12 research outputs found


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    Algumas das urgências reprodutivas presentes na espécie canina incluem distocias, piometra e mastite, sendo esta última, a inflamação bacteriana de uma ou mais glândulas mamárias, secundária ao parto em cadelas. Objetivou-se, com o presente relato, descrever dois casos de mastite em cadelas sem raça definida. Os dois casos foram diagnosticados por meio da anamnese e exame clínico, porém, no segundo caso foram realizados exames complementares (hemograma; cultura e antibiograma). O tratamento do primeiro caso foi feito com cefalexina e tintura de iodo topicamente nas tetas. Para o segundo caso, em decorrência da realização da cultura e antibiograma, detectou-se sensibilidade a alguns antibióticos e resistência a outros. Assim, o animal foi tratado com amoxicilina associada a ácido clavulânico. Em ambos os casos houve recuperação completa das pacientes. O diagnóstico precoce da enfermidade é importante devido ao caráter emergencial da doença. O tratamento, baseado em antimicrobianos, foi eficiente e adequado para os casos em questão

    Antimicrobial Resistance and Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Production in Enterobacteriaceae Isolates from Household Cats (Felis silvestris catus)

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    Background: In Brazil, cats in households has recently increased dramatically, likely due to their lower space and care requirements. We need to know the health of these companion animal species, since they have behavioral patterns that make them an important link in the epidemiological chain. Extended spectrum beta-lactamase producer strains (ESBL) are resistant to penicillin, cephalosporin and monobactam, but they are susceptible to clavulanate. The goal of this study is to detect strains of Enterobacteriaceae that produce extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) and evaluate the bacterial resistance profile in isolated cats (Felis silvestris catus) that live in a city located at west of Parana state, Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: Swabs were aseptically collected from the anal orifice and oral cavity of 49 female domestic cats that were healthy upon clinical and physical examination, a minimum age of one year, weighing up to 3 kg, and had attended a veterinary clinic specializing in cats, in order to, later, perform the isolation and bacterial identification, antimicrobial sensibility phenotypic test and the phenotypic test to detect ESBL producer strains. From the 98 swabs collected it was possible to perform the bacterial isolation in 68 samples; 40.81% isolated from anal orifice and 28.57% isolated from oral cavity. From rectal and oral cavities 77.50% and 71.42% of the isolated were identified as Escherichia coli respectively, being 2.94% considered ESBL producer strains. In relation to bacterial resistance the antibiotics that shown more resistance in anal orifice were ampicillin, amoxicillin, nalidixic acid, sulfazotrim, tetracycline and aztreonam. In oral cavity they were ampicillin, amoxicillin, cefoxitin, amoxicillin + clavulanate, aztreonam, ceftriaxone and nalidixic acid; and the bacterial resistance index shown that 39.70% were considered high level risk.Discussion: Household cats have a very important role in society, since the benefits they provide to their owners are clear, however, it is worth pointing out that these animals also pose risks to human health, caused by the transmission of zoonoses and also the possibility of transfer of antimicrobial resistance genes between bacteria of animal and human origin, as well as between bacteria of the normal microbiota and pathogenic microorganisms of diferents origins. Therefore, it is important to understand the health of these companion animal species, because they exhibit behavioral patterns that make them an important link in the epidemiological chain of potentially infectious microorganisms, which may show antimicrobial resistance. Extended spectrum beta-lactamase producer strains (ESBL) are resistant to penicillin, cephalosporin and monobactam, but they are susceptible to clavulanate. These enzymes hydrolyze the beta-lactam ring of the antibiotic structure, inactivating them. Nowadays bacterial resistance is considered to be one of the greatest problems in public health worldwide, as infections and diseases outbraks are caused by multiresistant bacteria are more and more frequent. The results of this study demonstrate the presence of strains of Enterobacteriaceae family associated to the high bacterial resistance, with samples that indicate ESBL producer strains in domiciled cats, in a city of west Parana state in Brazil. These results confirm that these cats can be considered as reservoirs of different microbial agents and resistance gens, being a health problem by the possibility of dissemination. The cat population is multiplying in a higher proportion compared to dogs and may probably became predominant in less than one decade. Due this situation and thinking about human, animal and environmental health new phenotypic studies to confirm the resistance gens and ESBL producers should be conducted in this specie


