12 research outputs found

    Finite Element Fracture Prediction For Wood With Knots and Cross Grain

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    A finite element/fracture mechanics model has been developed to predict the tension behavior of structural wood members containing defects. The computer code Starwx presented here is used in a preliminary investigation of the effect of global cross grain on the strength of structural wood members with knots. The results indicate a more severe stress condition for the member with global cross grain as compared to the straight grain member.A method of strength prediction is presented that, unlike other methods, simulates the progressive fracture/failure process in wood, which leads to the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the member. Program Starwx is employed to predict the failure of a wood member containing a knot and global cross grain in a case for which actual test data are available. The member ultimate strength predicted was within 15% of the strength determined by the test


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    The aim of the present research is to investigate the existing practices of linking competence assessment to organizational goal-setting in various organisations in Latvia. The importance of linking employee competences to goal-setting within organizations has been established in scientific literature. Nevertheless, there is evidence gathered in this interdisciplinary research that existing methods of competence assessment used by various organizations in Latvia do not translate well into organizational goal-setting. The research is based on information gathered from semi-structured interviews with representatives of managerial positions in private and public, including educational service organizations (26 in total). Additionally, publicly available development plans are analysed. Empirical data are analysed according to a conceptual framework of criteria impacting the goal-setting process. Three subsets of criteria are used that guided interview question formulation and interview data analysis: formulation of a goal; employee’s ability to reach the assigned goal; employee’s self-assessment on his/her ability to reach the assigned goal. Analysis of the results indicate that when setting goals and assessing employee competences in relation to those goals, management decisions are greatly guided by subjective approaches. Such identified approaches in observed private and public service organizations indicate common risks that are discussed in this research


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    Approaches for competence assessment are becoming increasingly important to plan school development goals, especially during complex educational changes. This paper outlines authors’ experience and recommendations from the designing and piloting of teacher online tests as part of a wider competence management process. A developed theoretical model of a universal teacher competence profile is presented. Tests represent four thematic parts related to teacher performance in classroom to facilitate: student cognitive activation, student self-regulation, student collaboration, and leveraging digital. Test questions were developed based on a framework of teacher performance assessment that consists of a structured set of performance level descriptors to help determine teacher level of competence (0-4) according to criteria developed. Online tests were completed by 197 teachers. Test results were analysed to determine their validity. Proposed online tests can be used for interpreting assessment results of teacher knowledge and beliefs necessary for teaching 21st century skills and plan teacher professional development for goal attainment in schools.

    Surfa på kortvågorna : En retorisk jämförelse av artiklar från Syriska Inbördeskriget från Voice of America och Sputnik News, Maj 2017

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    The aim of this thesis is to compare content on the websites of Voice of America and Sputnik News. This includes comparing the website content in general, including categories and non-news content available on the websites apart from articles. A selected number of articles were also analysed for an in-depth study and comparison between the two websites. The differences between the websites was studied by examining differences in how the same topic was treated differently on each website. In addition, the strategies used by both websites to attract visitors were identified. This was then compared with historical research done on the shortwave radio stations that are the precursors to these websites.                       The study is a rhetorical analysis of five articles from Voice of America, and five articles from Sputnik News. All articles analysed are about the Syrian Civil War. This, together with the non-news content is then compared, both between the two websites, but also with earlier research in order to see if the strategy has changed through history. The propaganda models of Persuasion, Information and Goodwill are key to these studies.                       The analysis revealed that the difference in usage of rhetoric and “propaganda models” were fairly similar between the two websites. There were however certain differences, such as Sputnik News had more Entertainment, while Voice of America contained more educational content. There were also differences in which languages, and thus, what parts of the world the websites has as their target audiences. One big difference was in the length of the articles.   Keywords: Propaganda, Shortwave Radio, Voice of America, Sputnik News, Rhetorical analysisSyftet med uppsatsen är en jämförelse av webbsidorna Voice of America och Sputnik News. Detta inkluderar en jämförelse av webbmaterialet i allmänhet, såsom kategorier och icke-nyhetsrelaterat innehåll som finns på webbsidorna utöver enbart artiklarna. Ett urval av artiklar analyseras djupare och jämförs de två webbsidorna emellan för att se hur artiklarna på webbsidorna skiljer sig åt. Genom att göra detta kunde vi se vilka strategier de två webbsidorna använder sig av för att locka besökare till deras respektive webbsidor. Det förekommer också en jämförelse med historisk forskning gjord om kortvågsradiostationerna som är föregångarna till dessa webbsidor.                           Studien är en retorisk analys av fem artiklar från Voice of America, och fem artiklar från Sputnik News. Alla artiklar som analyseras handlar om det Syriska inbördeskriget. Detta, tillsammans med det icke-nyhetsrelaterade materialet jämförs sedan, både webbsidorna emellan, men även med tidigare forskning för att se om det skett en förändring i strategi genom historien. Propagandamodellerna Persuasion, Information och Goodwill är viktiga för dessa studier.                       Efter analysen kunde vi se att skillnaden i retorik och ”propagandamodeller” inte skiljer sig från varandra nämnvärt i allmänhet. Det fanns däremot vissa skillnader, som att Sputnik News innehåller mer underhållning, medan Voice of Amerika har mer utbildningsrelaterat material. Det fanns också skillnader i vilka språk som fanns tillgängliga, och därför, vilka delar av världen webbsidorna har som sin huvudsakliga målgrupp. En stor skillnad var längden på artiklarna.   Nyckelord: Propaganda, Kortvågsradio, Voice of America, Sputnik News, Retorisk analy

