4,994 research outputs found

    Accuracy of urinary human papillomavirus testing for presence of cervical HPV: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/.Funding: This study did not receive any fundin

    URINARY TESTING FOR HPV Authors' reply to Vorsters and colleagues

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    This is the peer reviewed published version of the following article: URINARY TESTING FOR HPV Authors' reply to Vorsters and colleagues, which has been published in final form at 10.1136/bmj.g6253. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with BMJ's Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0

    Los videojuegos, nuevas narrativas del siglo XXI.

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    85 p. Recuso Electr?nicoNuestro trabajo realiza una contextualizaci?n, acerca de los conceptos b?sicos del juego a trav?s de los planteamientos de Huizinga, que cimentaron la base para toda una serie de estudios referentes a los beneficios de la l?dica y el juego en el desarrollo cognitivo y emocional. De igual manera analizaremos el concepto de videojuego como tal y los beneficios descubiertos acerca de estos, haciendo una revisi?n de diferentes estudios dentro de los cuales encontramos los del Psic?logo Carlos Gonz?lez Tard?n, entre varios autores m?s. En el segundo cap?tulo, se desarrollar? un an?lisis narratol?gico a diferentes videojuegos, tomando como base los estudios realizados por Mart?nez y Scheffel en cuanto estudios narratol?gicos literarios y tambi?n las postulaciones de Gaudreault y Jost quienes desarrollaron todo un an?lisis narratol?gico al discurso cinematogr?fico. Posteriormente realizaremos en nuestro tercer cap?tulo una investigaci?n acerca del proceso creativo involucrado en la realizaci?n de argumentos y guiones dise?ados para los videojuegos,. Dentro de dicho proceso se analiz? la relaci?n de los fundamentos b?sicos de la producci?n narrativa, establecidos por Arist?teles, Vladimir Propp, Joseph Campbell y Lajos Egri, adem?s de su aplicaci?n en el campo de los videojuegos, de igual manera a trav?s de varios ejemplos se se plasma nuestra experiencia en la realizaci?n de los distintos formatos de guiones utilizados en la composici?n de nuestro propio videojuego. Finalizamos con algunas conclusiones referentes al tema, en la que a trav?s del resumen de los diferentes an?lisis y nuestra experiencia.Our work makes a contextualization about the basics of the game through approaches Huizinga, which cemented the basis for a series of studies on the benefits of fun and play in cognitive and emotional development. Similarly we discuss the concept of game as such and benefits discovered about these, by reviewing different studies within which are those of Psic?logo Tard?n Carlos Gonzalez, among several other authors. In the second chapter, different games narratological analysis, based on studies by Martinez and Scheffel as narratological literary studies and applications from Gaudreault and Jost who developed a whole narratological the cinematic discourse analysis will be developed. Then we will make our third chapter an investigation into the creative process involved in making arguments and scripts designed for video games ,. Within this process the relationship of the basic fundamentals of narrative production was analyzed, established by Aristotle, Vladimir Propp, Joseph Campbell and Lajos Egri, in addition to its application in the field of video games, equally through several examples our experience is reflected in the performance of various script formats used in the composition of our own game. We conclude with some conclusions concerning the topic, which through the summary of the different analyzes and our experience. Keywords: Narratolog?a, Video Games, Story, Education

    Mucuna tapantiana (Fabaceae: Faboideae: Phaseoleae), a new species from Costa Rica

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    A new species of Mucuna (Fabaceae: Faboideae: Phaseoleae), endemic to Costa Rica, is described and illustrated. Mucuna tapantiana is distinguished by its small, essentially glabrous leaflets, conspicuous filiform peduncle and pedicels, inflorescences with few green or yellowish-green flowers; fruits with softly villous, yellowish or brownish pubescence on the outer surface (when fresh), but without urticating trichomes, turning dark brown or blackish when dry, 1 - 2-seeded; seeds oblong and laterally compressed691COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESMissouri Botanical Garden; Universidad Estadual at Campina

