152 research outputs found

    Angiotensin II receptor blockers and cardiovascular protection: Focus on left ventricular hypertrophy regression and atrial fibrillation prevention

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    Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and atrial fibrillation (AF) are strong predictors of cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality, independently of blood pressure levels and other modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors. The actions of circulating and tissue angiotensin II, mediated by AT1 receptors, play an important role in the development of a wide spectrum of cardiovascular alterations, including LVH, atrial enlargement and AF. Growing experimental and clinical evidence suggests that antihypertensive drugs may exert different effects on LVH regression and new onset AF in the setting of arterial hypertension. Since a number of large and adequately designed studies have found angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) to be more effective in reducing LVH than beta-blockers and data are also available showing their effectiveness in preventing new or recurrent AF, it is reasonable to consider this class of drugs among first line therapies in patients with hypertension and LVH (a very high risk phenotype predisposing to AF) and as adjunctive therapy to antiarrhythmic agents in patients undergoing pharmacological or electrical cardioversion of AF

    Nocturnal non-dipping pattern in untreated hypertensives at different cardiovascular risk according to the 2003 ESH/ESC guidelines.

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    To evaluate in a large population of untreated, uncomplicated essential hypertensives the relationship between alterations in nocturnal blood pressure (BP) profile, i.e. non-dipping pattern, and total cardiovascular risk.A total of 580 consecutive patients with grade 1 or 2 hypertension, referred to our outpatient clinic, underwent the following procedures: (i) clinical and routine laboratory examinations; (ii) 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring; (iii) 24-h collection for microalbuminuria; (iv) echocardiography; and (v) carotid ultrasonography. Cardiovascular risk was assessed according to the stratification scheme suggested by the 2003 ESH/ESC guidelines.According to this classification, 16.2% of the 580 patients were considered at low added risk, 42.4% at medium added risk and 41.4% at high added risk; 38.5% of the overall population was classified in the high-risk stratum because of at least one manifestation of target organ damage (TOD) and 6.3% for the presence of three or more risk factors. The prevalence rates of a non-dipping pattern (decrease in BP at nightor = 10% compared with the average daytime values) were 28.5% in low-risk, 32.6% in medium-risk and 42.2% in high-risk patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS. Our findings show that the prevalence of a non-dipping profile is significantly greater in patients stratified at high compared with those at low and medium added risk

    Metabolic syndrome and multiple organ damage in essential hypertension

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    Aim. We investigated the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (MS) in hypertensive patients categorized according to the number of markers of organ damage (OD) in order to assess the value of a systematic search for cardiac and extra-cardiac OD in the MS setting. Methods. A total of 3119 untreated and treated essential hypertensives included in the Evaluation of Target Organ Damage in Hypertension (ETODH), an observational registry of hypertension-related OD, were considered for this analysis. All patients underwent extensive investigation for left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) or LV concentric remodeling (cardiac OD), carotid plaques and/or intima-media thickening (vascular OD) and microalbuminuria (MA) and/or increased serum creatinine (renal OD). Subjects were classified as: positive for none (group 0), one (group I), two (group II) or three markers (group III) of OD. Results. MS prevalence rates progressively rose across the groups stratified according to the OD score, reaching a 2.3-fold increase in group III compared with their MS counterparts in group 0. The distribution of subjects with and without the MS across the groups was 15% vs 29% (group 0), 32% vs 38% (group I), 39% vs 26% (group II) and 14% vs 7% (group III), respectively. Thus, subjects having two or three markers of OD were 53% among those with MS and 33% (p<0.01) among those without it. Conclusion. Our findings indicate a strong association between the MS and OD by showing that a clustering of two or three markers of OD is the prevalent cardiovascular phenotype in MS hypertensives referred to a specialist center and call for a systematic evaluation of cardiac and extracardiac OD in this setting

    Statins, antihypertensive treatment, and blood pressure control in clinic and over 24 hours: evidence from PHYLLIS randomised double blind trial

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    Objective To investigate the possibility that statins reduce blood pressure as well as cholesterol concentrations through clinic and 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