    The New Digital Adventures of SVT : A study about the effects of digitalisation and commercialisation on PublicService with the content on SVT Nyheter’s Facebook page as an example

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    Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka hur SVT:s nyhetsrapportering ser ut på Facebook för att se om dess användande har lett till en kommersialisering, samt för att ge ett exempel på hur SVT har agerat mot två utmaningar, kommersialiseringen och digitaliseringen av medier. Genom att belysa skillnaderna och likheterna mellan Facebook-sidorna SVT Nyheter och TV4 Nyheterna, ska man kunna se om SVT lever upp till Public Services löften. Uppsatsen utgår från en hypotes att det har skett en kommersialisering av Public Service, med en sub-hypotes att SVT har tvingats att anpassa sig till den kommersiella och digitaliserade marknaden.Detta kommer undersökas genom en ett användande av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där ett antal inlägg på Facebook-sidorna SVT Nyheter och TV4 Nyheterna undersöks. Tre syntetiska veckor från varje år mellan år 2013 och 2015 kommer att användas. Uppsatsen bygger främst på teorier kring Public Service, digitalisering, kommersialisering (inklusive tabloidisering), Soft News och personifiering. Dessa teorier och den tidigare forskning som använts är viktig för att kunna förstå slutresultatet på ett så bra sätt som möjligt. Det utgör en referenspunkt för denna uppsats, och det är genom att jämföra med denna tidigare forskning och teorier man kan se om man kan tala om en kommersialisering eller inte.Efter att ha undersökt inläggen gick det att se att SVT Nyheter fokuserade mer på granskande nyheter, och mindre på Soft News och kända personer än TV4 Nyheterna, medan personifiering såg likadan ut hos båda aktörerna. Några mindre skillnader i kategorierna fanns, där bland annat SVT Nyheter fokuserade mer på regionala nyheter och vetenskap, medan TV4 Nyheterna fokuserade mer på nöje, utrikeshändelser och kanske något överraskande, politik. Trots det var skillnaderna inte särskilt radikala i någon kategori. En kommersialisering i sig verkar inte ha skett i någon större omfattning.This essay’s aim is to investigate how the news reporting of Swedish Public Service broadcaster SVT looks on Facebook and to see if the use of it has led to a commercialisation, as well as to give an example on how SVT have acted against two challenges, the commercialisation and digitalisation of media. By highlighting the differences and similarities between the Facebook pages of SVT Nyheter and TV4 Nyheterna, you should be able to see if SVT is fulfilling the promises of Public Service. The essay is based on a hypothesis that a commercialisation have happened of Public Service, with a sub-hypothesis that SVT have been forced to adapt to the new commercial and digitalised market.This will be done through a usage of a quantitative content analysis where a number of posts on the Facebook pages of SVT Nyheter and TV4 Nyheterna are analysed. Three synthetic weeks from every year between 2013 and 2015 will be present. The essay is based on theories around Public Service, digitalisation, commercialisation (including tabloidisation), Soft News and personalisation. These theories and the previous research are important to be able to understand the final result in the best way possible. This will be the reference point for this essay, and it is through comparison to earlier research and theories you should be able to see if a commercialisation has happened or not.After the analysis of the posts you could see that SVT Nyheter focused more on investigating news, and less on Soft News and celebrities than TV4 Nyheterna did, while personification was exactly the same on both pages. Some smaller differences in the news categories existed, where SVT Nyheter focused more on local news and science, while TV4 Nyheterna focused more on entertainment, foreign events and maybe somewhat surprising, politics. Despite this the differences were not radical in any category. TV4 Nyheterna seems somewhat less serious, while a commercialisation does not seem to have happened of SVT

    Digital transformation in communication and sales strategy for B2B segment companies