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    The orchiectomy is the removal of the testicles and, in animals, can be performed due to by elective or therapeutic reasons. Elective surgery is part of the responsible ownership of dogs and cats and is one of the most performed procedures in veterinary medicine, including castration efforts where cost reduction is important. Autohemotherapy (AHT) has been applied in animals, including acupoints, to produce immunostimulatory effects. In this context, this study used AHT, during the immediate postoperative period, in acupoints of dogs submitted to elective orchiectomy without the use of antibiotics. The results obtained were compared to data from another group of animals, which were orchiectomized and previously treated with a systemic antibiotic. All animals were clinically monitored and hemograms were performed during the pre and post-operatory period, as well as the registration of infections and other complications related to the surgical procedure. Regarding the 20 dogs used in the study, there was no occurrence of infection or inflammation in the animals after the surgical procedure. In addition, significant hematologic alterations were not observed between groups and between pre- and post-operatory periods in both groups. Therefore, it is concluded that autohemotherapy associated with acupuncture may represent an alternative for a surgical protocol without antibiotics in elective orchiectomy surgery in healthy animals.A orquiectomia consiste na remoção dos testículos e, em animais, pode ser realizada por motivo eletivo ou terapêutico. A cirurgia eletiva faz parte da guarda responsável de cães e gatos e é um dos procedimentos mais realizados na medicina veterinária, incluindo mutirões de castração onde a redução de custos é importante. A auto-hemoterapia (AHT) vem sendo aplicada em animais, inclusive em acupontos, com o intuito de produzir efeitos imunoestimulantes. Neste contexto, este estudo utilizou AHT, durante o período pós-operatório imediato, em acupontos de cães submetidos à orquiectomia eletiva sem a aplicação de antibióticos. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com dados referentes a outro grupo de animais, os quais foram orquiectomizados e previamente tratados com antibiótico sistêmico. Todos os animais foram acompanhados clinicamente e foram feitos hemogramas nos períodos pré e pós-operatório, assim como o registro de infecções e outras intercorrências relacionadas ao procedimento cirúrgico. Considerando os 20 cães usados no estudo, não houve ocorrência de infecção ou processo inflamatório nos animais após o procedimento cirúrgico. Além disso, alterações hematológicas significativas não foram observadas entre os grupos e entre os períodos pré e pós-operatório de ambos os grupos. Desta forma, conclui-se que a auto-hemoterapia associada à acupuntura pode representar uma alternativa para um protocolo cirúrgico sem antibióticos em cirurgia eletiva de orquiectomia em animais hígidos

