10 research outputs found

    Statistical Properties of Short RSA Distribution and Their Cryptographic Applications

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study some computational security assump-tions involve in two cryptographic applications related to the RSA cryp-tosystem. To this end, we use exponential sums to bound the statistical distances between these distributions and the uniform distribution. We are interesting studying the k least (or most) significant bits of x e mod N , where N is a RSA modulus when x is restricted to a small part of [0, N). First of all, we provide the first rigorous evidence that the cryptographic pseudo-random generator proposed by Micali and Schnorr is based on firm foundations. This proof is missing in the original paper and do not cover the parameters chosen by the authors. Consequently, we extend the proof to get a new result closer to the parameters using a recent work of Wooley on exponential sums and we show some limitations of our technique. Finally, we look at the semantic security of the RSA padding scheme called PKCS#1 v1.5 which is still used a lot in practice. We show that parts of the ciphertexts are indistinguisable from uniform bitstrings

    Security of the pseudorandom number generators and implementations of public key signature schemes

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    Dans cette thÚse, nous nous intéressons à la sécurité de générateurs pseudo-aléatoires et d'implémentations de schémas de signature. Concernant les schémas de signature, nous proposons, dans le cas d'une implémentation répandue de RSA, différentes attaques par injection de faute effectives quelque soit l'encodage du message. Nous présentons par ailleurs une contre-mesure infective prouvée sûre pour protéger le schéma RSA--PSS contre un certain nombre de fautes non aléatoires. Nous étudions également le schéma ECDSA couplé aux techniques d'accélération GLV/GLS. En fonction des implémentations, nous prouvons soit la bonne distribution du nonce utilisé, soit qu'il présente un biais permettant une attaque. Enfin, nous élaborons un outil qui recherche automatiquement des attaques par faute à partir d'une implémentation et d'une politique de faute, outil appliqué avec succÚs sur des implémentations de RSA et de ECDSA. Concernant les générateurs pseudo-aléatoires algébriques, nous étudions les générateurs non-linéaires et améliorons certaines attaques en diminuant l'information donnée à l'adversaire. Nous nous intéressons également à la sécurité du générateur Micali-Schnorr à travers quelques attaques et une étude statistique de son hypothÚse de sécurité. Finalement nous proposons une cryptanalyse de tout schéma à clé publique basé sur la factorisation ou le logarithme discret dont la clé secrÚte est générée à partir d'un générateur linéaire.In this thesis, we are interested in the security of pseudorandom number generators and of implementations of signature schemes. Regarding the signature schemes, we propose, in the case of a widespread implementation of RSA, various fault attacks which apply to any padding function. In addition we present a proven secure infective countermeasure to protect the RSA--PSS scheme against some non-random faults. Furthermore we study the ECDSA scheme coupled with the GLV/GLS speed-up techniques. Depending on the implementations, we prove either the good distribution of the used nonce, or that it has a bias, thereby enabling an attack. Finally we develop a tool for automatically finding fault attacks given an implementation and a fault policy, which is successfully applied to some RSA and ECDSA implementations. Regarding pseudorandom number generators, we study the nonlinear ones and improve some attacks by reducing the information available to the adversary. We also are interested in the security of the Micali-Schnorr generator through various attacks and a statistical study of its security assumption. Finally we propose a cryptanalysis of any public-key scheme based on the factorization or the discrete logarithm when the secret key is generated using a linear generator

    Sécurité des générateurs pseudo-aléatoires et des implémentations de schémas de signature à clé publique