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    Maģistra darbā ir izskatītas komunikācijas un pārdošanas digitālās transformācijas iespējas B2B segmenta uzņēmumiem. Analizēti digitalizācijas teorētiskie aspekti, noteiktas B2B tirgus īpatnības, pētīti pārdošanas modeļi, aprakstīti NRI, DESI, DII ziņojumi un izskatītas digitalizācijas tendences pārdošanā. Maģistra darba mērķis ir, balstoties uz zinātnisko avotu analīzi, pētījumu un intervijām, izstrādāt priekšlikumus piemērotākajiem risinājumiem B2B uzņēmumiem veiksmīgai pārejai no analogiem uz digitāliem pārdošanas un komunikācijas risinājumiem. Darbā ir izmantotas divas pētnieciskās metodes - kvalitatīvā daudzu gadījumu metode un ekspertu intervijas. Analizējot datus un aprobējot rezultātus, secināts, ka digitālie pārdošanas risinājumi uzņēmumos var paaugstināt konkurētspēju, bet nav garantēts apgrozījuma pieaugums. Maģistra darbs sastāv no 99 lapām, 5 attēliem, 9 tabulām un 6 pielikumiem.The master's thesis examines the possibilities of communication and sales digital transformation for B2B segment companies. Theoretical aspects of digitization are analyzed, the peculiarities of the B2B market are determined, sales models are studied, NRI, DESI, DII reports are described and digitization trends in sales are examined. The aim of the master's thesis is, based on the analysis of scientific sources, research and interviews, to develop proposals for the most suitable solutions for B2B companies for a successful transition from analog to digital sales and communication solutions. Two research methods have been used in the work - the qualitative method of many cases and expert interviews. Analyzing the data and approbating the results, it was concluded that digital sales solutions in companies can increase competitiveness, but no increase in turnover is guaranteed. The master's thesis consists of 99 pages, 5 figures, 9 tables and 6 appendices

    Faktors affecting property insurance premiums and analysis of these factors

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    Latvijas apdrošināšanas tirgū ir 11 apdrošināšanas kompānijas, kas piedāvā nekustamā īpašuma apdrošināšanu pret uguns un citiem riskiem. Šī konkurence par vienu no galvenajiem klientu interesējošajiem faktoriem padara apdrošināšanas prēmiju. Lai aprēķinātu apdrošināšanas prēmiju nepieciešams izvērtēt apdrošināmā riska pakāpi. Apdrošināmo risku ietekmē daudzi faktori, tāpēc tiem tiek piemēroti apdrošināmā riska pakāpi ietekmējoši koeficienti. Bakalaura darba mērķis uz nekustamā īpašuma apdrošināšanas prēmiju ietekmējošo faktoru analīzes pamata identificēt to ietekmi uz apdrošināmā īpašuma riska pakāpi un izstrādāt nekustamā īpašuma apdrošināšanas prēmijas aprēķina koeficientus. Bakalaura darba izstrādē tika apskatīta apdrošināšanas vēsture, analizēts apdrošināšanas tirgus un izstrādāti apdrošināšanas prēmiju ietekmējošo faktoru koeficienti.There are 11 insurance companies in the insurance market of Latvia that offer property insurance against fire and other perils. This competition makes insurance premium one of the key factors of customer interest. To calculate the insurance premiums, the degree of risk being insured must be assessed. The insurable risk is influenced by many factors, therefore coefficients of impact to the insurable risk degree are applied. The aim of the Bachelor thesis is to establish the impact of insurance risk factors on the risk to be insured and apply the coefficients of impact on them based on the analysis of factors affecting the real estate insurance premium. The tasks of the Bachelor thesis were to look at the history of insurance, carry out an analysis of the insurance market and develop the coefficients of factors affecting the insurance premium

    "Let's Drink to 1997" : Överlämningen av Hong Kong, sedd inom Hong Kong-film 1986-1992

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    Taking a look at ten films from the Hong Kong golden age 1986-1992 and how the common themes in these relate to the handover from United Kingdom to China in 1997, this essay investigates this with the use of a thematic analysis as well as with the theories of seeing “cinema as a mirror” and the way that the society and people of Hong Kong as a whole are reflected and identified in these films. From this it can be seen that the handover and themes closely related to it is recurring throughout the films of this period, but also how society and major political events are reflected in cinema

    Project SIA “MMZ Paper” establishing

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    Maģistra darbs “Projekts: uzņēmuma SIA MMZ Paper” dibināšana” pēta jaunu izveidotu papīra vairumtirdzniecības uzņēmuma ieņēmuma iespējas Latvijas tirgū. Projekta ideja: SIA „MMZ-Paper” dibināšana radās, jo Latvijā aug poligrāfijas nozare un pieaugums ir saistīts ar izejvielu dažādību, kas palielina pasūtītāju/klientu interesi, drukāt savu projektu kādā Latvijas tipogrāfijā. Autors strādā kā iepirkumu menedžeris lielākā Latvijas tipogrāfijā SIA „Livonia Print” un ir novērojis trūkumus šajā nozarē, kas ir saistīts ar papīra formātu pieejamību.Master paper “Project SIA “MMZ Paper” establishing” explores a new established wholesale paper company revenue in the Latvian market. The project idea SIA "MMZ-Paper" establishment occurred, because the printing industry in Latvia is growing again and is associated with a variety of materials that increase client / customer interest to print their project in Latvian printing houses. The master paper author works as a purchasing manager in the largest printing house of Latvia SIA "Livonia Print" and has noted the lack of this industry, which is related to the availability of paper size