    Obstrução uretral aguda causada por tumor venéreo transmissível em um cão

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    Background: Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a sexually transmitted, contagious, round cell neoplasm that affects mainly the external genital organs of dogs of both sexes. Canine TVT is practically the only tumor transmitted by cellular transplantation under natural conditions. The tumor occurs in all dog breeds and in various parts of the world, especially in the tropics and subtropics. Sexually active dogs that roam are at increased risk of acquiring the infirmity. The diagnosis is clinical, and confirmed by cytology. The most effective treatment is chemotherapy with vincristine. The aim of this report is describes a case of one male dog with an acute urethral obstruction caused by TVT.Case: In a Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH), a dog of unknown age was admitted. Volunteers from an animal protection institution rescued the dog from the streets after information from residents. Upon admission in the VMTH, the dog had an acute urethral obstruction, detected on clinical examination. Cystocentesis was performed to relieve the condition. Complete clinical examination and blood count were performed. Hematological examination revealed anemia and thrombocitopeny. The clinical examination revealed a swelling in the preputial area, and penile exposure was not possible. Because of this it was not possible to place the urethral catheter in the animal. However, preputial fistula and a friable, bleeding mass suggestive of a TVT were detected. For penile inspection and correction of the obstruction, the dog was submitted to a surgical procedure with an incision in the preputial midline. After the incision was made, several masses with a friable and bleeding appearance were found. The masses that prevented the urinary flow were removed and, cleansed with a physiological solution. The skin was sutured to restore the normal anatomy. In the same procedure, the dog was neutered. Cytological examination of the masses confirmed the diagnosis of TVT. After the surgery, the animal was treated with vincristine sulfate for three weeks and completely recovered. Due to the findings of the hemogram that were suggestive of hemoparasite, the animal was later referred for clinical investigation.Discussion: The animal in this case had lived on the streets, where it contracted TVT. This tumor is found most often in dogs that roam. The cystocentesis performed in the patient is used in cases of urethral obstruction in dogs where it is not possible to pass catheter. The friable and bleeding masses with ulceration that were presented by the animal, demonstrated macroscopic aspects characteristic of tumor venereal transmissible. In this type of neoplasm can appear masses in diverse places of the body, but in this dog, the masses were only in the genitalia. The urethral obstruction was caused by the masses around the urethral orifice, and urethral obstructions in dogs may be from neoplasms. The cytological examination confirmed the diagnosis, and such examination is adequate to diagnose TVT. The treatment with chemotherapy is effective to control the disease. However, in this animal, surgical intervention was necessary to restore normal urinary flow. The chemotherapy with vincristine was used after the surgical procedure to eliminate remaining masses. The animal was castrated because of the need for population control in free-living dogs. Although not common, urethral obstruction in dogs can be caused by tumor venereal transmissible

    Pyometra in a Bitch Possibly Caused by Simultaneous Administration of Levonorgestrel and Estradiol Cypionate

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    Background: Toxicological events in animals may be accidental or intentional and could occur in the home environment. These events could involve different agents such as pesticides, rodenticides, medicines, foods, and plants. Indiscriminate use of medication in pets by their owners is common. Self-medication of animals with drugs for human use can cause irreversible damage to their health. The emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill), comprising concentrated hormonal compounds, is sold freely in Brazil. The objective of this article was to report a case of pyometra in a bitch possibly caused by simultaneous administration of human emergency contraceptive pill along with a veterinary contraceptive medication.              Case: A 6-year-old bitch was referred to a Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for abdominal enlargement. According to the guardian, during estrus (30 days before the consultation) the female dog was covered. After intercourse, the owner administered a human emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill) and a veterinary contraceptive. Physical examination revealed severe dehydration (10%) and high temperature, besides the abdominal enlargement. The hemogram revealed leukocytosis with a left shift, characteristic of infection. After clinical examination, closed pyometra was suspected, and later confirmed by ultrasonography. Due to the poor clinical condition, fluid therapy was performed, and a systemic antibiotic was administered. After stabilization, the patient underwent ovariohysterectomy. In the postoperative period, the fluid therapy was continued, and antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs were administered. Two days after surgery, the patient was discharged for home recovery.  Discussion: Most cases of drug poisoning in animals involve female dogs, similar to the patient in this report. There is no theory elucidating the same, but the rate of incidence in female dogs has been reported to be higher than that in male dogs in the veterinary clinical routine. The administration of medicines at the guardian’s discretion, as seen in this case, is common in Brazil. The drugs involved may be of veterinary or human use. Drug intoxication is linked to the culture of self-medication. If the animal presents a symptom similar to that of a human, the guardian dispenses the same medicine used for him to their pet animal. Thus, it can be inferred that the guardian of the bitch in this report had the habit of self-medication and adopted the same conduct with the pet. The emergency contraceptive pill used here consisted of levonorgestrel, a progestin-type of hormone. No reports of levonorgestrel use have been reported in dogs; therefore, the mode of action of the drug in the canine species is unknown. The administration of progestogens in bitches is one of the main causes of reproductive diseases in the species. One of the diseases related to the use of contraceptives in bitches is pyometra. Despite the evidence, the human contraceptive cannot be determined as the cause of pyometra, because a veterinary contraceptive was also administered. Pyometra probably occurred due to the combined effect of both drugs. Thus, this case was diagnosed as drug intoxication. Veterinarians should be alert on this subject and invest in awareness and prevention of self-medication in animals by their guardians.

