506 research outputs found

    Logiques Sociales du Deficit de Gouvernance Sanitaire des Produits Vivriers au Sein des MarchĂ©s Gouro d’Adjame Roxy et de Cocovico (Cote d’Ivoire)

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    Le prĂ©sent article traite du dĂ©ficit de gouvernance sanitaire des produits vivriers au sein des espaces sociaux de Roxy et de Cocovico en dĂ©pit des actions de salubritĂ© et d’assainissement menĂ©es par les diffĂ©rentes coopĂ©ratives et structures de gestion de ces espaces sociaux. Il apporte des Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©ponse Ă  la comprĂ©hension des logiques sociales liĂ©es Ă  la gestion sanitaire de ces marchĂ©s. L’analyse des donnĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  partir de la mĂ©thode d’analyse de contenu thĂ©matique. Cette mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© soutenue par la recherche documentaire, l’observation et les entretiens individuels et collectifs. La constitution de l’échantillonnage qualitatif s’est faite Ă  travers l’utilisation de la mĂ©thode de choix raisonnĂ©. La gestion sanitaire de ces marchĂ©s met en lumiĂšre les acteurs (commerçantes, institutions coopĂ©ratives et municipales) qui dans la dĂ©fense de leurs intĂ©rĂȘts Ă©conomiques contradictoires s’opposent. Il ressort de ce travail que le dĂ©ficit de gouvernance sanitaire de ces espaces sociaux s’explique par les contraintes sociales et les rapports sociaux entre commerçantes et institutions sociales. This article deals with the the lack of health governance within social spaces of Roxy and Cocovico despite the health and sanitation actions carried out by the various cooperatives and waste management structures of these social spaces. It provides elements of responses to the understanding of the social logics linked to the health management of these markets. This analysis was carried out using the thematic content analysis method. This method was supported by documentary research, observation and interviews. The health management of these markets highlights the actors (traders, cooperative and municipal institutions) who, in the defense of their contradictory economic interests, oppose. It emerges from this work that the lack of health governance of these social spacesis explained by the social constraints and the social relations between traders and social institutions

    Impact du changement de politique agricole dans la filiĂšre cacao en CĂŽte d'Ivoire : analyse de son Ă©volution

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    Ce projet de maĂźtrise a pour but d’analyser les effets de la rĂ©forme de la politique agricole autant sur les prix que reçoivent les producteurs de cacao en CĂŽte d’Ivoire que sur leurs comportements suite au dit changement. L’étude a retracĂ© dans un premier temps l’évolution de la politique agricole ivoirienne depuis les indĂ©pendances jusqu’à nos jours. Elle a Ă©galement replacĂ© la filiĂšre cacao Ă  la fois dans son contexte national et international pour comprendre l’importance de ce secteur pour l’économie ivoirienne. Ensuite, afin de dĂ©terminer l’effet de la libĂ©ralisation sur le prix au producteur, nous avons estimĂ© une base de donnĂ©es allant de 1966 Ă  2009 Ă  l’aide d’un modĂšle Ă  correction d’erreur avec rupture structurelle. Il ressort de notre analyse qu’avant 1990, date de la rupture, les prix au producteur Ă©taient totalement dĂ©connectĂ©s des prix mondiaux. AprĂšs 1990 toutefois, on dĂ©tecte un ajustement Ă  court comme Ă  long terme des prix au producteur lorsque les prix mondiaux varient. Cela nous amĂšne Ă  conclure que la libĂ©ralisation a permis une meilleure intĂ©gration des marchĂ©s. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, il s’agissait pour nous Ă©galement de dĂ©terminer si aprĂšs la libĂ©ralisation, le rapport de force au sein de la filiĂšre s’est fait davantage en faveur des producteurs. En effet avant la libĂ©ralisation, toute la filiĂšre Ă©tait contrĂŽlĂ©e par la Caistab, un organe parapublic. Notre analyse nous rĂ©vĂšle que les organisations paysannes n’étaient instigatrices de la rĂ©forme et n’ont pas su tirer avantage de celle-ci pour se constituer un pouvoir de marchĂ© et devenir un acteur de taille au sein de la filiĂšre

    Survivance de la Riziculture Pluviale dans le Departement De Bouake : Des Anomalies Pluviometriques a L’adaptation Paysanne

