79 research outputs found

    Correctness of determination of energetic materials high temperature decomposition kinetics

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    The kinetic parameters of high temperature decomposition kinetics are widely used in evaluating the characteristics of thermal explosion, ignition and combustion of energetic materials. At present, the true and correct data on the high temperature kinetics of energetic materials condensed phase reactions are unknown and probably will remain unattainable in the nearest future. This is because of enormous technical difficulties to obtain such information and the absence of proper theoretical approaches for treatment of non-isothermal data. Evidently, with highly exothermic reactions it is impossible to conduct experiments at elevated temperatures using approaches of a low heating rate or isothermal ones. The improvement of characteristics of existing devices for thermal analysis is impeded by both technical complications and difficulties of performing experiments with ultrathin specimens of energetic material to ensure the conditions of uniform heat-up of the bulk of the substance. Based on the results of numerical simulation it is shown in this paper that the approach suggested 50 years ago by A.G. Merzhanov of using ignition delay data for deriving high temperature kinetics was not theoretically justified and can provide only very approximate values for such kinetics. The paper concludes on the today's relevance of the tasks on elaboration of mathematically justified techniques for determining kinetic parameters of global exothermic condensed-phase reaction, which will be based on the experiments on EMs ignition

    Effect of Heat Transfer Peculiarities on Ignition and Combustion Behavior of Al Nanoparticles

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    Nanoenergetic materials have some advantages against micrometric and bulk materials. This is due to enhanced surface area and intimacy between reactive components that leads to increase in the reaction rate and decrease in the ignition delay. However, till now there is very limited understanding of fundamental physical processes that control reaction and combustion wave propagation. The heat transfer in the case of nanoparticles is characterized some specifi c features which determine the sometime unusual ignition and combustion behavior. The paper is focused on discussing the ignition and combustion of nano Al particles in conditions of a shock tube and in a plastic tube. It is shown that tiny metal particles at high temperatures and pressures become “thermally isolated” from ambient gas environment and experimentally observed ignition delays may be two order magnitudes longer of those calculated without accounting real energy accommodation and sticking coeffi cients. When going to conditions of reaction propagation in a plastic tube, some different ways for heat transfer have to be carefully analyzed. Actually, there are no evidences for unique dominant process which may provide propagation of combustion wave with observed speed through the loose Al/CuO particles mixture. It can be stated that the process comprises 2 stages with very fast ignition, releasing large amount of heat and propelling hot gas and condensed material in direction of unreacted mixture followed by more slow reaction of remaining metal with evolved in oxide decomposition oxygen. Common conclusion is that further detailed studying the fundamental properties of nanoenergetics materials and their reaction behavior may open ways for purposed control of the combustion behavior and for effective use of nanoenergetics in practical applications


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    This paper presents a novel method of expressing the quality of service in a mobile telecommunication system when its performance depends on several factors including applied codecs’ characteristics (voice quality and data flow rate) and telecommunications traffic service possibilities. The influence of these factors is unified in one variable - quality of service measure. The proposed method is especially applicable in the cases when two-dimensional systems are analyzed – for example when two codecs with different flow rate and different achievable connection quality are used in a system. As an example, we also studied system with full-rate or mixed full-rate and half-rate codec implementation depending on the offered traffic. The system performances – mean data-flow and mean connection quality as a function of offered traffic are presented graphically and also expressed quantitatively by the novel quality of service measure. The systems with different number of available traffic channels may be compared on the base of this novel evaluation value such that the system with the highest value is the most suitable one for the concrete situation. In this way mobile system design is simplified to the great extent. The developed model is applicable generally for mobile telephony systems defining, but in this paper we studied its implementation for Global System for Mobile communications

    Influence of Indifferent Electrolytes on Formation of Coagulative Structures in Aqueous Silica Dispersions

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    Effects of indifferent electrolytes (NaCl, KCl, LiCl, NaI, NaNO3, CaCl2, and MgCl2) on the electrical double layer (EDL), aggregation, gelling, and rheological properties of aqueous dispersions of nanosilica were investigated. All examined indifferent electrolytes enhance interactions between nanoparticles of fumed silica through the coagulation mechanism. The critical concentration of gelation and gelling time decrease in the presence of the electrolytes, while the effective viscosity of the dispersions and average size of aggregates (Def) increase in series of chlorides: Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+. That corresponds to an increase in the cation radius and reduction of the hydration shell. The nature of anions and cations significantly affects the values of Def and viscosity. For sodium salts, the viscosity increases in series I- < NO3- < Cl- corresponding to an increase in the hydration shell

    Characterization of carbon fibrous material from platanus achenes as platinum catalysts support

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    Carbon materials with developed porosity are usually used as supports for platinum catalysts. Physico-chemical characteristics of the support influence the properties of platinum deposited and its catalytic activity. In our studies, we deposited platinum on carbon fibrous like materials obtained from platanus seeds - achenes. The precursor was chemically activated with different reagents: NaOH, pyrogallol, and H2O2, before the carbonization process. Platinum was deposited on all substrates to study the influence of the substrate properties on the activity of the catalyst. Carbon materials were characterized by nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms measurements, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. It was noticed that the adsorption characteristics of carbon support affected the structure of platinum deposits and thus their activity

    Mechanism of hot spots formation in pentaerythritol tetranitrate under pulsed laser irradiation

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    The spectral, kinetic, spatial, and amplitude characteristics of emissions of pressed samples of PETN (pentaerythritole tetranitrate) by the first harmonic of a neodymium laser (1064 nm, 12 ns) are studied. It is found that at the moment of irradiation of PETN by laser pulses, hot spots are formed on the surface of the samples. The energy density of laser radiation varies in the range of 0.5-3 J/cm{2}. The characteristics of hot spots are determined by absorbing inhomogeneities and parameters of laser radiation. Multi-pulse excitation leads to the annealing of absorbing irregularities and increased threshold of optical breakdown. The received results are interpreted on the basis of ideas of the low-threshold optical breakdown as evolving within local (defective) regions of the PETN in the electric field of the light wave