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    In this thesis, we are interested in the security of pseudorandom number generators and of implementations of signature schemes. Regarding the signature schemes, we propose, in the case of a widespread implementation of RSA, various fault attacks which apply to any padding function. In addition we present a proven secure infective countermeasure to protect the RSA--PSS scheme against some non-random faults. Furthermore we study the ECDSA scheme coupled with the GLV/GLS speed-up techniques. Depending on the implementations, we prove either the good distribution of the used nonce, or that it has a bias, thereby enabling an attack. Finally we develop a tool for automatically finding fault attacks given an implementation and a fault policy, which is successfully applied to some RSA and ECDSA implementations. Regarding pseudorandom number generators, we study the nonlinear ones and improve some attacks by reducing the information available to the adversary. We also are interested in the security of the Micali-Schnorr generator through various attacks and a statistical study of its security assumption. Finally we propose a cryptanalysis of any public-key scheme based on the factorization or the discrete logarithm when the secret key is generated using a linear generator.Dans cette thÚse, nous nous intéressons à la sécurité de générateurs pseudo-aléatoires et d'implémentations de schémas de signature. Concernant les schémas de signature, nous proposons, dans le cas d'une implémentation répandue de RSA, différentes attaques par injection de faute effectives quelque soit l'encodage du message. Nous présentons par ailleurs une contre-mesure infective prouvée sûre pour protéger le schéma RSA--PSS contre un certain nombre de fautes non aléatoires. Nous étudions également le schéma ECDSA couplé aux techniques d'accélération GLV/GLS. En fonction des implémentations, nous prouvons soit la bonne distribution du nonce utilisé, soit qu'il présente un biais permettant une attaque. Enfin, nous élaborons un outil qui recherche automatiquement des attaques par faute à partir d'une implémentation et d'une politique de faute, outil appliqué avec succÚs sur des implémentations de RSA et de ECDSA. Concernant les générateurs pseudo-aléatoires algébriques, nous étudions les générateurs non-linéaires et améliorons certaines attaques en diminuant l'information donnée à l'adversaire. Nous nous intéressons également à la sécurité du générateur Micali-Schnorr à travers quelques attaques et une étude statistique de son hypothÚse de sécurité. Finalement nous proposons une cryptanalyse de tout schéma à clé publique basé sur la factorisation ou le logarithme discret dont la clé secrÚte est générée à partir d'un générateur linéaire

    Statistical Properties of Short RSA Distribution and Their Cryptographic Applications

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study some computational security assump-tions involve in two cryptographic applications related to the RSA cryp-tosystem. To this end, we use exponential sums to bound the statistical distances between these distributions and the uniform distribution. We are interesting studying the k least (or most) significant bits of x e mod N , where N is a RSA modulus when x is restricted to a small part of [0, N). First of all, we provide the first rigorous evidence that the cryptographic pseudo-random generator proposed by Micali and Schnorr is based on firm foundations. This proof is missing in the original paper and do not cover the parameters chosen by the authors. Consequently, we extend the proof to get a new result closer to the parameters using a recent work of Wooley on exponential sums and we show some limitations of our technique. Finally, we look at the semantic security of the RSA padding scheme called PKCS#1 v1.5 which is still used a lot in practice. We show that parts of the ciphertexts are indistinguisable from uniform bitstrings

    Time/Memory/Data Tradeoffs for Variants of the RSA Problem

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study the security of the Micali-Schnorr pseudorandom number generator. The security of this cryptographic scheme is based on two computational problems which are variants of the RSA problem. The RSA problem essentially aims at recovering the plaintext from a random ciphertext. In the analysis of the Micali-Schnorr pseudorandom generator, we are interested in instances of this problem where the plaintext is small and where the ciphertext is not entirely known. We will describe time / memory tradeoff techniques to solve these hard problems which provides the first analysis of this pseudoran-dom generator 25 years after its publication

    DGA IS

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    Abstract. In this paper, we present several efficient fault attacks against implementations of RSA–CRT signatures that use modular exponentiation algorithms based on Montgomery multiplication. They apply to any padding function, including randomized paddings, and as such are the first fault attacks effective against RSA–PSS. The new attacks work provided that a small register can be forced to either zero, or a constant value, or a value with zero high-order bits. We show that these models are quite realistic, as such faults can be achieved against many proposed hardware designs for RSA signatures