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    Les changements climatiques constituent une  menace majeure pour la production agricole. Ses effets en  riziculture pluviale se ressentent  par le changement de son calendrier cultural. L’objectif de cette contribution est d’analyser l’évolution de la pluviomĂ©trie de mĂȘme que les pratiques endogĂšnes. Pour cette Ă©tude, il fut utilisĂ© des donnĂ©es climatiques mensuelles (pluviomĂ©trie, Ă©vapotranspiration potentielle) de 1980 Ă  2020. A partir de la mĂ©thode de Franquin, il a dĂ©terminĂ© les pĂ©riodes prĂ©-humide, humide et post-humide et le calendrier cultural du riz pluvial pour le dĂ©partement de BouakĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus rĂ©vĂšlent que pendant la phase prĂ©-humide (Mars Ă  juin), la durĂ©e de cette phase est de 14 jours en moyenne par an entre le semis et le tallage. Quant Ă  la phase humide (juillet Ă  octobre), elle dure en moyenne 45 jours par an. Tandis que la phase post-humide (octobre Ă  dĂ©cembre) dure 65 jours par an en moyenne. Dans cette pĂ©riode, on peut cultiver le riz pluvial dont le cycle est infĂ©rieur ou Ă©gal Ă  120 jours. La saison culturale dĂ©bute en mars (A2) pour prendre fin en dĂ©cembre (C2).  Mais selon les riziculteurs enquĂȘtĂ©s la saison culturale dĂ©bute quelques semaines avant juillet (B1 ou dĂ©but de la saison cultural) et se terminer en dĂ©cembre (C2). À ce titre, la pĂ©riode prĂ©paratoire du sol se situe entre un ou deux mois avant juillet. Le repiquage est exigĂ© en juillet (B1) afin d’obtenir thĂ©oriquement un rĂ©sultat satisfaisant de la production. Ainsi, comme stratĂ©gies endogĂšnes, les riziculteurs du dĂ©partement de BouakĂ© adoptent plusieurs stratĂ©gies qui se rĂ©sument Ă  l’adaptation de nouvelles mĂ©thodes de la riziculture Ă  savoir changement du systĂšme cultural du riz. Concernant les techniques culturales, les riziculteurs modifient leur date de semis.  Avant c’était dans le mois de mai maintenant elle se fait en juin en vue d’une bonne rĂ©colte. Pour le riz pluvial, les riziculteurs commencent le repiquage Ă  partir juillet Ă  aoĂ»t pour s’adaptĂ© aux modifications du climat car ce type de riziculture se fait durant la saison pluvieuse.   Climate change poses a major threat to agricultural production. Its effects in rainfed rice cultivation are felt by the change in its cropping calendar. The objective of this contribution is to analyze the evolution of rainfall as well as endogenous practices. For this study, monthly climatic data (rainfall, potential evapotranspiration) from 1980 to 2020 were used and Franquin's method was applied to determine the periods as well as the rainfed rice cropping calendar for the department of BouakĂ©. The results obtained reveal that the rainy season is divided into three phases (pre-wet, wet and post-wet period). To this end, during the pre-wet phase (March to June), the duration between sowing and tillering is 14 days on average following field surveys. As for the wet phase (July to October), it lasts an average of 45 days per year. While the post-humid phase (October to December) lasts 65 days per year on average. During this wet period, rainfed rice can be grown, the cycle of which is less than or equal to 120 days. With Franquin's method, the growing season begins in March (A2) and ends in December (C2). But according to the rice farmers surveyed, the growing season begins a few weeks before July (B1 or start of the growing season) and ends in December (C2). As such, the preparatory period for the soil is between January and mid-June. Transplanting is required in July (B1) in order to theoretically obtain a satisfactory production result. Thus, as endogenous strategies, the rice farmers of the department of BouakĂ© adopt several strategies which boil down to the adaptation of new methods of rice cultivation, namely change of the rice cultivation system. Regarding cultivation techniques, rice farmers change their sowing date. For upland rice, transplanting is done from July to August to adapt to climate changes

