32 research outputs found

    Multipath Fault-Tolerant Routing Policies to deal with Dynamic Link Failures in High Speed Interconnection Networks

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    In this thesis, we present fault-tolerant routing policies based on concepts of adaptability and deadlock freedom, capable of serving interconnection networks affected by a large number of dynamic link failures. The strongest point of this thesis is that it provides a simple but complete solution to the problem of dynamic fault tolerance in interconnection networks. The proposed solution does not require any information about network faults when the system is started or restarted. Throughout the thesis, we present the conception, design, implementation and evaluation of two contributions. The first of these contributions is the adaptive multipath routing method Fault-Tolerant Distributed Routing Balancing (FT-DRB). This method has been designed to exploit the communication path redundancy available in many network topologies, allowing interconnection networks to perform in the presence of a large number of faults. The second contribution is the scalable deadlock avoidance technique Non-blocking Adaptive Cycles (NAC), specifically designed for interconnection networks suffering from a large number of failures. This technique has been designed and implemented with the aim of ensuring freedom from deadlocks in the proposed fault-tolerant routing method FT-DRB.Facultad de Informátic

    Generación dinámica de interfaces de usuario a partir de modelos representados mediante esquemas XML

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es desarrollar un enfoque práctico para la generación dinámica de interfaces de usuario a partir de modelos basados en esquemas XML, de acuerdo a las especificaciones W3C XML Schema Structures and Datatypes. El trabajo forma parte de una de las áreas de R&D dentro del proyecto de desarrollo del Repositorio Institucional de Objetos de Aprendizaje de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Para generar las interfaces —a partir del modelo representado mediante esquemas XML— se propone una aplicación Web basada en tecnología Java server-side. La arquitectura de la aplicación se basa en dos bloques principales: Modelo y VistaEje: Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Design criteria for the development of an institutional learning object repository

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    The production of educational contents in academic environments has been traditionally developed without an integral plan which allows their adequate distribution and access. In addition, it produces effort duplication and misuse of resources. As a possible solution, this work proposes Learning Objects and Knowledge Repositories to be used. The authors state some design criteria for developing a web-enabled Learning Object Repository, according to the IEEE Learning Object Metadata standard. This repository would be used in a university educational context, replacing the disjointed procedures that are currently employed. Not only knowledge, but also human resources are the main entities in this proposal. Interoperability, portability and efficiency are the non-functional requirements considered at this design stage. In order to satisfy all of requirements, the combined usage of standard-compliant file-repositories and a relational database is proposed. The data consistence between these storage methods is assured by a specific mechanism delineated with this intention; in addition, some intuitive operators are defined for the specification of search criteria in arbitrary metadata queries.V Workshop de Tecnología Informática Aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Generación dinámica de interfaces de usuario a partir de modelos representados mediante esquemas XML

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es desarrollar un enfoque práctico para la generación dinámica de interfaces de usuario a partir de modelos basados en esquemas XML, de acuerdo a las especificaciones W3C XML Schema Structures and Datatypes. El trabajo forma parte de una de las áreas de R&D dentro del proyecto de desarrollo del Repositorio Institucional de Objetos de Aprendizaje de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Para generar las interfaces —a partir del modelo representado mediante esquemas XML— se propone una aplicación Web basada en tecnología Java server-side. La arquitectura de la aplicación se basa en dos bloques principales: Modelo y VistaEje: Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A multipath routing method for tolerating permanent and non-permanent faults

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    The intensive and continuous use of high-performance computers for executing computationally intensive applications, coupled with the large number of elements that make them up, dramatically increase the likelihood of failures during their operation. The interconnection network is a critical part of such systems, therefore, network faults have an extremely high impact because most routing algorithms are not designed to tolerate faults. In such algorithms, just a single fault may stall messages in the network, preventing the finalization of applications, or may lead to deadlocked confi gurations. This work focuses on the problem of fault tolerance for high-speed interconnection networks by designing a fault-tolerant routing method to solve an unbounded number of dynamic faults (permanent and non- permanent). To accomplish this task we take advantage of the communication path redundancy, by means of a multipath routing approach. Experiments show that our method allows applications to finalize their execution in the presence of several number of faults, with an average performance value of 97% compared to the fault-free scenarios.Presentado en el IX Workshop Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Design criteria for the development of an institutional learning object repository