    Microbiome and Antimicrobial Resistance in Members of the Enterobacteriaceae Family from Vaginal and Preputial Mucous Isolates of Stray Dogs

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    Background: Contact between humans and pets, mainly dogs and cats, has been increasing in recent years, which may result in the spread of infectious agents to new hosts and even to the environment, causing emergencies of national and international interest. The aim of this work was to understand the phenotypic profile of bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family of vaginal and preputial mucous of stray dogs from a border region.Materials, Methods & Results: Swab samples from the vaginal and preputial mucosa of stray dogs from two border regions were collected for later bacterial isolation, biochemical identification of bacterial isolates, susceptibility tests to different antimicrobials, and determination of the bacterial resistance index. Samples were collected from 70 animals, was possible to isolate 88 samples, of which 36 (40.9%) presented isolates of Gram-negative bacteria, with Escherichia coli being the most prevalent species (44.8%), followed by Obesumbacterium proteus in eight (27.5%); Enterobacter aerogenes and Enterobacter cloacae in two (6.8%); and Erwinia herbicola, Koserella trabulsii, Proteus mirabilis, and Serratia rubidaea (3.4%) from one isolate. The most resistant antimicrobials Clindamycin (100%), Metronidazole (100%), Oxacillin (100%), and Penicillin (100%) were tested against the vaginal and preputial samples and when the multidrug resistance index of the isolates was analyzed, all were classified as presenting a public health risk.Discussion: The results of this work suggest that stray dogs may be considered potential reservoirs of resistant pathogenic microorganisms, enabling future health problems due to the close coexistence of tutors with their dogs. It is known that the microorganisms that inhabit a certain environment or a specific part of the body are collectively called microbiomes. More specifically, some of them are bacteria that inhabit the reproductive mucous membranes (vaginal and preputial) of healthy dogs. Several works have also identified E. coli as the most prevalent bacteria identified in the vaginal and preputial mucosa of healthy dogs, that is regarded as a member of different microbiomes that is a commensal of different species of domestic animals, it is important to stress that this bacterial species presents sophisticated virulence mechanisms possibly responsible for different nosocomial infections as well as community infections in mankind and different species of animals. Found other bacterial species suggests a connection of these bacterial species with different environments and different animal species, which is even more disturbing regarding public health, since most of the time dogs share the same spaces of their tutors, which would facilitate the transmission and interaction with potentially pathogenic microorganisms. The MAR index result is worrying when dealing with stray and asymptomatic dogs, since the behavioral particularities of canine species such as licking the body, licking the genitalia, sniffing the environment for territorial demarcation and, in some cases, coprophagy, may facilitate the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms and even disseminate genes of resistance to their keepers, other animals, and even to the environment. Unique health education works should be conducted in border regions in order to raise awareness of the population involved about the different situations that may favor the dissemination of microorganisms and their resistance genes, including the problems caused by the illegal sale and/or transportation of drugs, a situation that is very common in borders

    Anticorpos anti-Rickettsia rickettsii em capivaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris Linnaeus, 1766) de uma de uma região agrícola de Araras, São Paulo, Brasil

