58 research outputs found

    Analysis of Blood Stem Cell Activity and Cystatin Gene Expression in a Mouse Model Presenting a Chromosomal Deletion Encompassing Csta and Stfa2l1

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    The cystatin protein superfamily is characterized by the presence of conserved sequences that display cysteine protease inhibitory activity (e.g., towards cathepsins). Type 1 and 2 cystatins are encoded by 25 genes of which 23 are grouped in 2 clusters localized on mouse chromosomes 16 and 2. The expression and essential roles of most of these genes in mouse development and hematopoiesis remain poorly characterized. In this study, we describe a set of quantitative real-time PCR assays and a global expression profile of cystatin genes in normal mouse tissues. Benefiting from our collection of DelES embryonic stem cell clones harboring large chromosomal deletions (to be reported elsewhere), we selected a clone in which a 95-kb region of chromosome 16 is missing (Del16qB3Δ/+). In this particular clone, 2 cystatin genes, namely Csta and Stfa2l1 are absent along with 2 other genes (Fam162a, Ccdc58) and associated intergenic regions. From this line, we established a new homozygous mutant mouse model (Del16qB3Δ/16qB3Δ) to assess the in vivo biological functions of the 2 deleted cystatins. Stfa2l1 gene expression is high in wild-type fetal liver, bone marrow, and spleen, while Csta is ubiquitously expressed. Homozygous Del16qB3Δ/16qB3Δ animals are phenotypically normal, fertile, and not overtly susceptible to spontaneous or irradiation-induced tumor formation. The hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell activity in these mutant mice are also normal. Interestingly, quantitative real-time PCR expression profiling reveals a marked increase in the expression levels of Stfa2l1/Csta phylogenetically-related genes (Stfa1, Stfa2, and Stfa3) in Del16qB3Δ/16qB3Δ hematopoietic tissues, suggesting that these candidate genes might be contributing to compensatory mechanisms. Overall, this study presents an optimized approach to globally monitor cystatin gene expression as well as a new mouse model deficient in Stfa2l1/Csta genes, expanding the available tools to dissect cystatin roles under normal and pathological conditions

    Predictions versus high-throughput experiments in T-cell epitope discovery: competition or synergy?

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    Prediction methods as well as experimental methods for T-cell epitope discovery have developed significantly in recent years. High-throughput experimental methods have made it possible to perform full-length protein scans for epitopes restricted to a limited number of MHC alleles. The high costs and limitations regarding the number of proteins and MHC alleles that are feasibly handled by such experimental methods have made in silico prediction models of high interest. MHC binding prediction methods are today of a very high quality and can predict MHC binding peptides with high accuracy. This is possible for a large range of MHC alleles and relevant length of binding peptides. The predictions can easily be performed for complete proteomes of any size. Prediction methods are still, however, dependent on good experimental methods for validation, and should merely be used as a guide for rational epitope discovery. We expect prediction methods as well as experimental validation methods to continue to develop and that we will soon see clinical trials of products whose development has been guided by prediction methods

    Comparative Analysis of Gingival Tissue Antigen Presentation Pathways in Ageing and Periodontitis

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    AIM: Gingival tissues of periodontitis lesions contribute to local elevations in mediators, including both specific T cell and antibody immune responses to oral bacterial antigens. Thus, antigen processing and presentation activities must exist in these tissues to link antigen-presenting cells with adaptive immunity. We hypothesized that alterations in the transcriptome of antigen processing and presentation genes occur in ageing gingival tissues and that periodontitis enhances these differences reflecting tissues less capable of immune resistance to oral pathogens. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Rhesus monkeys (n = 34) from 3 to 23 years of age were examined. A buccal gingival sample from healthy or periodontitis sites was obtained, total RNA isolated, and microarray analysis was used to describe the transcriptome. RESULTS: The results demonstrated increased transcription of genes related to the MHC class II and negative regulation of NK cells with ageing in healthy gingival tissues. In contrast, both adult and ageing periodontitis tissues showed decreased transcription of genes for MHC class II antigens, coincident with up-regulation of MHC class I-associated genes. CONCLUSION: These transcriptional changes suggest a response of healthy ageing tissues through the class II pathway (i.e. endocytosed antigens) and altered responses in periodontitis that could reflect host-associated self-antigens or targeting cytosolic intracellular microbial pathogens

    Regulation of Cathepsin G Reduces the Activation of Proinsulin-Reactive T Cells from Type 1 Diabetes Patients

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    Autoantigenic peptides resulting from self-proteins such as proinsulin are important players in the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). Self-proteins can be processed by cathepsins (Cats) within endocytic compartments and loaded to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules for CD4+ T cell inspection. However, the processing and presentation of proinsulin by antigen-presenting cells (APC) in humans is only partially understood. Here we demonstrate that the processing of proinsulin by B cell or myeloid dendritic cell (mDC1)-derived lysosomal cathepsins resulted in several proinsulin-derived intermediates. These intermediates were similar to those obtained using purified CatG and, to a lesser extent, CatD, S, and V in vitro. Some of these intermediates polarized T cell activation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from T1D patients indicative for naturally processed T cell epitopes. Furthermore, CatG activity was found to be elevated in PBMC from T1D patients and abrogation of CatG activity resulted in functional inhibition of proinsulin-reactive T cells. Our data suggested the notion that CatG plays a critical role in proinsulin processing and is important in the activation process of diabetogenic T cells

    Cell death during sepsis: integration of disintegration in the inflammatory response to overwhelming infection

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    Sepsis is a major health problem and a leading cause of death worldwide. In recent years, a crescendo of attention has been directed to the mechanisms of cell death that develop during this disease, since these are viewed as important contributors to the proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory responses associated with poor outcome. Here we discuss mechanisms of cell death evident severe bacterial infection and sepsis including necrosis, apoptosis, pyroptosis, and extracellular trap-associated neutrophil death, with a particular emphasis on lymphocyte apoptosis and its contribution to the immunosuppressed phenotype of late sepsis. Individual bacterial pathogens express virulence factors that modulate cell death pathways and influence the sepsis phenotype. A greater knowledge of cell death pathways in sepsis informs the potential for future therapies designed to ameliorate immune dysfunction in this syndrome

    Inhibitory p41 isoform of invariant chain and its potential target enzymes cathepsins L and H in distinct populations of macrophages in human lymph nodes

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    Activation of the CD4(+) T-cell mediated immune response relies on the proteolytic capacity of enzymes involved in modulating major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II-associated antigen presentation in antigen-presenting cells (APC). The MHC II-associated chaperone molecule p41 isoform of invariant chain (inhibitory p41 Ii) has been suggested to regulate stability and activity of cathepsin L in these APC. In the present study the human lymph node distribution of non-inhibitory p31 Ii and inhibitory p41 Ii have been compared by differential labelling, using two specific monoclonal antibodies. The distribution of p41 Ii, but not p31 Ii, matched the distribution of cathepsins L and H in subcapsular and cortical sinuses and germinal centres. Co-localization of p41 Ii with cathepsin H was confirmed in strongly CD68(+) sinus-lining macrophages, acting as APC. Furthermore, p41 Ii was determined together with cathepsins L and H in tingible body macrophages, highly phagocytic, but not antigen-presenting cells inside germinal centres. With respect to the physiological function that these two populations of macrophages have in human lymph nodes, our results support a regulatory function of p41 Ii towards cathepsins L and H in human macrophages, associated with the processes of phagocytosis rather than antigen presentation