    Vortex dynamics in a compact Kardar-Parisi-Zhang system

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    We study the dynamics of vortices in a two-dimensional, non-equilibrium system, described by the compact Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation, after a sudden quench across the critical region. Our exact numerical solution of the phase-ordering kinetics shows that the unique interplay between non-equilibrium and the variable degree of spatial anisotropy leads to different critical regimes. We provide an analytical expression for the vortex evolution, based on scaling arguments, which is in agreement with the numerical results, and confirms the form of the interaction potential between vortices in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures and Supplementary Materia

    Positive adjacency effects mediated by seed disperser birds in pine plantations

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    This study examines the consequences of adjacent elements for a given patch, through their effects on zoochorous dispersion by frugivorous birds. The case study consists of pine plantations (the focal patch) adjacent to other patches of native vegetation (mixed patches of native forest and shrublands), and/or pine plantations. Our hypothesis is that input of native woody species propagules generated by frugivorous birds within plantations strongly depends on the nature of the surrounding vegetation. To test this hypothesis, we studied frugivorous-bird abundance, seed dispersion, and seedling establishment in nine pine plantation plots in contact with patches of native vegetation. To quantify adjacency arrangement effects, we used the percentage of common border between a patch and each of its adjacent elements. Frugivorous bird occurrence in pine plantations is influenced by the adjacent vegetation: the greater the contact with native vegetation patches, the more abundant were the frugivorous birds within pine plantations. Furthermore, frugivorous birds introduce into plantations the seeds of a large sample of native fleshy-fruited species. The results confirm the hypothesis that zoochorous seed rain is strongly determined by the kind of vegetation surrounding a given plantation. This finding underlines the importance of the composition of the mosaic surrounding plantations and the availability of mobile link species as key landscape features conditioning passive restoration processes

    Nuevos datos de tricópteros en ríos de referencia de clima mediterráneo en la Península Ibérica y norte de África: aspectos taxonómicos, faunísticos y ecológicos

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    Trichoptera is a very rich order in the Western Mediterranean, but knowledge of caddisflies in the Iberian Peninsula and northern Africa is still not complete. We present records of caddisflies collected in 114 sites of the Mediterranean climate region of the Iberian Peninsula and the western Rif. We also provide notes on ecological aspects and taxonomical remarks on some species. Atotal of 86 species were identified and 8 species extended their distribution range. Considering the four differentiated geological regions in the western Mediterranean Basin during the Tertiary, 60 species were collected in the Iberian plate region, 29 in the Transition, 30 in the Betic and 18 in the Rif. Local richness was not significantly different between the four regions but significant differences were found among several river ecotypes within regions. Temporary sites had lower local richness than other ecotypes in all regions except in the Rif, whereas headwaters had similar richness in any region regardless of their geology. The Rif region had the lowest Trichoptera richness, which is not only the result of the scarcity of faunistic studies in the area but also of the high frequency of temporary rivers and the isolation of the area. Our results suggest that conservation measures addressed to preserve the biodiversity of the Western Mediterranean should be enforced, especially in the Rif region.El orden Trichoptera es rico en especies en la zona del Mediterráneo Occidental, pero el conocimiento de este grupo en la Península Ibérica y el norte de África resta aún de ser completo. Presentamos datos de tricópteros recolectados en 114 localidades de la región Mediterránea de la Península Ibérica y del Rif occidental. Además, proporcionamos datos sobre la ecología de algunas especies así como notas taxonómicas. Se identificaron un total de 86 especies y el rango de distribución aumentó para 8 de ellas. Sesenta especies se recolectaron en la región de la placa Ibérica, 29 en la de Transición, 30 en la Bética y 18 en el Rif, las cuatro regiones geológicas diferenciadas durante el Terciario en el Mediterráneo Occidental. La riqueza local no fue significativamente diferente entre regiones geológicas, pero sí entre varios ecotipos fluviales. Los tramos temporales presentaron una riqueza local menor que los demás ecotipos, excepto en el Rif, mientras que las cabeceras presentaban una riqueza similar en cada región independientemente de su geología. Globalmente el Rif presentó una menor riqueza de tricópteros, lo que se explica no sólo por la escasez de estudios faunísticos en la zona sino también por la elevada frecuencia de ríos temporales y su aislamiento geográfico. Nuestros resultados sugieren que en la zona del Mediterráneo Occidental se deben de llevar a cabo medidas de conservación urgentes para preservar su biodiversidad, especialmente en la región del Rif