195 research outputs found

    Jan Paweł II a misja Polski w zjednoczonej Europie

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    Już w pierwszych swoich wystąpieniach kierowanych po wyborze na papieża Karol Wojtyła przypominał rodakom o położeniu Polski w centrum skonfliktowanej wówczas Europy. Temat podzielonego na dwa bloki kontynentu przewijał się w czasie niemal całego pontyfikatu Jana Pawła II, także po upadku „żelaznej kurtyny”, do którego w dużym stopniu sam się przyczynił. Kościół katolicki nie pozostał obojętny na zapoczątkowany po 1989 roku proces integracji państw byłego Bloku Wschodniego ze starymi demokracjami Europy Zachodniej. Obrany przez polskie elity polityczne kurs na zjednoczenie ze strukturami unijnymi otrzymał poparcie zarówno rodzimej hierarchii kościelnej, jak i Jana Pawła II. W trakcie swoich wystąpień, w tym podczas pielgrzymek do ojczyzny, przypominał on o konieczności realizowania przez Polaków ewangelizacyjnej misji w Europie. Jej jedność definiował jako wspólnotę ducha, podkreślając znaczenie tradycji oraz kultury chrześcijańskiej i umniejszając równocześnie aspekt ekonomiczny integracji europejskiej.Dr MARCIN ZATYKA – politolog, dziennikarz, absolwent studiów doktoranckich na Wydziale Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Nowego w Lizbonie. Współautor książek "Ekumeniczna Wspólnota z Taizé" (Ząbki 1999) oraz O tym, co najważniejsze (Warszawa 2004). Publikował m.in. w „Rzeczpospolitej”, „The Warsaw Voice” i „Relações Internacionais”.13/214715

    O papel de João Paulo II e da igreja Católica polaca na adesão da Polónia à União Europeia

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    Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Relações Internacionais, especialidade em História e Teoria das Relações Internacionai

    Gametocyte carriage in Plasmodium falciparum-infected travellers.

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    BACKGROUND: Gametocytes are the sexual stage of Plasmodium parasites. The determinants of gametocyte carriage have been studied extensively in endemic areas, but have rarely been explored in travellers with malaria. The incidence of gametocytaemia, and factors associated with gametocyte emergence in adult travellers with Plasmodium falciparum malaria was investigated at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London. METHODS: Clinical, parasitological and demographic data for all patients presenting with P. falciparum malaria between January 2001 and December 2011 were extracted from a prospective database. These data were supplemented by manual searches of laboratory records and patient case notes. RESULTS: Seven hundred and seventy three adult patients with laboratory-confirmed P. falciparum malaria were identified. Four hundred and sixty five (60%) were born in a country where malaria is endemic. Patients presented to hospital a median of four days into their illness. The median maximum parasite count was 0.4%. One hundred and ninety six patients (25%) had gametocytes; 94 (12%) on admission, and 102 (13%) developing during treatment. Gametocytaemia on admission was associated with anaemia and a lower maximum parasitaemia. Patients with gametocytes at presentation were less likely to have thrombocytopenia or severe malaria. Patients who developed gametocytes during treatment were more likely to have had parasitaemia of long duration, a high maximum parasitaemia and to have had severe malaria. There was no apparent association between the appearance of gametocytes and treatment regimen. CONCLUSIONS: The development of gametocytaemia in travellers with P. falciparum is associated with factors similar to those reported among populations in endemic areas. These data suggest that acquired immunity to malaria is not the only determinant of patterns of gametocyte carriage among patients with the disease

    A single aromatic residue in transcriptional repressor protein KorA is critical for cooperativity with its co-regulator KorB

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    A central feature of broad host range IncP-1 plasmids is the set of regulatory circuits that tightly control plasmid core functions under steady-state conditions. Cooperativity between KorB and either KorA or TrbA repressor proteins is a key element of these circuits and deletion analysis has implicated the conserved C-terminal domain of KorAand TrbAin this interaction. By NMR we show that KorA and KorB interact directly and identify KorA amino acids that are affected on KorB binding. Studies on mutants showed that tyrosine 84 (or phenylalanine, in some alleles) is dispensable for repressor activity but critical for the specific interaction with KorB in both in vivo reporter gene assays and in vitro electrophoretic mobility shift and co-purification assays. This confirms that direct and specific protein–protein interactions are responsible for the cooperativity observed between KorB and its corepressors and lays the basis for determining the biological importance of this cooperativity