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    The production of educational contents in academic environments has been traditionally developed without an integral plan which allows their adequate distribution and access. In addition, it produces effort duplication and misuse of resources. As a possible solution, this work proposes Learning Objects and Knowledge Repositories to be used. The authors state some design criteria for developing a web-enabled Learning Object Repository, according to the IEEE Learning Object Metadata standard. This repository would be used in a university educational context, replacing the disjointed procedures that are currently employed. Not only knowledge, but also human resources are the main entities in this proposal. Interoperability, portability and efficiency are the non-functional requirements considered at this design stage. In order to satisfy all of requirements, the combined usage of standard-compliant file-repositories and a relational database is proposed. The data consistence between these storage methods is assured by a specific mechanism delineated with this intention; in addition, some intuitive operators are defined for the specification of search criteria in arbitrary metadata queries.V Workshop de Tecnología Informática Aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Ciencia de datos e ingeniería en ciencia de alimentos: una plataforma novedosa de big data para análisis de comportamiento de gelantes de bajo peso molecular

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    The objective of this article is to introduce a comprehensive end-to-end solution aimed at enabling the application of state-of-the-art Data Science and Analytic methodologies to a food science related problem. The problem refers to the automation of load, homogenization, complex processing and real-time accessibility to low molecular-weight gelators (LMWGs) data to gain insights into their assembly behavior, i.e. whether a gel can be mixed with an appropriate solvent or not. Most of the work within the field of Colloidal and Food Science in relation to LMWGs have centered on identifying adequate solvents that can generate stable gels and evaluating how the LMWG characteristics can affect gelation. As a result, extensive databases have been methodically and manually registered, storing results from different laboratory experiments. The complexity of those databases, and the errors caused by manual data entry, can interfere with the analysis and visualization of relations and patterns, limiting the utility of the experimental work. Due to the above mentioned, we have proposed a scalable and flexible Big Data solution to enable the unification, homogenization and availability of the data through the application of tools and methodologies. This approach contributes to optimize data acquisition during LMWG research and reduce redundant data processing and analysis, while also enabling researchers to explore a wider range of testing conditions and push forward the frontier in Food Science research.Este trabajo tiene como finalidad presentar una solución integral destinada a permitir la aplicación de metodologías de analítica y ciencia de datos de última generación a un problema relacionado con la ciencia de los alimentos. Dicho problema se refiere a la automatización de la carga, la homogeneización, el procesamiento complejo y el acceso en tiempo real a los datos de los gelantes de bajo peso molecular (LMWG por sus siglas en inglés) para obtener información sobre su comportamiento de ensanblaje, es decir, si un gel se puede mezclar con un solvente apropiado o no. La mayor parte del trabajo en el campo de la ciencia coloidal y de alimentos en relación con los LMWG se ha centrado en identificar los solventes adecuados que pueden generar geles estables, y evaluar cómo las características del LMWG pueden afectar la gelificación. Como resultado, se han registrado de forma metódica y manual extensas bases de datos, que almacenan los resultados de diferentes experimentos de laboratorio. La complejidad de esas bases de datos, y los errores causados por la entrada manual de datos, pueden interferir con el análisis y visualización de relaciones y patrones, limitando la utilidad del trabajo experimental. Por los motivos antes mencionados, hemos propuesto una solución de Big Data escalable y flexible para permitir la unificación, homogeneización y disponibilidad de los datos mediante la aplicación de herramientas y metodologías de datos. Este enfoque contribuye a optimizar la adquisición de datos durante la investigación de LMWG y reduce el procesamiento y análisis de datos redundantes, al tiempo que permite a los investigadores explorar una gama más amplia de condiciones de prueba y avanzar la frontera en la investigación de la ciencia de los alimentos.Facultad de Informátic