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    Spotted fever is a typically endemic infectious disease caused by rickettsiae from the spotted fever group, of which Rickettsia rickettsii is the main etiologic agent. It presents high mortality rates in Brazil, with transmission to humans or animals through the bite of infected ticks. The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is an important reservoir for Rickettsia spp.; these bacteria can circulate in an infected animal presenting only fever as a clinical sign of the disease, as demonstrated by experimental infection. Considering the high zoonotic potential and the damage caused to human, animal, and environmental health, this study searched for anti-Rickettsia rickettsii antibodies in capybaras from an agricultural landscape in the city of Araras, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) technique was used to detect anti-R. rickettsii antibodies. From the 28 serum samples tested using IFA, 18 (64.28%) were considered reactive, with antibody titers ranging from 256 to 2048. Seven (38.88%) samples presented titers of 256, three (16.67%) with titers of 512, five (27.78%) with titers of 1024, and three (16.67%) with titers of 2048. However, it was not possible to significantly associate gender to these serologic results. These results demonstrate that at some point during their lives, the studied capybaras were exposed to the etiologic agent, but it is impossible to know when this occurred. Further studies need to be performed to clarify which serological titers ensure an infection in capybaras, based on clinical and laboratory assessment of rickettsemia, and to establish the relationship between titers and the chronicity of disease. This is necessary owing to the possibility of cross-reactions with other rickettsiae species of the same subgroup, leading to the need for molecular tests to confirm diagnosis.A febre maculosa é uma doença infecciosa, causada por rickéttsias do Grupo da Febre Maculosa, que geralmente se desenvolve em caráter endêmico e tem como principal agente etiológico Rickettsia rickettsii. Apresenta elevadas taxas de letalidade no Brasil, e a transmissão do agente ao homem ou animal ocorre pela picada de carrapatos infectados. A capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) é um importante reservatório de Rickettsia spp., e por meio de infecção experimental demonstrou-se sua capacidade de mantê-la circulante no organismo, sem apresentar sinais clínicos da doença. Considerando o elevado potencial zoonótico e os prejuízos causados na saúde única por esse agente, este trabalho teve o objetivo de detectar anticorpos anti-Rickettsia rickettsii em capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) de um bosque urbano de Araras, São Paulo, Brasil. Foi utilizada a técnica de imunofluorescência indireta (IFA) para detectar anticorpos anti-R. rickettsii. Das 28 amostras de soro testadas na IFA, 18 (64,28%) foram consideradas reagentes com títulos de anticorpos variando de 256 a 2048, sendo que sete (38,88%) amostras apresentaram títulos de 256, três (16,67%) títulos de 512, cinco (27,78%) títulos de 1024 e três (16,67%) títulos de 2048 e não foi possível a associação da variável sexo (p?0.05) com os resultados sorológicos para Rickettsia rickettsii. Outros estudos serão necessários para esclarecer que títulos sorológicos na IFA podem assegurar a positividade da infecção na capivara, a partir de avaliação clínica e laboratorial frente à rickettsemia, e estabelecer a relação entre títulos e a cronicidade da doença. Isso decorre da possibilidade de ocorrência de reações cruzadas com outras espécies de rickéttsias dos mesmos subgrupos, levando à necessidade da realização de testes moleculares para se confirmar o diagnóstico para a enfermidade

    Toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis, and brucellosis seroepidemiology in veterinary medical students and their relation with unique health

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    Toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis, and brucellosis are global zoonoses, with humans as accidental participants in their transmission cycles. The can also be considered occupational diseases, because certain professionals are at greater risk of contact and infection by such zoonoses. These three diseases have different epidemiological characteristics because of the distinct environmental, social, cultural, and economic conditions where these pathogens circulate. Because of the importance of these diseases and their associations with specific occupations, we performed a seroepidemiological survey of Toxoplasma, Leptospira, and Brucella antibodies, with an analysis of the association between positive serum and certain occupational and environmental variables, in students of a veterinary medicine course (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th year) in a university in the northwestern region in the state of Paraná, Brazil. From May to November 2014, blood samples were collected from 157 volunteers by professionals trained in nursing and biomedicine from the same university as the veterinary students. At the time of blood collection, the students did not present any clinical signs of the three diseases of interest. To detect anti-Toxoplasma gondii, anti-Leptospira spp., and anti-Brucella antibodies, indirect immunofluorescence test (IIF), microscopic agglutination test (MAT), fast agglutination test (a screening test), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were performed. To determine variables associated with these infections, the students were interviewed to complete an epidemiological questionnaire with environmental, behavioral, and occupational information. The associations between these variables and infections were assess by chi-square or Fischer's exact tests, with a 5% significance level (?). Of the 157 serum samples analyzed, 29.29% reacted to Toxoplasma antigens, with titers ranging from 16 to 4096 by IIF, 1.27% to Leptospira antigens, with titers ranging from 100 to 800 by MAT using Hardjo and Wolffi serovars, and 0.63% to Brucella antigens by ELISA; however, no variables were found to be associated with infection with any of these pathogens. The results of this study show that one-third of the students in the veterinary medicine course were exposed to Toxoplasma gondii, Leptospira spp., and Brucella spp. at some stage in their lives; however, it is not possible to determine whether these infections were acquired at the university, because no associations between occupational risk variables and these infections were found. An understanding of the transmission of each etiological agent and methods to prevent infection is important to maintain low prevalence levels of these zoonotic diseases during the veterinary medicine course and extra-curricular internships, when there is increased exposure to these pathogens

