Analisis Pelaksanaan Kewenangan Penghulu Kampung Dalam Membina Kehidupan Sosial Budaya Masyarakat Di Kampung Adat Lubuk Jering Kecamatan Sungai Mandau Kabupaten Siak


This study aims to find out the implementation of the authority of village headmen in fostering social and cultural life of the community in the KampungAdatLubukJering Sungai Mandau District, Siak Regency, with several phenomena that occur that the headman of the village is less effective in providing guidance and guidance to the village community, not yet created cooperation both between the Village Head and the penitentiary of the Village and the lack of supervision carried out by the Village Head on the life of the LubukJering Customary community who still need guidance from the village administration. This type of research is quantitative descriptive with the location of the research in the AdatLubukJering Village Siak Regency. With a questionnaire as data collection and interviews and observation as a complement to research information. After conducting research, gathering and discussing the implementation of the authority of the Village Head in cultivating the Social and Cultural Life of the Community in the Customary Village of LubukJering, Sungai Mandau District, Siak Regency, regarding planning through budgeting of financing activities in the village's budgeted income and expenditure, guidance from the headman in guiding activities socio-culture, supervision in the development activities and the final assessment of social culture and social life development activities can be concluded that the Implementation of the Authority of Village Head in Developing Social and Cultural Life of the Community in LubukJering Customary Village in Mandau River District in Siak Regency with an average of 26 or 46% then categorized quite done. As for some inhibiting factors, namely the community's response as a target of fostering social and cultural life is still low so that community participation is still quite low, then coordination between institutions in the village is not maximal between the village headman and village correctional institutions such as Youth Organization, Customary Institutions, Village Community Empowerment Institutions and women's institutions, so that the Village Head is not effective in procuring customary / cultural events in the preservation of the culture of the Kampung community as well as the supervision carried out by the Village Hea

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