14 research outputs found

    Cechy osobowości a poziom inteligencji dzieci 10–12-letnich mierzony skalą WISC-R

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    Personality traits of 10–12-year old children and their intelligence measured by WISC-R This paper presents the correlations between the personality traits 10–12-year old childrens measured by Children’s Personality Questionaire (The CPQ) designed by Porter nad Cattell, and intelligence measured by Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised (WISC-R). The investigations were carried out on the group of 160 children, aged 10–12-year old involving 77 girls and 83 boys. The investigations revealed out, that the children with higher IQ’s in full, verbal and performance scale showed high mental capacity, better morale, more persistence and greater strength of school interests. They are emotionally more mature, stable, adjust to facts, do not get into difficulties, are more complacent self-confident, resilient, cheerful, happy-go-lucky, frank, expressive, quick and alert, persevering, responsible, consistently ordered, conscientious, attentive to people and rules, self-controled, striving to accept approval ethical standards, ambitious to do well, considerate of others, foresighted, disposed to reduce and control expressions of emotion, they were low ergic tension, composed and relaxed. 

    Religious experiences of persons with intellectual disabilities

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    According to the socio-ecological model, intellectual disability is a multidimensional state of human existence, which is considered in relation to the requirements of the environment. One of the factors of this model, is the context, indicates that the functioning of a person with a disability is influenced by many internal characteristics of the person and their environment. They also include the spiritual and religious experiences of a person with intellectual disability. This article will discuss issues related to the religiosity of this group of people as important for their functioning. It includes a meta-analysis of the results of research on this issue. The cognitive, emotional-motivational and behavioral components of the religious attitude will be presented. These issues are relatively rarely discussed in the literature on the subject. The analysis of the literature on the subject shows that religiosity is of great importance for the functioning of people with intellectual disabilities. Religious experiences (emotional component) and religious practices (behavioral component) are of particular importance to them.Zgodnie z modelem społeczno-ekologicznym niepełnosprawność intelektualna jest wielowymiarowym stanem ludzkiej egzystencji, który rozpatruje się w relacji do wymogów środowiska. Jeden z czynników tego modelu, tj. kontekst, wskazuje na to, iż na funkcjonowanie osoby z niepełnosprawnością wpływa wiele właściwości wewnętrznych osoby oraz jej otoczenia. Do nich należą też doświadczenia duchowe i doświadczenia religijne osoby z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. W artykule tym będą omawiane kwestie związane z religijnością tej grupy osób jako istotne dla ich funkcjonowania. Dokonana w nim została metaanaliza wyników badań dotyczących tego zagadnienia. Przedstawiony będzie komponent poznawczy, emocjonalno-motywacyjny oraz behawioralny postawy religijnej. Zagadnienia te są stosunkowo rzadko poruszane w literaturze przedmiotu. Analiza literatury przedmiotu wskazuje na to, iż religijność ma duże znaczenie dla funkcjonowania osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Szczególnie ważne są dla nich doświadczenia religijne (komponent emocjonalny) oraz praktyki religijne (komponent behawioralny)

    The Generalizability of Older Adult Self-Report (OASR) Syndromes of Psychopathology Across 20 Societies

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    OBJECTIVES: As the world population ages, psychiatrists will increasingly need instruments for measuring constructs of psychopathology that are generalizable to diverse elders. The study tested whether syndromes of co-occurring problems derived from self-ratings of psychopathology by US elders would fit self-ratings by elders in 19 other societies. METHODS/DESIGN: The Older Adult Self-Report (OASR) was completed by 12,826 60- to 102-year-olds in 19 societies from North and South America, Asia, and Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Western Europe, plus the US. Individual and multi-group confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) tested the fit of the 7-syndrome OASR model, consisting of the Anxious/Depressed, Worries, Somatic Complaints, Functional Impairment, Memory/Cognition Problems, Thought Problems, and Irritable/Disinhibited syndromes. RESULTS: In individual CFAs, the primary model fit index showed good fit for all societies, while the secondary model fit indices showed acceptable to good fit. The items loaded strongly on their respective factors, with a median item loading of .63 across the 20 societies; and 98.7% of the loadings were statistically significant. In multi-group CFAs, 98% of items demonstrated approximate or full metric invariance. Fifteen percent of items demonstrated approximate or full scalar invariance and another 59% demonstrated scalar invariance across more than half of societies. CONCLUSIONS: The findings supported the generalizability of OASR syndromes across societies. The seven syndromes offer empirically-based clinical constructs that are relevant for elders of different backgrounds. They can be used to assess diverse elders, and as a taxonomic framework to facilitate communication, services, research and training in geriatric psychiatry. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Syndromes of self-reported psychopathology for ages 18-59 in 29 societies

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    This study tested the multi-society generalizability of an eight-syndrome assessment model derived from factor analyses of American adults' self-ratings of 120 behavioral, emotional, and social problems. The Adult Self-Report (ASR; Achenbach and Rescorla 2003) was completed by 17,152 18-59-year-olds in 29 societies. Confirmatory factor analyses tested the fit of self-ratings in each sample to the eight-syndrome model. The primary model fit index (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) showed good model fit for all samples, while secondary indices showed acceptable to good fit. Only 5 (0.06%) of the 8,598 estimated parameters were outside the admissible parameter space. Confidence intervals indicated that sampling fluctuations could account for the deviant parameters. Results thus supported the tested model in societies differing widely in social, political, and economic systems, languages, ethnicities, religions, and geographical regions. Although other items, societies, and analytic methods might yield different results, the findings indicate that adults in very diverse societies were willing and able to rate themselves on the same standardized set of 120 problem items. Moreover, their self-ratings fit an eight-syndrome model previously derived from self-ratings by American adults. The support for the statistically derived syndrome model is consistent with previous findings for parent, teacher, and self-ratings of 11/2-18-year-olds in many societies. The ASR and its parallel collateral-report instrument, the Adult Behavior Checklist (ABCL), may offer mental health professionals practical tools for the multi-informant assessment of clinical constructs of adult psychopathology that appear to be meaningful across diverse societies

