110 research outputs found

    Effect of biostimulants on apple quality at harvest and after storage

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    Nutritional unbalances, such as calcium deficiency at the fruit level, are generally the causative agent of post-harvest disorders in apples. Foliar application of Ca as calcium chloride is the current solution to increase Ca concentration in apples, even though the effectiveness of this approach is often not satisfactory. In this research, we tested the efficacy of a combined application of Ca with selected biostimulants to improve apple quality and to reduce the incidence of storage disorders. The experiment was conducted in two \u201cJonathan\u201d apple orchards that differed in management systems and characteristics. Tree canopies were sprayed with calcium chloride alone and in combination with a commercial product containing zinc and silicon or a seaweed extract. The seaweed extract increased apple quality by boosting the reddish coloration (+32% of color index) and by enhancing final anthocyanin concentration of fruit skin. Both biostimulants significantly reduced (by 20%) the incidence of the physiological disorder, known as \u201cJonathan spot\u201d, after 160 days of storage. Increased concentration of nutrients (Ca, Zn, and Mn) in the skin of apples after biostimulant applications, together with changes of the phenolic profile during the storage, are discussed as the possible causes of the reduced fruit susceptibility to post-harvest disorders

    MuSCA: A multi-scale source-sink carbon allocation model to explore carbon allocation in plants. An application to static apple tree structures

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    Background and aims: Carbon allocation in plants is usually represented at a topological scale, specific to each model. This makes the results obtained with different models, and the impact of their scales of representation, difficult to compare. In this study, we developed a multi-scale carbon allocation model (MuSCA) that allows the use of different, user-defined, topological scales of a plant, and assessment of the impact of each spatial scale on simulated results and computation time. Methods: Model multi-scale consistency and behaviour were tested on three realistic apple tree structures. Carbon allocation was computed at five scales, spanning from the metamer (the finest scale, used as a reference) up to first-order branches, and for different values of a sap friction coefficient. Fruit dry mass increments were compared across spatial scales and with field data. Key Results: The model was able to represent effects of competition for carbon assimilates on fruit growth. Intermediate friction parameter values provided results that best fitted field data. Fruit growth simulated at the metamer scale differed of ~1 % in respect to results obtained at growth unit scale and up to 60 % in respect to first order branch and fruiting unit scales. Generally, the coarser the spatial scale the more predicted fruit growth diverged from the reference. Coherence in fruit growth across scales was also differentially impacted, depending on the tree structure considered. Decreasing the topological resolution reduced computation time by up to four orders of magnitude. Conclusions: MuSCA revealed that the topological scale has a major influence on the simulation of carbon allocation. This suggests that the scale should be a factor that is carefully evaluated when using a carbon allocation model, or when comparing results produced by different models. Finally, with MuSCA, trade-off between computation time and prediction accuracy can be evaluated by changing topological scales

    An Ovarian Bioreactor for In Vitro Culture of the Whole Bovine Ovary: a Preliminary Report

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    Background: Improved cancer therapeutics and enhanced cancer survivorship have emphasized the severe long-term side effects of chemotherapy. Specifically, studies have linked many chemotherapy agents with primary ovarian insufficiency, although an exact insult model has not yet been determined. To investigate and ultimately solve this problem, a novel device for extended study of mammalian ovaries in vitro was developed. Methods: A bioreactor was fabricated for bovine ovarian culture that provides intravascular delivery of media to the ovary through isolation and cannulation of a main ovarian artery branch. Whole ovaries were cultured in vitro using three methods: (1) continuously supplied fresh culture media, (2) recirculated culture media, or (3) continuously supplied fresh culture media supplemented with 500 nM doxorubicin for 24 or 48 h. TUNEL assay was used to assess apoptotic cell percentages in the three groups as compared to uncultured baseline ovaries. Results: The ovary culture method was shown to maintain cell viability by effectively delivering nutrient-enriched pH-balanced media at a constant flow rate. Lower apoptosis observed in ovaries cultured in continuously supplied fresh culture media illustrates that this culture device and method are the first to sustain whole bovine ovary viability for 48 h. Meanwhile, the increase in the percentage of cell apoptosis with doxorubicin treatment indicates that the device can provide an alternative model for testing chemotherapy and chemoprotection treatments to prevent primary ovarian insufficiency in cancer patients. Conclusions: An ovarian bioreactor with consistent culture media flow through an ovarian vasculature-assisted approach maintains short-term whole bovine ovary viability

    SIMS and ESCA studies of possible sodium uranate precursors as related to aerosol characterization from a simulated HCDA. [LMFBR]

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    During the main thrust of the HCDA studies, it was found that sodium uranates, especially Na/sub 3/UO/sub 4/, were formed when the Na-U-O system was subjected to high temperatures approximating those of the HCDA. Mechanisms through which these rather complicated compounds are formed remain unknown. The purpose of these SIMS and ESCA studies was to detect the formation of any precursor ion species to the sodium uranates. The ESCA results agree with theory and support the presence of U/sub 2/O/sub 7/ /sup 2 -/ in Na/sub 2/U/sub 2/O/sub 7/; however, SIMS analyses show no evidence of possible uranate precursor formation in an Ar/sup +/ sputtered ion beam

    An Ovarian Bioreactor for In Vitro Culture of the Whole Bovine Ovary: a Preliminary Report

