93 research outputs found

    Looking closely by candle light

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    A Research Report submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in History of Art to the Faculty of Humanities at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016In this research, I study the work by contemporary South African artist, Johannes Phokela, in relation to the Western art historical canon. I undertake a close analysis of his painting Candle Bathing (1997) that quotes Samson and Delilah (1609-1610) by the seventeenth century Flemish Baroque painter, Peter Paul Rubens. Through a comparative analysis and close looking I read Candle Bathing’s ‘visual argument’ within a postcolonial context. To argue that Candle Bathing is not a mere ‘quotation’ I look closely from multiple angles. To deal with the complexity of a quotation that crosses socio-political time and space, I interpret the painting from various theoretical frameworks: poststructuralism (semiotics), postmodernism (irony); and postcolonial theory to situate my contextual analysis. I am interested in how we can read beyond the literal and how a close reading of this ironic quotation can surface the complexities of contemporary South African art in relation to the art historical canon and colonialism. Through close looking I read Candle Bathing as addressing the art canon, colonialism, critiquing issues of race, and marginalisation. This research contributes to filling a knowledge based gap by researching a previously marginalised artist and a close engagement with Candle Bathing. In addition, this research offers a way of looking and a method on how to begin looking closely at contemporary African art quoting canonical works. I illustrate the value of close looking to read multifaceted and layered interpretations.MT201

    Exploring factors that influence South African tertiary students to participate in retail loyalty programmes

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    The average South African tertiary student spends more than the average South African individual each month, making them a valuable market to be understood by retailers. One technique retailers use to differentiate themselves from the increased competition is by relationship marketing through loyalty programmes. Research on the topic of loyalty programmes increased rapidly over the last decade. The problem, however, is that the majority of past research on the subject of loyalty programmes only focused on what happens after customers have already joined a loyalty programme. Little research exists regarding the factors that influence subject participation in loyalty programmes. Furthermore, to date no research study has investigated factors that might influence loyalty programme participation among South African students. The purpose of this study was to understand the tertiary student market by building on the research of De Wulf et al. (2013:69-83) as a vital study to explore factors that might influence them to participate in retail loyalty programmes. An exploratory study was conducted, in which data was collected from students studying at Pearson Institute of Higher Education/ CTI Pretoria by means of self-administered questionnaires. The study followed a quantitative research approach, in order to satisfy the research objectives. The results of the study indicate that the top four characteristics most likely to influence students to participate in a retail loyalty programme, include: a loyalty programme where you receive immediate discounts on certain items at purchase; a loyalty programme that allows you to use your loyalty card at more than one retailer; a loyalty programme with unlimited duration on the usage of benefits or rewards; a loyalty programme that rewards you by giving immediate benefits.Business ManagementM. Com. (Business Management

    SK Mengajar Dosen Program Pascasarjana Universitas Andalas Semester Ganjil 2017/2018

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    SK Mengajar Dosen Program Pascasarjana Universitas Andalas Semester Ganjil 2017/201

    Risk Tolerance: The Influence of Gender and Life Satisfaction

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    Abstract: Financial managers base an investor’s risk profile on their demographics and level of risk investors are willing to tolerate. Risk tolerance is often influenced by the different levels of life satisfaction that an investor experience and may differ based on the demographic composition of that investor. Demographic variables such as gender can differentiate between investors level of life satisfaction, which can ultimately affect investment decisions. As a result, the degree of life satisfaction can affect investment decisions by manipulating the level of risk that investors are willing to tolerate. Male and female investors can be categorised into different risk tolerance levels based on their satisfaction with life status. The aim of this study is to determine the risk tolerance level of male and female investors considering their level of life satisfaction. The results of this study indicated that the more unsatisfied investors are with their lives the less likely they will be to take on high-risk investments. Therefore, low life satisfaction is accompanied by a low-risk tolerance level. Male investors had higher life satisfaction compared to female investors. Female investors were only willing to tolerate high risk when experiencing extremely low life satisfaction or extremely high life satisfaction stages

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Kewenangan Penghulu Kampung Dalam Membina Kehidupan Sosial Budaya Masyarakat Di Kampung Adat Lubuk Jering Kecamatan Sungai Mandau Kabupaten Siak