    Detecção de beta-lactamases de espectro estendido e resistência as quinolonas mediada por plasmídeos em membros da família Enterobacteriaceae isolados de ovinos e cães sadios de propriedades rurais da região de Umuarama, Paraná, Brasil

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    Bacterial resistance is a primary public health concern worldwide. Within this context, pets and breeding animals act as reservoirs for multidrug-resistant bacteria (MR), such as those producing extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) and those presenting plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR). The aim of this study was to detect the presence of ESBL and PMQR in members of the Enterobacteriaceae family, isolated from healthy sheep and dogs from non-intense farming rural properties in the Umuarama region of Paraná, Brazil. A total of 81 oral and rectal swabs from dogs and sheep from 11 small rural properties were analyzed. These swabs were inoculated in tubes containing brain heart infusion broth (BHI), and the resulting cultures were inoculated on MacConkey agar (MAC) supplemented with 10 ?g/mL cefotaxime for the selection of ESBL producers. The cells were also plated on MAC supplemented with 50 ?g/mL nalidixic acid for selecting quinolone-resistant enterobacteria. The bacterial isolates were subjected to biochemical identification tests, antibiograms, double-disk synergic tests, and polymerase chain reaction analysis for resistance-inducing genes (blaESBL, qnr, and genes encoding efflux pump and acetylases). Four (5.00%) bacterial isolates (3 Escherichia coli and 1 Morganella morganii) resistant to cephalosporins and/or quinolones were identified; of these, three (75%) isolates were from sheep and one (25%) from a dog. These findings indicate the presence of MR bacteria in the normal microbiota of the animals studied. Animals colonized with such bacteria can contribute to the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance to other animals, environment, and/or human beings and can harbor endogenous infections in unfavorable conditions, which have poor prognosis due to the limited therapeutic options.Resistência bacteriana é considerado o maior problema de saúde pública mundial da atualidade, sendo os relatos de infecções e surtos causados por bactérias multirresistentes cada vez mais frequentes na clínica veterinária e humana. Neste contexto, animais de companhia e criação podem atuar como reservatório de bactérias multirresistentes, como as produtoras de beta-lactamases de espectro estendido (ESBL) e as que apresentam resistência as quinolonas mediada por plasmídeos (PMQR). O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar beta-lactamases de espectro estendido e resistência as quinolonas mediada por plasmídeos em membros da família Enterobacteriaceae isolados de ovinos e cães de propriedades rurais não tecnificadas da região de Umuarama, Paraná, Brasil. Foram analisados 81 swabs de cães e ovinos provenientes de 11 pequenas propriedades rurais da região de Umuarama (PR). Os swabs foram inoculados em caldo Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) e o crescimento obtivo foi em seguida semeado em placas de Petri contendo ágar MacConkey (MC) acrescido de cefotaxima 10 ?g/mL para seleção de bactérias gram-negativas produtoras de ESBL; e placas contendo MC acrescido de ácido nalidíxico 50 g/mL para seleção de bactérias gram-negativas resistentes as quinolonas. Os isolados bacterianos obtidos foram submetidos a testes de antibiograma pelo método de disco-difusão em ágar, teste sinérgico do duplo-disco e reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para genes que conferem resistência do tipo ESBL e para quinolonas. Dos 81 swabs coletados foi possível detectar quatro (4,97%) isolados bacterianos (3Escherichia coli e 1 Morganellamorganii) resistentes a cefalosporinas e/ou quinolonas. Destes isolados, três (75%) eram de ovinos e um (25%) de cão. Os resultados encontrados indicam a presença de cepas multirresistentes na microbiota normal dos animais estudados. Nesta condição, os animais colonizados podem contribuir para disseminação dos agentes bacterianos para outros animais, ambiente e/ou homem, ou em uma situação desfavorável o hospedeiro pode adquirir uma infecção endógena, com prognóstico desfavorável decorrente da falha terapêutica mediada pela expressão de genes de resistência para antibacterianos considerados de última escolha terapêutica