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    Background: Improved cancer therapeutics and enhanced cancer survivorship have emphasized the severe long-term side effects of chemotherapy. Specifically, studies have linked many chemotherapy agents with primary ovarian insufficiency, although an exact insult model has not yet been determined. To investigate and ultimately solve this problem, a novel device for extended study of mammalian ovaries in vitro was developed. Methods: A bioreactor was fabricated for bovine ovarian culture that provides intravascular delivery of media to the ovary through isolation and cannulation of a main ovarian artery branch. Whole ovaries were cultured in vitro using three methods: (1) continuously supplied fresh culture media, (2) recirculated culture media, or (3) continuously supplied fresh culture media supplemented with 500 nM doxorubicin for 24 or 48 h. TUNEL assay was used to assess apoptotic cell percentages in the three groups as compared to uncultured baseline ovaries. Results: The ovary culture method was shown to maintain cell viability by effectively delivering nutrient-enriched pH-balanced media at a constant flow rate. Lower apoptosis observed in ovaries cultured in continuously supplied fresh culture media illustrates that this culture device and method are the first to sustain whole bovine ovary viability for 48 h. Meanwhile, the increase in the percentage of cell apoptosis with doxorubicin treatment indicates that the device can provide an alternative model for testing chemotherapy and chemoprotection treatments to prevent primary ovarian insufficiency in cancer patients. Conclusions: An ovarian bioreactor with consistent culture media flow through an ovarian vasculature-assisted approach maintains short-term whole bovine ovary viability

    Major threats caused by climate change to grapevine

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    The main worrying feature of climate change is its rapid evolution, in extent and variation, becoming less and less predictable. In this paper, we have reviewed the available literature and elaborated original data to outline how climate change will affect the grapevine cultivation and wine quality. We start by discussing which features of climate change will impact grapevine production most. The effects of heatwaves, air and soil temperature, extreme rainfall events, atmospheric evaporative demand, wildfires, and smoke are addressed. An increased frequency and intensity of heat waves since 2010 is shown in four grapevine production areas of Northern Italy. The focus then shifts to the impacts of the predicted increase in temperature and drought on frost risks, grapevine phenology, yield, berry quality and water needs as well as vine and vineyard carbon budgets. Climate change will challenge the achievement of current yields and wine quality as well as the ability of vineyards to sequester atmospheric carbon, but such effects will likely depend on the characteristics of the growing environments and on the varieties present. Climate change-related threats to grapevine call for a rapid implementation of adaptation strategies

    The single-cell pathology landscape of breast cancer.

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    Single-cell analyses have revealed extensive heterogeneity between and within human tumours1-4, but complex single-cell phenotypes and their spatial context are not at present reflected in the histological stratification that is the foundation of many clinical decisions. Here we use imaging mass cytometry5 to simultaneously quantify 35 biomarkers, resulting in 720 high-dimensional pathology images of tumour tissue from 352 patients with breast cancer, with long-term survival data available for 281 patients. Spatially resolved, single-cell analysis identified the phenotypes of tumour and stromal single cells, their organization and their heterogeneity, and enabled the cellular architecture of breast cancer tissue to be characterized on the basis of cellular composition and tissue organization. Our analysis reveals multicellular features of the tumour microenvironment and novel subgroups of breast cancer that are associated with distinct clinical outcomes. Thus, spatially resolved, single-cell analysis can characterize intratumour phenotypic heterogeneity in a disease-relevant manner, with the potential to inform patient-specific diagnosis

    Exploring carbon allocation with a multi-scale model: the case of apple

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    UMR AGAP - Ă©quipe AFEF - Architecture et fonctionnement des espĂšces fruitiĂšresUnderstanding the allocation of carbohydrates among organs is necessary to predict plant growth in relation to climatic conditions and agronomic practices. Despite the large number of studies on the subject of carbon allocation, no clear consensus exists on (i) the most appropriate topological scale (organ, metamer, compartment...) to represent this process on complex plant structures, and (ii) the importance of distances between organs in carbon transport. In this study, we implemented a generic source-sink based carbon allocation model, following the equation of the SIMWAL model, that takes into account the distances between sources and sinks, the sink strength and the availability of carbohydrates from photosynthesis. Our model makes use of multi-scale tree graph (MTG) to represent geometry and topology of a tree structure at different scales. Starting from the description of a plant at a given scale (e.g. metamer and growing unit scales), we defined additional grouping criteria (fruiting branches and main axis) that were used to represent the plant structure, and the process of carbon allocation at different spatial resolutions. Generic functions to determine the biomass and carbon demand of the individual organs described in an MTG were implemented and calibrated for apple trees (Fuji variety) by means of age and organ type dependent allometric equations and maximum potential Relative Growth Rate curves (RGR) obtained in a field experiment. Photosynthesis for individual leaves of the input MTG was estimated by means of a radiative model (RATP). The model was then applied to architectural mock-ups in the MTG format produced by the MappleT model, representing trees with high and low fruit loads. Simulations on simplified plant structures qualitatively showed the influence of the scale of representation and of the distance parameter on the predicted carbon allocation. In order to test assumptions regarding the effect of distance, the source-sink behavior and the suitability of the alternative scales of representation for predicting carbon allocation, the variability and spatial distribution of the simulated RGR were compared to field observations. Finally, a benchmarking was performed to compare the computational efficiency of the model when running at different scales. The presented multiscale model provides a framework to re-interpret the plant topology in order to test the influence of some assumptions at the basis of the carbon allocation process, such as branch autonomy or the effect of distance. It is also a mean to investigate the trade-offs between the detail at which a plant is described, and the accuracy and computational efficiency in predicting carbon allocation. The present work was developed on the OpenAlea platform, and will provide existing Functional Structural Plant Models with a new generic model to simulate carbon allocation in plants