    The religious attitudes of 15-16 aged mentaly retarded girls

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    Marriage in perception of mother of child with autism spectrum disorders

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    Celem badania było określenie obrazu relacji małżeńskiej wpercepcji matek dzieci zzaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu. Wbadaniu wzięło udział 60 kobiet posiadających przynajmniej jedno dziecko. Grupę kryterialną stanowiło 30 matek mających dziecko zzaburzeniem ze spektrum autyzmu, natomiast grupa kontrolna obejmowała 30 matek wychowujących zdrowe potomstwo. Wykorzystano dwa narzędzia badawcze: Kwestionariusz Dobranego Małżeństwa M. Plopy i J. Rostowskiego oraz Skalę Powodzenia Małżeństwa M. Braun-Gałkowskiej. Analiza badań ujawniła występowanie różnic międzygrupowych w ocenie obrazu małżeństwa.The aim of the present study was to designate the image of marriage from the perceptive of the mother of achild with autism spectrum disorder. In the study, 60 women participated, who have at least one child. The experimental group included 30 women, who have achild with autism spectrum disorder the control group consisted of 30 women, who have healthy offspring. Two instruments were used in this research: the Questionnaire of Selected Marriage constructed by Plopa and Rostowski and the Scale of Success of Marriage by Braun- Gałkowska. An analysis of the study has shown an occurrence ofintergroup difference in regard to the designated image of marriage

    Assessment of adults problem behaviours – the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) adult forms: Adult Self-Report and Adult Behaviour Checklist

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    Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) comprises family forms which are constructed according to the same basic idea and designed for assessing adaptive functioning and maladaptive functioning. All ASEBA forms have been constructed on the empirically based approach to taxonomy and assessment of adaptive functioning and problem behaviours. This approach is called in other words the “bottom-up”. The ASEBA includes forms for assessing adaptive and maladaptive behaviour for ages 1.5 to 90+ years. This article characterises the forms for adult persons: Adults Self-Report (ASR) and Adult Behaviour Checklist (ABCL). The questionnaires are designed for assessing adaptive behaviour and internalising problems and externalising problems. The eight empirically based scales are as follows: Anxiety/Depression, Withdrawal, Somatic Complaints, Thought Problems, Attention Problems, Aggressive Behaviour, Rule Breaking Behaviour, Obsession-Compulsion. In 2003 the ASR and ABCL and the manual for them were published. This paper presents theoretical aspects of these forms, their structure and psychometric evaluation. The data are presented which refer to establishment of the reliability (internal consistency and test-retest reliability) and the validity (content validity, criterion-related validity and construct validity) of these two forms of ASEBA for adults. The conclusion is as follows: the Adult Self-Report and the Adult Behaviour Checklist appeared to be a reliable and valid measure to assess psychopathology in 18-59 aged persons.System Pomiaru Opartego na Empirii opracowany przez Thomasa Achenbacha to zbiór zbudowanych na tej samej zasadzie narzędzi pomiaru funkcjonowania przystosowawczego i nieprzystosowawczego osoby. Koncepcją teoretyczną służącą jako podstawa do budowy tych narzędzi jest paradygmat pomiaru i taksonomii oparty na empirii (innymi słowy podejście to określa się jako „z dołu do góry”). Istniejące wersje narzędzi tego systemu służą do pomiaru funkcjonowania osób od 1,5 roku życia do ponad 90 lat. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę kwestionariuszy dla osób dorosłych w wieku 18-59 lat, tj. wersję samoobserwacyjną, czyli Kwestionariusz Samoobserwacyjny (ASR), i wersję obserwacyjną, czyli Kwestionariusz Obserwacyjny (ABCL). Kwestionariusze te służą do pomiaru funkcjonowania adaptacyjnego i zachowań problemowych natury internalizacyjnej oraz eksternalizacyjnej. Wyróżnione zagadnienia tworzą 8 skal zachowań problemowych: Lęk/Depresja, Wycofywanie się, Skargi Somatyczne, Zaburzenia Myślenia, Zaburzenia Uwagi, Zachowania Agresywne, Łamanie Norm, Natręctwa. Zostały one opublikowane wraz z podręcznikiem w 2003 roku. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono założenia, sposoby konstrukcji i budowę tych kwestionariuszy oraz wyniki prac dotyczące oceny właściwości psychometrycznych oryginalnych ich wersji, czyli dane odnoszące się do określenia rzetelności (zgodności wewnętrznej i stabilności bezwzględnej) oraz trafności (treściowej, teoretycznej i diagnostycznej). Dane te wskazują na to, że dwie wersje systemu ASEBA dla dorosłych spełniają wymogi psychometryczne w zastosowaniu do pomiaru zachowań adaptacyjnych i zachowań problemowych