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    This study aims to find out the implementation of the authority of village headmen in fostering social and cultural life of the community in the KampungAdatLubukJering Sungai Mandau District, Siak Regency, with several phenomena that occur that the headman of the village is less effective in providing guidance and guidance to the village community, not yet created cooperation both between the Village Head and the penitentiary of the Village and the lack of supervision carried out by the Village Head on the life of the LubukJering Customary community who still need guidance from the village administration. This type of research is quantitative descriptive with the location of the research in the AdatLubukJering Village Siak Regency. With a questionnaire as data collection and interviews and observation as a complement to research information. After conducting research, gathering and discussing the implementation of the authority of the Village Head in cultivating the Social and Cultural Life of the Community in the Customary Village of LubukJering, Sungai Mandau District, Siak Regency, regarding planning through budgeting of financing activities in the village's budgeted income and expenditure, guidance from the headman in guiding activities socio-culture, supervision in the development activities and the final assessment of social culture and social life development activities can be concluded that the Implementation of the Authority of Village Head in Developing Social and Cultural Life of the Community in LubukJering Customary Village in Mandau River District in Siak Regency with an average of 26 or 46% then categorized quite done. As for some inhibiting factors, namely the community's response as a target of fostering social and cultural life is still low so that community participation is still quite low, then coordination between institutions in the village is not maximal between the village headman and village correctional institutions such as Youth Organization, Customary Institutions, Village Community Empowerment Institutions and women's institutions, so that the Village Head is not effective in procuring customary / cultural events in the preservation of the culture of the Kampung community as well as the supervision carried out by the Village Hea

    Subjective Risk Tolerance of South African Investors

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    In general, the amount of risk an individual is willing to tolerate can be influenced by demographic factors. However, needs for research arise as to whether demographic factors influence the amount of risk investors in South Africa are willing to tolerate. The survey was conducted in 2017 and all South African investors were included in the sample frame. For this study, a sample of 800 was collected and used. Multinomial regression was used to indicate whether there were more than two factors that can influence the four risk tolerance levels of South African investors. The study suggested that gender is a determining factor in the risk tolerance of individuals. African investors were more likely to take the substantial financial risk. Age was also a determining factor of risk tolerance which follows the assumptions of the investor lifecycle where younger investors are more risk tolerant. The study furthermore found that higher annual income attracts more risk-taking while lower-income attracts more risk averseness in individuals. It was lastly observed that married individuals and those that are no longer married will be more likely to be risk-averse. This study makes a significant contribution in profiling investors risk tolerance according to their demographic factors whereby financial institutions can offer more tailored investment options

    A three-dimensional model for the Leeuwpoort tin mine and its application to exploration prediction

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    Due to tighter financial margins, the need for better knowledge of grade data is required. Geological models allow the user to have a better understanding of the geological environment in which mining is taking place. Three dimensional (3D) geological, ore deposit, and mining models are therefore becoming increasingly important in the mining industry. 3D models are being used more frequently for mineral potential targeting, as well as resource assessment, because good quality geological models allow the user to determine grade domains within mineralized environments. The aim of this thesis is to create a geological model for Leeuwpoort Tin Mine (C-Mine) and test the applicability of this 3D model for exploration purposes. The 3D geological and interpolant models created of Leeuwpoort Mine was used to determine the probability of intersecting a lode of economic interest, if 500 drillholes were randomly drilled in a specific boundary. Resampling was conducted using the Bootstrap method, in order to determine how the probability will change as different borehole sample sizes are used. When conducting a quantitative resource assessment of mineral deposits, grade-tonnage models form a fundamental part in the estimation and prediction process. Grade and tonnage models are used during quantitative resource assessment to predict the values of the known deposits for a specific type, and can also be used to determine the potential value of undiscovered deposits in a specific area. If sufficient geological data is available, the tonnage of mineralized bodies can be calculated and a grade-tonnage model can be created from the 3D geological model. 3D models can be used as a summary and visualization tool for geological environments. The 3D visualization of deposit give a much better representation of the orebody than 2D cross-sections from a few drillholes. The effectiveness of 3D model, as a possible tool for mining, is limited by the quality and quantity of the data. Poor quality data will result in poor quality models, whereas limited data will result in a higher level of uncertainty of the estimates based from these 3D models. However, even limited data can be used to visualize geological environments. In the case of Leeuwpoort Mine, limited structural and lithological information was available to create the 3D models. However, the provided peg index noted the positions of the mine pegs, and consequently indicate where the lodes were mined. In this instance, with limited mine peg data, the lode “volumes” could be reconstructed. The peg index was used to delineate the mining area in order to model the lodes, as well as interpret geological features. Once the lode “volumes” were created in the 3D model, the specific orezone with the geometric relationship between individual lodes of Leeuwpoort Mine could be defined. In addition, the probability of intersecting a certain number of lodes was derived from these modelled surfaces, resulting in the estimation for the predicted probability of success. The 3D geological and interpolant models created of Leeuwpoort Mine were used to determine the probability of intersecting a lode of economic interest, if exploration drilling were to be done. Resampling was conducted using the Bootstrap method, in order to determine how reliable this prediction is as a function of number of boreholes. The results obtained from the Bootstrap analysis indicates that the average probability of intersecting a lode of economic significance, for each of the different sample sizes stays the same. A higher level of confidence in the probability of intersecting a lode can be assumed for areas that have large quantities of drilling. If a geological environment similar to that of Leeuwpoort Mine is considered for an exploration project, the chances of intersecting an economical orebody or lode during exploration is very low. When considering Greenfields exploration (virgin exploration), the chances of intersecting a mineralized body is extremely low, and a lot of money has to be invested to obtain meaningful results. However, if Brownfields exploration (exploration on a known area) takes place, the chances of intersecting a mineralized body is higher, because prior knowledge of the area exists and can be used to make informed decisions on where to drill. Less money needs to be invested for the drilling than for Greenfields exploration. In the case of Leeuwpoort Mine, unfortunately even Brownfields exploration will bear a very limited chance of identifying a mineralized body, which means that in such a scenario, the information about potential success rate of a drilling program is even more important for drilling and financial planning.Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2017.GeologyMScUnrestricte


