41 research outputs found

    Approcci ecologici per l'orientamento professionale degli studenti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico

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    Il presente articolo ha l’obiettivo di condividere una riflessione relativamente all’assunzione di una prospettiva ecologica che possa orientare i processi di orientamento professionale degli studenti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico e proporre alcune evidence-based practices che possano essere integrate nei percorsi di PCTO

    Group-based Early Start Denver Model: un modello educativo per alunni con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico nelle scuole dell’infanzia italiane

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    Research on the implementation of evidence-based-practices in education has increasingly focusedon identifying models for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that can be adaptable inpreschools. This article outlines the main features of the Group-based Early Start Denver Model(G-ESDM), an intervention for children with ASD that has gained prominence in recent years (Vivanti,Duncan, Dawson, Rogers, 2017). Based on the philosophy, principles and strategies of theEarly Start Denver Model (ESDM), the G-ESDM is a manualized evidence-based early interventionthat includes a set of strategies to adapt to the physical and social learning environment in orderto support pupil participation in classroom activities and the school community at large.While the presence of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Italian school settings representsa challenge for both special education scholars and teachers which has endorsed the paradigmof full inclusion, some reflections on the possibility of promoting the adoption of theG-ESDM in Italian preschools are required. This article outlines the main features of the G-ESDMmodels and concludes by illustrating a possible research itinerary for its implementation in theItalian educational system

    Un’indagine esplorativa sull’implementazione del G-ESDM nella scuola dell’infanzia italiana

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    During the last decades, the importance of adopting Evidence Based Practice (EBP) to support pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder has become pivotal. However, scientific literature on the theme highlights the challenges when attempting to apply and maintain the same levels of effectiveness of these practices within the school system which may compromise the effectiveness of the practices itself. This seems to be also due to a low degree of acceptability, a lack of intentionality in the adoption of an EBP and a low consideration of its appropriateness by stakeholders who do not consider it satisfactory or usable in their context (Davis, 1993; Rogers , 1995; Proctor et al., 2011).Based on these premises, this study is aimed at exploring the degree of acceptability, adoptability and appropriateness of the G-ESDM by teachers of the Italian preschools in order to later investigate the possible implementation of the model in Italian preschools

    Integrare per includere nel curricolo 0-6. Approcci educativi e sostenibili per bambini con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico

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    Promoting an inclusive culture is one of the goals to be pursued towards a concept of sustainability based on the principles of participation and self-determination of all pupils. Due to the heterogeneity of its manifestations, children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder require educational interventions that favour effective communication and interaction from early childhood. This paper proposes a reflection on an integrated intervention model in the educational field, which includes the inclusive potential of the Group-Based Early Start Denver Model (G-ESDM) and the use of strategies and tools of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC). The aim is to set up learning environments that encourage the full participation of children with ASD by giving all educators and/or teachers an active role as facilitators of communication, inclusive and learning processes.Promuovere una cultura dell’inclusione costituisce uno degli obiettivi da perseguire in direzione di una sostenibilità che si fondi sul principio della partecipazione e dell’autodeterminazione di tutti e di ciascuno. Il Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico (Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD), per l’eterogeneità delle sue manifestazioni, necessita di interventi educativi che facilitino modalità di comunicazione e di interazione efficaci sin dalla prima infanzia. Il presente lavoro, a partire dalle potenzialità inclusive del Group-Based Early Start Denver Model (G-ESDM), propone una riflessione su un modello di intervento integrato, declinabile in ambito educativo, che preveda anche l’impiego di strategie e strumenti della Comunicazione Aumentativa Alternativa (CAA). Lo scopo ù di predisporre ambienti di apprendimento nei quali favorire la piena partecipazione dei bambini con ASD, attribuendo un ruolo attivo ai diversi partner comunicativi (educatori e/o insegnanti) quali facilitatori dei processi comunicativi, inclusivi e di apprendimento

    Progettare contesti di apprendimento per l'inclusione degli studenti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico. Un'indagine esplorativa sulle opinioni dei futuri docenti di sostegno

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    The Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 underlines the need of taking essential measures to avoid all forms of exclusion, inequality, eliminating all kind of disparities in education and ensuring equal access to all levels of education. Hence, it is crucial to reflect on how to design contexts which are sensitive to individual differences and able to guarantee equal access assuming an ecosystemic and sustainable perspective, since accessibility is configured as a complex con­ceptual construction. It results from the interaction between different dimensions of analysis: the individual, his potential and possibilities but also the environment; so, it seems relevant to reflect on the design of inclusive context not only considering the environmental factors that may support students’ participation, but also the subjective dimension of teachers, their opinions, perceptions and values on inclusion. Thus, this contribution aims to present preliminary results of a study aimed at investigating the opinions of future support teachers on how the context may affect the degree of participation of the student with Autism Spectrum Disorder