    Blood pressure control in Italy: results of recent surveys on hypertension

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    BACKGROUND: Blood pressure (BP) control is reported to be poor in hypertensive patients worldwide. OBJECTIVE: BP levels, the rate of BP control, prevalence of risk factors and total cardiovascular risk were assessed in a large cohort of hypertensive patients, derived from recent surveys performed in Italy. METHODS: Fifteen studies on hypertension, performed in different clinical settings (general population, general clinical practice, specialist outpatient clinics and hypertension centres) over the past decade were considered. RESULTS: The overall sample included 52 715 hypertensive patients (26 315 men and 26 410 women, mean age 57.3 +/- 6.9 years). Despite the high percentage of patients on stable antihypertensive treatment (n = 36 556, 69%), mean systolic and diastolic BP levels were 147.8 +/- 8.5 and 89.5 +/- 5.2 mmHg, respectively. On the basis of the nature of the study (population surveys or clinical referrals), systolic BP levels were consistently higher than the normality threshold in both settings (142.6 +/- 12.4/84.8 +/- 3.7 mmHg and 150.4 +/- 4.6/91.9 +/- 4.1 mmHg, respectively). The BP stratification could be assessed in 40 829 individuals: 4.5% had optimal, 9.2% normal and 8.3% high-normal BP levels, however, the large majority were in grade 1 (39%) or grades 2-3 (32.6%) hypertension. In the overall sample, 55.9% of hypertensive patients had hypercholesterolemia, 28.7% were smokers, 36.4% were overweight or obese and 15.0% had diabetes mellitus. Cardiovascular risk stratification was assessed in 37 813 hypertensives: 23.2% had low, 33.9% moderate, 30.2% high and 12.7% very high added risk. CONCLUSION: Our analysis demonstrates the persistence of poor BP control and high prevalence of risk factors, supporting the need for more effective, comprehensive and urgent actions to improve the clinical management of hypertension

    Proteomic-biostatistic integrated approach for finding the underlying molecular determinants of hypertension in human plasma

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    Despite advancements in lowering blood pressure, the best approach to lower it remains controversial because of the lack of information on the molecular basis of hypertension. We, therefore, performed plasma proteomics of plasma from patients with hypertension to identify molecular determinants detectable in these subjects but not in controls and vice versa. Plasma samples from hypertensive subjects (cases; n=118) and controls (n=85) from the InGenious HyperCare cohort were used for this study and performed mass spectrometric analysis. Using biostatistical methods, plasma peptides specific for hypertension were identified, and a model was developed using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator logistic regression. The underlying peptides were identified and sequenced off-line using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization orbitrap mass spectrometry. By comparison of the molecular composition of the plasma samples, 27 molecular determinants were identified differently expressed in cases from controls. Seventy percent of the molecular determinants selected were found to occur less likely in hypertensive patients. In cross-validation, the overall R(2) was 0.434, and the area under the curve was 0.891 with 95% confidence interval 0.8482 to 0.9349, P&lt;0.0001. The mean values of the cross-validated proteomic score of normotensive and hypertensive patients were found to be -2.007±0.3568 and 3.383±0.2643, respectively, P&lt;0.0001. The molecular determinants were successfully identified, and the proteomic model developed shows an excellent discriminatory ability between hypertensives and normotensives. The identified molecular determinants may be the starting point for further studies to clarify the molecular causes of hypertension

    Effects of Quercetin on Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    BACKGROUND: Quercetin, the most abundant dietary flavonol, has antioxidant effects in cardiovascular disease, but the evidence regarding its effects on blood pressure (BP) has not been conclusive. We assessed the impact of quercetin on BP through a systematic review and meta-analysis of available randomized controlled trials. METHODS AND RESULTS: We searched PUBMED, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and EMBASE up to January 31, 2015 to identify placebo-controlled randomized controlled trials investigating the effect of quercetin on BP. Meta-analysis was performed using either a fixed-effects or random-effect model according to I(2) statistic. Effect size was expressed as weighted mean difference (WMD) and 95% CI. Overall, the impact of quercetin on BP was reported in 7 trials comprising 9 treatment arms (587 patients). The results of the meta-analysis showed significant reductions both in systolic BP (WMD: -3.04 mm Hg, 95% CI: -5.75, -0.33, P=0.028) and diastolic BP (WMD: -2.63 mm Hg, 95% CI: -3.26, -2.01, P CONCLUSIONS: The results of the meta-analysis showed a statistically significant effect of quercetin supplementation in the reduction of BP, possibly limited to, or greater with dosages of \u3e500 mg/day. Further studies are necessary to investigate the clinical relevance of these results and the possibility of quercetin application as an add-on to antihypertensive therapy