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    Skripsi ini berjudul tentang pelaksanaan tradisi menanam tanaman tua sebagai salah satu syarat melangsungkan perkawinan di Baruh Gunung Kecamatan Bukit Barisan (studi perbandingan jorong Pauh dan jorong Kubu Baru). Disamping persyaratan agama dan persyatan perundang-undangan (adat perkawinan) yang telah diatur oleh nagara di Baruh Gunung terdapat syarat lain yang harus di penuhi oleh masyarakat yang akan melaksanakan perkawinan yaitu menanam tanaman tua sebanyak minimal 10 batang, tanaman tua tersebut berupa coklat, kopi dan cengkeh. Tradisi (aturan) menanam tanaman tua sebagai syarat melangsungkan perkawianan ini telah ada sejak zaman dahulu sekitar tahun 1960-an, pada saat itu tanaman yang diwajibkan hanya cengkeh, tanaman ini sangat membantu perekonomian keluarga dan mereka mendapatkan hasil yang cukup baik. melihat hal itu bagi masyarakat yang tidak menanam cengkeh menjadi tergerak hatinya untuk menanam tanpa ada perintah dan kewajiban baginya. Sejak itu maka aturan yang mewajibkan untuk menanam tanaman tua bagi yang akan melangsungkan perkawinan beransur-ansur pudar dan menghilang disebabkan karena telah banyaknya masyarakat yang menanam tanaman tua tersebut walaupun mereka tidak melangsungkan perkawinan. Akhirnya pada tahun 2009 pemuka adat dan tokoh masyarakat mengadakan musyawarah untuk mengukuhkan kembali aturan menanam tanaman tua itu, dalam istilah adat di namakan dengan “Mambangkik Batang Tarandam”. Aturan ini disepakati oleh seluruh anak nagari Baruh Gunung yang ditanda tangani oleh ninik mamak, bundo kanduang, alim ulama, cerdik pandai, pemuda, BAMUS nagari, Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN), dan wali nagari. Permasalahan yang penulis rumuskan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: Apa aturan yang mengatur menanam tanaman tua sebagai persyaratan melaksanakan perkawinan di Baruh Gunung Kecamatan Bukit Barisan, Bagaimana pelaksanaan aturan menanam tanaman tua dalam perkawinan di jorong Pauh dan jorong Kubu Baru, Bagaimana tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap aturan menanam tanaman tua sebagai syarat melangsungkan perkawinan di Baruh Gunung Kecamatan Bukit Barisan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (observasional research) dan penelitian perpustakaan (library research). Dalam pengumpulan data penulis menggunakan metode Observasi (pengamatan), Wawancara (interview), Angket (questionare),Dokumentasi dan Perpustakaan. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini adalah pasangan yang melangsungkan perkawinan sejak dijalankan aturan tersebut yaitu sejak bulan Juli 2009 sampai sekarang berjumlah 37 pasang yang mana di jorong Pauh terdapat 14 pasang dan di jorong Kubu Baru terdapat 23 pasang yang melangsungkan perkawinan. Dengan demikian, jumlah populasi dari kedua jorong tersebut berjumlah 37 pasangan suami istri yang melangsungkan perkawinan. Maka penelitian ini tidak menggunakan sampel karena papulasi terjangkau. Adapun aturan adat yang mengatur menanam tanaman tua sebagai persyaratan melaksanakan perkawinan di Baruh Gunung Kecamatan Bukit Barisan yang telah disepakati para pemuka adat dan tokoh masyarakat di nagari Baruh Gunung yang harus dilaksanakan oleh seluruh masyarakat dan anak nagari tersebut yaitu : "Bagi anak nagari yang akan melaksanakan pernikahan (pengantin baru) diwajibkan untuk menanam tanaman tua minimal 10 batang (coklat, cengkeh atau kopi)". Dalam pelaksanaan aturan menanam tanaman tua di jorong Pauh aturan menanam tanaman tua sebagai salah satu syarat untuk melangsungkan perkawinan terlaksana dengan baik, sedangkan di jorong Kubu Baru aturan tersebut tidak terlaksana sebagai mana mestinya, karena ninik mamak tetap mengeluarkan surat pengantar nikah untuk kemenakannya sekalipun tidak menanam tanaman tua tersebut. Karena ninik mamak tidak tegas dalam menjalankan aturan tersebut, mereka memilah-milah bagi kemenakan yang mampu baru aturan itu diwajibkannya, sedangkan bagi kemenakan yang dirasa tidak mampu maka surat pengantar nikahnya tetap dikeluarkan. Inilah yang menjadi tidak terlaksananya aturan menanam tanaman tua sebagai salah satu syarat melangsungkan perkawinan di jorong Kubu Baru tersebut. Tradisi (aturan) menanam tanaman tua di Kenagarian Baruh Gunung tersebut dapat diterima dalam hukum Islam sebagai 'urf, yaitu yang tergolong kepada 'urf shahih, yaitu adat atau kebiasaan tersebut telah berulang-ulang dilakukan, diterima oleh orang banyak, tidak bertentangan dengan norma agama, sopan santun, dan budaya yang luhur, serta dapat diterima sebagai mashlahah mursalah yaitu sesuatu yang mendatangkan manfaat (keuntungan) dan menjauhkan kemudharatan (kerusakan), yaitu yang tergolong kepada dalam tingkatan mashlahah al-Hajiyah, yaitu kemaslahatan yang tingkat kebutuhan hidup manusia kepadanya tidak berada pada tingkat dharuri. Hukum bagi yang tidak melaksanakan aturan menanam tanaman tua sebagai salah satu syarat melangsungkan perkawinan dapat di golongkan kepada makruh karena jika dilaksanakan maka akan mendapatkan manfaat dan pahala karena telah mentaati ulil amri atau pemimpin, jika tidak dilaksanakan tidak akan mendapatkan dosa dan berarti ingkar kepada pemimpin