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    Designing inclusive curricula in the Italian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system (0-3 years) may be an intricate task, especially when taking children with Autism Spectrum Disorder into account. Educators are requested to connect nationally and internationally shared (European Commission, 2014; MIUR, 2012; OCSE PISA, 2009) pedagogical orientations to evidence-based strategies that address children’s individual educational needs at this early age. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about new challenges for this educational setting that not only supports parents in guaranteeing a safe environment for their children but has proven to be beneficial for the children’s holistic development. Furthermore, they should also consider the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the intensity of ASD symptoms due to a lack of embedded learning opportunities offered by inclusive classrooms. To address this purpose, this paper aims at exploring the feasibility of the Group-based Early Start Denver Model to design ECEC curricula that may support the establishment of a routine within the educational context

    L’inclusione lavorativa di studenti e adulti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico:un approccio ecologico‐sistemico

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    For some students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families, the end of compulsory schooling represents a cause of distress. As shown by the latest Censis statistics, published in 2012, few people with autism are able to get in the jobmarket and achieve professional success. Due to this, in addition to the impact on these young adults’ quality of life, there is an increase in concerns among their parents or guardians regarding the future of their children and the risk of social exclusion. Therefore, it is advisable to explore what factors may hinder professional success and social participation of these people by adopting an ecological perspective and reflecting on how some strategies could be implemented by all the institutions involved to favor their inclusion in the workplac

    inclusione lavorativa di studenti e adulti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico: un approccio ecologico-sistemico

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    For some students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families, the end of compulsory schooling represents a cause of distress. As shown by the latest Censis statistics, published in 2012, few people with autism are able to get in the job market and achieve professional success. Due to this, in addition to the impact on these young adults’ quality of life, there is an increase in concerns among their parents or guardians regarding the future of their children and the risk of social exclusion. Therefore, it is advisable to explore what factors may hinder professional success and social participation of these people by adopting an ecological perspective and reflecting on how some strategies could be implemented by all the institutions involved to favor their inclusion in the workplace.La conclusione del percorso scolastico rappresenta per alcuni ragazzi con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico e le loro famiglie motivo di disagio. Come dimostrato dagli ultimi dati Censis, pubblicati nel 2012, sono poche le persone con autismo che riescono a inserirsi nel mercato del lavoro e a ottenere il successo professionale a causa di molteplici fattori. Per tale motivo, oltre a un impatto sul livello di qualità della vita del ragazzo, si assiste a un aumento delle preoccupazioni delle famiglie per il cosiddetto “dopo di noi” e al rischio di emarginazione sociale per i figli con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico. Si rende, dunque, opportuno esplorare quali potrebbero essere i fattori ostacolanti il successo lavorativo e la partecipazione sociale di queste persone, adottando una prospettiva ecologica e riflettere su come alcune strategie potrebbero essere adottate da tutte le istituzioni coinvolte per favorire l’inclusione lavorativa

    Letture consigliate

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    Implementazione del Group-based Early Start Denver Model nel contesto americano. Suggestioni metodologiche per lo sviluppo professionale dei docenti.

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    L’aumento dell’incidenza del Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico a livello internazionale e la tendenza a promuovere istituzioni scolastiche inclusive ha comportato dei cambiamenti notevoli per i docenti delle istituzioni scolastiche negli Stati Uniti d’America. Questi ultimi, attraverso l’emanazione del No Child Left Behind Act (U.S. Department of Education, 2001), dichiarano la necessitĂ , per ogni classe, di avere un docente qualificato, ma alcuni studi dimostrano come il tasso di abbandono della professione da parte di alcuni docenti con questa caratteristica sia alto (Darling-Hammond, 2002). Inoltre, le politiche degli Stati Federali e le ricerche scientifiche sottolineano l’importanza di adottare evidence-based practices per gli studenti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico poichĂ© promuovono il raggiungimento di outcome positivi sull’apprendimento degli stessi (Odom et al., 2010; Cook, Odom, 2013). Emergono, perĂČ, delle difficoltĂ  in termini di adozione di queste pratiche che non sempre tengono conto delle specificitĂ  del contesto di riferimento, dei bisogni dei docenti e degli studenti. Il presente contributo presenta le attivitĂ  di ricerca condotte presso un’istituzione scolastica californiana privata in cui si Ăš avviato il processo di implementazione