140 research outputs found

    The crisis in science, the editors’ fault, and the role of emerging journals

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    It has been increasingly recognized by universities, journals’ editors and, probably in a less degree, by publishers, that there is a crisis in science. This is so important that recently, the Editor-in-Chief of Lancet, Richard Horton, stated that “much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.”

    The crisis in science, the editors’ fault, and the role of emerging journals

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    It has been increasingly recognized by universities, journals’ editors and, probably in a less degree, by publishers, that there is a crisis in science. This is so important that recently, the Editor-in-Chief of Lancet, Richard Horton, stated that “much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.

    Clinical and Biomedical Research: Positive prospects for the journal

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    It is a great pleasure to present the second issue of Clinical and Biomedical Research and some of our work toward setting new standards for the journal. This issue contains two review articles, eight original articles, and four case reports, covering a wide range of topics important to the practice of medical sciences

    Improving the quality of Clinical and Biomedical Research

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    We are publishing the third issue of Clinical and Biomedical Research and we are glad that the journal has been welcomed by researchers. We are still facing some challenges during this transition period. The main problems are related to manuscript editing and journal indexing, especially in terms of getting Clinical and Biomedical Research indexed in databases that previously included Revista HCPA. Many efforts have been done to solve both problems and we hope that throughout next year we will be able to fully recover some losses that occurred during this period

    Agradecimento aos leitores, autores e revisores

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    Neste fascículo número 4 do volume 35 encerramos nossa atuação como Editor-Chefe da Clinical and Biomedical Research. O trabalho foi iniciado em 2013, com a coeditoria do Prof. Afonso L. Barth, ainda na antiga Revista HCPA. Portanto, coube a este editor a tarefa de transição de nome do periódico. Houve perdas e ganhos, como quase sempre em todas as decisões, e houve erros e acertos ao longo destes três anos à frente da revista. Todo este conjunto de forças, erros e perdas, acertos e ganhos, se equacionarão ao longo do tempo e desejo que com o esforço contínuo da nova equipe editorial, o vetor indique a direção do progresso

    Challenges of Internationalization

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    The Revista HCPA has been prepared for a new challenge in the next years: its internationalization. This broad term, in the context of scientific journals, actually means that the periodic ultimately sought to be a vehicle for publishing scientific content on all fields of medical sciences including, basic, pharmacological and clinical research, from and to a worldwide readers and researchers community

    Evaluation of the characteristics of infection prevention and control programs and infection control committees in Brazilian hospitals : a countrywide cross-sectional study

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    Objective: Data are scarce regarding hospital infection control committees and compliance with infection prevention and control (IPC) recommendations in Brazil, a country of continental dimensions. We assessed the main characteristics of infection control committees (ICCs) on healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in Brazilian hospitals. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in ICCs of public and private hospitals distributed across all Brazilian regions. Data were collected directly from the ICC staff by completing an online questionnaire and during on-site visits through face-to-face interviews. Results: In total, 53 Brazilian hospitals were evaluated from October 2019 to December 2020. All hospitals had implemented the IPC core components in their programs. All centers had protocols for the prevention and control of ventilator-associated pneumonia as well as bloodstream, surgical site, and catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Most hospitals (80%) had no budget specifically allocated to the IPC program; 34% of the laundry staff had received specific IPC training; and only 7.5% of hospitals reported occupational infections in healthcare workers. Conclusions: In this sample, most ICCs complied with the minimum requirements for IPC programs. The main limitation regarding ICCs was the lack of financial support. The findings of this survey support the development of strategic plans to improve IPCs in Brazilian hospitals
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