    Desigualdad fiscal y vacíos normativos en el impuesto a las ganancias.

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    El presente trabajo forma parte de una investigación de mayor magnitud que la autora se encuentra efectuando, en relación al Impuesto a las Ganancias, en el Instituto Técnico de Investigaciones Tributarias de la Universidad Nacional de La Rioja.En este artículo se presentan los avances de investigación realizado sobre el tema de las Amortizaciones de los Bienes de uso su consideración en la Ley de Impuesto a las Ganancias 20628. Sobre el particular existen algunos vacíos legales que da lugar a las múltiples interpretaciones conceptuales, procedimentales y sobre las metodologías de cálculos de las amortizaciones que en la práctica se presentan. Atendiendo a la diversidad de los bienes de uso según sea la actividad económica, las evoluciones tecnológicas que juegan un rol cada vez más importante.La complejidad para el contribuyente como para el organismo recaudador concluyen en muchos casos a que sea la Corte Suprema de Justicia quien resuelva estos casos y fije jurisprudencia sobre el particular .AbstractThis work is part of a greater investigation than the author has found in relation to income tax, at the Technical Institute of Tax Research at the University Nacional de La Rioja. Presented in this article are the advances, found through research, about the subject of Depreciation of Assets and the use of them in the consideration in the Income Tax Act 20628. In this regard, there are some gaps within the law resulting in multiple concepts, procedures and methodologies to calculate depreciation in practice are presented interpretations. Dealing with the diversity of assets according to economic activity, technological developments that play an increasingly important and complex role for all involved; the taxpayer and the collection agency. To conclude, it is the Supreme Court of Justice that solves many of these cases and creates case law on the subject.Key Words: Income Tax ; Depreciation ; Jurisprudenc