29 research outputs found

    New Data on the Anomalies of Tailless Amphibians of the Volga Basin

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    This paper presents new findings on abnormal specimens of amphibians in the Volga basin. Some anomalies have been noted for the first time: macrophthalmia, eardrum anomalies in marsh frogs (P. ridibundus), the absence of a tympanic membrane in green toads and ectromelia in spadefoot Pallas samples (P. vespertinus)

    Manifestations of the syndrome of connective tissue dysplasia in children with kidney pathology

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    The purpose of the study is to study the signs of connective tissue dysplasia syndrome in children with pyelonephritis at an early age.Цель исследования - изучить признаки синдрома дисплазии соединительной ткани у детей с пиелонефритами в периоде раннего возраста

    The Birth of the First Fire & Explosion Index

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    Начиная от работ Александра фон Гумбольдта, Жозефа Луи Гей-Люссака и Хемфри Дэви и до исследований первой половины 20 столетия рассмотрено рождение и становление первого показателя пожаровзрывоопасности. Показано, что приборы созданные в начале 20-го века в модернизированном виде нашли свое отражение в современных стандартах ГОСТ 12.1.044-84(89), DIN 51649-1, EN 1839-T:2004, EN 1839-B:2004, BS EN ISO 10156:2010 и ASTM E681-09.The birth and formation of the first characteristic of fire and explosion hazard - the flammability limits are considered from the work of Alexander von Humboldt, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and Humphry Davy and to research in the first half of the 20th century. It is shown that the devices created at the beginning of the 20th century in a modernized form are reflected in modern standards GOST 12.1.044-84 (89), DIN 51649-1, EN 1839-T: 2004, EN 1839-B: 2004, BS EN ISO 10156: 2010 and ASTM E681-09

    Increasing productivity of arylsulfatase B-producing cell line by coexpression of formylglycine-generating enzyme

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (Maroteaux–Lamy syndrome) is an orphan genetic disease caused by deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme arylsulfatase B (ASB). The need to develop a highly productive cell line for the production of recombinant ASB, is behind the concept and relevance of this study. The most promising approach seems to be the development of CHO producer cell lines coexpressing the target ASB enzyme and an auxiliary formylglycine-generating enzyme (FGE). At the same time, it is important from a practical perspective to have the possibility of cultivating producer cell lines as suspensions free of serum or other components of animal origin. The aim of the study was to develop highly productive cell lines for the production of recombinant ASB by coexpression of the auxiliary FGE. Materials and methods: a suspension CHO cell line was used in the study. CHO cells were transfected by electroporation using the MaxCyte STX system. Monoclonal cell lines were obtained with the help of the Cell Metric system. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used for determination of ASB concentration in the culture fluid. Culture fluid samples were analysed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. The mRNA level was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: producer cell lines coexpressing the target ASB enzyme and auxiliary FGE were obtained. An increase in the yield of the active target ASB enzyme from 2 to 100 mg/L was achieved by selecting the optimal ratio of plasmids during transfection. The highest yield of the target ASB enzyme was achieved at the 90:10 ratio (%) of plasmids encoding the ASB and FGE genes, respectively. Conclusions: the authors developed highly productive cell lines for the production of recombinant ASB, which coexpress the target and auxiliary enzymes. The coexpression of ASB and FGE improves the growth and production characteristics of the cell line, probably due to the modification of the ASB active site. The obtained results will help resolve the problem of low enzyme yield, which is typical of this class of medicines

    Temperature Flammability Limits are Derivatives from Flash Point

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    Наступление керосиновой эры привело не только повсеместному использованию керосиновых приборов, но к появлению новой причины взрывов и пожаров в быту и на производстве, которая была связана с несовершенством конструкций керосиновых ламп, керогазов и использованием небезопасного керосина. Основным критерием безопасности керосина выступила температура вспышки. При изучении этого критерия пожаровзрывоопасности были выявлены низшая и высшая температура вспышки или другими словами низший и верхний температурные пределы воспламенения.The advent of the kerosene era led not only to the widespread use of kerosene devices, but to the emergence of a new cause of explosions and fires in everyday life and production, which was associated with imperfect kerosene lamp designs, kerosene gases and the use of unsafe kerosene. The main criterion for the safety of kerosene was the flash point. In studying this criterion of fire and explosion hazard, a lower and higher flash point or, in other words, the lower and upper flammability temperature limits were detected

    Syndrome of connective tissue dysplasia in children with nephropathy of early age

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    The article presents the results of a study of the manifestations of the syndrome of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD) in infants and young children with pyelonephritis.В статье представлены результаты исследования проявлений синдрома недифференцированной дисплазии соединительной ткани (НДСТ) у детей грудного и раннего возраста с пиелонефритами

    Увеличение продуктивности клеточной линии-продуцента арилсульфатазы B за счет коэкспрессии формилглицин-генерирующего фермента

