та прогноз сонячної активності (числа Вольфа)