    Synthesis of Fault Attacks on Cryptographic Implementations

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    International audienceFault attacks are attacks in which an adversary with physical access to a cryptographic device, say a smartcard, tampers with the execution of an algorithm to retrieve secret mate-rial. Since the seminal Bellcore attack on modular exponen-tiation, there has been extensive work to discover new fault attacks against cryptographic schemes and develop counter-measures against such attacks. Originally focused on high-level algorithmic descriptions, these efforts increasingly fo-cus on concrete implementations. While lowering the ab-straction level leads to new fault attacks, it also makes their discovery significantly more challenging. In order to face this trend, it is therefore desirable to develop principled, tool-supported approaches that allow a systematic analy-sis of the security of cryptographic implementations against fault attacks. We propose, implement, and evaluate a new approach for finding fault attacks against cryptographic implementa-tions. Our approach is based on identifying implementation-independent mathematical properties, or fault conditions. We choose fault conditions so that it is possible to recover secret data purely by computing on sufficiently many data points that satisfy them. Fault conditions capture the essence of a large number of attacks from the literature, including lattice-based attacks on RSA. Moreover, they provide a ba-sis for discovering automatically new attacks: using fault conditions, we specify the problem of finding faulted imple-mentations as a program synthesis problem. Using a special-ized form of program synthesis, we discover multiple faulted attacks on RSA and ECDSA. Several of the attacks found by our tool are new, and of independent interest

    GLV/GLS Decomposition, Power Analysis, and Attacks on ECDSA Signatures with Single-Bit Nonce Bias

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    ISBN : 978-3-662-45610-1International audienceThe fastest implementations of elliptic curve cryptography in recent years have been achieved on curves endowed with nontriv-ial efficient endomorphisms, using techniques due to Gallant–Lambert– Vanstone (GLV) and Galbraith–Lin–Scott (GLS). In such implementa-tions, a scalar multiplication [k]P is computed as a double multiplication [k1]P + [k2]ψ(P), for ψ an efficient endomorphism and k1, k2 appropri-ate half-size scalars. To compute a random scalar multiplication, one can either select the scalars k1, k2 at random, hoping that the resulting k = k1 + k2λ is close to uniform, or pick a uniform k instead and decom-pose it as k1 + k2λ afterwards. The main goal of this paper is to discuss security issues that may arise using either approach. When k1 and k2 are chosen uniformly at random in [0, √ n), n = ord(P), we provide a security proofs under mild assumptions. However, if they are chosen as random integers of 1

    Binary Elligator Squared

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    International audienceApplications of elliptic curve cryptography to anonymity, privacy and censorship circumvention call for methods to represent uniformly random points on elliptic curves as uniformly random bit strings, so that, for example, ECC network traffic can masquerade as random traffic. At ACM CCS 2013, Bernstein et al. proposed an efficient approach, called "Elligator," to solving this problem for arbitrary elliptic curve-based cryptographic protocols, based on the use of efficiently invertible maps to elliptic curves. Unfortunately, such invertible maps are only known to exist for certain classes of curves, excluding in particular curves of prime order and curves over binary fields. A variant of this approach, "Elligator Squared," was later proposed by Tibouchi (FC 2014) supporting not necessarily injective encodings to elliptic curves (and hence a much larger class of curves), but, although some rough efficiency estimates were provided, it was not clear how an actual implementation of that approach would perform in practice. In this paper, we show that Elligator Squared can indeed be implemented very efficiently with a suitable choice of curve encodings. More precisely, we consider the binary curve setting (which was not discussed in Tibouchi's paper), and implement the Elligator Squared bit string representation algorithm based on a suitably optimized version of the Shallue–van de Woestijne characteristic 2 encoding, which we show can be computed using only multiplications, trace and half-trace computations, and a few inversions. On the fast binary curve of Oliveira et al. (CHES 2013), our implementation runs in an average of only 22850 Haswell cycles, making uniform bit string representations possible for a very reasonable overhead—much smaller even than Elligator on Edwards curves. As a side contribution, we also compare implementations of Elligator and Elligator Squared on a curve supported by Elligator, namely Curve25519. We find that generating a random point and its uniform bitstring representation is around 35–40% faster with Elligator for protocols using a fixed base point (such as static ECDH), but 30–35% faster with Elligator Squared in the case of a variable base point (such as ElGamal encryption). Both are significantly slower than our binary curve implementation