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (Maroteaux–Lamy syndrome) is an orphan genetic disease caused by deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme arylsulfatase B (ASB). The need to develop a highly productive cell line for the production of recombinant ASB, is behind the concept and relevance of this study. The most promising approach seems to be the development of CHO producer cell lines coexpressing the target ASB enzyme and an auxiliary formylglycine-generating enzyme (FGE). At the same time, it is important from a practical perspective to have the possibility of cultivating producer cell lines as suspensions free of serum or other components of animal origin. The aim of the study was to develop highly productive cell lines for the production of recombinant ASB by coexpression of the auxiliary FGE. Materials and methods: a suspension CHO cell line was used in the study. CHO cells were transfected by electroporation using the MaxCyte STX system. Monoclonal cell lines were obtained with the help of the Cell Metric system. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used for determination of ASB concentration in the culture fluid. Culture fluid samples were analysed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. The mRNA level was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: producer cell lines coexpressing the target ASB enzyme and auxiliary FGE were obtained. An increase in the yield of the active target ASB enzyme from 2 to 100 mg/L was achieved by selecting the optimal ratio of plasmids during transfection. The highest yield of the target ASB enzyme was achieved at the 90:10 ratio (%) of plasmids encoding the ASB and FGE genes, respectively. Conclusions: the authors developed highly productive cell lines for the production of recombinant ASB, which coexpress the target and auxiliary enzymes. The coexpression of ASB and FGE improves the growth and production characteristics of the cell line, probably due to the modification of the ASB active site. The obtained results will help resolve the problem of low enzyme yield, which is typical of this class of medicines.Мукополисахаридоз VI типа (синдром Марото–Лами) — орфанное генетическое заболевание, которое связано с дефицитом лизосомального фермента арилсульфатазы В. Актуальность исследования связана с необходимостью разработки высокопродуктивной клеточной линии-продуцента рекомбинантного фермента арилсульфатазы В. Наиболее перспективным подходом представляется создание клеточных линий-продуцентов, коэкспрессирующих целевой фермент арилсульфатазу В и вспомогательный формилглицин-генерирующий фермент на основе клеточной линии СНО. При этом большое практическое значение имеет возможность культивирования клеточных линий-продуцентов в виде суспензии, без использования сыворотки или других компонентов животного происхождения. Цель работы: разработка высокопродуктивных клеточных линий-продуцентов рекомбинантного фермента арилсульфатазы В за счет коэкспрессии вспомогательного формилглицин-генерирующего фермента. Материалы и методы: использовали суспензионную клеточную линию СНО. Трансфекцию клеток СНО проводили методом электропорации с использованием системы MaxCyte STX. Моноклональные клеточные линии получали с использованием системы Cell Metric. Концентрацию арилсульфатазы В в культуральной жидкости определяли методом иммуноферментного анализа. Образцы культуральной жидкости анализировали с применением электрофореза в полиакриламидном геле и вестерн-блота. Уровень мРНК измеряли методом полимеразной цепной реакции в режиме реального времени. Результаты: получены клеточные линии-продуценты, коэкспрессирующие целевой фермент арилсульфатазу В и вспомогательный формилглицин-генерирующий фермент. Достигнуто увеличение выхода активного целевого фермента арилсульфатазы В с 2 до 100 мг/л за счет подбора оптимального соотношения плазмид во время трансфекции. Наибольший выход целевого фермента арилсульфатазы В наблюдался при соотношении плазмид, кодирующих гены арилсульфатазы В и формилглицин-генерирующего фермента, равном 90:10 (%). Выводы: разработаны высокопродуктивные клеточные линии-продуценты рекомбинантного фермента арилсульфатазы В, коэкспрессирующие целевой и вспомогательный ферменты. Коэкспрессия арилсульфатазы В и формилглицин-генерирующего фермента приводит к улучшению ростовых и продукционных характеристик клеточной линии, что, по-видимому, обусловлено модификацией активного центра целевого фермента арилсульфатазы В. Полученные результаты позволят решить проблему низкого выхода фермента, характерную для препаратов подобного класса

    Martensite-to-austenite reversion and recrystallization in cryogenically-rolled type 321 metastable austenitic steel

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    The annealing behavior of cryogenically-rolled type 321 metastable austenitic steel was established. Cryogenic deformation gave rise to martensitic transformation which developed preferentially within deformation bands. Subsequent annealing in the range of 600 C to 700 C resulted in reversion of the strain-induced martensite to austenite. At 800 C, the reversion was followed by static recrystallization. At relatively-low temperatures, the reversion was characterized by a very strong variant selection, which led to the restoration of the crystallographic orientation of the coarse parent austenite grains. An increase in the annealing temperature relaxed the variant-selection tendency and provided subsequent recrystallization thus leading to significant grain refinement. Nevertheless, a significant portion of the original coarse grains was found to be untransformed and therefore the fine-grain structure was fairly heterogeneous

    EBSD characterization of cryogenically rolled type 321 austenitic stainless steel

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    Electron backscatter diffraction was applied to investigate microstructure evolution during cryogenic rolling of type 321 metastable austenitic stainless steel. As expected, rolling promoted deformation-induced martensitic transformation which developed preferentially in deformation bands. Because a large fraction of the imposed strain was accommodated by deformation banding, grain refinement in the parent austenite phase was minimal. The martensitic transformation was found to follow a general orientation relationship, {111}γ||{0001}ε||{110}α′ and 〈110〉γ||〈11-20〉ε||〈111〉α′, and was characterized by noticeable variant selection

    Welsh experience in supporting regional languages in education

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    © 2016 Gataullina and Drozdikova-Zaripova.The topic relevance is justified by the mankind intention to protecting and reviving a native language as a process of saving a self-identity and an authentic culture, the modern tendencies on reducing globalization risks regarding the regional and minor languages, search for new effective ways to facilitate and develop them in the modern world. The paper deals with the modern language and education policy of Wales regarding the Welsh language with further adoption of the best practice. The basic methods of the current research are the contrastive analysis of the statutory acts of the government of Wales regarding the results achieved that allow bringing to light the main tendencies and evidences of Welsh in the education sphere of Wales, methods of analysis, synthesis, and systematization. The synthesis of the analysis results shows the trends and handicaps in the implementation process and facilitating the Welsh functional potential in the education system. The statistics analysis of the quantitative indexes of Welsh in the education system is generalized in the tables, displays the positive tendencies of Welsh developments, and the education system acts as the main tool in the process of boosting the Welsh functional potential in the modern world. The paper reveals the problematic parts of the processes involved in the education system. The materials can have practical application when planning the language and educational policies regarding the minor languages in Europe and the Russian regions