    Soroepidemiologia da leptospirose e brucelose em ovinos e cães de propriedades rurais não tecnificadas da região noroeste do estado do Paraná

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    Sheep breeding has been important in agribusiness, transforming the Brazilian productive scenario. However, it is still deficient due to the damages caused by infectious diseases. Leptospirosis is a severe disease with global distribution, caused by bacteria from the Leptospira genre affecting both humans and animals. The general infection is unapparent, or its clinical signs, when present, are similar to other infections. Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria from the Brucella genre responsible for reproductive disorders in animals, especially ruminants. The purpose of this paper was to seroepidemiological study of Leptospira spp. and Brucella ovis in sheep and dogs from nonmechanized rural properties from the northwestern region in the state of Paraná, Brazil. In order to detect anti-Leptospira antibodies, microscopic agglutination (MAT) was performed. For anti-Brucella antibodies, the agar gel immunodiffusion assay (AGID) was performed. From the total 542 samples from sheep sera analyzed, 11.25% were considered reagent to Leptospira spp. and 18.26% to Brucella ovis. From the 36 dog samples, 25% were reagent to MAT and AGID. From the 32 properties analyzed, 75% were considered positive for leptospirosis and 56.25% for brucellosis. Antibodies against the most probable serovars were Hardjo (34.42%) and Butembo (44.44%) in sheep and dogs, respectively, and the variable exchange of animals among properties was associated to leptospiric infection (p=0.028) in sheep. Leptospirosis and brucellosis are present in the sheep herd and dogs in the rural properties studied, and such result is a warning of the zoonotic importance and the need to establish sanitary programs directed to these animal species.A ovinocultura tem se destacado no agronegócio, transformando o cenário produtivo do Brasil, porém ainda possui uma deficiência devido aos danos causados por doenças infecciosas. A leptospirose é uma doença grave de distribuição mundial causada por bactérias do gênero Leptospira que afeta o homem e os animais. A infecção geralmente é inapetente, ou os sinais clínicos, quando presentes, são similares aos de outras infecções. A brucelose é uma enfermidade infecciosa causada por bactérias do gênero Brucella responsáveis por desordens reprodutivas nos animais, especialmente nos ruminantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo soroepidemiológico de Leptospira spp. e Brucella ovis ovinos e cães de propriedades rurais não tecnificadas da região noroeste do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Para detecção de anticorpos anti-Leptospira foi realizada a soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), e para anticorpos anti-Brucella, a prova de imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA). Das 542 amostras de soro ovino analisadas, foram consideradas reagentes 11,25% para Leptospira spp. e 18,26% para Brucella ovis. Das 36 amostras de cães, 25% foram regentes a SAM e IDGA. Das 32 propriedades, 75% foram consideradas positivas para leptospirose e 56,25% para brucelose. Os anticorpos contra os sorovares mais prováveis foram Hardjo (34,42%) e Butembo (44,44%) em ovinos e cães respectivamente, e a variável troca de animais entre propriedades foi associada à infecção leptospírica (p=0,028) nos ovinos. A leptospirose e a brucelose estão presentes no rebanho ovino e nos cães das propriedades rurais estudadas, e este resultado serve de alerta à sua importância zoonótica e a necessidade de estabelecer programas sanitários direcionados a esta espécie animal