    Dysregulation of autophagy as a common mechanism in lysosomal storage diseases

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    The lysosome plays a pivotal role between catabolic and anabolic processes as the nexus for signalling pathways responsive to a variety of factors, such as growth, nutrient availability, energetic status and cellular stressors. Lysosomes are also the terminal degradative organelles for autophagy through which macromolecules and damaged cellular components and organelles are degraded. Autophagy acts as a cellular homeostatic pathway that is essential for organismal physiology. Decline in autophagy during ageing or in many diseases, including late-onset forms of neurodegeneration is considered a major contributing factor to the pathology. Multiple lines of evidence indicate that impairment in autophagy is also a central mechanism underlying several lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs). LSDs are a class of rare, inherited disorders whose histopathological hallmark is the accumulation of undegraded materials in the lysosomes due to abnormal lysosomal function. Inefficient degradative capability of the lysosomes has negative impact on the flux through the autophagic pathway, and therefore dysregulated autophagy in LSDs is emerging as a relevant disease mechanism. Pathology in the LSDs is generally early-onset, severe and life-limiting but current therapies are limited or absent; recognizing common autophagy defects in the LSDs raises new possibilities for therapy. In this review, we describe the mechanisms by which LSDs occur, focusing on perturbations in the autophagy pathway and present the latest data supporting the development of novel therapeutic approaches related to the modulation of autophagy.</jats:p

    Investigating the basis of substrate recognition in the pC221 relaxosome

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    The nicking of the origin of transfer (oriT) is an essential initial step in the conjugative mobilization of plasmid DNA. In the case of staphylococcal plasmid pC221, nicking by the plasmid-specific MobA relaxase is facilitated by the DNA-binding accessory protein MobC; however, the role of MobC in this process is currently unknown. In this study, the site of MobC binding was determined by DNase I footprinting. MobC interacts with oriT DNA at two directly repeated 9 bp sequences, mcb1 and mcb2, upstream of the oriT nic site, and additionally at a third, degenerate repeat within the mobC gene, mcb3. The binding activity of the conserved sequences was confirmed indirectly by competitive electrophoretic mobility shift assays and directly by Surface Plasmon Resonance studies. Mutation at mcb2 abolished detectable nicking activity, suggesting that binding of this site by MobC is a prerequisite for nicking by MobA. Sequential site-directed mutagenesis of each binding site in pC221 has demonstrated that all three are required for mobilization. The MobA relaxase, while unable to bind to oriT DNA alone, was found to associate with a MobC–oriT complex and alter the MobC binding profile in a region between mcb2 and the nic site. Mutagenesis of oriT in this region defines a 7 bp sequence, sra, which was essential for nicking by MobA. Exchange of four divergent bases between the sra of pC221 and the related plasmid pC223 was sufficient to swap their substrate identity in a MobA-specific nicking assay. Based on these observations we propose a model of layered specificity in the assembly of pC221-family relaxosomes, whereby a common MobC:mcb complex presents the oriT substrate, which is then nicked only by the cognate MobA

    Genetic Analysis of Pathways Regulated by the von Hippel-Lindau Tumor Suppressor in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    The von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor functions as a ubiquitin ligase that mediates proteolytic inactivation of hydroxylated α subunits of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF). Although studies of VHL-defective renal carcinoma cells suggest the existence of other VHL tumor suppressor pathways, dysregulation of the HIF transcriptional cascade has extensive effects that make it difficult to distinguish whether, and to what extent, observed abnormalities in these cells represent effects on pathways that are distinct from HIF. Here, we report on a genetic analysis of HIF-dependent and -independent effects of VHL inactivation by studying gene expression patterns in Caenorhabditis elegans. We show tight conservation of the HIF-1/VHL-1/EGL-9 hydroxylase pathway. However, persisting differential gene expression in hif-1 versus hif-1; vhl-1 double mutant worms clearly distinguished HIF-1–independent effects of VHL-1 inactivation. Genomic clustering, predicted functional similarities, and a common pattern of dysregulation in both vhl-1 worms and a set of mutants (dpy-18, let-268, gon-1, mig-17, and unc-6), with different defects in extracellular matrix formation, suggest that dysregulation of these genes reflects a discrete HIF-1–independent function of VHL-1 that is connected with extracellular matrix function