    The responses of cellular proteins to cisplatin-damaged DNA

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemistry, 1999.Vita.Includes bibliographical references.The anticancer drug cisplatin is a small inorganic molecule that forms several types of covalent adducts on DNA. There is evidence that at least some of the consequences of this genetic damage are mediated by proteins that bind to the cisplatin-DNA cross-links or influence cellular pathways in response to the genotoxic stress. In either case, such factors can regulate the processing of the cisplatin lesions and thereby affect cellular sensitivity to the drug. Identification of these proteins and exploration of their cellular functions has implicated multiple systems including several classes of DNA repair, transcription, cell cycle and cell death responses. Chapter one reviews the current information of how components of these pathways respond to cisplatin-DNA adducts and contribute to the cytotoxic mechanism of action. Chapters two and three explore the capacity of one cellular defense mechanism, the nucleotide excision repair pathway, to remove cisplatin- DNA damage, and factors that can modulate this activity were examined. The cisplatin intrastrand cross-links are all excised by human nucleotide excision repair, however removal of the minor interstrand cross-link was not detected. Experiments performed with a reconstituted system of purified nucleotide excision components demonstrated that structural differences among the types of cisplatin-DNA lesions affect the relative excision repair rates. Attempts to correlate the repair capacity of human tissue with cisplatin sensitivity were unsuccessful, however the use of several model systems suggest that there are cellular factors that can modulate the removal of the cisplatin-DNA adducts. Members of the HMG-domain family of proteins specifically blocked the in vitro repair of the 1,2-intrastrand cross-links, an effect that was observed with a single HMG-domain polypeptide, and in the reconstituted repair assay. These results suggest that the ability of HMGdomain proteins to recognize cisplatin-modified DNA could affect cellular removal of the lesions, and that HMG-domain proteins with a selective expression pattern could contribute to cisplatin sensitivity. In particular, the testis-specific proteins tested were the most effective at inhibiting repair, which may be relevant to the favorable clinical response of testicular tumors to cisplatin-based chemotherapy. No repair inhibition by a mismatch repair protein was detected, although binding to cisplatin-DNA adducts was observed. Another factor that could explain the efficacy of cisplatin in treating testicular cancer is that, unlike other human neoplasms, a low frequency of mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene are observed in this tumor type. Previous studies have investigated the relationship between p53 status and cisplatin sensitivity, but have provided conflicting results. The p53-mediated responses in murine testicular teratocarcinoma cells exposed to cisplatin were examined in chapter four. Cisplatin exposure of cells with a wild-type p53 gene resulted in accumulation of p53 protein through posttranscriptional mechanisms; induction of p53-target genes was also observed. Drug treatment resulted in rapid apoptosis in p53-wild-type cells but not in a p53-/- teratocarcinoma line . In the latter cells, cisplatin exposure caused prolonged cell cycle arrest in the G1/early S phase, accompanied by induction of the p21 gene. Clonogenic assays demonstrated that the p53 mutation did not confer resistance to cisplatin. These experiments suggest that cisplatin inhibits cellular proliferation of testicular teratocarcinoma cells by two possible mechanisms, p53-dependent apoptosis and p53-independent cell cycle arrest. In the final chapter, the role of HMG-domain proteins in the mechanism of cisplatin cytotoxicity was further investigated. A human cervical carcinoma cell line was constructed which ectopically expressed a testis-specific protein, tsHMG, under the control of an inducible promoter. Examination of tsHMG, expression and cisplatin-induced apoptosis on a cellular level revealed that the nuclear protein can modulate the cytotoxic consequences of cisplatin. However, the effects of tsHMG depend on the drug treatment conditions and the extent of cell death. The results may be relevant 4 to the clinical requirement of achieving a balance between the antineoplastic and toxic properties of cisplatin. A model proposed to explain the observations will provide a basis for future studies of cellular factors that can affect cisplatin sensitivity, and for the design of more comprehensive antineoplastic therapies.by Deborah B. Zamble.Ph.D

    Pregnancy and childbirth in English prisons : institutional ignominy and the pains of imprisonment

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    © 2020 The Authors. Sociology of Health & Illness published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation for SHIL.With a prison population of approximately 9000 women in England, it is estimated that approximately 600 pregnancies and 100 births occur annually. Despite an extensive literature on the sociology of reproduction, pregnancy and childbirth among women prisoners is under‐researched. This article reports an ethnographic study in three English prisons undertaken in 2015‐2016, including interviews with 22 prisoners, six women released from prison and 10 staff members. Pregnant prisoners experience numerous additional difficulties in prison including the ambiguous status of a pregnant prisoner, physical aspects of pregnancy and the degradation of the handcuffed or chained prisoner during visits to the more public setting of hospital. This article draws on Erving Goffman's concepts of closed institutions, dramaturgy and mortification of self, Crewe et al.'s work on the gendered pains of imprisonment and Crawley's notion of ‘institutional thoughtlessness’, and proposes a new concept of institutional ignominy to understand the embodied situation of the pregnant prisoner.Peer reviewe