    2016 European Society of Hypertension guidelines for the management of high blood pressure in children and adolescents

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    Increasing prevalence of hypertension (HTN) in children and adolescents has become a significant public health issue driving a considerable amount of research. Aspects discussed in this document include advances in the definition of HTN in 16 year or older, clinical significance of isolated systolic HTN in youth, the importance of out of office and central blood pressure measurement, new risk factors for HTN, methods to assess vascular phenotypes, clustering of cardiovascular risk factors and treatment strategies among others. The recommendations of the present document synthesize a considerable amount of scientific data and clinical experience and represent the best clinical wisdom upon which physicians, nurses and families should base their decisions. In addition, as they call attention to the burden of HTN in children and adolescents, and its contribution to the current epidemic of cardiovascular disease, these guidelines should encourage public policy makers to develop a global effort to improve identification and treatment of high blood pressure among children and adolescents

    Short-term reproducibility of nocturnal non-dipping pattern in recently diagnosed essential hypertensives.

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    Objective: To investigate in a selected population of patients with a recently diagnosed essential hypertension the short-term intrasubject variability of diurnal changes in blood pressure (BP). Methods: Two hundred and eight consecutive, recently diagnosed, never treated essential hypertensives (119 men, 89 women, 46 ± 12 years) underwent 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) twice within 3 weeks. Dipping pattern was defined as a reduction in average systolic and diastolic BP at night greater than 10% compared to average daytime values. Results: 177 subjects (85%) showed no change in their diurnal variations in BP. Of the 159 subjects who had a dipping pattern on first ABPM, 134 (90.6%) confirmed this type of profile on the second ABPM, while 15 (9.4%) showed a non-dipping pattern. Of the 59 subjects who had a non-dipping pattern on the first ABPM, 43 (72.2%) confirmed their initial profile on the second ABPM, while 16 (28.8%) did not. Conclusion: These findings indicate that short-term reproducibility of diurnal changes in BP in early phases of untreated essential hypertension, characterized by a large prevalence of dipping pattern, is overall satisfactory. However, our study underlines that also in this particularly selected population of hypertensives the definition of non-dipping status on the basis of a single ABPM remains unreliable in about one-third of patients

    VALUE trial: Long-term blood pressure trends in 13,449 patients with hypertension and high cardiovascular risk

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    Background: The Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-term Use Evaluation (VALUE) study compares cardiovascular outcomes in 15,314 eligible patients from 31 countries randomized to valsartan or amlodipine-based treatment. Methods: The blood pressure (BP) trends are analyzed in 13,449 of VALUE study patients who had baseline BP and 24 months BP and treatment data. Results: In a cohort of 12,570 patients, baseline 24 and 30 months BP, but not 30 months treatment data, were available. Of 13,449 patients, 92% (N = 12,398) received antihypertensive therapy at baseline. The baseline BP was 153.5/86.9 mm Hg in treated compared to 168.1.8/95.3 mm Hg in 1051 untreated patients. After 6 months both groups had indistinguishable BP values. At 12 months the BP decreased to 141.2/82.9 mm Hg (P < .0001 for systolic BP and diastolic BP versus baseline), at 24 months to 139.1/80 mm Hg (P < .0001 v 12 months), and to 138/79 mm Hg at 30 months (P < .0001 v 24 months). The systolic BP control (<140 mm Hg) at 30 months increased from 21.9% at baseline to 62.2%, the diastolic BP (< 90 mm Hg) from 54.2% to 90.2% and the combined control (<140 and <90 mm Hg) from 18.9% to 60.5%. At 24 months 85.8% of patients were on protocol drugs: monotherapy = 39.7%, added hydrochlorothiazide = 26.6%, add-on drugs = 15.1%, and protocol drugs in nonstandard doses = 4.3%. Conclusions: The achieved BP control exceeds values reported in most published large-scale trials. The VALUE study is executed in regular clinical settings and 92% of the patients received antihypertensive drugs at baseline. When an explicit BP goal is set, and a treatment algorithm is provided, the physicians can achieve better control rates than in their regular practice. Am J Hypertens 2003;16: 544-548 @ 2003 American Journal of Hypertension, Lt