    A multipath routing method for tolerating permanent and non-permanent faults

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    The intensive and continuous use of high-performance computers for executing computationally intensive applications, coupled with the large number of elements that make them up, dramatically increase the likelihood of failures during their operation. The interconnection network is a critical part of such systems, therefore, network faults have an extremely high impact because most routing algorithms are not designed to tolerate faults. In such algorithms, just a single fault may stall messages in the network, preventing the finalization of applications, or may lead to deadlocked confi gurations. This work focuses on the problem of fault tolerance for high-speed interconnection networks by designing a fault-tolerant routing method to solve an unbounded number of dynamic faults (permanent and non- permanent). To accomplish this task we take advantage of the communication path redundancy, by means of a multipath routing approach. Experiments show that our method allows applications to finalize their execution in the presence of several number of faults, with an average performance value of 97% compared to the fault-free scenarios.Presentado en el IX Workshop Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    An analysis on how can AI empower the senior population in their access to banking services

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    This article addresses the banking interaction needs of the senior population, devoting special attention to the unique needs of this age demographic delineated by the natural cognitive decline caused by ageing. Despite being a compelling business audience, the financial sector, and particularly banking institutions, have significantly underestimated the importance of designing a customer experience that is better adapted to the needs of senior users. A compelling yet achievable solution to this problem is the adoption of AI-based technologies, such as dynamic user interfaces, biometric authentication methods, automatic recommendations, and experience-based APIs. The curated adoption of these tools will enable banks to better serve this increasingly growing population by creating seamless and respectful experiences for their senior customers and, above all, will provide them greater autonomy.Instituto de Investigación en Informátic

    Políticas de encaminamiento tolerantes a fallos

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    El uso intensivo y prolongado de computadores de altas prestaciones para ejecutar aplicaciones computacionalmente intensivas, sumado al elevado número de elementos que los componen, incrementan drásticamente la probabilidad de ocurrencia de fallos durante su funcionamiento. El objetivo del trabajo es resolver el problema de tolerancia a fallos para redes de interconexión de altas prestaciones, partiendo del diseño de polí­ticas de encaminamiento tolerantes a fallos. Buscamos resolver una determinada cantidad de fallos de enlaces y nodos, considerando sus factores de impacto y probabilidad de aparición. Para ello aprovechamos la redundancia de caminos de comunicación existentes, partiendo desde enfoques de encaminamiento adaptativos capaces de cumplir con las cuatro fases de la tolerancia a fallos: detección del error, contención del daño, recuperación del error, y tratamiento del fallo y continuidad del servicio. La experimentación muestra una degradación de prestaciones menor al 5%. En el futuro, se tratará la pérdida de información en tránsito.L'ús intensiu i perllongat de computadors d'altes prestacions per a executar aplicacions computacionalment intensives, sumat a l'elevat nombre d'elements que els componen, incrementen dràsticament la probabilitat d'ocurrència de fallades durant el seu funcionament. L'objectiu del treball és resoldre el problema de tolerància a fallades per a xarxes d'interconnexió d'altes prestacions, partint del disseny de polítiques d'encaminament tolerants a fallades. Busquem resoldre una determinada quantitat de fallades d'enllaços i nodes, considerant els seus factors d'impacte, probabilitat d'aparició. Per a això s'aprofita la redundància de camins de comunicació existents, partint des d'enfocaments d'encaminament adaptatius capaços de complir amb les quatre fases de la tolerància a fallades: detecció de l'error, contenció del dany, recuperació de l'error, i tractament de la fallada i continuïtat del servei. L'experimentació mostra una degradació de prestacions menor al 5%. En el futur, es tractarà la pèrdua d'informació en trànsit.The intensive and continous use of high-performance computers to execute computationally intensive applications, coupled with the large number of elements that make them up, dramatically increase the likelihood of failures during their operation. This works focuses on solving the problem of fault tolerance for high speed interconnection networks by means of designing fault tolerant routing policies. The goal is to solve a determined number of link and node failures, considering its impact factor and occurrence probability. To acomplish this task we take advantage of the communication path redundancy, through adaptive routing approaches that fulfils with the four phases of the fault tolerance: error detection, damage confinement and assessment, error recovery, fault treatment and continuous service. The experiments shows performanceâs degradation under 5%. In the future, weâll treat the loose of information in transit