    Gangs, Guns, and Drugs: Recidivism among Serious, Young Offenders

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    The primary goal of this study is to understand the factors that best explain recidivism among a sample of 322 young men aged 17 to 24 years released from prison in a Midwestern state. Specific attention is paid to the predictive validity of gang membership, gun use, and drug dependence on the timing of reconviction and the current research on desistance frames the analyses. Results from a series of proportional hazard models indicate that race, gang membership, drug dependence, and institutional behavior are critical factors in predicting the timing of reconviction. Contrary to expectations, gun use was not related to postrelease involvement in the criminal justice system

    Anti-nausea effects and pharmacokinetics of ondansetron, maropitant and metoclopramide in a low-dose cisplatin model of nausea and vomiting in the dog: a blinded crossover study

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    Nausea is a subjective sensation which is difficult to measure in non-verbal species. The aims of this study were to determine the efficacy of three classes of antiemetic drugs in a novel low dose cisplatin model of nausea and vomiting and measure change in potential nausea biomarkers arginine vasopressin (AVP) and cortisol. A four period cross-over blinded study was conducted in eight healthy beagle dogs of both genders. Dogs were administered 18 mg/m2 cisplatin intravenously, followed 45 min later by a 15 min infusion of either placebo (saline) or antiemetic treatment with ondansetron (0.5 mg/kg; 5-HT3 antagonist), maropitant (1 mg/kg; NK1 antagonist) or metoclopramide (0.5 mg/kg; D2 antagonist). The number of vomits and nausea associated behaviours, scored on a visual analogue scale, were recorded every 15 min for 8 h following cisplatin administration. Plasma samples were collected to measure AVP, cortisol and antiemetic drug concentrations

    Mental health diversion courts : some directions for further development

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    Recent years have seen a growth in the number of specialist courts operating in Australia, including those which aim to address the needs of mentally disordered offenders. This article describes some of the key characteristics of mental health courts, using case studies from the most established court in Australia, the South Australian Magistrates Court Diversion Program (MCDP). This is followed by a consideration of some factors that may affect the future development of this type of program. It is concluded that there is a need to pay careful attention to issues of risk assessment and risk management if the dual goals of improving both the health of individual and the safety of the community are to be realised.<br /

    Traumatic life events and suicide risk among jail inmates: The influence of types of events, time period and significant others.

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    Relationships between traumatic life events and suicide risk were studied in two samples of jail inmates with a low (N D 216) and a high (N D 51) suicide risk. Although nonsuicidal inmates reported a high prevalence of traumatic life events, suicidal inmates reported even higher prevalence rates. Suicidal inmates reported more episodes of sexual abuse, physical maltreatment, emotional maltreatment, abandonment, and suicide attempts by significant others. They also had experienced more traumatic life events during childhood, later life, and detention. It is concluded that traumatic life events are associated with suicide risk and that such an association remains in a population with a high prevalence of traumatic life events. It is also concluded that suicide risk is dependent of the type of life event, the timing of the event, and the type of persons involved in the event

    Role of endonucleases XPF and XPG in nucleotide excision repair of platinated DNA and cisplatin/oxaliplatin cytotoxicity

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    Resistance of tumor cells to platinum anticancer agents poses a major problem in cancer chemotherapy. One of the mechanisms associated with platinum-based drug resistance is the enhanced capacity of the cell to carry out nucleotide excision repair (NER) on platinum-damaged DNA. Endonucleases XPF and XPG are critical components of NER, responsible for excising the damaged DNA strand to remove the DNA lesion. Here, we investigated possible consequences of down-regulation of XPF and XPG gene expression in osteosarcoma cancer cells (U2OS) and the impact on cellular transcription and DNA repair. We further evaluated the sensitivity of such cells toward the platinum anticancer drugs cisplatin and oxaliplatin.National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Grant Number CA034992.)National University of Singapore.German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD
