24 research outputs found


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    The results of research the surface of single-crystal silicon, glass, and stainless steel after processing in a plasma at atmospheric pressure are presented. It has been experimentally proved that after processing, the adhesive properties of the surface of materials are significantly improved.The results of research the surface of single-crystal silicon, glass, and stainless steel after processing in a plasma at atmospheric pressure are presented. It has been experimentally proved that after processing, the adhesive properties of the surface of materials are significantly improved

    Managing the surface properties of materials of display technology by means of treatment in atmospheric discharge plasma

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    The results of research the surface of single-crystal silicon, glass, and stainless steel after processing in a plasma at atmospheric pressure are presented. It has been experimentally proved that after processing, the adhesive properties of the surface of materials are significantly improved

    The genetic history of admixture across inner Eurasia

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Research via the DOI in this record.Data Availability. Genome-wide sequence data of two Botai individuals (BAM format) are available at the European Nucleotide Archive under the accession number PRJEB31152 (ERP113669). Eigenstrat format array genotype data of 763 present-day individuals and 1240K pulldown genotype data of two ancient Botai individuals are available at the Edmond data repository of the Max Planck Society (https://edmond.mpdl.mpg.de/imeji/collection/Aoh9c69DscnxSNjm?q=).The indigenous populations of inner Eurasia, a huge geographic region covering the central Eurasian steppe and the northern Eurasian taiga and tundra, harbor tremendous diversity in their genes, cultures and languages. In this study, we report novel genome-wide data for 763 individuals from Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. We furthermore report additional damage-reduced genome-wide data of two previously published individuals from the Eneolithic Botai culture in Kazakhstan (~5,400 BP). We find that present-day inner Eurasian populations are structured into three distinct admixture clines stretching between various western and eastern Eurasian ancestries, mirroring geography. The Botai and more recent ancient genomes from Siberia show a decrease in contribution from so-called “ancient North Eurasian” ancestry over time, detectable only in the northern-most “forest-tundra” cline. The intermediate “steppe-forest” cline descends from the Late Bronze Age steppe ancestries, while the “southern steppe” cline further to the South shows a strong West/South Asian influence. Ancient genomes suggest a northward spread of the southern steppe cline in Central Asia during the first millennium BC. Finally, the genetic structure of Caucasus populations highlights a role of the Caucasus Mountains as a barrier to gene flow and suggests a post-Neolithic gene flow into North Caucasus populations from the steppe.Max Planck SocietyEuropean Research Council (ERC)Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)Russian Scientific FundNational Science FoundationU.S. National Institutes of HealthAllen Discovery CenterUniversity of OstravaCzech Ministry of EducationXiamen UniversityFundamental Research Funds for the Central UniversitiesMES R


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    The article outlines the main changes in the education system in recent years; reflectes the new educational opportunities for children with disabilities; identifies the possible ways of use of ICT to improve the quality of inclusive education


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    The article presents current trends of informational and educational environment development in terms of defining and standardization of the requirements to educational ICT, use of prospective technologies and innovative approaches to the implementation of e-learning systems. The problems of implementing of quality management methodology in a sphere of high-tech products, as well as future prospects of development of e-learning tools are outlined


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    The article outlines the main advantages of distance learning (e-learning) for students with functional limitations, describes the types of learning models according to the process of interaction of stakeholders, characterizes the types of ICT applicable to each mode of interaction

    Peculiarities of clinical course and diagnostics of calculous cholecystitis in children

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    Introduction. At present, the problem of bile stone disease in children is subject of the close scrutiny of not only pediatricians and pediatric surgeons. However, until now the question of tactics of their management remains debated. This is due to the insufficient number of works devoted to the dynamics of observation of the children with calculous cholecystitis and outcomes of this disease in childhood. The questions of clinical course of the disease in children depending on the stage of the disease are not clarified. The possible reasons for course and outcome of the disease are not reflected. In this regard, the nature and volume of treatment and prevention in children with cholelithiasis are not defined. All mentioned above causes the necessity of studying the peculiarities of clinical course and diagnostics of bile stone disease in children and determines the urgency of the problem. Research objective. Analysis of the peculiarities of clinical course and diagnostics of calculous cholecystitis in children. Materials and methods The analysis of 58 patients with calculous cholecystitis in age from 2 to 17 years was carried out. There were 39 girls (71%) and 17 boys (17%). In 35 (60%) children the conservative treatment was effective, in 23 (40%) children conservative treatment was unsuccessful and they needed surgical treatment, which consisted of cholecystectomy, made with application of laparoscopic technology. In all the children anamnesis was studied, evaluation of objective data and complex clinical, laboratory, ultrasound and x-ray examination were carried out. Results and discussion. 3 variants of the clinical course of calculous cholecystitis were revealed: acute, chronic and asymptomatic. Acute variant of the clinical course was characterized by the sudden onset of biliary colic, which manifested in strong pain in epigastric area and in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting at the height of attack. Chronic disease was characterized by dyspeptic disorders in 34.5% of cases, nagging pain in the right hypochondrium and epigastric area in 25.5% of the children, or their combination. According to ultrasound examination two variants of ultrasound picture of the stones are revealed. The first type of calculi, among which in 87% of the children cholesterol stones prevailed, was characterized by echo weakening on the surface of the stone and its transition into a weak acoustic shadow. The second type of ultrasound pictures is characterized by more expressed shadow. Conclusions. 1. Clinical manifestations of calculous cholecystitis in children are characterized predominantly by chronic course identified in 51% of patients. In 47% of cases the course of the disease is not clinically manifested and is asymptomatic. 2. A decisive role in the diagnosis of disease is played by ultrasound examination of the gallbladder and bile ducts, which allows not only to verify the presence of concrements, but also to ascertain their nature and density. 3. Indications for laparoscopic cholecystectomy along with failure of conservative therapy are: continuing of chronic inflammation of the gall bladder with symptoms of sclerotic changes of its walls and the reduction of its contractile ability

    Особливості клінічного перебігу та діагностики калькульозного холециститу в дітей

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    Introduction. At present, the problem of bile stone disease in children is subject of the close scrutiny of not only pediatricians and pediatric surgeons. However, until now the question of tactics of their management remains debated. This is due to the insufficient number of works devoted to the dynamics of observation of the children with calculous cholecystitis and outcomes of this disease in childhood. The questions of clinical course of the disease in children depending on the stage of the disease are not clarified. The possible reasons for course and outcome of the disease are not reflected. In this regard, the nature and volume of treatment and prevention in children with cholelithiasis are not defined. All mentioned above causes the necessity of studying the peculiarities of clinical course and diagnostics of bile stone disease in children and determines the urgency of the problem.Research objective. Analysis of the peculiarities of clinical course and diagnostics of calculous cholecystitis in children.Materials and methods The analysis of 58 patients with calculous cholecystitis in age from 2 to 17 years was carried out. There were 39 girls (71%) and 17 boys (17%). In 35 (60%) children the conservative treatment was effective, in 23 (40%) children conservative treatment was unsuccessful and they needed surgical treatment, which consisted of cholecystectomy, made with application of laparoscopic technology. In all the children anamnesis was studied, evaluation of objective data and complex clinical, laboratory, ultrasound and x-ray examination were carried out.Results and discussion. 3 variants of the clinical course of calculous cholecystitis were revealed: acute, chronic and asymptomatic. Acute variant of the clinical course was characterized by the sudden onset of biliary colic, which manifested in strong pain in epigastric area and in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting at the height of attack. Chronic disease was characterized by dyspeptic disorders in 34.5% of cases, nagging pain in the right hypochondrium and epigastric area in 25.5% of the children, or their combination. According to ultrasound examination two variants of ultrasound picture of the stones are revealed. The first type of calculi, among which in 87% of the children cholesterol stones prevailed, was characterized by echo weakening on the surface of the stone and its transition into a weak acoustic shadow. The second type of ultrasound pictures is characterized by more expressed shadow.Conclusions.1. Clinical manifestations of calculous cholecystitis in children are characterized predominantly by chronic course identified in 51% of patients. In 47% of cases the course of the disease is not clinically manifested and is asymptomatic.2. A decisive role in the diagnosis of disease is played by ultrasound examination of the gallbladder and bile ducts, which allows not only to verify the presence of concrements, but also to ascertain their nature and density.3. Indications for laparoscopic cholecystectomy along with failure of conservative therapy are: continuing of chronic inflammation of the gall bladder with symptoms of sclerotic changes of its walls and the reduction of its contractile ability.Представлены результаты исследования особенностей клинического течения и диагностики калькулезного холецистита у 58 детей в возрасте от 2 до 17 лет. Показано, что клинические проявления заболевания характеризуются преимущественно хроническим течением калькулезного холецистита, который определили у 51% больных. В 47% случаев течение болезни было бессимптомным. Установлено, что решающую роль в диагностике калькулезного холецистита играет ультразвуковое исследование желчного пузыря и желчных протоков. Показаниями к лапароскопической холецистэктомии, наряду с безуспешностью консервативной терапии, является продолжающийся хронический воспалительный процесс в желчном пузыре с явлениями склеротических изменений его стенок и снижением их сократительной способности.Наведено результати дослідження особливостей клінічного перебігу та діагностики калькульозного холециститу у 58 дітей віком від 2 до 17 років. Показано, що клінічні прояви захворювання характеризуються переважно хронічним перебігом калькульозного холециститу, який виявлено у 51% хворих. У 47% випадків перебіг хвороби був безсимптомним. Встановлено, що вирішальну роль у діагностиці калькульозного холециститу відіграє ультразвукове дослідження жовчного міхура і жовчних проток. Показанням до лапароскопічної холецистектомії, поряд із безуспішністю консервативної терапії, є триваючий хронічний запальний процес у жовчному міхурі з явищами склеротичних змін його стінок і зниженням їхньої скорочувальної здатності